List of diseases (T)

List of diseases (T)

A list of diseases in the English wikipedia.



* T cell immunodeficiency primary
* Tabatznik syndrome
* Tachycardia
* Taeniasis
* Takayasu arteritis
* Talipes equinovarus
* Tamari Goodman syndrome
* Tang Hsi Ryu syndrome
* Tangier disease
* TAR syndrome
* Tardive dyskinesia
* Tarsal tunnel syndrome
* Taste disorder
* TAU syndrome
* Taurodontia absent teeth sparse hair
* Taurodontism
* Tay syndrome ichthyosis
* Taybi Linder syndrome
* Taybi syndrome
* Tay-Sachs disease
* T-cell lymphoma



* Teebi Kaurah syndrome
* Teebi Naguib Alawadi syndrome
* Teebi Shaltout syndrome
* Teebi syndrome
* Teeth noneruption of with maxillary hypoplasia and genu valgum
* Tel Hashomer camptodactyly syndrome
* Telangiectasia ataxia variant V1
* Telangiectasia, hereditary hemorrhagic
* Telangiectasia
* Telecanthus hypertelorism pes cavus
* Telecanthus with associated abnormalities
* Telencephalic leukoencephalopathy
* Telfer Sugar Jaeger syndrome
* Temporal epilepsy, familial
* Temporomandibular ankylosis
* Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)
* Temtamy Shalash syndrome


* Ter Haar Hamel Hendricks syndrome
* Ter Haar syndrome
* Teratocarcinosarcoma
* Teratoma
* Testes neoplasm
* Testotoxicosis
* Tetanus
* Tethered spinal cord disease
* Tetraamelia ectodermal dysplasia
* Tetraamelia multiple malformations
* Tetraamelia pulmonary hypoplasia
* Tetraamelia-syrinx
* Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiencies
* Tetraploidy
* Tetrasomy X



* Thakker Donnai syndrome
* Thalamic degeneration symmetrical infantile
* Thalamic degenerescence infantile
* Thalamic syndrome
* Thalassemia major
* Thalassemia minor
* Thalassemia
* Thanatophobia
* Thanatophoric dysplasia cloverleaf skull
* Thanatophoric dysplasia Glasgow variant
* Thanos Stewart Zonana syndrome
* Theodor Hertz Goodman syndrome
* Thiele syndrome
* Thiemann epiphyseal disease
* Thies Reis syndrome
* Thin ribs tubular bones dysmorphism
* Thiolase deficiency
* Thiopurine S methyltranferase deficiency


* Thomas Jewett Raines syndrome
* Thomas syndrome
* Thombocytopenia X linked
* Thompson Baraitser syndrome
* Thong Douglas Ferrante syndrome
* Thoracic celosomia
* Thoracic dysplasia hydrocephalus syndrome
* Thoracic outlet syndrome
* Thoraco abdominal enteric duplication
* Thoraco limb dysplasia Rivera type
* Thoracolaryngopelvic dysplasia
* Thoracopelvic dysostosis
* Thost-Unna palmoplantar keratoderma


* Thrombasthenia
* Thrombocytopathy asplenia miosis
* Thrombocytopathy
* Thrombocytopenia cerebellar hypoplasia short stature
* Thrombocytopenia chromosome breakage
* Thrombocytopenia multiple congenital anomaly
* Thrombocytopenia purpura
* Thrombocytopenia Robin sequence
* Thrombocytopenia
* Thrombocytopenic purpura, autoimmune
* Thrombocytosis
* Thrombomodulin anomalies, familial
* Thrombotic microangiopathy, familial
* Thrush
* Thumb absence hypoplastic halluces
* Thumb absent short stature immune deficiency
* Thumb deformity, alopecia, pigmentation anomaly
* Thumb deformity
* Thumb stiff brachydactyly mental retardation


* Thymic carcinoma
* Thymic epithelial tumor
* Thymic renal anal lung dysplasia
* Thymoma
* Thymus neoplasm
* Thyrocerebrorenal syndrome
* Thyroglossal tract cyst
* Thyroid agenesis
* Thyroid cancer
* Thyroid carcinoma, follicular
* Thyroid carcinoma, papillary (TPC)
* Thyroid hormone plasma membrane transport defect
* Thyroid, renal and digital anomalies


* Tibia absent polydactyly arachnoid cyst
* Tibiae bowed radial anomalies osteopenia fracture
* Tibial aplasia ectrodactyly hydrocephalus
* Tibial aplasia ectrodactyly
* Tibial hemimelia cleft lip palate
* Tick paralysis
* Tick-borne encephalitis
* Tièche-Jadassohn nevus
* Tietz syndrome
* Tinnitus
* T-Lymphocytopenia



