- List of diseases (N)
A list of
disease s in the English wikipedia.DiseasesTOC
N acetyltransferase deficiency
*N syndrome
*N-acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency
*N-acetyl-glucosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase deficiency
*NADH CoQ reductase, deficiency of
*NADH cytochrome B5 reductase deficiency
*Naegeli syndrome
*Naguib syndrome
*Nail-patella syndrome
*Nakajo Nishimura syndrome
*Nakajo syndrome
*Nakamura Osame syndrome
*NAME syndrome
*Nance-Horan syndrome
*Nanism due to growth hormone combined deficiency
*Nanism due to growth hormone isolated deficiency with X linked hypogammaglobulinemia
*Nanism due to growth hormone resistance
*Narrow oral fissure short stature cone shaped epiphyses
*Nasodigitoacoustic syndrome
*Nasopalpebral lipoma coloboma syndrome
*Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
*Nasopharyngeal teratoma Dandy Walker diaphragmatic hernia Nat-Nav
Natal teeth intestinal pseudoobstruction patent ductus
*Nathalie syndrome
*Native American myopathy
*Navajo poikiloderma
*Naxos disease Ne
Necrotizing encephalopathy, infantile subacute
*Necrotizing fasciitis
*Negative rheumatoid factor polyarthritis
*Neisseria meningitidis
*Nelson syndrome
*Nemaline myopathy
*Nemaline Myopathy, Amish Type
*Neonatal hemochromatosis
*Neonatal hepatitis
*Neonatal herpes
*Neonatal ovarian cyst
*Neonatal transient jaundice Nep-Net
Nephroblastomatosis,fetal ascites,macrosomia and Wilm's tumor
*Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
*Nephrolithiasis type 2
*Nephronophthisis familial adult spastic quadriparesis
*Nephropathy deafness hyperparathyroidism
*Nephropathy familial with hyperuricemia
*Nephropathy, familial with gout
*Nephrosis deafness urinary tract digital malformation
*Nephrosis neuronal dysmigration syndrome
*Nephrotic syndrome
*Nephrotic syndrome ocular anomalies
*Nephrotic syndrome, idiopathic, steroid-resistant
*Nerve sheath neoplasm
*Nesidioblastosis of pancreas
*Netherton syndrome ichthyosis Neu
Neu Laxova syndrome Neuh
Neuhauser Daly Magnelli syndrome
*Neuhauser Eichner Opitz syndrome Neur
Neural crest tumor
*Neural tube defect, folate-sensitive
*Neural tube defects X linked
*Neuraminidase beta-galactosidase deficiency
*Neuraminidase deficiency
*Neuritis with brachial predilection Neuro
*Neuroaxonal dystrophy renal tubular acidosis
*Neuroaxonal dystrophy, late infantile
*Neurocutaneous melanosis
*Neuroectodermal endocrine syndrome
*Neuroectodermal tumors primitive
* Neuroendocrine cancer
* Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix
*Neuroendocrine tumor
*Neurofaciodigitorenal syndrome
*Neurofibrillary tangles
*Neurofibromatosis type 2
*Neurofibromatosis type 3
*Neurofibromatosis type 6
*Neurofibromatosis, familial intestinal
*Neurofibromatosis, Type IV, of Riccardi
*Neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndrome
*Neurogenic hypertension Neurol-Neurot
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
*Neuroma biliary tract
*Neuronal heterotopia
*Neuronal interstitial dysplasia
*Neuronal intestinal pseudoobstruction
*Neuronal intranuclear hyaline inclusion disease
*Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease
*Neuropathy ataxia and retinis pigmentosa
*Neuropathy congenital sensory neurotrophic keratitis
*Neuropathy hereditary with liability to pressure palsies
*Neuropathy motor sensory type 2 deafness mental retardation
*Neuropathy sensory spastic paraplegia
*Neuropathy, hereditary motor and sensory, LOM type
*Neuropathy, hereditary sensory, type I
*Neuropathy, hereditary sensory, type II
*Neurotoxicity syndromes Neut
Neutral lipid storage myopathy
*Neutropenia intermittent
*Neutropenia monocytopenia deafness
*Neutropenia, severe chronic Nev-Nez
Nevi flammei, familial multiple
*Nevo syndrome
*Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
*Nevus of ota retinitis pigmentosa
*Nevus sebaceus of Jadassohn
*Nezelof's syndrome Ni
Nicolaides Baraitser syndrome
*Niemann-Pick C1 disease
*Niemann-Pick C2 disease
*Niemann-Pick disease type C
*Niemann-Pick disease type D
*Niemann-Pick Disease
*Night blindness skeletal anomalies unusual facies
*Night blindness, congenital stationary
*Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome
*Nivelon Nivelon Mabille syndrome No
Noble Bass Sherman syndrome
*Noise induced deafness
*Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder
*Non functioning pancreatic endocrine tumor
*Nonallergic atopic dermatitis
*Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
*Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with deafness
*Nonketotic hyperglycinemia
*Non-lissencephalic cortical dysplasia
*Nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma, with cell oxyphilia
*Nonne-Milroy disease
*Non-small cell lung cancer
*Nonsyndromic hereditary hearing impairment
*Noonan like syndrome
*Noonan syndrome
*Norman Roberts lissencephaly syndrome
*Normokalemic periodic paralysis
*Norrie disease
*Northern epilepsy
*Norum disease Nos-Nov
Nose polyposis, familial
*Notalgia paresthetica
*Nova syndrome
*Novak syndrome Nu-Ny
Nuchal bleb, familial
*Nut Hypersensitivity
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.