- History of Darfur
The recorded history of Darfur begins in the
14th century with the establishment of aTunjur sultanate. IndependentDarfur reached a height as theKeira dynasty began in theseventeenth century . In 1875, the Anglo-Egyptian Co-dominion inKhartoum ended the dynasty. The British allowed Darfur a measure of autonomy until formal annexation in 1916. However, the region remained underdeveloped through the period of colonization and into independence in 1956. The majority of national resources were directed toward the riverine Arabs clustered along theNile near Khartoum. This pattern of structural inequality and underdevelopment resulted in increasing restiveness among Darfuris. The influence of regional geopolitics andwar by proxy , coupled with economic hardship and environmental degradation, from soon after independence led to sporadic armed resistance from the mid-1980s. The continued violence culminated in an armed resistance movement around 2003.Kingdoms of Darfur
Developments in the Darfur region are dependent on the terrain and climate, as it is composed mostly of semi-arid plains that cannot support a dense population. The one exception is the area in and around the
Jebal Marra mountains. It was from bases in these mountains that a series of groups expanded to control the region.The
Daju , inhabitants of Jebel Marra, appear to have been the dominant group in Darfur in the earliest period recorded. How long they ruled is uncertain, little being known of them save a list of kings. According to tradition the Daju dynasty was displaced, and Islam introduced, about the14th century , by theTunjur , who reached Darfur by way of Bornu and Wadai. The first Tunjur king is said to have beenAhmed el-Makur , who married the daughter of the last Daju monarch. Ahmed reduced many chiefs to submission, and under him the country prospered.His great-grandson, the sultan Dali, a celebrated figure in Darfur histories, was on his mother's side a Fur, and thus brought the dynasty closer to the people it ruled. Dali divided the country into provinces, and established a penal code, which, under the title of Kitab Dali or Dali's Book, is still preserved, and differs in some respects from Quranic law. His grandson
Suleiman (or "Sulayman", usually distinguished by the Fur epithet Solon, meaning "the Arab" or "the Red") reigned from c.1596 to c.1637, and was a great warrior and a devotedMuslim ; he is considered as the founder of theKeira dynasty .Soleiman's grandson, Ahmed Bukr (c.1682-c.1722), made
Islam the religion of the state, and increased the prosperity of the country by encouraging immigration from Bornu andBagirmi . His rule extended east of theNile as far as the banks of theAtbara . The death of Bukr initiated a long running conflict over the succession. On his death bed Bukr stated that each of his many sons should rule in turn. Once on the throne each of his sons instead hoped to make their own son heir, leading to an intermittent civil war that lasted until 1785/6 (AH 1200) Due to these internal divisions Darfur declined in importance and engaged in wars with Sennar and Wadai.One of the most capable of the monarchs during this period was Sultan
Mohammed Terab , one of Ahmad Bukr's sons. He led a number of successful campaigns. In 1785/6 (AH 1200) he led an army against theFunj , but got no further thanOmdurman . Here he was stopped by the Nile, and found no means of getting his army across the river. Unwilling to give up his project, Terab remained atOmdurman for months and the army began to grow disaffected. According to some stories Tayrab was poisoned by his wife at the instigation of disaffected chiefs, and the army returned to Darfur. While he tried to have his son succeed him, the throne instead went to his brotherAbd al-Rahman .During the reign of
Abd-er-Rahman , surnamed el-Rashid or the Just,Napoleon Bonaparte was campaigning inEgypt . In 1799 Abd-er-Rahman wrote to congratulate the French general on his defeat of theMamluk s. Bonaparte replied by asking the sultan to send him by the next caravan 2000 black slaves upwards of sixteen years old, strong and vigorous. Abd-er-Rahman also established a new capital atAl Fashir , the royal township, which he established as capital in 1791/2. The capital had formerly been at a place calledKobb .Mohammed-el-Fadhl , his son, was for some time under the control of an energetic eunuch,Mohammed Kurra , but he ultimately made himself independent, and his reign lasted till 1838, when he died of leprosy. He devoted himself largely to the subjection of the semi-independentArab tribes who lived in the country, notably theRizeigat , thousands of whom he slew. In1821 he lost the province ofKordofan , which in that year was conquered by theEgypt ians ordered to conquer the Sudan byMehemet Ali . The Keira dispatched an army but it was routed by the Egyptians nearBara onAugust 19 ,1821 . The Egyptians had been intending to conquer the entirety of Darfur, but their difficulties consolidating their hold on the Nile region forced them to abandon these plans.Al-Fadl died in
