List of 20th century classical composers by name

List of 20th century classical composers by name

See also List of 20th century classical composers by birth date and List of 20th century classical composers by death date.

Composers of 20th century classical music include:


*Juan Manuel Abras (born 1975)
*Miguel Álvarez-Fernández (born 1979)
*Leroy Anderson (1908-1975)
*Miguel Azguime (born 1960)


*Heidi Baader-Nobs (born 1940)
*Arno Babadzhanian (1921-1983)
*Milton Babbitt (born 1916)
*Konstantin Babić (born 1927)
*Grażyna Bacewicz (19091969)
*Vytautas Bacevičius (1905-1970)
*Jan Bach (born 1937)
*Maria Bach (18961978)
*Sven-Erik Bäck (1919-1994)
*Carola Backholt (born 1959)
*Maya Badian (born 1945)
*Vera Baeva (born 1930)
*Junsang Bahk (born 1937)
*Judith Margaret Bailey (born 1941)
*Regina Harris Baiocchi (born 1956)
*Feliksas Bajoras (born 1934)
*Michael J Baker (1949-2000)
*Ruth Bakke (born 1947)
*Leonardo Balada (born 1933)
*Osvaldas Balakauskas (born 1937)
*Esther Ballou (19151973)
*Eduardas Balsys (1919-1984)
*Jovan Bandur (1899-1956)
*Granville Bantock (1868-1946)
*Krešimir Baranović (1894-1975)
*Samuel Barber (1910-1981)
*Mansi Barberis (18991986)
*Cacilda Campos Borges Barbosa (born 1914)
*Srdjan Barić (born 1927)
*Elaine Barkin (born 1932)
*Clarence Barlow (born 1945)
*Alice Barnett (18861975)
*Richard Barrett (born 1959)
*Carol E Barnett (born 1949)
*Ethel Barns (born 1948)
*Varteks Baronijan (born 1933)
*Elsa Barraine (19101999)
*Jean Barraqué (1928-1973)
*Gisèle Barreau (born 1948)
*Natasha Barrett (born 1972)
*Joyce Howard Barrell (19171989)
*Françoise Barrière (born 1944)
*Bebe Barron (born 1927)
*Louis Barron (1920-1989)
*Béla Bartók (1881-1945)
*Leslie Bassett (born 1923)
*Marion Bauer (18821955)
*Alison Bauld (born 1944)
*Arnold Bax (1883-1953)
*Amy Beach (1867-1944)
*Robert Beadell (19251994)
*James Beale (born 1924)
*Sally Beamish (born 1956)
*Janet Beat (born 1937)
*Betty Beath (born 1932)
*John J. Becker(1886-1961)
*John Beckwith (born 1927)
*Marguerite Béclard d'Harcourt (18841964)
*David Bedford (born 1937)
*Norma Beecroft (born 1934)
*Eve Beglarian (born 1958)
*Anđelka Bego-Šimunić (born 1941)
*Jeanne Behrend (19121988)
*David Behrman (born 1937)
*Jeanne Beijerman-Walraven (18781969)
*Luca Belcastro (born 1964)
*Alfonso Belfiore (born 1954)
*Derek Bell (1935-2002)
*Barbara Benary (born 1946)
*Chiara Benati (born 1956)
*Paul Ben-Haim (1897-1984)
*Juraj Benes (1940-2004)
*George Benjamin (born 1960)
*Richard Rodney Bennett (born 1936)
*Robert Russell Bennett (1894-1981)
*Niels Viggo Bentzon (1919-2000)
*Ove Benzen (born 1935)
*Cathy Berberian (1925-1983)
*Alban Berg (1885-1935)
*Gunnar Berg (1909-1989)
*Petar Bergamo (born 1930)
*Arthur Berger (1912-2003)
*Jean Berger (1909-2002)
*William Bergsma (1921-1994)
*Luciano Berio (1925-2003)
*Lennox Berkeley (1903-1989)
*Michael Berkeley (born 1948)
*Christine Berl (born 1943)
*Bart Berman (born 1938)
*Lauren Bernofsky (born 1967)
*Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990)
*Charles Roland Berry (born 1957)
*Dennis Berry (1921-1994)
*Danilo Bestagno
*Johanna Beyer (18881944)
*Gillian Bibby (born 1945)
*Gilbert Biberian (born 1944)
*Nick Bicat (born 1949)
*Lycia de Biase Bidart (born 1910)
*Franz Biebl (19062001)
*Beatriz Bilbao (born 1951)
*Ronald Binge (1910-1969)
*Judith Bingham (born 1952)
*Stanislav Binički(1872-1942)
*Renate Birnstein (born 1946)
*Harrison Birtwistle (born 1934)
*Hermann Bischoff (1868-1936)
*Roberta Bitgood (born 1908)
*Marcel Bitsch (born 1921)
*Erling Bjerno (born 1929)
*Jens Bjerre (1903-1986)
*Boris Blacher (1903-1975)
*Richard Blackford (born 1954)
*Easley Blackwood (born 1933)
*Hugh Blair (18641932)
*Susan Morton Blaustein (born 1953)
*Carla Bley (born 1938)
*Arthur Bliss (1891-1975)
*Marc Blitzstein (1905-1964)
*Ernest Bloch (1880-1959)
*Patricia Blomfield Holt (born 1910)
*Sonia Bo (born 1960)
*Berta Bock (18571945)
*Sylvie Bodorová (born 1954)
*Ernst Boehe (1880-1938)
*Ana Bofill Levi (born 1944)
*Boris Böhmann (born 1964)
*Michèle Bokanowski (born 1943)
*William Bolcom (born 1938)
*Carrie Bond (18621946)
*Victoria Bond (born 1945)
*Margaret Allison Bonds (1913-1972)
*Andrée Bonhomme (19051982)
*Mélanie Bonis (18581937)
*Henriette van den Boorn-Coclet (18661945)
*Modesta Bor (19261998)
*David Borden (1938- )
*Johanna Bordewijk-Roepman (18921971)
*Benjamin Boretz (born 1934)
*Hakon Börresen (1876-1954)
*Edith Borroff (born 1925)
*Sergei Bortkiewicz (1877-1952)
*Daniel Börtz (born 1943)
*Michel Bosc (born 1963)
*Maura Bosch (born 1958)
*Henriëtte Bosmans (18951952)
*Ljubomir Bošnjaković(1891- )
*María Enma Botet Dubois (born 1903)
*Linda Bouchard (born 1957)
*Rutland Boughton (1878-1960)
*Lili Boulanger (1893-1918)
*Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979)
*Pierre Boulez (born 1925)
*Helen Bowater (born 1952)
*Paul Bowles (1910-1999)
*Anne Boyd (born 1946)
*Brian Boydell (1917-2000)
*Ina Boyle (18891967)
*Eugène Bozza (1905-1991)
*Joly Braga Santos (1924-1988)
*May Hannah Brahe (18841956)
*Glenn Branca (born 1948)
*Gena Branscombe (18811977)
*Henry Brant (born 1913)
*Anthony Braxton (born 1945)
*Caroline M Breece (born 1977)
*Thérèse Brenet (born 1935)
*Havergal Brian (1876-1972)
*Walter Bricht (1904-1970)
*Frank Bridge (1879-1941)
*Dora Bright (18621951)
*Radie Britain (18991994)
*Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)
*Max Brod (1884-1968)
*Roslyn Brogue (19191981)
*Earle Brown (1926-2002)
*Stephen Brown (born 1948)
*Rudolf Brucci (1917-2002)
*David Bruce (born 1970)
*Theo Bruins (1929-1993)
*Karl Gottfried Brunotte (born 1958)
*Elisabetta Brusa (born 1954)
*Joanna Bruzdowicz (born 1943)
*Gavin Bryars (born 1943)
*Dorothy Quita Buchanan (born 1945)
*Ole Buck (born 1945)
*Harold Budd (born 1936)
*Boudewijn Buckinx (born 1945)
*Nini Bulterijs (19291989)
*Anthony Burgess (1917-1993)
*Willy Burkhard (1900-1955)
*Franz Burkhart (1902-1978)
*Diana Burrell (born 1948)
*Alan Bush (1900-1995)
*Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924)
*Sylvano Bussotti (born 1931)
*Aleksej Butakov(1907-1953)
*James Butt (born 1929)
*Nigel Butterley (born 1935)
*George Butterworth (1885-1916)


