Portuguese personal pronouns

Portuguese personal pronouns

The Portuguese personal pronouns and possessives display a higher degree of inflection than other parts of speech. Personal pronouns have distinct forms according to whether they stand for a subject (nominative), a direct object (accusative), an indirect object (dative), or a reflexive object. Several pronouns further have special forms used after prepositions.

The possessive pronouns are the same as the possessive adjectives, but each is inflected to express the grammatical person of the possessor and the grammatical gender of the possessed.

Pronoun use displays considerable variation with register and dialect, with particularly pronounced differences between the most colloquial varieties of European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese.

Subject, object, and complement

Basic forms

The personal pronouns of Portuguese have three basic forms, subjective, objective (object of a verb), and prepositional (object of a preposition).

numberpersonsubjectobject of verbobject of preposition
3rd.ele, ela, vocêo, a1; lhe; se3ele, ela, você; si3
3rd.eles, elas, vocêsos, as1; lhes vocês2; se3eles, elas, vocês; si3

1 direct object (masculine and feminine)2 indirect object3 reflexive or reciprocal

ubjective pronouns

Forms of address

Like most European languages, Portuguese has different words for "you", according to the degree of formality that the speaker wishes to show towards the addressee (T-V distinction). In very broad terms, "tu", "você" (both meaning singular "you") and "vocês" (plural "you") are used in informal situations, while in formal contexts "o senhor", "a senhora", "os senhores" and "as senhoras" (masculine singular, feminine singular, masculine plural, and feminine plural "you", respectively) are preferred. However, there is considerable regional variation in the use of these terms, and more specific forms of address are sometimes employed.

Generally speaking, "tu" is the familiar form of address used with family, friends, and minors. "Você" indicates distance without deference, and tends to be used between people who are, roughly, social equals. "O senhor" / "a senhora" (literally "sir"/"madam") are the most ceremonious forms of address. English speakers may find the latter construction akin to the parliamentary convention of referring to fellow legislators in the third person (as "my colleague", "the gentleman", "the member", etc.), although the level of formality conveyed by "o senhor" is not as great. In fact, variants of "o senhor" and "a senhora" with more nuanced meanings such as "o professor" ("professor"), "o colega" ("colleague") and "o pai" ("father") are also employed as personal pronouns. In the plural, there are two main levels of politeness, the informal "vocês" and the formal "os senhores" / "as senhoras".

This threefold scheme is, however, complicated by regional and social variation. For example, in most communities of Brazilian Portuguese speakers, the traditional "tu"/"você" distinction has been lost, and the previously formal "você" tends to replace the familiar "tu" in most cases. On the other hand, in Portugal it's common to use a person's own name as a pronoun more or less equivalent to "você", e.g., "o José", "o sr. Silva", which is unheard of in Brazil.

When addressing older people or hierarchical superiors, modern BP speakers often replace 'você' and 'vocês' by the expressions "O(s) senhor(es)" and "A(s) senhora(s)", which also require third-person verb forms and third-person object/reflexive/possessive pronouns. 'O(s) senhor(es)' and 'A(s) senhora(s)' are also used in formal contexts in modern EP, in addition to a large number of similar pronominalized nouns that vary according to the person who is being addressed, e.g. "a menina" , "o pai", "a mãe", "o engenheiro", "o doutor", etc.

Historically, "você" derives from "vossa mercê" ("your mercy" or "your grace") via the intermediate forms "vossemecê" and "vosmecê"; compare with the derivation of Spanish "usted" from "vuestra merced".

"Nós" vs. "a gente"

A very common colloquial alternative to the 1st. person plural pronoun "nós" "we" is the noun phrase "a gente", which formally takes verbs and possessives of the 3rd. person singular. Although avoided in the most formal registers, it is not considered incorrect, unless it is accompanied by verbs conjugated in the 1st. person plural, as in "*A gente moramos na cidade", instead of the normative "A gente mora na cidade" "We live in the city".


The 2nd. person plural subjective pronoun "vós" has fallen into disuse in Portuguese. Currently, it is only employed:

* In religious texts and services.
* In very formal registers, for archaism.
* In a few dialects of northern Portugal.
* In historical fiction.

