- California Men's Colony
Infobox Prison
prison_name = California Men's Colony (CMC)http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Visitors/images/aerialShots/CMC_8x10.jpgAerial View]
location = San Luis Obispo,California ,United States
coordinates = coord|35.325|-120.698
status = Operational
classification = minimum to medium
capacity = 3,840 (but houses 6,512 as of September 2007)
opened = 1954 & 1961
closed =
managed_by =California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
director = John Marshall, WardenCalifornia Men's Colony (CMC) is a male-only California state prison located northwest of the city of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, which is about halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Current facilities
CMC has "two physically separate facilities" on its convert|356|acre|km2: East and West.California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. [http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Visitors/Facilities/CMC.html California Men's Colony (CMC).] Accessed 03 Dec 2007.] The minimum-security West facility includes Level I ("without a secure perimeter") housing and Level II ("with secure perimeter fences and armed coverage") open dormitories.California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. [http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Visitors/docs/20071015-WEBmapbooklet.pdf California's Correctional Facilities.] 15 Oct 2007.] The medium-security East facility has Level III ("Individual cells, fenced perimeters and armed coverage") housing "divided into four quadrangles," as well as "a fully licensed hospital" and "a Mental Health Delivery System."
As of Fiscal Year 2006/2007, CMC had a total of 1,870 staff and an annual operating budget of $151 million. As of September 2007, it had a design capacity of 3,840 but a total institution population of 6,512, for an occupancy rate of 169.6 percent.California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. [http://www.cdcr.ca.gov/Reports_Research/Offender_Information_Services_Branch/Monthly/TPOP1A/TPOP1Ad0709.pdf Monthly Report of Population as of Midnight September 30, 2007.] ]
CMC has been called a "country club" [Hall, David. Career petty thief, 88, to serve term. "Daily Breeze" (Torrance, CA), June 20, 1987.] [Allison, Ralph B. [http://www.dissociation.com/2007/docReader.asp?url=/index/unpublished/debate.txt Is Treatment of Inmates with MPD Possible in Prison? A Debate. The Negative Side of the Question.] May 6, 1994.] and "the garden spot" among California prisons "because it offers a wide variety of vocational, educational and psychological-treatment programs."Lifsher, Marc. Manson family member is transferred from men's colony to medium security. "Orange County Register". April 30, 1993.] Notable CMC programs include:
* Arts in Corrections, "designed to rehabilitate inmates through art." Andrews, Amy. [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21907281/ California Men's Colony inmates take to the stage in unique rehab program.] KSBY-TV, November 20, 2007.]
* A "Level I camp program for fire suppression, conservation and other community service work." The jobs include "trash pickup and removal" at Port San Luis Harbor District properties, includingAvila Beach . [Charlton. April. Cleanup starts at Avila Beach. "Santa Maria Times", May 13, 2007.]
* Central Coast Adult School, which "aims to reduce therecidivism rate and help inmates rejoin the work force." [Chen, Joyce. Steps to a Better Life - California Men's Colony: Inmates Graduate From Adult School. "The Tribune" (San Luis Obispo, CA), August 25, 2007.]
* Prison Industry Authority, which "manufactures and ships millions of dollars of prison-made products annually."Yadegaran, Jessica. Christmas Behind Bars - What's It Like to be a Prisoner This Time of Year? "The Tribune" (San Luis Obispo, CA), December 15, 2002.]
* Prisoners Against Child Abuse, which "donates more than $100,000 a year to local children's organizations."
*Narcotics Anonymous . [ [http://portaltools.na.org/portaltools/MeetingLoc/SSearchResults.cfm?start=1&maxrows=10&city=San%20Luis%20Obispo&state=CA&zip=%20&country=USA&day=0&distance=40&languages=%20 Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Search Results.] Accessed 09 Dec 2007.] [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2000/08/20/SC81236.DTL&type=printable California's Prisoners Tell How They See the System.] "San Francisco Chronicle", August 20, 2000.]
*Alcoholics Anonymous .History
The West Facility opened in 1954, and the East Facility opened in 1961. Three female former CMC workers won a 1998 settlement for $4.3 million as a result of a sexual harassment lawsuit, which was "the largest such settlement ever for the Department of Corrections." [Lucas, Greg. Harass Suit Settled With 3 Prison Workers. "San Francisco Chronicle", April 3, 1998.] A San Luis Obispo County
grand jury produced a 2005 report observing that "while old and overcrowded, CMC was well maintained." [Welton, Nathan, and Cynthia Neff. Safety, Food Costs at CMC Questioned. "The Tribune" (San Luis Obispo, CA), March 25, 2005.] [San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury. [http://www.slocourts.net/grandjury/reports/final-2004-2005.pdf 2004–2005 San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury Final Report.] ]Infamous inmates
* Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris met at CMC in 1978, before they committed their crime spree. [Woodhull, Tim. Crime-fighter still on a mission - South Bay resident prosecutes society's worst offenders. "Daily Breeze" (Torrance, CA), December 15, 1991.]
* In 1996,Christian Brando was released from CMC "after serving five years of a 10-year term in the fatal shooting of his half sister's boyfriend." [Stone, Keith. Christian Brando Freed From Prison. "Daily News of Los Angeles", January 11, 1996.]