*John Cage (19121992)
*Geneviève Calame (19461993)
*Jacques Calonne (born 1930)
*John Cale (born 1942)
*Nicola Campogrande (born 1969)
*Lina Pires de Campos (born 1918)
*Marguerite Canal (18901978)
*Marta Canales (18931986)
*Edith Canat de Chizy (born 1950)
*David DeBoor Canfield (born 1950)
*Joseph Canteloube (18791957)
*Constança Capdeville (19371992)
*André Caplet (18781925)
*Matilde Capuis (born 1913)
*Cornelius Cardew (19361981)
*Robert Carl (born 1954)
*Julian Carrillo (1875-1965)
*Wendy Carlos (born 1939)
*Mary Grant Carmichael (18511935)
*Roberto Carnevale (born 1966)
*John Alden Carpenter (18761951)
*Ann Carr-Boyd (born 1938)
*Edwin Carr (1926-2003)
*Julián Carrillo
*Elliott Carter (born 1908)
*Dinorá de Carvalho (19041980)
*Sara Carvalho (born 1970)
*Doreen Carwithen (19222003)
*Tristram Cary (born 1925)
*Alfredo Casella (18831947)
*John Casken (born 1949)
*Lola Castegnaro (19001979)
*Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (18951968)
*Graciela Castillo (born before 1945)
*José María Castro (18921964)
*Juan José Castro (18951968)
*Washington Castro (1909-2004)
*Eve de Castro-Robinson (born 1956)
*Eunice Catunda (born 1915)
*Alejandro García Caturla (19061940)
*Gayane Č'ebotaryan (born 1918)
*Gabriella Cecchi (born 1944)
*Monic Cecconi-Botella (born 1936)
*Julia Cenova (born 1948)
*Wendy Mae Chambers (born 1953)
*Cécile Chaminade (18571944)
*Claude Champagne (18911965)
*John Barnes Chance (19321972)
*Nancy Laird Chance (born 1931)
*Theodore Chanler (19021961)
*Janine Charbonnier (born 1926)
*Gustave Charpentier (18601956)
*Rhys Chatham (born 1952)
*Carlos Chávez (18991978)
*Gayane Chebotarian (19181998)
*Maria Chefaliady-Taban (18631932)
*Yekaterina Chemberdzhi (born 1960)
*Chen Shihui (born 1962)
*Chen Yi (born 1953)
*Paul Chihara (born 1938)
*Barney Childs (19262000)
*Mary Ellen Childs (born 1957)
*Unsuk Chin (born 1961)
*Geghuni Hovannesi Chitchian (born 1929)
*Chou Wen-chung (born 1923)
*Hedwige Chrétien (18591944)
*Jani Christou (1926-1970)
*Asger Lund Christiansen (19271998)
*Henning Christiansen (born 1932)
*Tat'yana Chudova (born 1944)
*Heinz Chur (born 1948)
*Leonardo Ciampa (born 1971)
*Suzanne Ciani (born 1946)
*Francesco Cilea (18661950)
*Maya Ciobanu (born 1952)
*Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (18751911)
*Dolores Claman (born 1927)
*Rebecca Helferich Clarke (18861979)
*Laura Clayton (born 1943)
*Angelo Clematide (born 1954)
*Aldo Clementi (born 1925)
*Judith Ann Clingan (born 1945)
*Adrienne Clostre (born 1921)
*Eric Coates (18861957)
*Gloria Coates (born 1938)
*Julian Cochran (born 1974)
*Robert Cogan (born 1930)
*Rhoda Coghill (19032000)
*Reine Colaço Osorio-Swaab (18811971)
*Ulric Cole (19051992)
*Ellen Coleman (18861973)
*Avril Coleridge-Taylor (19031998)
*Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (18751912)
*Cecil Coles (18881918)
*Jeanne Colin-De Clerck (born 1924)
*Laura Sedgwick Collins (18591927)
*Nicolas Collins (born 1954)
*Graziella Concas (born 1970)
*Justin Connolly (born 1933)
*Barry Conyngham (born 1944)
*Bill Conti (born 1942)
*Edgar Cook (18801953)
*Arnold Cooke (1906-2005)
*Francis Judd Cooke (19101995)
*Lindsay Cooper (born 1951)
*Aaron Copland (19001990)
*John Corigliano (born 1938)
*Ramiro Cortés (19331984)
*Eleanor Cory (born 1943)
*Jean Coulthard (19082000)
*Mildred Couper (18871974)
*Henry Cowell (18971965)
*Anna Cramer (18731968)
*Ruth Crawford-Seeger (19011953)
*Paul Creston (19061985)
*Allan J. Cronin (1956- )
*George Crumb (born 1929)
*Alvin Curran (born 1938)
*Marilyn Currier (born 1931)
*Nathan Currier (born 1960)
*Sebastian Currier (born 1958)
*Joe Cutler (born 1968)
*Chaya Czernowin (born 1957)