Instead of it, the word "vocês" is used, or equivalent forms of address which take verbs and possessives of the 3rd. person plural. See the "Forms of address" section, above, and also the notes on colloquial usage, at the bottom of the page.

Objective pronouns

Proclisis, enclisis, and mesoclisis

As in other Romance languages, objective pronouns are clitics, which must come next to a verb, and are pronounced together with it as a unit. They may appear before the verb (proclisis, "lhe dizer"), after the verb, linked to it with a hyphen (enclisis, "dizer-lhe"), or, more rarely, within the verb, between its stem and its desinence (mesoclisis, "dir-lhe-ei").

Enclisis and mesoclisis may require some euphonic adjustments in the verb ending and/or in the pronoun, e.g. "cantar" + "o" = "cantá-lo" "to sing it". The direct and indirect object pronouns can be contracted, as in "dar" + "lhe" + "os" = "dar-lhos" "to give them to him"; cf. Spanish "dar" + "le" + "los" = "dárselos".

:"comprá-lo-ei" = "comprarei" + "o" "I will buy it".:"dar-to-ia" = "daria" + "o" + "te" "I would give it to you".:"dar-lho-ia" = "daria" + "o" + "lhe" "I would give it to him".

When a verb conjugated in the 1st. person plural, ending in "-s", is followed by the enclitic pronoun "nos", the "s" is dropped. Examples: "Vamo-nos" ["vamos" + "nos"] "embora amanhã" (We are leaving tomorrow), "Respeitemo-nos" ["respeitemos" + "nos"] "mutuamente" (Let us respect each other).


Third person direct object clitic pronouns have several forms, depending on their position with relation to the verb and on the verb's ending. If the pronoun is enclitic and the verb ends with a consonant, or if the pronoun is mesoclitic and the root of the verb ends with a consonant, then that consonant is elided, and an "l" is added to the beginning of the pronoun. If the pronoun is enclitic and the verb ends with a nasal diphthong (spelled "-ão", "-am", "-em", "-ém", "-êm", "-õe", or "-õem"), an "n" is added to the beginning of the pronoun. The same happens after other clitic pronouns, and after the adverbial particle "eis".

defaultafter a consonantafter a nasal diphthong

The third person forms "o", "a", "os", and "as" may present the variants "lo", "la", "los", "las", "no", "na", "nos", and "nas":
* "Lo", "la", "los", and "las" are used after verbal forms ending with a consonant, which is elided. Examples: "seduz" + "a" = "sedu-la", "faz" + "o" = "fá-lo", "diz" + "o" = "di-lo", "destróis" + "os" = "destrói-los" (different from "destrói-os", in which the verb is conjugated in the imperative mood), "comes" + "a" = "come-la" (different from "come-a"), "apanha-las" ("apanhas" + "as"), "amá-lo" ("amar" +"o"), "fazê-lo" ("fazer" + "o"), "partire-lo" ("partires" +"o"), "tem-la" ("tens" + "a", notice how the "n" changes into an "m"). Note the exception "quere-o" ("quer" + "o") instead of "qué-lo" ("qué-lo" is still permitted, but uncommon).
* This also occurs when the pronoun is in mesoclitic position: "matá-lo-ás" ("matarás" + "o"), "fá-lo-ias" ("farias" + "o"), "feri-lo-ias" ("feririas" + "o"), "comê-lo-ias" ("comerias" + "o").
* The variants "no", "na", "nos" and "nas" are used after a verbal form ending with a nasal diphthong. Examples: "põe-no" ("põe" + "o"), "tem-na" ("tem" + "a"), "comeram-nos" (ambiguous, can mean "comeram" + "os" "they ate them", or "comeram" + "nos" "they ate us").
* The pronouns "o", etc. present the same forms as above when they follow other clitic pronouns, such as "nos" and "vos", or the adverbial particle "eis". Examples: "comeram-no-lo" ("comeram" + "nos" + "o"), "Não vo-lo" ["vos + o"] "quero dar a entender"."

Contractions between clitic pronouns

indirect objectdirect object

Notice how "lhes" + "o" is contracted into "lho", not "*lhe-lo" or "*lhos". This occurs because "lhe" used to be employed indistinctly for the singular and the plural and, while the agglutinated form suffered no alteration, "lhe" evolved into "lhes" for the plural number.

