Sequential quadratic programming

Sequential quadratic programming

Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) is one of the most popular and robust algorithms for nonlinear continuous optimization. The method is based on solving a series of subproblems designed to minimize a quadratic model of the objective subject to a linearization of the constraints. If the problem is unconstrained, then the method reduces to Newton's method for finding a point where the gradient of the objective vanishes. If the problem has only equality constraints, then the method is equivalent to applying Newton's method to the first-order optimality conditions, or Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, of the problem. A number of packages (including NPSOL, NLPQL, OPSYC, OPTIMA, MATLAB, and SQP) are founded on this approach.

Algorithm basics

Consider a nonlinear programming problem of the form:

:minlimits_{x}; f(x),;; mbox{s.t.}; b(x) ge 0,; c(x) = 0.

The Lagrangian for this problem is

:L(x,lambda,sigma) = f(x) - lambda^Tb(x) - sigma^Tc(x),

where lambda and sigma are Lagrange multipliers. At an iterate x_k, a basic sequential quadratic programming algorithm defines an appropriate search direction d_k as a solution to the quadratic programming subproblem

:minlimits_{d}; f(x_k) + abla f(x_k)^Td + frac{1}{2} d^T abla_{xx}^2 L(x_k,lambda_k,sigma_k) d,;; mbox{s.t.}; b(x_k) + abla b(x_k)^Td ge 0,; c(x_k) + abla c(x_k)^Td = 0.

ee also

* Secant method
* Newton's method

External links

* [ Introduction to sequential quadratic programming]
* [ Sequential Quadratic Programming]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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