* Melanie Ruth Daiken (born 1945)
*Marc-André Dalbavie (born 1961)
*Nancy Dalberg (18811949)
*Kathleen Dale (18951984)
*Luigi Dallapiccola (19041975)
*Georges Dandelot (18951975)
*Richard Danielpour (born 1956)
*Mabel Wheeler Daniels (18771971)
*Ivor Darreg (19171994)
*Gábor Darvas (19111985)
*Shaun Davey (born 1948)
*Johann Nepomuk David (18951977)
*Mario Davidovsky (born 1934)
*Tina Davidson (born 1952)
*Peter Maxwell Davies (born 1934)
*Carl Davis (born 1936)
*Harriette Davison (19231978)
*Olga De Blanck Martín (born 1916)
*Chris DeBlasio (19591993)
*Claude Debussy (18621918)
*Maurice Delage (18791961)
*Claire Delbos (19061959)
*Carmelina Delfin ("c." 1900–"after" 1948)
*Frederick Delius (18621934)
*Eva Dell'Acqua (18561930)
*Jeanne Demessieux (19211968)
*Edison Denisov (19291996)
*Marcelle Deschênes (born 1939)
*Alfred Desenclos (19121971)
*Yvonne Desportes (19071993)
*David Diamond (born 1915)
*Jody Diamond (born 1953)
*Hilda Dianda (born 1925)
*Emma Lou Diemer (born 1927)
*Consuelo Díez (born 1958)
*Fannie Charles Dillon (18811974)
*Silvana Di Lotti (born 1942)
*Violeta Dinescu (born 1953)
*Grigoraş Dinicu (18891949)
*Paul Dirmeikis (born 1954)
*Plamen Djurov (born 1949)
* Lucia Dlugoszewski (19312000)
*Tod Dockstader (born 1932)
*Stephen Dodgson (born 1924)
*Ernő Dohnányi (18771960)
* Felicia Donceanu (born 1931)
*Paul Doornbusch (born 1960)
*Antal Doráti (19061988)
*Avner Dorman (born 1975)
*James Douglas (born 1932-)
*Daniel Dorff (born 1956)
*Felix Draeseke (18351913)
*Dora Draganova (born 1946)
*Arnold Dreyblatt (born 1953)
*George Dreyfus (born 1928)
*Madeleine Dring (19231977)
*John W Duarte (19192004)
*Shirley Graham Du Bois (18961977)
*William Duckworth (born 1943)
*Anne Dudley (born 1956)
*Denis Dufour (born 1953)
*Hugues Dufourt (born 1943)
*Paul Dukas (18651935)
*Tan Dun (born 1957)
*Marcel Dupré (18861971)
*Joël-François Durand (born 1954)
*Maurice Duruflé (19021986)
*Pascal Dusapin (born 1955)
*Henri Dutilleux (born 1916)
*Judith Dvorkin (born "c." 1927)
*Lesya Dychko (born 1939)
*Roland Dyens (born 1955)
*George Dyson (18831964)
*Maria Dziewulska (born 1909)
*David Dzubay (born 1964)


*John Eaton (born 1935)
*Petr Eben (born 1929)
*Sixten Eckerberg (1909-1991)
*Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté (1899-1974)
* Clara Edwards (18871974)
*Ross Edwards (born 1943)
*Katharine Emily Eggar (18741961)
*Werner Egk (1901 - 1983)
*Margriet Ehlen (born 1943)
*Henry Eichheim (1870 - 1942)
*Ludovico Einaudi (born 1955)
*Maija Einfelde (born 1939)
*Richard Einhorn (born 1952)
*Gottfried von Einem (1918 - 1996)
*Karólína Eiríksdóttir (born 1951)
*Hanns Eisler (1898 - 1962)
*Michelle Ekizian (born 1956)
*Eleonora Eksanishvili (born 1919)
*Irina Elcheva (born 1926)
*Dror Elimelech (born 1956)
*Edward Elgar (1857 - 1934)
*Heino Eller (1887 - 1970)
*Rosalind Frances Ellicott (18571924)
*David Ellis (born 1933)
*JAK Ellis
*Jean-Claude Éloy (born 1938)
*Kilys Elwyn-Edwards (born 1918)
*Kateřina Emingerová (18561934)
*George Enescu (1881 - 1955)
*Sven Einar Englund (1916 - 1999)
*Brian Eno (born 1948)
*Peter Eötvös (born 1944)
*Heimo Erbse (born 1924)
*Susanne Erding-Swiridoff (born 1955)
*Robert Erickson (1917 - 1997)
*Ulvi Cemal Erkin (1906 - 1972)
*Gustav Ernesaks (1908-1993)
*Siegrid Ernst (born 1929)
*Pozzi Escot (born 1933)
*María Escribano (born 1954)
*Julio Estrada (born 1943)
*Alvin Etler (1913 - 1973)
*Keiko Eto (born 1953)
*Pierre Even (born 1946)
*Robert Evett (1922-1975)
*Florence Maude Ewart (18641949)


*Ciaran Farrell (born 1969)
*Rolande Falcinelli (born 1920)
*Manuel De Falla (1876-1946)
*Evelyn Faltis (18901937)
*Dimitris Fampas (1921-1996)
*Hormoz Farhat (born 1929)
*Ferenc Farkas (1905-2000)
*Eibhlis Farrell (born 1953)
*Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
*Sarah Feigin (born 1928)
*Jindřich Feld (born 1925)
*Morton Feldman (1926-1987)
*Daniel Felsenfeld (born 1970)
*Eric Fenby (1906-1997)
*Johanne Amelie Fenger (18361913)
*Brian Ferneyhough (born 1943)
*Gabrielle Ferrari (18511921)
*Luc Ferrari (born 1929)
*Beatriz Ferreyra (born 1937)
*Arkady Filippenko (1912-1983)
*Vivian Fine (19132000)
*Mary Finsterer (born 1962)
*Graciane Finzi (born 1945)
*Gerald Finzi (1901-1956)
*Ertuğrul Oğuz Fırat (born 1922)
*Elena Firsova (born 1950)
*David First (born 1953)
*Helen Fisher (born 1942)
*Chris Fitkin (19?- )
*Graham Fitkin (born 1963)
*Tsippi Fleischer (born 1946)
*Antony le Fleming
*Alan Fleming-Baird (born 1972)
*Carlisle Floyd (born 1926)
*Henry Flynt (born 1940)
*Bernard Foccroulle (born 1953)
*Eugénie-Emilie Juliette Folville (18701946)
*Jacqueline Fontyn (born 1930)
*Andrew Ford (born 1957)
*Carlo Forlivesi (born 1971)
*Malcolm Forsyth (born 1936)
*Wolfgang Fortner (1907-1987)
*Lukas Foss (born 1922)
*Jennifer Fowler (born 1939)
*Erika Fox (born 1936)
*Arthur Frackenpohl (born 1924)
*Ludmila Frajt (born 1919)
*Jean Françaix (1912-1997)
*Dorothea Anne Franchi (19202003)
*Hedy Frank-Autheried (19021979)
*Benjamin Frankel (1906-1973)
*Joan Franks Williams (born 1930)
*Shena Fraser (born 1910)
*Dorothy Whitson Freed (born 1919)
*Isadore Freed (19001960)
*Eleanor Everest Freer (18641942)
*Narcisa Freixas (18591926)
*Bertha Frensel Wegener (18741953)
*Peter Racine Fricker (1920 - 1990)
*Hidas Frigyes (born 1928)
*Johannes Fritsch (born 1941)
*Ilsa Fromm-Michaels (18881986)
*Susan Frykberg (born 1954)
*Lillian Fuchs (19031995)
*Julius Fučík (composer) (1872-1916)
*Keiko Fujiie (born 1963)
*Ellen Fullman (born 1957)
*Biancamaria Furgeri (born 1935)
*Jessie Furze (19031984)