These forms are never used in Brazil.


Apart from the pronouns that act as subjects of a sentence, and from the stressed object pronouns which are employed after prepositions, Portuguese has several clitic object pronouns used with nonprepositional verbs, or as indirect objects. These can appear before the verb as separate words, as in "ela me ama" ("she loves me"), or appended to the verb after the tense/person inflection, as in "ele amou-a" ("he loved her") or "ele deu-lhe o livro" ("he gave her/him the book"). Note that Portuguese spelling rules (like those of French) require a hyphen between the verb and the clitic pronoun.

In West Iberian-Romance, the position of clitic object pronouns with respect to the verbs which govern them was flexible, but all Romance languages have since adopted a more strict syntax. The usual pattern is for clitics to precede the verb, or, in compound tenses, the auxiliary verb; e.g. Sp. "Yo te amo", Fr. "Je t'aime" "I love you"; Sp. "Tú me habías dicho", Fr. "Tu m'avais dit" "You had told me" (proclisis). The opposite order occurs only with a few tenses, such as the imperative: Sp. "Dime", Fr. "Dis-moi" "Tell me" (enclisis). Spoken Brazilian Portuguese has taken more or less the same route, except that clitics usually appear between the auxiliary verb and the main verb in compound tenses, and proclisis is even more generalized: "Eu te amo" "I love you", but "Me diz" "Tell me", and "Você tinha me dito" "You had told me".

In European Portuguese, by contrast, enclisis is the default position for clitic pronouns in simple affirmative clauses: "Eu amo-te" "I love you", "Diz-me" "Tell me". In compound tenses, the clitic normally follows the auxiliary verb, "Você tinha-me dito" "You had told me" (like in Brazilian Portuguese, but conventionally spelled with a hyphen), though other positions are sometimes possible: "Você vai dizer-me" "You are going to tell me" (Spanish allows this syntax, as well), "Você não me vai dizer" "You are not going to tell me" (like in Spanish). Still, in formal Portuguese the clitic pronouns always follows the verb in the infinitive. The Brazilian proclisis is usually "correct" in European Portuguese (often found in ancient literature), though nowadays uncommon and emphatic. Only sentences that begin with a clitic pronoun, such as "Te amo" or "Me diz", are considered unacceptable in European Portuguese.

With verbs in the future indicative tense or the conditional tense, enclitic pronouns are not placed after the verb, but rather incorporated into it: "eu canto-te uma balada" "I sing you a ballad" becomes "eu cantar-te-ei uma balada" in the future, and "eu cantar-te-ia uma balada" in the conditional (mesoclisis).

This is because these verb forms were originally compounds: "cantarei = cantar + hei", "cantarás = cantar + hás". In spoken Brazilian Portuguese, where proclisis is nearly universal, mesoclisis never occurs. Although the mesoclisis is often cited as a distinctive feature of Portuguese, it is becoming rare in spoken European Portuguese, since there is a growing tendency to replace the future indicative and the conditional with other tenses.

Although enclisis (or mesoclisis) is the default position for clitic pronouns in European Portuguese, proclisis is mandatory in subordinate clauses, except non-finite clauses (in which case both proclisis and enclisis are usually valid). Since proclisis is the normal position for clitic pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese, this marking does not exist in it.

Prepositional pronouns


The personal pronouns labelled "object of preposition" above are always employed after a preposition, and most prepositions govern those pronouns, but a few of them require subjective pronouns. For example, prepositions denoting exception, such as "afora", "fora", "excepto", "menos", "salvo", and "tirante". In those cases, the subject pronouns "eu", "tu", "ele", "ela", "eles" and "elas" are used. Examples: "Todos foram ao cinema excepto eu/tu", "Ele referiu toda a gente excepto ele mesmo." ("not" "Ele referiu toda a gente excepto si"), "but" "Ele referiu-se a toda a gente excepto a si", "Falaste a todos menos a mim", "Falaste com todos menos comigo" (not "com eu").

