- Timeline of materials technology
* 29,000–25,000 BC - First
ceramic appears
*3rd millennium BC -Copper metallurgy is invented and copper is used for ornamentation
*2nd millennium BC -Bronze is used forweapon s andarmour
*1st millennium BC -Pewter beginning to be used inChina andEgypt
*16th century BC - TheHittites develop crudeiron metallurgy
*13th century BC - Invention ofsteel wheniron andcharcoal are combined properly
*10th century BC -Glass production begins inancient Near East
*3rd century BC -Wootz steel , the firstcrucible steel , is invented in ancient India
*50s BC - Glassblowing techniques flourish inPhoenicia
*20s BC - Roman architectVitruvius describes low-water-content method for mixingconcrete 1st millennium *
200s -Steel making widely used inHan Dynasty China
*4th century -Iron pillar of Delhi is the oldest surviving example of corrosion-resistant steel
*700s -Porcelain is invented inTang Dynasty China
*8th century -Geber (Jabir) invents artificialpearl s and describes thepurification of greasy or discoloured pearls, and the first recipes for thedying and artificial colouring ofgemstone s and pearlscite web |url=http://www.history-science-technology.com/Articles/articles%2092.htm |title= The Colouring of Gemstones, The Purifying and Making of Pearls And Other Useful Recipes |accessdate=2008-03-29|last=Hassan |first=Ahmad Y |authorlink=Ahmad Y Hassan |work=History of Science and Technology in Islam]
*8th century -Lustreware is invented byGeber inIraq [cite web |url=http://www.history-science-technology.com/Articles/articles%2091.htm |title=Lustre Glass |accessdate=2008-03-29|last=Hassan |first=Ahmad Y |authorlink=Ahmad Y Hassan |work=History of Science and Technology in Islam] [cite web |url= http://www.history-science-technology.com/Notes/Notes%209.htm |title=Lazaward And Zaffer Cobalt Oxide In Islamic And Western Lustre Glass And Ceramics |accessdate=2008-03-29|last=Hassan |first=Ahmad Y |authorlink=Ahmad Y Hassan |work=History of Science and Technology in Islam]
*8th century -Geber describes the first recipes for themanufacture ofglue fromcheese
*8th century - The streets ofBaghdad are the first to be paved withtar , derived frompetroleum throughdestructive distillation Dr. Kasem Ajram (1992). "Miracle of Islamic Science", Appendix B. Knowledge House Publishers. ISBN 0911119434.]
*700s -Tin-glazing ofceramics invented by Arabic chemists and potters inBasra ,Iraq [cite journal | last=Mason | first=Robert B. | title=New Looks at Old Pots: Results of Recent Multidisciplinary Studies of Glazed Ceramics from the Islamic World | journal=Muqarnas: Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture | date=1995 | volume=XII | publisher=Brill Academic Publishers | id=ISBN 9004103147 | pages=1]
*9th century - Stonepaste ceramics invented inIraq [cite journal | last=Mason | first=Robert B. | title=New Looks at Old Pots: Results of Recent Multidisciplinary Studies of Glazed Ceramics from the Islamic World | journal=Muqarnas: Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture | date=1995 | volume=XII | publisher=Brill Academic Publishers | id=ISBN 9004103147 | pages=5]
*10th century -Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi (Rhazes) states he and his Muslim predecessors (Calid ,Geber andal-Kindi ) invented the following derivative and artificial materials:lead(II) oxide (PbO),red lead (Pb3O4),tin(II) oxide ("Isfidaj"),copper acetate ("Zaniar"),copper(II) oxide (CuO),lead sulfide ,zinc oxide ,bismuth oxide ,antimony oxide, ironrust ,iron acetate , "Daws" (a contituent ofsteel ),cinnabar (HgS),arsenic trioxide (As2O3),alkali ("al-Qili"),sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), and "Qalimiya" (anything that separates from metals during their purification)cite web |url= http://www.history-science-technology.com/Articles/articles%2010.htm |title= Arabic Alchemy: Science of the Art |accessdate=2008-03-29 |last=Hassan |first=Ahmad Y |authorlink=Ahmad Y Hassan |work=History of Science and Technology in Islam]2nd millennium *
11th century -Damascus steel developed in theMiddle East
*1448 -Johann Gutenberg developstype metal alloy
*1450s -Cristallo , a clear soda-based glass is invented byAngelo Barovier
*1540 -Vannoccio Biringuccio publishes first systematic book onmetallurgy
*1556 -Georg Agricola 's influential book onmetallurgy
*1590 - Glass lenses are developed in theNetherlands and used for the first time inmicroscope s andtelescope s18th century *
1738 -William Champion patents a process for the production of metalliczinc bydistillation fromcalamine and charcoal
*1740 -Benjamin Huntsman developed thecrucible steel technique
*1779 -Bry Higgins issued apatent for hydraulic cement (stucco ) for use as an exteriorplaster
*1799 -Alessandro Volta makes a copper/zincacid battery19th century *
1821 -Thomas Johann Seebeck invents thethermocouple
*1824 - Patent issued toJoseph Aspin forPortland cement
*1825 -Hans Christian Ørsted produces metallicaluminium
*1839 -Charles Goodyear invents vulcanized rubber
*1839 -Louis Daguerre andWilliam Fox Talbot inventsilver -based photographic processes
*1855 -Bessemer process for mass production of steel patented
*1861 -James Clerk Maxwell demonstrates color photography
*1883 -Charles Fritts makes the firstsolar cell s usingselenium waffles.20th century *
1902 -Auguste Verneuil develops theVerneuil process for making synthetic rubies
*1909 -Leo Baekeland presents theBakelite hard thermosettingplastic
*1911 -Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discoversSuperconductivity
*1912 -Harry Brearley inventsstainless steel
*1916 -Jan Czochralski invents a method for growing singlecrystal s ofmetal s
*1924 - Corning Incorporated scientists inventPyrex , a glass with a very lowcoefficient of thermal expansion
*1931 -Julius Nieuwland develops the syntheticrubber calledneoprene ("see also:E.K. Bolton ,Wallace Carothers ")
*1931 -Wallace Carothers developsnylon
*1938 - Roy Plunkett discovers the process for making poly-tetrafluoroethylene, better known as Teflon
*1939 -Robert W. Cahn confirmed the existence of dislocations (line defects whose movement under stress allows metals to deform plastically), explaining the discrepancy between the very high predicted resistance to plasticity of perfect metal crystals, compared to the much smaller measured values of actual pure metal crystals.
*1947 - Firstgermanium point-contacttransistor invented
*1947 - First commercial application of a piezoelectricceramic :barium titanate used as aphonograph needle
*1951 - Individualatom s seen for the first time using theField ion microscope
*1953 -Karl Ziegler discovers metalliccatalyst s which greatly improve the strength ofpolyethylene polymer s
*1954 - 6% efficiencysilicon solar cells made at Bell Laboratories
*1954 - invention of AOD refining (Argon Oxygen Decarburization )
*1959 -Pilkington Brothers patent the float glass process
*1962 -SQUID superconducting quantum interference device invented
*1968 -Liquid crystal display developed byRCA
*1970 - Silicaoptical fiber s grown by Corning Incorporated
*1980 - development of duplex stainless steels which resist oxidation in chloridesReferences
ee also
List of inventions
*List of inventions named after people
*Materials science
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