*Kenneth Gaburo (1926 - 1993)
*Diamanda Galás (born 1955)
*Blas Galindo Dimás (19101993)
*Guillermo Galindo (born 1960)
*Rachel Galinne (born 1949)
*Raymond Gallois-Montbrun (born 1918)
*Kyle Gann (born 1955)
*Lee Gannon (born 1960)
*Tomás Garbizu (1901-1989)
*Roberto Garcia Morillo (1911 - 2003)
*John Gardner (born 1917)
*Kay Gardner (1941-2002)
*Zoltán Gárdonyi (1906 - 1986)
*Vincenza Garelli della Morea (1859–"after" 1924)
*Peter Garland (born 1952)
*Lūcija Garūta (19021977)
*Philippe Gaubert (1879-1941)
*Marianne Gary-Schaffhauser (born 1903)
*Crawford Gates (born 1922]
*Koharik Gazarossian (19071967)
*Roberta Geddes-Harvey (18491930)
*Gerda Geertens (born 1955)
*Rolf Gehlhaar (born 1943)
*Evren Genis (born 1978)
*Ada Gentile (born 1947)
*Roberto Gerhardt (1896 - 1970)
*Edward German (1862 - 1936)
*Abbie Gerrish-Jones (18631929)
*George Gershwin (1898 - 1937)
*Stefano Gervasoni (born 1962)
*Maura Ghoneim (born 1955)
*Vittorio Giannini (1903 - 1966)
*Cecil Armstrong Gibbs (1889 - 1960)
*Jon Gibson (born 1940)
*Robert Gibson (born 1950)
*Miriam Gideon (19061996)
*Helen Gifford (born 1935)
*Paul Gilson (1865 - 1942)
*Alberto Ginastera (1916 - 1983)
*Umberto Giordano (1867 - 1948)
*Daniel Giorgetti (born 1971)
*Ruth Gipps (1921 - 1999)
*Suzanne Giraud (born 1958)
*Janice Giteck (born 1946)
*Barbara Giuranna (18981998)
*Peggy Glanville-Hicks (1912 - 1990)
*Philip Glass (born 1937)
*Helen Glatz (born 1908)
*Evelyn Glennie (born 1965)
*Reinhold Glière (1875-1956)
*Vinko Globokar (born 1934)
*Radames Gnattali (1906 - 1987)
*Vladimír Godár (born 1956)
*Leopold Godowsky (1870 - 1938)
*Heiner Goebbels (born 1952)
*Alexander Goehr (born 1932)
*Walter Goehr (1903 - 1960)
*Sir Dean Goffin (1916 - 1984)
*Ronald Gold (born 1953)
*Carl Goldmark (1830 - 1915)
*Rubin Goldmark (1872 - 1936)
*Berthold Goldschmidt (1903 - 1996)
*Osvaldo Golijov (born 1960)
*Evgeny Golubev (1910 - 1988)
*Chiquinha Gonzaga (18471935)
*Eugène Goossens (1893 - 1962)
*Otar Gordeli (born 1928)
*Henryk Górecki (born 1933)
*Annette vande Gorne (born 1946)
*Annie Gosfield (born 1960)
*Ida Gotkovsky (born 1933)
*Glenn Gould (1932 - 1982)
*Morton Gould (1913 - 1996)
*Dorothy Gow (18931982)
*Janet Graham (born 1948)
*Percy Grainger (1882 - 1961)
*Enrique Granados (1867 - 1916)
*Micki Grant (born 1941)
*Hector Gratton (1900-1970)
*Alexander Gretchaninoff (1864 - 1956)
*María Grever (18851951)
*Mark Gresham (born 1956)
*Geoffrey Grey (born 1934)
*Charles Tomlinson Griffes (1884 - 1920)
*Beverly Grigsby (born 1928)
*Gérard Grisey (1946 - 1998)
*Thomas Griselle (1891-1955)
*Ferde Grofé (1892-1972)
*Eivind Groven (1901 - 1977)
*Juozas Gruodis (1884-1948)
*Alejandro Guarello (born 1951)
*Camargo Guarnieri (1907 - 1993)
*Sofia Gubaidulina (born 1931)
*Emilia Gubitosi (18871972)
*Rosa Guraieb (born 1931)
*Nazife Güran (19211993)
*Benjamín Gutiérrez Saénz []
*Elizabeth Gyring (18861970)
*Henry Gwiazda (born 1952)


