Effective microorganism

Effective microorganism

Effective Microorganisms™, also called "'EM Technology™, is a brand name for a series of products utilizing a base culture called EM1® Microbial Inoculant." "EM Technology™" is an as yet scientifically unconfirmed method of improving soil quality and plant growth using a mixture of microorganisms consisting mainly of lactic acid bacteria, purple bacteria, and yeast which co-exist for the benefit of whichever environment they are introduced. It is reported [cite conference | first = N. | last = Szymanski | coauthors = Patterson, R.A. | year = 2003 | title = Effective Microorganisms™ (EM) and Wastewater Systems in Future Directions for On-site Systems: Best Management Practice.| booktitle = Proceedings of On-site03 Conference | editor = R.A. and Jones, M.J. (Eds). | publisher = Lanfax Laboratories | location = Armidale, NSW, Australia | pages = 347–354 | url = http://www.lanfaxlabs.com.au/papers/P53-03-Szymanski-Patterson.PDF | format = PDF | accessdate = 2006-11-14 | id = ISBN 0-9579438-1-4] to include:

* Lactic acid bacteria: Lactobacillus plantarum; L. casei; Streptococcus Lactis.
* Photosynthetic bacteria: Rhodopseudomonas palustris; Rhodobacter sphaeroides.
* Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Candida utilis(no longer used) (usually known as Toula, Pichia Jadinii).
* Actinomycetes(no longer used in the formulas): Streptomyces albus; S. griseus.
* Fermenting fungi(no longer used in the formulas): Aspergillus oryzae; Mucor hiemalis.


The concept ofEffective Microorganisms(TM)’ was developed by Japanese horticulturist Teruo Higa, from the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa who reported in the 1970s that a combination of approximately 80 different microorganisms is capable of positively influencing decomposing organic matter such that it reverts into alife promotingprocess. Higa invokes adominance principleto explain the effects of hisEffective Microorganisms(TM)’. He claims that there exist three groups of microorganisms:positive microorganims’ (regeneration), ‘negative microorganisms’ (decomposition, degeneration), ‘opportunist microorganisms’. In every medium (soil, water, air, the human intestine), the ratio ofpositiveandnegativemicroorganisms is critical, since the opportunist microorganisms follow the trend to regeneration or degeneration. Therefore, Higa believes that it is possible to positively influence the given media by supplementing positive microorganisms.

cientific Validation

The Effective Microorganisms(TM) concept may be considered controversial in some quarters. There may not be scientific evidence to support all of its proponents' claims (citations here, both pro and anti, would be welcome), however there are nearly 30 peer reviewed papers on various applications and secondary products that are available on the market today (EM1® Microbial Inoculant and EM-X® Rice Bran Supplement). These papers include applications in dioxin remedation, crude oil remediation, use in building materials, and various medical applications.

However the use of EMin the Bokashi intensive composting process for home kitchen waste has definitely been in use in Christchurch, New Zealand for several years, backed by the local city council, with excellent results from users, and its use as a plant fertilizer is beginning to be researched locally [http://www.bokashi.co.nz/research.htm] .


EM Technology(TM) is supposed to maintain sustainable practices such as farming and sustainable living, and also claims to support human health and hygiene, animal husbandry, compost and waste management, disaster clean-up (The Southeast Tsunami of 2004, the Kobe Earthquake, and Hurricane Katrina remediation projects), and generally used to promote functions in natural communities.

EMhas been employed in many agricultural applications, but is also used in the production of several health products in South Africa [http://www.efficientmicrobes.co.za/ViewProduct.aspx?tID=129] and the USA, [http://www.emamerica.com] Fact|date=March 2008 and as a fuel additive Fact|date=March 2008 in cars and other vehicles (fuel additive products are no longer available).


*Sangakkara, U.R. (2002). The technology of effective microorganisms: Case studies of application. Cirencester, UK: Royal Agricultural College.
* Amon B, Kryvoruchko V, et al.: Einfluss von "Effektiven Mikroorganismen" auf Ammoniak-, Lachgas- und Methanemissionen und auf das Geruchsemissionspotential während der Lagerung von Schweineflüssigmist und -festmist. Bericht der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien im Auftrag der Multikraft GmbH, 2004 [http://www.multikraft.at/01051/pdf/endbericht_schwein_lagerung4.pdf PDF]
* www.uplb.edu.ph
* http://ecoweb.dk
* www.pakissan.com
* Teruo Higa (1991) "Microorganisms for Agriculture and Environmental Preservation"
* http://www.verkeerenwaterstaat.nl/Images/2007206959407%20BIJLAGE_tcm195-210091.pdf

External links

* [http://www.emamerica.com EM America "Dr. Higa's Original Effective Microorganismsbrand products"]
* [http://www.scdworld.net Sustainable Community Development, LLC (SCD)]
* [http://www.emro.co.jp/english/ EM Research Organization (EMRO)]
* [http://www.effectivemicro-organisms.co.uk]
* [http://www.eminfo.info/]
* [http://emearth.com]
* [http://www.eminfo.eu/ www.eminfo.eu]
* [http://www.emnz.com/ EM New Zealand]
* [http://www.bokashi.co.nz/ Bokashi New Zealand]
* [http://www.ccc.govt.nz/Waste/Composting/EMGuide.pdf Christchurch City Council EM Guide]
* Productive Microbes (PM) in India by Mohan Microbes Ltd
* [http://www.efficientmicrobes.co.za Efficient Microbes, South Africa]

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