Airline Transport Pilot License

Airline Transport Pilot License

The Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL or ATP) is the highest level of aircraft pilot certification. Those certified as Airline Transport Pilots are authorized to act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft in air carrier service in aircraft with a max gross weight over 12,500 pounds or 5,700 kg.

Any pilot operating an aircraft for pay must start by obtaining a Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL). The actual ATP licence can normally only be obtained after logging at least 1500 (fixed-wing aircraft) or 1200 (helicopter) flight hours.

Theoretical subjects included for ATPL applicants are:
* Aviation Regulations
* Aircraft General Knowledge
* Flight Planning and Monitoring
* Human Performance and Limitations
* Meteorology
* Operational Procedures
* Principles of Flight
* Communications (IFR & VFR)
* Performance
* General Navigation
* Radio Navigation
* Instrumentation
* Mass and Balance

Flight training shall be of at least 195 hours (150 under JAA requirements if done as part of an integrated course), including visual navigation, instrument navigation, night flying, simulator flying and multi-crew co-operation (MCC)

For more information, see the appropriate sections in:
* Private Pilot License
* Pilot certification in the United States#Airline Transport Pilot
* Airline Transport Pilot License in Canada
* Pilot licensing in the United Kingdom

External links

* [ Airline Transport Pilot and Aircraft Type Rating Practical Test Standards for Airplane] FAA August 2006
* [ FAA definitions of US civil airmen types]

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