* Todd's paralysis
* Togaviridae disease
* Tollner Horst Manzke syndrome
* Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
* Toluene antenatal infection
* Tomaculous neuropathy
* Tome Brune Fardeau syndrome
* Tongue neoplasm
* Toni Debre Fanconi maladie
* Toni-Fanconi syndrome
* TORCH syndrome
* Toriello Carey syndrome
* Toriello Lacassie Droste syndrome
* Toriello syndrome
* Toriello-Higgins-Miller syndrome
* Torres Ayber syndrome
* Torsion dystonia 7
* Torticollis
* Torticollis keloids cryptorchidism renal dysplasia
* Torulopsis
* Tosti Misciali Barbareschi syndrome
* Total Hypotrichosis, Mari type


* Touraine-Solente-Golé syndrome
* Tourette syndrome
* Townes-Brocks syndrome
* Toxic conjunctivitis
* Toxic shock syndrome
* Toxocariasis
* Toxopachyoteose diaphysaire tibio peroniere
* Toxoplasmosis, congenital
* Toxoplasmosis



* Tracheal agenesis
* Tracheobronchomalacia
* Tracheobronchomegaly
* Tracheobronchopathia osteoplastica
* Tracheoesophageal fistula symphalangism
* Tracheoesophageal fistula
* Tracheophageal fistula hypospadias
* Trachoma
* Tranebjaerg Svejgaard syndrome
* Transcobalamin II deficiency
* Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood
* Transient Global Amnesia
* Transient neonatal arthrogryposis
* Transitional cell carcinoma
* Transplacental infections
* Transposition of great vessels
* Transverse limb deficiency hemangioma
* Transverse myelitis
* TRAPS (TNF-receptor-associated periodic syndrome)


* Treacher Collins syndrome
* Treft Sanborn Carey syndrome
* Tremor hereditary essential
* Treponema infection
* Trevor disease



* Triatrial heart




* Trichinellosis
* Trichinosis


* Tricho dento osseous syndrome type 1
* Tricho odonto onycho dermal syndrome
* Tricho odonto onychodysplasia syndactyly dominant type
* Tricho onychic dysplasia
* Tricho onycho hypohidrotic dysplasia
* Tricho retino dento digital syndromeTrichod-Trichot
* Trichodental syndrome
* Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome
* Trichodermodysplasia dental alterations
* Trichodysplasia xeroderma
* Trichoepithelioma multiple familial
* Trichofolliculloma
* Tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome
* Trichomalacia
* Trichomegaly cataract hereditary spherocytosis
* Trichomegaly retina pigmentary degeneration dwarfi
* Trichomoniasis
* Trichoodontoonychial dysplasia
* Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type I
* Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type II
* Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type III
* Trichostasis spinulosa
* Trichothiodystrophy sun sensitivity
* Trichothiodystrophy
* Trichotillomania


* Tricuspid atresia
* Tricuspid dysplasia


* Trigeminal neuralgia
* Trigger thumb
* Trigonocephaly bifid nose acral anomalies
* Trigonocephaly broad thumbs
* Trigonocephaly ptosis coloboma
* Trigonocephaly ptosis mental retardation
* Trigonomacrocephaly tibial defect polydactyly
* Trihydroxycholestanoylcoa oxidase isolated deficiency
* Trimethadione antenatal infection
* Trimethylaminuria
* Triopia
* Triose phosphate-isomerase deficiency
* Triphalangeal thumb non opposable
* Triphalangeal thumb polysyndactyly syndrome
* Triphalangeal thumbs brachyectrodactyly
* Triple A syndrome
* Triplo X Syndrome
* Triploid Syndrome
* Triploidy


* Trismus pseudocamptodactyly syndrome
* Trisomy 1 mosaicism
* Trisomy 11 mosaicism
* Trisomy 12 mosaicism
* Trisomy 14 mosaicism
* Trisomy 2 mosaicism
* Trisomy 3 mosaicism
* Trisomy 6
* Trisomy


* Trochlear dysplasia
* Trophoblastic Neoplasms (gestational trophoblastic disease)
* Trophoblastic tumor
* Tropical spastic paraparesis
* Tropical sprue
* Troyer syndrome
* Trueb Burg Bottani syndrome
* Trypanophobia
* Trypanosomiasis, east-African
* Trypanosomiasis, west African


* Tsao Ellingson syndrome
* Tsukahara Azuno Kajii syndrome
* Tsukahara Kajii syndrome
* Tsukuhara syndrome


* Tuberculosis, pulmonary
* Tuberculosis
* Tuberculous meningitis
* Tuberculous uveitis
* Tuberous Sclerosis, type 1
* Tuberous Sclerosis, type 2
* Tuberous Sclerosis
* Tucker syndrome
* Tuffli Laxova syndrome
* Tufted angioma
* Tularemia
* Tungiasis
* Tunglang Savage Bellman syndrome
* Turcot syndrome
* Turner Kieser syndrome
* Turner Morgani Albright
* Turner-like syndrome
* Turner's syndrome
* Tutuncuoglu syndrome
* Twin twin transfusion syndrome


* Typhoid
* Typhus
* Tyrosinemia
* Tyrosine-oxidase temporary deficiency

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