*Alois Hába (18931973)
*Karel Hába (18981972)
*Daron Hagen (born 1961)
*Helen Eugenia Hagan (18931964)
*Júlia Hajdú (19151987)
*Jeremy Haladyna
*Pauline Hall (18901969)
*Hans Peter Haller (born 1929)
*Calvin Hampton (19381984)
*Ann-Elise Hannikainen (born 1946)
*Howard Hanson (18961981)
*Kazuko Hara (born 1935)
*John Harbison (born 1938)
*Guy d'Hardelot (18581936)
*Egil Harder (19171997)
*Halina Harelava (born 1951)
*R. Ethel Harraden ("fl." late 19th centuryearly 20th century)
*Richard Harris (born 1968)
*Roy Harris (1898-1979)
*Annie Fortescue Harrison (18511944)
*Lou Harrison (19172003)
*Michael Harrison (19?- )
*Pamela Harrison (19151990)
*Susie Frances Harrison (18591935)
*Martyn Harry (born 1964)
*Stephen Hartke (born 1952)
*Karl Amadeus Hartmann (19051963)
*Hamilton Harty (18791941)
*Jonathan Harvey (born 1939)
*Irina Hasnaş (born 1954)
*Jon Hassell (born 1937)
*Josef Matthias Hauer (18831959)
*Erik Haumann (born 1952)
*Birgit Havenstein (born 1954)
*Hanna Havrylets' (born 1958)
*Fiona Joy Hawkins (born 1964)
*Diana Pereira Hay (born 1932)
*Sorrel Hays (born 1941)
*Marcus Tristan Heathcock (born 1967)
*Celeste de Longpré Heckscher (18601928)
*Gherry Hedin (ca. 19392006)
*Åse Hedstrøm (born 1950)
*Jake Heggie (born 1961)
*Bernhard Heiden (1910-2000)
*John Heiss (born 1938)
*Walter Hekster (born 1937)
*Piers Hellawell (born 1956)
*Barbara Heller (born 1936)
*Moya Henderson (born 1941)
*Ig Henneman (born 1945)
*Pierre Henry (born 1927)
*Hans Werner Henze (born 1926)
*Gisela Hernández (19121971)
*Bernard Herrmann (19111975)
*Fred Hersch (born 1955)
*Willy Hess
*Ethel Glenn Hier (18891971)
*Alfred Hill (18701960)
*Mirrie Hill (18921986)
*Lejaren Hiller (19241994)
*John S. Hilliard (born 1947)
*Paul Hindemith (18951963)
*Rozalie Hirs (born 1965)
*Ho Wai-On (born 1946)
*Tim Hodgkinson (born 1949)
*Margriet Hoenderdos (born 1952)
*Leslie Hogan
*Dulcie Sybil Holland (born 1913)
*Donald Russell Hollier (born 1934)
*Vagn Holmboe (19091996)
*Borghild Holmsen (18651938)
*Gustav Holst (18741934)
*Imogen Holst (19071984)
*Adriana Hölszky (born 1953)
*Richard E Holz (born 1914)
*Arthur Honegger (18921955)
*Helen Francis Hood (18631949)
*Katherine Hoover (born 1937)
*Helen Hopekirk (18561945)
*Antony Hopkins (born 1921)
*Sarah Hopkins (born 1958)
*Mark-David Hosale
*Edward Hosharian (1940-1990)
*Greg Hosharian (born 1977)
*Toshio Hosokawa (born 1955)
*Andre Hossein (1905-1983)
*Eleanor Hovda (born 1940)
*Alan Hovhaness (19112000)
*Edgar Hovhannessian (1930-1998)
*Brian Howard (born 1951)
*Elgar Howarth (born 1935)
*Mary Howe (18821964)
*Dorothy Howell (18981982)
*Dobri Hristov (18751941)
*Zhun Huang (born 1926)
*Nicolaus A. Huber (born 1939)
*Elaine Hugh-Jones (born 1927)
*Tonci Huljic (born 1961)
*Bertold Hummel (19252002)
*Hans Ulrich Humpert
*Jerry Hunt (19431993)
*Philippe Hurel (born 1955)
*Brenda Hutchinson (born 1954)
*Miriam Beatrice Hyde (19132005)


*Jacques Ibert (1890 - 1962)
*Akira Ifukube (1916 - 2006)
*Ilayaraaja (1943 -)
*Andrew Imbrie (19212007)
*Federico Incardona (1958 - 2006)
*John Ireland (1883 - 1962)
*Regina Irman (born 1957)
*Madeleine Isaksson (born 1956)
*Charles Ives (1874 - 1954)
*Jean Eichelberger Ivey (born 1923)
*Adina Izarra (born 1959)


*Najla Jabor (born 1915)
*Gabriel Jackson (born 1962)
*Gordon Jacob (1895 - 1984)
*Marie Jaëll (18461925)
*Dorothy James (19011982)
*Leoš Janáček (1854 - 1928)
*Viera Janárčeková (born 1941)
*Natalia Janotha (18561932)
*Armas Järnefelt (1869-1958)
*Jean Michel Jarre (born 1948)
*Maurice Jarre (born 1924)
*Leroy Jenkins (born 1932)
*Alden Jenks (born 1940)
*Kerstin Jeppsson (born 1948)
*Hilda Jerea (19191980)
*Eva Jessye (18851992)
*Marta Jiráčková (born 1932)
* Theo Jörgensmann (born 1948)
*David C. Johnson (born 1940)
*David N. Johnson (1922-1987)
*M. Zachary Johnson (born 1974)
*Scott Johnson (born 1952)
*Tom Johnson (born 1939)
*Ben Johnston (born 1926)
*Fergus Johnston (born 1959)
* Betsy Jolas (born 1926)
*André Jolivet (1905 - 1974)
*Axel Borup Jørgensen (born 1924)
*Klaus Ib Jørgensen (born 1967)
*Bradley Joseph (born 1965)
* Jane M. Joseph (18941929)
*Maurice Journeau (1898 - 1999)
* Patricia Jünger (born 1951)
*Julius Juzeliūnas (1916-2001)


*Miloslav Kabeláč (1908-1979)
*Dmitri Kabalevsky (1904 - 1987)
*Mauricio Kagel (born 1931)
*Erich Itor Kahn (1905-1956)
*Yuki Kajiura (born 1965)
*Alexander Kaloian (born 1962)
*Trisutji Kamal (born 1936)
*Laura Kaminsky (born 1956)
*Kikuko Kanai (19111986)
*Giya Kancheli (born 1935)
*Shigeru Kan-no (born 1959)
*Yoko Kanno (born 1964)
*Artur Kapp (1878-1952)
*Vítězslava Kaprálová (19151940)
*Nikolai Kapustin (born 1937)
*Sirvart Karamanuk (born 1912)
*Richard Karpen (born 1957)
*Heino Kaski (1885-1957)
*Brian E. Katona (born 1976)
*Nicolas Kaviani (born 1977)
*Leif Kayser (1919-2001)
*Nigel Keay (born 1955)
*David Kechley (born 1947)
*Gerald Kechley (born ca. 1919)
*Ralph Edward Kechley (fl. 1940)
*Robert Kechley (born 1952)
*Nigel Kennedy (born 1956)
*Aaron Jay Kernis (born 1960)
*Aram Khachaturian (1903-1978)
*Karen Khachaturian (born 1920)
*Tikhon Khrennikov (born 1913)
*Wojciech Kilar (born 1932)
*Wilhelm Killmayer (born 1927)
*Earl Kim (1920-1998)
*Gideon Klein (1919-1945)
*Phil Kline
*Oliver Knussen (born 1952)
*Günter Kochan (born 1930)
*Zoltán Kodály (1882-1967)
*Nevit Kodallı (born 1924)
*Charles Koechlin (1867-1950)
*Gerard Kockelmans (1925-1965)
*Joonas Kokkonen (1921-1996)
*Panayiotis Kokoras (born 1974)
*Leo B. Kopp (19381968)
*Thomas Koppel (1944-2006)
*Mark Kopytman (born 1929)
*Peter Jona Korn (19?- )
*Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897-1957)
*Evgeni Kostitsyn (born 1963)
*William Kraft (born 1923)
*Jonathan Kramer (1942-2004)
*Hans Krása (1899-1944)
*Ernst Krenek (1900-1991)
*William Kroll (1901-1980)
*Henry Kucharzyk (born 1953)
*Gary Kulesha (born 1954)
*Jos Kunst (1936-1996)
*Andreas Kunstein (born 1967)
*Hans Kunstovny (born 1947)
*Ladislav Kupkovic (born 1936)
*Bronius Kutavičius (born 1932)
*Toivo Kuula (1883-1981)
*Robert Kyr (born 1952)