Contractions with the prepositions "de" and "em"

The following 3rd. person pronouns contract with the prepositions "de" "of/from" and "em" "in/on/at".

pronouncontracted with "de"contracted with "em"

Contractions with the preposition "com"

The following prepositional pronouns contract with the preposition "com" "with" (circumstantial complement).

pronouncontracted form

The form "connosco" is used in European Portuguese, while "conosco" is used in Brazilian Portuguese.

These contractions are derived from the Latin practice of tacking the preposition "cum" "with" to the end of the ablative form of personal pronouns, as in "mecum" or "tecum". In Vulgar Latin, enclitic "cum" (later shifted to "-go") became fossilized and was reanalysed as part of the pronoun itself. Then, a second "cum" began to be used before those words, and finally "cum mecum", "cum tecum", etc. contracted, producing "comigo", "contigo", and so on.

Reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are used when one wants to express the action is exercised upon the same person that exercises it or refers to such person. Examples:
*EP: "Eu vi-me ao espelho." BP: "Eu me vi no espelho."
*"Não te levas muito a sério."
*EP: "De repente, vimo-nos perdidos na floresta." BP: "De repente, nos vimos perdidos na floresta."In the third person, the reflexive pronoun has a form of its own, "se" - or "si" / "sigo" if preceded by a preposition. Examples:
*EP: "Hoje ele levantou-se cedo." BP: "Hoje ele se levantou cedo."
*EP: "Eles lavam-se sempre muito bem." BP: "Eles se lavam sempre muito bem."
*"O gato sabe cuidar bem de si."
*"Os ladrões levaram consigo tudo o que puderam."The reflexive pronoun forms, when used in the plural ("me" and "te" are therefore excluded), may indicate reciprocity. In those cases, they do not have reflexive character - for instance, "as pessoas cumprimentaram-se" does not mean that each person complimented "himself", rather they complimented "each other". In some situations, this may create ambiguity; therefore, if one means "they love each other", one might want to say "eles amam-se mutuamente" or "eles amam-se um ao outro" (although "eles amam-se" will probably be interpreted this way anyhow); if one means "each one of them loves himself", one should say "eles amam-se a si mesmos" ou "eles amam-se a si próprios".Sometimes, especially in the spoken Portuguese, "ele mesmo", "ela mesma", "com ele mesmo", "com eles mesmos", etc. may be used instead of "si" and "consigo". Example: "Eles têm de ter confiança neles (em+eles) mesmos" or "Eles têm de ter confiança em si (mesmos)".

Possessive pronouns and adjectives

The forms of the possessives depends on the gender and number of the possessed object or being.

masc. sing.fem. sing.masc. plur.fem. plur.
ele, ela, vocêseusuaseussuas
eles, elas, vocêsseusuaseussuas

The possessive pronouns are identical to possessive adjectives, except that they must be preceded by the definite article ("o meu", "a minha", "os meus", "as minhas", etc.) For the possessive adjectives, the article is optional, and its use varies with dialect and degree of formality.

Clearing ambiguity in the 3rd. person

Due to the use of 'seu(s)', 'sua(s)' as the preferred 2nd-person possessive pronouns, 'dele(s)' and 'dela(s)' are normally used as 3rd-person possessive markers in lieu of 'seu(s)'/'sua(s)' to eliminate ambiguity, e.g. "Onde está o seu carro" ("Where is your car?") vs. "Onde está o carro dele?" ("Where is his car?") 'Seu'/'Sua' as 3rd-person possessive pronouns are still frequent though, especially when referring to the subject of the clause or the gender is unknown and ambiguity can be solved from the context, e.g. "O candidato Geraldo Alckmin apresentou ontem a sua proposta para aumentar a geração de empregos no Brasil" ("Candidate Geraldo Alckmin presented yesterday his proposal to increase job creation in Brazil").

This does not apply to reflexive pronouns. Sentences such as "*Há quem deteste a rotina dele" ("There are some who hate their own routine") are not used in place of "Há quem deteste a sua rotina".

Colloquial usage

In European Portuguese

In European Portuguese, "si" and "consigo" can also be used to refer to the person to whom the message is directed in the formal treatment by "o senhor", etc. or in the treatment by "você". They are employed in the same circumstances "ti" and "tigo" would be used in the treatment by "tu".


*"Se você não se importar, eu vou consigo" (I'll go with you, if you don't mind).
*"Quando estava a passar pela Praça do Chile, lembrei-me de si".

