Joint Aviation Authorities

Joint Aviation Authorities

The Joint Aviation Authorities, or JAA, is an associated body of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) representing the civil aviation regulatory authorities of a number of European States who have agreed to co-operate in developing and implementing common safety regulatory standards and procedures. It is not a regulatory body, regulation being achieved through the member authorities. In implementing the so-called FUJA Report (Future of JAA) the JAA has now entered into a new phase as of 1 January 2007. In this new phase the former "JAA" has become "JAA T" (Transition). JAA T will consist of a Liaison Office (JAA LO) and a Training Office (JAA TO). The offices of JAA LO will as of 1 March 2007 be located in the premises of European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Cologne, Germany. Until then, however, it will be located at its current address. The JAA TO will remain at its current location: 40-44 Saturnusstraat, Hoofddorp, the Netherlands.

The JAA started as the Joint Airworthiness Authorities in 1970. Originally, its objectives were to produce common certification codes for large aeroplanes and for engines in order to meet the needs of European industry and international consortia (e.g., Airbus). After 1987 its work was extended to operations, maintenance, licensing and certification/design standards for all classes of aircraft.

The adoption of the Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002 by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU) and the subsequent establishment of the EASA created a Europe wide regulatory authority which will eventually absorb all the functions of the JAA (in the EASA Members states). Among the functions which have already been transferred is safety and environmental type-certification of aircraft, engines and parts and approval.

JAA member states

Non-EU members

:Candidate members marked with * (as of January 2008)
*flag|Bosnia and Herzegovina*

EU members

*flag|Czech Republic
*flag|United Kingdom

See also

*European Civil Aviation Conference
* European Aviation Safety Agency

External links

* [ JAA Web site]
* [ SKYbrary: The single point of reference in the network of aviation safety knowledge]

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