*Joan LaBarbara (born 1947)
*Juan Sebastian Lach (born 1970)
*Helmut Lachenmann (born 1935)
*Butch Lacy (born 1947)
*Steve Lacy (born 1934)
*Ezra Laderman (born 1924)
*Constant Lambert (19051951)
*Eastwood Lane (18791951)
*David Lang (born 1957)
*Rued Langgaard (1893-1952)
*Vanessa Lann (born 1968)
*Paul Lansky (born 1944)
*André Laporte (born 1931)
*Agustin Lara (1900-1969/70)
*Patrick Larley (born 1951)
*Lars-Erik Larsson (19081986)
*William P. Latham (19172004)
*Morten Lauridsen (born 1943)
*Antonio Lauro (1917-1986)
*Elodie Lauten
*Mario Lavista (born 1943)
*Marc Lavry (19031967)
*Bo Lawergren (born 1937)
*Billy Jim Layton (born 1924)
*Mary Jane Leach (born 1949)
*Anne Lebaron (born 1953)
*Ernesto Lecuona (1896-1963)
*Jón Leifs (18991968)
*David Leisner (born 1953)
*Troy Lennerd (born 1970)
*Daniel Lentz (born 1942)
*Georges Lentz (born 1965)
*Wadada Leo Smith (born 1941)
*Fred Lerdahl (born 1943)
*Philippe Leroux (born 1959)
*Paul Alan Levi (born 1941)
*Fabien Lévy (born 1968)
*György Ligeti (19232006)
*Douglas Lilburn (19152001)
*Magnus Lindberg (born 1958)
*George Lloyd (19131998)
*Annea Lockwood (born 1939)
*Theo Loevendie (born 1930)
*Wendell Logan (born 1940)
*Ruth Lomon (born 1930)
*Michel Longtin (born 1946)
*Fernando Lopes Graça (19061994)
*Alexina Louie (b. 1949)
*Alvin Lucier (born 1931)
*Otto Luening (19001996)
*Torbjorn Iwan Lundquist (born 1920)
*Stanley Lunetta (born 1937)
*Witold Lutosławski (19131994)
*Elisabeth Lutyens (19061983)
*Monica Lynn


*François-Bernard Mâche (born 1935)
*Steven Mackey (born 1956)
*Ernest Campbell MacMillan (1893-1973)
*James MacMillan (born 1959)
*Elizabeth Maconchy (19071994)
*Carleton Macy (born 1944)
*Bruno Maderna (19201973)
*Leevi Madetoja (1887-1947)
*Ester Mägi (born 1922)
*Alma Mahler (1879-1964)
*David Mahler (born 1944)
*Gustav Mahler (18601911)
*Javier Torres Maldonado (born 1968)
*Gian Francesco Malipiero (18821973)
*Michio Mamiya (born 1929)
*Philippe Manoury (born 1952)
*Bunita Marcus (born 1952)
*Pierre Mariétan (born 1935)
*Miklós Maros (born 1943)
*Ingram Marshall (born 1942)
*Frank Martin (18901974)
*Donald Martino (1931-2005)
*Bohuslav Martinů (18901959)
*Steve Martland (born 1959)
*Joseph Marx (18821964)
*Pietro Mascagni (18631945)
*Daniel Gregory Mason (18731953)
*David Maslanka (born 1943)
*Diego Masson (born 1935)
*Lovro von Matačić (1899-1985)
*André Mathieu (1929-1968)
*Yori-aki Matsudaira (born 1931)
*Yoritsune Matsudaira (1907-2001)
*Colin Matthews (born 1946)
*David Matthews (born 1943)
*Nicholas Maw (born 1935)
*Andrew McBirnie (born 1971)
*Harl McDonald (1899-1955)
*George Frederick McKay (18991970)
*Carl McKinley (1895– )
*Colin McPhee (19001964)
*Richard Meale (born 1932)
*Nikolai Medtner (18801951)
*Peter Mennin (19231983)
*Gian Carlo Menotti (1911-2007)
*Oskar Merikanto (1868-1924)
*Wim Mertens (born 1953)
*Parviz Meshkatian (born 1955)
*Olivier Messiaen (19081992)
*Edgar Meyer (born 1960)
*Ernst Hermann Meyer (19051988)
*Winfried Michel (born 1948)
*Peter Mieg (19061990)
*Francisco Mignone (18971986)
*Ödön Mihalovich (18421929)
*Minoru Miki (born 1930)
*Darius Milhaud (1892-1974)
*Peter Milne (18241908)
*Ilhan Mimaroglu (1926- )
*Christian Minkowitsch (born 1962)
*Haruki Mino (born 1950)
*Behzad Mirkhani (born 1969)
*Roscoe Mitchell (born 1940)
*Luca Miti (born 1957)
*Dary John Mizelle (born 1940)
*Ernest John Moeran (18941950)
*Luis Manuel Molina (born 1958)
*Andrea Molino (born 1964)
*Federico Mompou (18931987)
*José Pablo Moncayo (19121958)
*Meredith Monk (born 1942)
*Jacques-Louis Monod (born 1927)
*Ivan Moody (born 1964)
*Douglas Stuart Moore (18931969)
*Oskar Morawetz (born 1917)
*Luigi Morleo (born 1970)
*Henri Mulet (1878-1967)
*Gordon Mumma (born 1935)
*Tristan Murail (born 1947)
*Thea Musgrave (born 1928)
*John Musto (born 1954)
*Nikolai Myaskovsky (18511950)


*Katsutoshi Nagasawa (1923 - 2008)
*Yoshinao Nakada (1923-2000)
*Šarūnas Nakas (born 1962)
*Conlon Nancarrow (19121997)
*Onute Narbutaite (born 1956)
*Václav Nelhýbel (1919 - 1996)
*Bill Nelson (born 1948)
*James Nelson (born 1945)
*Carl Nielsen (1865 - 1931)
*Lewis J. Nielson (born 1951)
*John Jacob Niles (1892-1980)
*Marlos Nobre (born 1939)
*Arne Nordheim (born 1931)
*Per Nørgård (born 1932)
*Ib Nørholm (born 1931)
*Luigi Nono (19241990)
* [ Michael Norris] (born 1973)
*Ervin Nyíregyházi (1903-1987)
*Michael Nyman (born 1944)
*Knut Nystedt (born 1915)