Thus, in modern colloquial European Portuguese, the classical paradigm above is modified to (differences emphasized):

'Se', 'si, and 'consigo' are used in standard written BP exclusively as reflexive pronouns, e.g. "Os manifestantes trouxeram consigo paus e pedras para se defenderem da violência policial" ("Protesters brought (wood) sticks and stones with them to protect themselves against police brutality") , or "Os políticos discutiam entre si o que fazer diante da decisão do Supremo Tribunal" ("Politicians discussed among themselves what to do in face of the Supreme Court decision"). In colloquial language, those reflexive forms may be replaced however by subject pronouns (e.g. "Discutam entre vocês em que data preferem fazer o exame" vs standard "Discutam entre si em que data preferem fazer o exame", Eng. "Discuss among yourselves when you prefer to take the exam"). Note also that in both standard and colloquial BP, it is considered "wrong" to use 'se', 'si', 'consigo' in non-reflexive contexts. Therefore, unlike in modern "colloquial" EP, 'para si' for example cannot ordinarily replace 'para você', nor can "consigo" ordinarily replace "com você".

In Brazilian Portuguese

:"See also: Brazilian Portuguese."For modern Brazilian Portuguese, one could propose the following chart (departures from the norm are in italics):

"Tu" vs. "você"

Although the 3rd person pronoun "você" tended to replace the classical 2nd-person pronoun "tu" in many Brazilian dialects and, especially, in the media communication, the use of "tu" is still present in several BP dialects. Most of the dialects that retain "tu" also use accordingly 'te', 'ti', 'contigo', and the possessive 'teu'. The use of "tu" is very frequent in the South (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and parts of Paraná), Northeast (with the exception of Bahia and some other areas, mostly in the coast), North and in Rio de Janeiro. However, even in some of the regions where "você" is the prevailing pronoun, the object pronoun "te" and "ti" and the possessive pronoun "teu"/"tua" are quite common, although not in most of São Paulo, which is Brazil's most populated State. In fact, in the city of São Paulo the pronoun "tu" is almost nonexistent.

In EP, "tu" is considered a pronoun to be used in informal or familiar situations, while "você" is a semi-formal and formal pronoun. That distinction, object and possessive pronouns pattern likewise, is still maintained in the South and in the surroundings of the cities of Santos (in State of São Paulo) and Recife (in Pernambuco). In Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, for instance, "você" is rarely used in spoken language - in most occasions, "o senhor"/"a senhora" is employed whenever "tu" may sound too informal.

In most of the Northeast, "você" is frequently used only in semi-formal and formal conversations, mostly with people whom one doesn't know well. However, when one talks to older or "notable" people (politicians, for example), the Northeasterns prefer to use "o senhor"/"a senhora" (literally "the sir" and "the mistress"). In practice, you would say "Você precisa de ajuda?" ("Do you need any help?") to a young man you meet on the street, "Tu precisa de ajuda?" to a friend of yours and "A senhora precisa de ajuda?" to your grandmother or to an older woman you meet. In informal conversations, the use of "tu" in the Northeast is almost exclusive. As for Rio de Janeiro and the North of Brazil, both "tu" and "você" (and associated object and possessive pronouns) are used with no clear distinction in their use.

In standard Portuguese (both in Brazil and in Portugal), "você" and "vocês" are always accompanied by 3rd. person verb forms (e.g. "você é", "vocês são"), whereas "tu" requires 2nd-person verb forms (e.g. "tu és"). However, in "tuteante" BP dialects like gaúcho, "tu" is almost always accompanied by 3rd-person verb forms, e.g. "tu é", "tu bebeu" vs. standard "tu és", "tu bebeste". That particular usage is considered substandard (ungrammatical) by most Brazilian speakers whose dialects do not include "tu" (e.g. "paulistanos").

The 'você' (subj.)/'te' (obj.) combination, e.g. "Você sabe que eu te amo", is a well-known peculiarity of modern General Brazilian Portuguese and is similar in nature to the 'vocês (subj.)/'vos' (obj.)/ 'vosso' (poss.) combination found in modern colloquial European Portuguese. Both combinations would be condemned, though, by prescriptive school grammars based on the classical language.

