List of waste management acronyms

List of waste management acronyms

The following article contains a list of acronyms used in the waste management industry. [ [ Waste management jargonyms] CIWM website, Accessed 9/11/06] [ [ Acronyms] , Environment Agency Waste Technology Data Centre, Accessed 22/11/06] [ [ Waste Management Acronyms] , All Acronyms, Accessed 13/07/08]


*ABPO Animal By-Products Order 1999 - Rplcd by (Amendment) (England) Order 2001
*ABPR Animal By-Products Regulations
*ACL Approved Carriers List
*ACW Asbestos-Containing Waste
*ACOP Approved Code of Practice
*AD Anaerobic Digestion
*ADI Acceptable Daily Intake
*ADR `Accord Europeen Relatif aux Transport International des Marchandises Dangereuses par Route` (European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road)
*ALANI Association of Local Authorities in Northern Ireland
*ALCO Association of London Cleansing Officers
*APC Air Pollution Control
*APC Air Particulate Cleaning residues
*APSWG Associate Parliamentary Sustainable Waste Management Group
*AR Accredited Reprocessor
*ARC21 ARC21
*ARM Alternative Raw Material
*ASSURE Association for Sustainable Use and Recovery of Resources
*ASTSWMO Association of State & Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials
*ATEX Atmospheres Explosibles Directive 94/9/EC
*ATF Authorised Treatment Facility
*AV Abandoned Vehicle/s
*AWP Area Waste Plan


*BAT (NEEC) Best Available Technique (Not Entailing Excessive Costs)
*BATRRT Best Available Treatment Recycling and Recovery Technology
*BFR Brominated Flame Retardants
*BMT Biological mechanical treatment
*BMW Biodegradable Municipal Waste
*BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
*BOO Build Own Operate
*BOT Build Operate Transfer
*BPEO Best Practicable Environmental Option (soon to be replaced with BO Best Option)
*BPF British Plastics Federation
*BPPO Best Practicable Planning Option
*BRITE Better Regulation in the Environment (Environment Agency initiative)
*BREF BAT Reference Note
*BREW(p) Business Resource Efficiency and Waste programme
*BSI British Standards Institute
**BSI PAS 100 Composting specification
**BSI PAS 101 Specification for recovered container glass
**BSI PAS 102 Specification for processed glass for selected secondary end markets
**BSI PAS 103 Specification for quality and guidance for good practice in collection and preparation for recycling
**BSI PAS 104 Specification for quality and guidance for good practice for the supply of post consumer wood for consumption in the manufacture of panel board products
**BSI PAS 105 Specification for paper waste
*BVPI Best Value Performance Indicator
*BVPP Best Value Performance Plan


*CATNAP Cheapest Available Technology Narrowly Avoiding Prosecution
*CATNIP Cheapest Available Technology Not Involving Prosecution
*CAVE People Citizens Against Virtually Everything
*4 Cs Challenge, Compare, Consult, Compete
*CBI Confederation of British Industry
*CCT Compulsory Competitive Tendering
*C&D Construction & Demolition (e.g. C&D waste)
*CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
*CHEM Container Handling Equipment Manufacturers
*CHIP Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations (CHIP 3 2002)
*CIWEM Chartered Institution of Water & Environmental Management
*CIWM Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
*CIWMP Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan
*CLEA Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment
*CLR Contaminated Land Register
*COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
*COPA Control of Pollution Act (1974) Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989
*COPLR Code of Practice for Litter and Refuse
*COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (2002) rplcd (1999 Regs)
*CoSWMP or CSWMP County Solid Waste Management Plan
*CRN UK Community Recycling Network UK
*CRN(S) Community Recycling Network(Scotland)
*CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
*CV Calorific Value
*CWM Center for Waste Management
*CWMRE Creating Welsh Markets for Recyclates
*CWR Controlled Waste Regulations (1992)
*CWSA Containerized Waste Storage Area


*DCF Designated Collection Facility
*DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
*DGSA Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor
*DGXI Directorate General of the European Commission responsible for the Environment
*DOC Duty Of Care - (Environmnetal Protection (DOC) Regs 1991 and (England) (Amendment) Regs 2003)
*DOENI Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland)


