Pinyin tones

Pinyin tones

Pinyin Tones

The tones in Chinese Hanyu pinyin can change the way the word sounds with tone marks. For example, third tone (Dì Sãn Shẽng) placed over the O in Wǒ makes the translation me, i. but if the fourth tone (Dì Sĩ Shẽng) is placed over the O, The word becomes Wò, which is a mark of scolding.

Where to place the tones

The tone in a word is placed over the final (Pinyin) on which your mouth opens the greatest. For example, in the word Zhōng the tone is placed over the o because it comes before any of the other letters. The tone always goes over A; if no a is available then the tone is placed over the O, if no O, Over E, if no e placed over I, if no I placed over U if no U is placed over ü. The only exception to this rule is when the final I is followed by U, then the tone is placed over U.


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