EM, Em or em has several meanings:


* Em or M, the thirteenth letter of the Roman alphabet


* End of Medium, an ISO C0 control code
* emphasis (typography), or , the HTML element for emphasis
* Expectation-maximization algorithm, used for statistical computing


* Effective microorganisms or "EM"-Technology by Dr. Teruo Higa
* Electromagnetic
* Electromagnetism (diamagnetism) as compared to ferromagnetism (paramagnetism)
* Electromigration - A common issue encountered in integrated circuit design
* Electron microscope
* Electron multiplier
* Exametre (symbol Em), an SI unit of length (equal to 1018 metres)


*Erythema multiforme
*Emergency medicine

Typography & orthography

* em (typography), a unit of measure used in orthography, typography, and also Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The "em space" is one em wide.
* The em dash (—), which is one em wide.
* Em (Cyrillic), A phoneme of the Cyrillic alphabet. It corresponds directly to the Latin alphabet letter 'M' and is pronounced similarly.
*The pronunciation, in English, of the letter M.


* An enlisted Man of the United States Army.
* One of the Spivak pronouns.
* EM, Reuters Instrument Code for the 1-month LIBOR futures contracts at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
* The common short form of some given names, e.g. 'Emma', 'Emily', 'Emmett', 'Emmanuel', and 'Emerson'.
* Common abbreviation for electronic music.
* Common abbreviation for emerging markets.


* EM and Em are abbreviations for the E Major and E Minor chords, respectively.
* Electronic music
* E minor scale
* Eminem, a rapper
* Extraordinary Machine, a Fiona Apple album


* The European Movement
* The Erasmus Mundus Programme
* The IATA code for Aero Benin
* The IATA code for Empire Airlines
* Emergency management
* "Extreme Makeover"
* The model railway EM gauge (Eighteen Millimetres)
* NZR EM class series of Electric Multiple Units purchased by the New Zealand Railways Department.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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