*Kevin O'Connell (born 1958)
*Bertram Walton O'Donnell (18871939)
*Robert ODwyer (18621949)
*Seán Ó Riada (19311971)
*Nicolas Obouhow (18921954)
*Robert Oboussier (19001957)
*Aleksandar Obradović (born 1927)
*Jana Obrovská (19301987)
*Michael Obst (born 1955)
*Andrej Očenáš (19111995)
*Siegfried Ochs (18581929)
*Irina Odăgescu-Ţuţuianu (born 1937)
*Krsto Odak (18881965)
*Karel Odstrčil (19301997)
*Helmut Oehring (born 1961)
*Gonzalo de Olavide (19342005)
*Kevin Oldham (1960-1993)
*Sergio Roberto de Oliveira
*Pauline Oliveros (born 1932)
*Justice Olsson (born 1949)
*Marco Oppedisano (born 1971)
*Daphne Oram
*Julián Orbón (19251991)
*Carl Orff (18951982)
*Leo Ornstein (18932002)
*Willson Osborne (1906 - 1979)
*August von Othegraven (18641946)
*Jaime Ovalle (1894-1955)
*Robert Lee Owens (born 1925)


*Joseph Packales (born 1948)
*José de Paiva Netto (born 1941)
*Selim Palmgren (18781951)
*Paul Panhuysen
*Andrzej Panufnik (19141991)
*Roxanna Panufnik
*Evangelos Papathanassiou
*Carlos Paredes
*Kyoung Shin Park (born 1939)
*Charles Hubert Parry (18481918)
*Arvo Pärt (born 1935)
*Harry Partch (19011974)
*Paul Patterson (born 1947)
*Anthony Payne (born 1936)
*Juan Carlos Paz (19011972)
*Bohumil Pazdírek (18391919)
*Kenneth Howard Peacock (born 1922)
*Carlo Pedini (born 1956)
*Flor Peeters (19031986)
*James Penberthy (19171999)
*Krzysztof Penderecki (born 1933)
*Francesco Pennisi (19342000)
*Ernst Pepping (19011981)
*Nick Peros (born 1963)
*George Perle (born 1915)
*Scott Perry
*William Perry (born 1930)
*Vincent Persichetti (1915-1987)
*Wilhelm Peterson-Berger (18671942)
*Allan Pettersson (19111980)
*Hans Pfitzner (18691949)
*Ástor Piazzolla (19211992)
*Henri-Constant-Gabriel Pierné (1863 - 1937)
*Ernest Pingoud (18871942)
*Daniel Pinkham (19232006)
*Paul A. Pisk (18931990)
*Walter Piston (18941976)
*Ildebrando Pizzetti (18801968)
*Larry Polansky (born 1954)
*Manuel Maria Ponce (1882-1948)
*Sanford Ponder
*Quincy Porter (18971966)
*Francis Pott (born 1957)
*Francis Poulenc (18991963)
*Henri Pousseur (born 1929)
*Simon Proctor
*Sergei Prokofiev (18911953)
*Miroslav Pudlák (born 1961)


*Sergei Rachmaninoff (18731943)
*Ali Rahbari (born 1948)
*Eliane Radigue (born 1932)
*Priaulx Rainier (19031986)
*Bernard Rands (born 1934)
*Ture Rangström (18841947)
*Behzad Ranjbaran (born 1955)
*Günter Raphael (19031960)
*Karl Aage Rasmussen (born 1947)
*Einojuhani Rautavaara (born 1928)
*Maurice Ravel (18751937)
*Alan Rawsthorne (19051971)
*John Rea (born 1944)
*Alfred Reed (19212005)
*H. Owen Reed (born 1910)
*Steve Reich (born 1936)
*Aribert Reimann (born 1936)
*Ottorino Respighi (18791936)
*Silvestre Revueltas (18991940)
*Cemal Resit Rey (19041985)
*Roger Reynolds (born 1934)
*Godfrey Ridout (19181984)
*Wallingford Riegger (18851961)
*Wolfgang Rihm (born 1952)
*Terry Riley (born 1935)
*Jeremy Dale Roberts (born 1934)
*Manuel Rocha Iturbide (born 1963)
*George Rochberg (19182005)
*Joaquin Rodrigo (19011999)
*Ernesto Rodrigues (born 1959)
*G H Matos Rodriguez (19001948)
*Robert Xavier Rodriguez (born 1946)
*Anoushiravan Rohani (born 1939)
*Shardad Rohani
*Amadeo Roldán (19001939)
*Ned Rorem (born 1923)
*Marco Rosano (born 1964)
*David Rosenboom (born 1947)
*Nino Rota (19111979)
*Christopher Rouse (born 1949)
*Mikel Rouse (born 1957)
*Albert Roussel (18691937)
*Miklós Rózsa (1907-1995)
*Edmund Rubbra (19011986)
*Poul Ruders (born 1949)
*Dane Rudhyar (18951985)
*Witold Rudzinski (born 1913)
*Jeanine Rueff (19221999)
*Carl Ruggles (18761971)
*Antonio Ruiz-Pipo (19341997)
*John Rutter (born 1945)
*Frederic Rzewski (born 1938)
*Osmo Tapio Räihälä (born 1964)

*Mart Saar (1882-1963)
*Kaija Saariaho (born 1952)
*Tolibjon Sadikov (19071957)
*Eduardo Sainz de la Maza (1903-1982)
*Oskar Sala (19102002)
*Aulis Sallinen (born 1935)
*Vadim Salmanov (19121978)
*Erik Satie (18661925)
*Eric Sawyer (born 1962)
*Fazil Say (born 1970)
*Ahmet Adnan Saygun (19071991)
*Giacinto Scelsi (19051988)
*R Murray Schafer (born 1933)
*Martin Scherber (1907-1974
*Fritz Schieri (born 1922)
*Franz Schmidt (18741939)
*Florent Schmitt (18701958)
*Alfred Schnittke (19341998)
*Arnold Schoenberg (18741951)
*Barry Schrader (born 1945)
*Franz Schreker (18781934)
*Hermann Schroeder (19041984)
*Erwin Schulhoff (18941942)
*Gunther Schuller (born 1925)
*William Schuman (19101992)
*Wolfgang von Schweinitz (born 1953)
*Kurt Schwertsik (born 1935)
*Salvatore Sciarrino (born 1947)
*Alexander Scriabin (18721915)
*Peter Sculthorpe (born 1929)
*Ramon Sender (1934- )
*John Serry, Sr. (19152003)
*Roger Sessions (18961985)
*Harold Shapero (born 1929)
*Alex Shapiro (born 1962)
*Byambasuren Sharav (born 1952)
*Tolib Shakhidi (born 1946)
*Ralph Shapey (1921-2002)
*Gerald Shapiro (born 1942)
*Elliott Sharp (born 1951)
*Alexander Shchetinsky (born 1960)
*Hsueh-Yung Shen (born 1952)
*Sinyan Shen (born 1949)
*Dmitri Shostakovich (19061975)
*Jean Sibelius (18651957)
*Elie Siegmeister (19091991)
*Roberto Sierra (born 1953)
*Aleksandar Simić (born 1973)
*Marijn simons (born 1982)
*Robert Simpson (19211997)
*Ezra Sims (born 1928)
*Alvin Singleton (born 1940)
*Urmas Sisask (born 1960)
*Fredrik Sixten (born 1962)
*Nikos Skalkottas (19041949)
*Lucijan Škerjanc (1900-1973)
*Nicolas Slonimsky (18941995)
*Larry Alan Smith (born 1955)
*Reginald Smith Brindle (19172003)
*Juan Maria Solare (born 1966)
*Avo Sõmer (born 1934)
*Harry Somers (19251999)
*Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji (18921988)
*Ann Southam (born 1937)
*Isabel Soveral (born 1961)
*Fela Sowande (19051987)
*Bernadette Speach (born 1948)
*Laurie Spiegel (born 1945)
*Georgia Spiropoulos (born 1965)
*Charles Villiers Stanford (18521924)
*Robert Steadman (born 1965)
*Rudi Stephan (18871915)
*Edward Steuermann (18921964)
*Bernard Stevens (19161983)
*Halsey Stevens (1908-1989)
*William Grant Still (1895-1978)
*Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007)
*Carl Stone (born 1953)
*Alan Stout (19?- )
*Ignace Strasfogel (1909-1994)
*Richard Strauss (18641949)
*Igor Stravinsky (18821971)
*Steven Stucky (born 1949)
*Angelo Sturiale (born 1970)
*Paul Sturm (born 1956)
*Morton Subotnick (born 1933)
*Eugen Suchoň (1902-1993)
*Josef Suk (18741935)
*Lepo Sumera (1950-2000 )
*Howard Swanson (19071978)
*Giles Swayne (born 1946)
*Wladyslaw Szpilman (19112000)
*Karol Szymanowski (18821937)