Most Brazilians who use tu use it with the 3rd person verb: "Tu vai ao banco?" - "Will you go to the bank". ("Tu vai" is wrong according to the standard grammar, but it's used by millions of Brazilians anyway). The pronoun "tu" accompanied by the second-person verb can still be found in [Maranhão] , [Piauí] , [Pernambuco] (mostly in more formal talkings) and Santa Catarina, for instance, and in a few cities in Rio Grande do Sul near the border with Uruguay, with a slightly different pronunciation in some conjugations ("tu vieste" - "you came" - is pronounced as if it were "tu viesse"), which also is present in Santa Catarina and Pernambuco (especially in Recife, where it's the predominant way to pronounce the past tense particle -ste).

"O(s)" and "a(s)"

In Brazil, the weak clitic pronouns '-o(s)' and '-a(s)' are used "almost exclusively" in writing or in formal speech (e.g. TV newscasts). In "colloquial speech", 'ele(s)' and 'ela(s)' replace the clitics as direct objects (e.g. "Vi eles na praia ontem" versus "Vi-os na praia ontem", Eng. "I saw them on the beach yesterday"). The standard written variants -lo(s) and -las (used after an infinitive ending in 'r') are more frequent though in the colloquial speech of "educated" Brazilians, but seem to be losing ground as well. Note however that 'ele(s)' or 'ela(s)' are never used as direct objects in formal writing such as newspaper articles, academic papers, or legal documents. The use of -(l)o, -(l)a, etc. replacing 'você' as direct objects is restricted mostly to the written language (in particular, movie subtitles) although it occurs frequently in a few fixed expressions like "prazer em conhecê-lo" ("pleased to meet you") or "Posso ajudá-lo?" ("May I help you?)


The use of 'lhe' and 'lhes' as indirect object forms of 'você' and 'vocês' (" [to] you", plural and singular) is currently rare in General BP, where 'lhe' is often replaced as noted above by 'te' or, alternatively, by 'para você'. On the other hand, "lheísmo", i.e. the use of 'lhe' not only as an indirect object (e.g. "Eu lhe dou meu endereço", "I will give you my address"), but also as a "direct object" (e.g. "Eu lhe vi na praia ontem", Eng. "I saw you at the beach yesterday") is frequent though in Northeastern Brazilian dialects, especially in Bahia.

In standard written BP, it is common to use 'lhe(s)' as indirect object forms of 'ele(s)/ela(s)' (" [to] him / her / it / them"), e.g. "O presidente pediu que lhe dessem notícias da crise na Bolívia". In the colloquial language, 'lhe' in that context is frequently replaced by 'para ele', etc., although educated speakers might use 'lhe' in speech as well.

Replacement of objective pronouns with subjective pronouns

In "substandard" BP, especially in regional dialects like caipira, object pronouns may be avoided altogether, even in the first person. For example: "Ele levou nós no baile" (standard BP "Ele nos levou ao baile") or "Ela viu eu na escola" (standard BP "Ela me viu na escola"). These examples, although common in rural areas and in working-class speech, would sound ungrammatical to most urban middle-class BP speakers.

"In Guinea-Bissau Portuguese"


In the Guinea-Bissau, a country losophone, it is usually say "abó", It is usually say "abó", a dialect of Creole origin that means: tu, você (you, thou.In other Portuguese speaking countries is very rare use of "abo", and that many do not know the jargon.As "você", the pronoun "abóo" is conjugated in the third person singular in Portuguese, "ele" (he).


* [http://www.orbilat.com/Languages/Portuguese/Grammar/Portuguese-Pronouns.html Portuguese pronouns at Orbis Latinus]
* [http://www.orbilat.com/Languages/Portuguese/Grammar/Portuguese-Determiners.html#Possessive_Adjectives Portuguese adjectives at Orbis Latinus]
* [http://www.accurapid.com/Journal/13port.htm "What is the word for 'you' in Portuguese?", by Danilo Nogueira]

ee also

* Portuguese verb conjugation
* Portuguese language
* Portuguese grammar
* Brazilian Portuguese

External links

* [http://www.sonia-portuguese.com/text/pronouns.htm Portuguese pronouns]

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