- Additive category
mathematics , specifically incategory theory , an additive category is apreadditive category C such that any finitely many objects "A"1,...,"A""n" of C have abiproduct "A"1 ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ "A""n" in C.(Recall that a category C is preadditive if all its morphism sets are
Abelian group s and morphism composition isbilinear , i.e. if C is enriched over themonoidal category of Abelian groups; and recall that a biproduct in a preadditive category is both a finite product and a finitecoproduct .)Warning:The term "additive category" is sometimes applied to "any" preadditive category, but Wikipedia does not follow this older practice.
The original example of an additive category is the category Ab of
Abelian group s with group homomorphisms.Ab is preadditive because it is aclosed monoidal category , and the biproduct in Ab is the finitedirect sum .Other common examples:
* The category of (left) modules over a ring "R", in particular:
** the category ofvector space s over a field "K".
* The algebra of matrices over a ring, thought of as a category as described below.These will give you an idea of what to think of; for more examples, follow the links to Special cases below.Characterization
Additive categories can be defined as categories satisfying the following properties:
# Zero objects exist.
# All finite products and coproducts exist.
# Given a finite collection of objects, the canonical morphism from their coproduct to their product (given by identity maps on coordinates) is an isomorphism. For two objects "A" and "B", we write this isomorphism as φAB.
# Any map from "A" to "B" has an additive inverse under a canonical addition on Map("A","B").The addition structure in the last condition is given by the composition:A o A imes A o B imes B o B oplus B o B.The first arrow is the diagonal map, the second arrow is uniquely defined by the 2x2 diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the two maps to be added, the third arrow is the inverse of φAB, and the fourth map is the fold map. The first and fourth maps are canonical, since they are induced by identity maps on coordinates.
One attractive feature of this definition is that it presents additivity as a property of a category, rather than a collection of extra data. One can present an additive category without explicitly specifying the abelian enrichment, since the abelian group structure on hom-sets comes for free.
Elementary properties
Every additive category is of course a
preadditive category , and many basic properties of these categories are described under that subject.This article concerns itself with the properties that exist specifically because of the existence of biproducts.First note that because nullary biproducts exist, every additive category has a
zero object , commonly denoted simply "0".Given objects "A" and "B" in an additive category, we can use matrices to study the biproducts of "A" and "B" with themselves.Specifically, if we define the "biproduct power" "A""n" to be the "n"-fold biproduct "A" ⊕ ⋯ ⊕ "A" and "B""m" similarly, then the morphisms from "A""n" to "B""m" can be described as "m"-by-"n" matrices whose entries are morphisms from "A" to "B".
For a concrete example, consider the category of real
vector space s, so that "A" and "B" are individual vector spaces.(There is no need for "A" and "B" to have finitedimension s, although of course the numbers "m" and "n" must be finite.)Then an element of "A""n" may be represented as an "n"-by-num|1column vector whose entries are elements of "A":egin{pmatrix} a_{1} \ a_{2} \ vdots \ a_{n} end{pmatrix}
and a morphism from "A""n" to "B""m" is an "m"-by-"n" matrix whose entries are morphisms from "A" to "B":
egin{pmatrix} f_{1,1} & f_{1,2} & cdots & f_{1,n} \f_{2,1} & f_{2,2} & cdots & f_{2,n} \vdots & vdots & cdots & vdots \f_{m,1} & f_{m,2} & cdots & f_{m,n} end{pmatrix}
Then this morphism matrix acts on the column vector by the usual rules of matrix multiplication to give an element of "B""m", represented by an "m"-by-1 column vector with entries from "B":
egin{pmatrix} f_{1,1} & f_{1,2} & cdots & f_{1,n} \f_{2,1} & f_{2,2} & cdots & f_{2,n} \vdots & vdots & cdots & vdots \f_{m,1} & f_{m,2} & cdots & f_{m,n} end{pmatrix}egin{pmatrix} a_{1} \ a_{2} \ vdots \ a_{n} end{pmatrix}= egin{pmatrix} f_{1,1}(a_{1}) + f_{1,2}(a_{2}) + cdots + f_{1,n}(a_{n}) \f_{2,1}(a_{1}) + f_{2,2}(a_{2}) + cdots + f_{2,n}(a_{n}) \cdots \f_{m,1}(a_{1}) + f_{m,2}(a_{2}) + cdots + f_{m,n}(a_{n}) end{pmatrix}
Even in the setting of an abstract additive category, where it makes no sense to speak of elements of the objects "A""n" and "B""m", the matrix representation of the morphism is still useful, because
matrix multiplication correctly reproduces composition of morphisms.Thus additive categories can be seen as the most general context in which the algebra of matrices makes sense.Recall that the morphisms from a single object "A" to itself form the
endomorphism ring End("A").Then morphisms from "A""n" to "A""m" are "m"-by-"n" matrices with entries from the ring End("A").Conversely, given any ring "R", we can form a category Mat("R") by taking objects "A""n" indexed by the set ofnatural number s (including zero) and letting thehom-set of morphisms from "A""n" to "A""m" be the set of "m"-by-"n" matrices over "R".If we define morphism composition to be multiplication of matrices, then Mat("R") becomes an additive category, and "A""n" will be the biproduct power ("A"1)"n".In this way, matrices over a ring are seen to form an additive category, just as an individual ring formed a preadditive category (which in this case is End("A"1)).If we interpret the object "A""n" as the left module "R""n", then this "matrix category" becomes asubcategory of the category of left modules over "R".This may be confusing in the special case where "m" or "n" is zero, because we usually don't think of matrices with 0 rows or 0 columns.However, this concept makes sense — such matrices have 0 entries are determined uniquely by their size alone — and while they are rather degenerate, they do need to be included to get an additive category, since an additive category must have a zero object 0.Thinking about such matrices can be useful in one way, however — they highlight the fact that given any objects "A" and "B" in an additive category, there is exactly one morphism from 0 to "B" (just as there is exactly one 1-by-0 matrix with entries in End("B")) and exactly one morphism from "A" to 0 (just as there is exactly one 0-by-1 matrix with entries in End("A")) -- this is just what it means to say that 0 is a zero object.Furthermore, the
zero morphism from "A" to "B" is the composition of these morphisms, as can be calculated by multiplying the degenerate matrices.Additive functors
Recall that a functor "F": C → D between preadditive categories is "additive" if it is an Abelian
group homomorphism on eachhom-set in C.But if the categories are additive, then an additive functor can also be characterised as any functor that preservesbiproduct diagrams.That is, if "B" is a biproduct of "A"1,...,"A""n" in C with projection morphisms "p""j" and injection morphisms "i""j", then "F"("B") should be a biproduct of "F"("A"1),...,"F"("A""n") in D with projection morphisms "F"("p""j") and injection morphisms "F"("i""j").Almost all functors studied between additive categories are additive.In fact, it is a theorem that all
adjoint functor s between additive categories must be additive functors, and most interesting functors studied in all of category theory are adjoints.Special cases
* A "
pre-Abelian category " is an additive category in which every morphism has a kernel and a cokernel.
* An "Abelian category " is a pre-Abelian category such that everymonomorphism andepimorphism is normal.The additive categories most commonly studied are in fact Abelian categories; for example, Ab is an Abelian category.References
Nicolae Popescu ; 1973; "Abelian Categories with Applications to Rings and Modules"; Academic Press, Inc. (out of print) goes over all of this very slowly
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.