*Richard Allen Davis was paroled from CMC in June 1993 "after serving half of a 16-year sentence" for kidnapping. [Richard Allen Davis' Life of Crime. "San Francisco Chronicle", August 6, 1996.]
* Jim Gordon, the drummer, spent some time at CMC after killing his mother in 1983. [Booe, Martin. Bang the Drum Slowly. The Tragedy of Jim Gordon, Percussionist, Songwriter, Paranoid Schizophrenic, Murderer. "Washington Post", July 3, 1994.] As of 2005, however, he was inAtascadero State Hospital . [Hidden heroes - Sounds. "The Times" (London, England), October 14, 2005.]
*Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson was in CMC between 1984 and October 1986 "for sexually assaulting two teen-age girls and then trying to bribe them not to testify against him." ["Hollywood" sentenced. "Daily Breeze" (Torrance, CA), June 12, 1984.] [Moore, Terence. Maryland should stop delaying and fire Driesell now. "Atlanta Journal-Constitution", October 24, 1986.]
* Charles Keating Jr. began his stay at CMC in 1992, but his state and federal convictions were overturned, so he was released in October 1996. [Reckard, E. Scott. Keating, on outside, shrugs off prison experience. "Daily Breeze" (Torrance, CA), December 4, 1996.]
*Suge Knight was incarcerated at CMC beginning in February 1997 and [Philips, Chuck. From Gangsta Rap Mogul To Prison Inmate. "The Record" (New Jersey), January 28, 1998.] but as of December 2000 had been transferred toMule Creek State Prison [ Enkoji, M.S. "Suge" Knight shows a sweet spot for kids. "Sacramento Bee", December 22, 2000.] .
*Timothy Leary was imprisoned at CMC after being sentenced in March 1970 for possession of marijuana, but escaped from the West facility in September 1970 with the assistance of the Weatherman organization.Kistler, Robert. Leary, Onetime "High Priest" of Drug Culture, Flees Prison. "Los Angeles Times", September 14, 1970.] Maxwell, Evan. Fugitive Leary Under Arrest in Afghanistan. "Los Angeles Times", October 25, 1970.] He had been placed in "the least security-rated institution in the state" because "he did not 'represent either violence potential or serious escape risk'." After spending time withEldridge Cleaver in Algeria and attempting to "gain political asylum" in Switzerland, Leary was arrested in Afghanistan in January 1973. After being convicted of "escape from a minimum security prison," he was sent toCalifornia Medical Facility . [Leary Admits Mistake in Promotion of LSD. "Los Angeles Times", December 15, 1973.]
*Herbert Mullin "spent nearly 20 years" at CMC "before being transferred to Mule Creek in 1993." [Beck, David L. Killer Bids for Freedom - Accused of 13 Slayings in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties and Convicted of 11, Herbert Mullin is Up for Parole Thursday for the Ninth Time. As He Downplays Previous Claims that He Was Influenced to Kill, Opinions are Mixed on Whether He Should Be Freed. "San Jose Mercury News", December 26, 2001.]
* Current inmateCraig Peyer has a parole hearing in 2008. [ Jones, J. Harry. No parole for ex-CHP officer convicted of killing student. Peyer's next hearing not scheduled until '08. "San Diego Union-Tribune", January 8, 2004.]
*Lawrence Singleton in 1987 "earned an early release [from CMC] through a work program and good behavior" after having served 8 years of a 14-year sentence. [Singleton is Freed in North. "Daily News of Los Angeles", April 26, 1987.]
* Current inmateEdgar Smith last had a parole hearing in March 2007. [Pries, Allison. No parole for contentious Smith - Killer of Ramsey girl argues with board. "The Record" (Hackensack, NJ), March 15, 2007.]
*Ike Turner did time at CMC between March 1990 and September 1991 for "two drug misdemeanors." [Associated Press. Ike's Free. "San Jose Mercury News", September 4, 1991.]
*Charles "Tex" Watson was at CMC between the early 1970s and 1993, where he "married and fathered three children during conjugal visits" and "began operating a nonprofit Christian ministry that distributed audio tapes and solicited donations." He was then transferred to the medium-securityMule Creek State Prison . A spokesman for the prison stated that the move was "part of the routine shuffling of inmates around the state"; however, others said that it was related to pressure from the family ofSharon Tate , recommendations of the state Board of Prison Terms, and the actions of a state senator.
*Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell was at CMC between 2000 and 2004. Much of the film documentary "" was filmed while Hook was at CMC. Since being released from CMC Hook has started Project Straight Path, a non-profit organization committed to raise the consciousness of youths, desire of youth's interest in education and raise cultural consciousness. [cite web | title = Hooked: The Legend of Demetrius "Hook" Mitchell | url = http://www.hookmitchell.com/psp.html
accessdate = 2008-04-29 ]References
External links
* Prison Talk Online. [http://prisontalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1682265&postcount=6 CMC Visiting Information.] 01-25-2006.
* Prison Talk Online. [http://prisontalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1682301&postcount=7 CMC Family Visits Information.] 01-25-2006.
* [http://newcmc.info The (unofficial) CMC CCPOA Web Site.] Accessed 08 Dec 2007.
* Center for Land Use Interpretation. [http://ludb.clui.org/ex/i/CA4964/ California Men's Colony.] Entry in Land Use Database of "unusual and exemplary sites throughout the United States." Accessed 08 Dec 2007.
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