*Tigran Tahmizyan (born 1961)
*Germaine Tailleferre (18921983)
*Toru Takemitsu (19301996)
*Louise Talma (19061996)
*Justinian Tamasuza (born 1951)
*Alexandre Tansman (18971986)
*John Tavener (born 1944)
*Deems Taylor (18851966)
*Robert Taylor (born 1931)
*Alexander Tcherepnin (18991977)
*Ivan Tcherepnin (born 1943)
*Nikolai Tcherepnin (18731945)
*Serge Tcherepnin (born 1941)
*Richard Teitelbaum (born 1939)
*James Tenney (19342006)
*Avet Terterian (19291994)
*Daniel Theaker (born 1967)
*Mikis Theodorakis (born 1925)
*Augusta Read Thomas (born 1964)
*Randall Thompson (18991984)
*Virgil Thomson (18961989)
*Francis Thorne (born 1922)
*Frank Ticheli (born 1958)
*Luís Tinoco (born 1969)
*Michael Tippett (19051998)
*Loris Tjeknavorian (born 1937)
*Rudolf Tobias (18731918)
*Camillo Togni (19221993)
*Isao Tomita (born 1932)
*Federico Moreno Torroba (18911982)
*Michael Torke (born 1961)
*Marcel Tournier (18791951)
*Joan Tower (born 1938)
*Max Trapp (1887-1971)
*David Del Tredici (born 1937)
*Stephen Truelove (born 1946)
*Hristo Spasov Tsanoff (born 1947)
*Eduard Tubin (19051982)
*David Tudor (19261996)
*Joaquin Turina (18821949)
*Mark-Anthony Turnage (born 1960)
*Erkki-Sven Tüür (born 1959)
*Geirr Tveitt (19081981)
*Toby Twining (born 1958)
*'Blue' Gene Tyranny (born 1945)


*David Uber (born 1921)
* Nobuo Uematsu (born 1959)
*Eckhard Unruh (1921-1996)
*Ernst Ludwig Uray (1906-1988)
* Kevin Ure (born 1978)
*İlhan Usmanbaş (born 1923)
* Vladimir Ussachevsky (1911-1990)


*Moisei Vainberg (1919 - 1996)
*Patricia Van Ness (born 1951)
*Edgard Varèse (1883 - 1965)
*Peteris Vasks (born 1946)
*Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958)
*John Veale (1922-2006)
*Jasna Veličković
*Matthijs Vermeulen (1888 - 1967)
*Lois V. Vierk (born 1951)
*Louis Vierne (1873-1937)
*Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 - 1959)
*Ezequiel Viñao (born 1960)
*Claude Vivier (1948-1983)
*Kevin Volans (born 1949)
*Jan Vriend (born 1938)
*Klaas de Vries (born 1944)


*Gregg Wager (born 1958)
*Henry Walford Davies (18691944)
*George Walker (1922- )
*William Walton (19021983)
*Robert Ward (born 1917)
*David Ward-Steinman (born 1936)
*Peter Warlock (18941930)
*Franz Waxman (19061967)
*Anton Webern (18831945)
*Kurt Weill (19001950)
*Jaromír Weinberger (1896-1967)
*Mieczysław Weinberg (19191996)
*John Weinzweig (19132006)
*Judith Weir (born 1954)
*Egon Wellesz (18851974)
*Felix Werder (born 1922)
*Richard Wetz (1875-1935)
*Paul W. Whear (born 1925)
*Eric Whitacre (born 1970)
*Gillian Whitehead (born 1941)
*Healey Willan (18801968)
*Alberto Williams (18621952)
*Clifton Williams (19231976)
*John Williams (born 1932)
*Malcolm Williamson (19312003)
*Thomas Wilson (19272001)
*Olly Woodrow Wilson (19?- )
*Dag Wirén (19051986)
*Daniel James Wolf (born 1961)
*Julia Wolfe (born 1958)
*Christian Wolff (born 1934)
*Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari (18761948)
*Stefan Wolpe (19021972)
*Haydn Wood (18821959)
*Charles Wuorinen (born 1938)


*Iannis Xenakis (1922 - 2001)


*Yitzhak Yedid (born 1971)
*Jun Yamaguchi (born 1967)
*Yanni (born 1954)
*Chen Yi
*Takashi Yoshimatsu (born 1953)
*La Monte Young (born 1935)
*Isang Yun (1917 - 1995)


*Frank Zappa (19401993)
*Alexander von Zemlinsky (18711942)
*Jaime Mirtenbaum Zenamon (born 1953)
*Hans Zender (born 1936)
*Zhou Long (born 1953)
*Bernd Alois Zimmermann (19181970)
*Heinz Werner Zimmermann (born 1930)
*Udo Zimmermann (born 1943)
*Walter Zimmerman (born 1949)
*Evan Ziporyn (born 1959)
*John Zorn (born 1953)
*Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (born 1939)
*Samuel Zyman (born 1956)

ee also

*Acousmatic art
*Contemporary music
*List of 21st century classical composers

External links

* [ The Living Composers Project]
* [ Art of the States: Search by composer] American composers

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