Private Pilot License

Private Pilot License

), but the actual implementation varies widely from country to country. According to the ICAO, it is obtained by successfully completing a course of flight training of at least 40 hours duration (45 hours in the UK and Sweden), passing a number of written theory exams, and successfully demonstrating flying skills to an examiner during a flight test or "checkride". The typical minimum age for a Private Pilot Certificate is 17, although other types of certifications differ in minimum age requirements. [ [ FAA - Aviation Medical Examiner ] ]

Different types of PPLs are issued for the major categories of aircraft — powered airplanes/aeroplanes (with limitations for single or multi-engine and land or sea), gliders, rotorcraft (helicopters and gyroplanes), balloons, airships. It is possible to obtain a PPL for, "e.g.," rotorcraft or airships, without first — or ever — obtaining a rating for a fixed-wing aircraft.

A PPL is issued either according to the FAA (American certification) or JAA (European licence) regulations. Each organization has different requirements.

A license will contain a number of sub-qualifications or "ratings". These specify in more detail the actual privileges of the license, including the types of aircraft that can be flown, whether flight under Instrument Flight Rules and at night is allowed, and whether instructing and examining of trainee pilots is authorized.

In addition, a number of endorsements are available for specific skills (additional requirements apply):
* Night VFR
* Instrument Rating (IR)
* Multi-Engine
* Piston/Turbine
* Design features: Tail wheel, Retractable Undercarriage, Float-Plane, etc.
* Aerobatics, spins, formation flying, etc.
* Agricultural, stock-mustering, etc.

In the United States the license is issued listing as many categories (such as airplane or glider), then listing classes (such as multi-engine land), and, when applicable, type ratings (for example, Boeing 747) as the applicant is qualified to fly. Generally endorsements, such as tail wheel, are only made in the pilot's logbook by a qualified instructor. However, limitations, such as "Hot Air Balloon--Airborne Heater Only" (as opposed to a gas balloon) will appear on the license. It is also possible to have private pilot privileges on a commercial pilot's license. For example, a person could hold a license that said, "commercial pilot, airplane, single-engine land, single-engine sea, instrument airplane, private privileges glider."


ee also

* Private aviation
* Commercial Pilot License
* Pilot licensing and certification

External links

* [ FAA Regsitry: Airmen Certification Inquiry]
* [ Private Pilot Practical Test Standards for Airplane] (FAA, August 2002)
* [ Computer Testing Supplement for Recreational Pilot and Private Pilot] (FAA, 2004)
* [ Private Pilot License (PPL) and flying information] (UK)
* [ Private Pilot License — Requirements and approximate costs] (US)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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