*EA Environment Agency
*EB Environmental Body
*EEA European Environment Agency
*EFW Energy-from-Waste
*EHO Environmental Health Officer
*EHS Environment & Heritage Service (Northern Ireland)
*EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
*EIC Environmental Industries Commission
*EIP Eco-industrial park
*EIR Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/3391)
*ELV End of Life Vehicles (Directive 2000/53/EC) (Regs 2003)
*EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
*EMS Environmental Management System
*ENTRUST The European Trust Scheme Regulatory Body
*ENCAMS Environmental Campaigns (umbrella name for former Going for Green and Tidy Britain Group)
*EPA Environmental Protection Act (1990) / Environmental Protection Agency (US)
*ES Environmental Statement
*ESA (NIESA,WESA, SESA) Environmental Services Association(Northern Ireland ESA, Welsh ESA, Scottish ESA)
*EUHWL EU Hazardous Waste List ( now incorp into EWC)
*EWC European Waste Catalogue


*FORWARRD Forum for Waste and Resource Research and Development
*Frag Fragmentised Waste (from the motor trade industry)


*GMW Greater Manchester Waste, Ltd.
*GMWDA Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority


*HAZWRAP Hazardous Waste Remedial Action Program
*HCRW Healthcare Risk Waste
*HCW Healthcare Waste
*HHW Household Hazardous Waste
*HHWE Household Hazardous Waste Element
*HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
*HW Household Waste
*HWD Hazardous Waste Directive (91/689/EEC)
*HWRA Household Waste Recycling Act (2003)
*HWRC Household waste recycling centre


*IBA Incinerator Bottom Ash
*IBC Intermediate Bulk Container
*ISWGS Initial Solid Waste Generation Study
*IPC Integrated Pollution Control
*IPP Integrated Product Policy
*IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
*ISWA International Solid Waste Association
*IVC In-vessel Composting
*IWC In-Stream Waste Concentration
*IWM Integrated Waste Management/Institute of Wastes Management pre Charter
*IWMB Integrated Waste Management Board
*IWMF Interim Waste Management Facility
*IWMS Integrated Waste Management Specialist


*JMWMs Joint Municipal Waste Management strategies


*KAT Kerbside Assessment Tool


*LAPC Local Air Pollution Control
*LAAPC Local Authority Air Pollution Control
*LARAC Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee
*LASU Local Authority Support Unit
*LATS Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme
*LAWAS Local Authority Waste Arisings Survey
*LAWDC Local Authority Waste Disposal Company
*LCA Life Cycle Analysis/Assessment, Litter Control Areas (EPA 1990)
*LCPD Large Combustion Plants Directive (2001/80/EC)
*LEL Lower Explosive Limit
*LGA, WLGA Local Government Association, Welsh LGA
*LHIP Landfill and Hazardous Waste Implementation Programme
*LTCS Landfill Tax Credit Scheme
*LFD Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC)
*LFG Landfill Gas
*LLLW Liquid Low-Level Waste
*LLW Low-Level Waste
*LPSA Local Public Service Agreement


*MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration
*MBT Mechanical Biological Treatment (systems)
*MCERTS Monitoring Certification Scheme
*MCDA Multi Criteria Decision Analysis
*MDC Metropolitan District Council
*MEAT Most Economically Advantageous Tender
*MEL Maximum Exposure Limit (for COSHH)
*MHSWR Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999
*MO Materials Organisation
*MRF Materials Recovery Facility (or Recycling or Factory)
*MSW Municipal Solid Waste
*MSWLF Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
*MSWI Municipal solid waste incineration
*MWDA Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority
*MWMS Municipal Waste Management Strategy


*NAWDO National Association of Waste Disposal Officers
*NELVS Natural End of Life Vehicles
*NFFO Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation
*NGG New Generation Group (CIWM in-house)
*NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
*NHHWF National Household Hazardous Waste Forum
*NISP National Industrial Symbiosis Programme
*NOF New Opportunities Fund
*NRWTF Nonradiological Wastewater Treatment Facility
*NSWMA National Solid Wastes Management Association
*NVQ / SNVQ National Vocational Qualification (or Scottish)
*NWAI National Waste Awareness Initiative
*NWMRF National Waste Minimisation & Recycling Fund
*NWRWMG North West Region Waste Management Group
*NWP National Waste Plan (Scotland)


*ODS Ozone Depleting Substance (e.g. refrigerants)
*OPRA Operator Pollution Risk Appraisal


*PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl (s)
*PELVS Premature End of Life Vehicles
*PERN Packaging Waste Export Recovery Note
*PET Polyethylene Terephthalate
*PM Particulate Matter (e.g. PM 10 ~ particles under 10 micrometres)
*POM / s Prescription Only Medicine / s
*PP Proximity Principle
*PPC Pollution Prevention and Control Act (1999) (Regulations 2000) beware many amendments after 2000
*PPG Planning Policy Guidance note (e.g. PPG 10 for waste management)
*PPP Public Private Partnership, Polluter Pays Principle
*PPS Planning Policy Statement
*PR Producer Responsibility
*PRN Packaging Recovery Note
*PVC Polyvinyl chloride
*PWMP Pond Waste Management Project


*QMS Quality Management Systems


*RAG Recycling Advisory Group, Scotland
*RCE Regional Centre of Excellence
*RCEP Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution
*RCV Refuse Collection Vehicle
*RDF Refuse Derived Fuel
*RECOUP Recycling Of Used Plastics
*REMADE Recycled Market Development
*REPAC Regional Environmental Protection Advisory Committee
*RIA Regulatory Impact Assessment
*RID Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail
*RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
*RO Renewables Obligation
*ROC Renewables Obligation Certificates
*ROHS Restricting Of Hazardous Substances in product manufacture
*RoRo Rolonof/Roll-on Roll-off, demountable container system
*ROTATE Recycling and Organic Technology Advisory Team
*RRIB Refined Renewable Biomass
*RSW Residential Solid Waste
*RTAB Regional Technical Advisory Body
*RWD Report of Waste Discharge

*SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
*SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
*SGV Soil Guideline Value
*SIG Special Interest Group of CIWM
*SLF Secondary Liquid Fuel
*SMDSA Sanitary Medical Disposal Services Association
*SNIFFER Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research
*SNRHW Stable Non-Reactive Hazardous Wastes
*SocEnv Society for the Environment
*SRB Single Regeneration Budget
*SRF Solid recovered fuel
*SRI Static Respiration Index
*SSA Standard Spending Assessment
*SWA Solid Waste Analysis
*SWAG Scottish Waste Advisory Group
*SWANA Solid Waste Association of North America
*SWaMP Southern Waste Management Partnership
*SWAT Solid Waste Assessment Test
*SWDF Solid Waste Disposal Facilities
*SWENs Special Waste Explanatory Notes
*SWIS Solid Waste Information System
*SWGS Solid Waste Generation Study
*SWF Solid Waste Facility
*SWF Strategic Waste Fund (Scotland)
*SWFP Solid Waste Facility Permit
*SWM Solid Waste Management
*SWM Sustainable Waste Management
*SWMA Strategic Waste Management Assessment
*SWMU Solid Waste Management Unit
*SWSA Solid Waste Storage Area


*TCLP Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
*TEF Toxic Equivalent Factor
*TPa tonnes per annum


*UA Unitary Authority
*UASB Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket digestion
*UBC Used Beverage Can
*UDP Unitary Development Plan
*UEL Upper explosive limit
*UW Universal Waste


*VCU Vertical Composting Units
*VOC Volatile Organic Compound
*VRQ Vocationally Related Qualification


*WAC Waste Acceptance Criteria/Waste Awareness Certificate
*WAG Welsh Assembly Government
*WAMITAB Waste Management Industry Training & Advisory Board
*WARRAG Waste And Resources Research Advisory Group
*WCA Waste collection authority
*WDA Waste Disposal Authority
*WDR Waste Discharge Requirement
*WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (2002/96/EC) amendments transposed to UK law 13/08/04 Regs to follow
*WET Waste and Emissions Trading Act (2003)
*WFD Waste Framework Directive 75/442/EEC
*WID Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC)
*WIN Waste Information Network
*WIP Waste Implementation Programme
*WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
*WISARD Waste Integrated Systems Assessment for Recovery and Disposal
*WLP Waste Local Plan
*WMB Waste Management Board
*WME Waste Management Engineer
*WML Waste Management Licence
*WMP Waste Management Paper
*WMP Waste Management Program
*WMPEG Waste Minimisation Performance and Efficiency Grant
*WMS Waste Management Specialist
*WMU Waste Management Unit
*WMUNI waste management university
*WRAP Waste and Resources Action Programme
*WRAP Waste Reduction Awards Program
*WRATE Waste and Resources Assessment Tool for the Environment
*WPIE Waste Prevention Information Exchange
*WSA Waste Strategy Area (e.g. 11 WSAs in Scotland)
*WTE Waste-to-energy

ee also

*Chartered Institute of Wastes Management
*List of waste management concepts


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