1838 and of his forty sons, the third,Mohammed Hassan , was appointed his successor. Hassan is described as a religious but avaricious man. In 1856 he went blind and for the rest of his reign his sister Zamzam, theiiry bassi , was the de facto ruler of the sultanate.Beginning in 1856 a
Khartoum businessman,al-Zubayr Rahma , began operations in the land south of Darfur. He set up a network of trading posts defended by well-armed forces and soon had a sprawling state under his rule. This area known as theBahr el Ghazal had long been the source of the goods that Darfur would trade to Egypt and North Africa, especially slaves andivory . The natives of Bahr el Ghazal paid tribute to Darfur, and these were the chief articles of merchandise sold by the Darfurians to the Egyptian traders along the road toAsyut . Al-Zubayr redirected this flow of goods to Khartoum and the Nile.Hassan died in 1873 and the succession passed to his youngest son Ibrahim, who soon found himself engaged in a conflict with al-Zubayr. Al-Zubayr, after earlier conflicts with the
Egyptians , had become their ally and in cooperation with them agreed to conquer Darfur. The war resulted in the destruction of the kingdom. Ibrahim was slain in battle in the autumn of 1874, and his uncle Hassab Alla, who sought to maintain the independence of his country, was captured in 1875 by the troops of thekhedive , and removed toCairo with his family.Egyptian rule
The Darfurians were restive under the rule of Egypt, itself under British colonization. Various revolts were suppressed, but in 1879 the British General Gordon (then governor-general of the
Sudan ) suggested the reinstatement of the ancient royal family. This was not done, and in 1881 Slatin Bey (SirRudolf von Slatin ) was made governor of the province.Slatin defended the province against the forces of the self-proclaimed
Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad , who were led by aRizeigat sheik named Madibbo, but was obliged to surrender (December 1883), and Darfur was incorporated in the Mahdi's dominions. The Darfurians found his rule as irksome as that of the Egyptians had been, and a state of almost constant warfare ended in the gradual retirement of the Mahdi's forces from Darfur.Ahmad's successor,
Abdallahi ibn Muhammad , was a Darfuri of the minorTa’isha tribe of cattle-herders. Abdallahi forced warriors of the Western tribes to move to the capitalOmdurman and fight for him, sparking rebellions by theRizeigat andKababish nomads. [Prunier, Gérard, "Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide", Cornell University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8014-4450-0, pp. 8-24]Following the overthrow of Abdallahi at Omdurman in 1898, the new (Anglo-Egyptian) Sudan government recognized (1899)
Ali Dinar , a grandson of Mohammed-el-Fadhl, as sultan of Darfur, on the payment by that chief of an annual tribute of 500 British Pounds. Under Ali Dinar, who during the Mahdi's era had been kept a prisoner in Omdurman, Darfur enjoyed a period of peace and a de facto return to independence.British rule
However, the British allowed Darfur "
de jure " autonomy until they became convinced duringWorld War I that the sultanate was falling under the influence ofTurkey , invaded, and incorporated the region into Sudan in 1916. [Prunier, pp. 8-24]Within Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, the bulk of resources were devoted toward
Khartoum and Blue Nile Province, leaving the rest of the country relatively undeveloped. The inhabitants of the riverine states, referred to themselves as the "awlad al-beled" ("children of the country") in pride over their primary role and referred to the Westerners as "awlad al-gharb" ("children of the west"), an implicit slur. Meanwhile, the "Africans" were pejoratively known as "zurga" ("Blacks"). [Prunier, p. xiii & xix] Over the course of the Condominium, 56% of all investment occurred in Khartoum, Kassala and Northern Province versus 17% for bothKurdufan and Darfur, resulting in about 5-6% in Darfur as Kurdufan received the bulk of funds in the West. This was despite the provinces in the Nile Valley having a population of 2.3 million versus 3 million people in the West. [Prunier, p. 33] Darfur, like the rest of Sudan outside the Nile Valley, remained an undeveloped backwater even as independence was achieved in 1956.National independence
After independence, it became a major power base for the Umma Party, led by
Sadiq al-Mahdi . By the 1960s, some Darfuris were beginning to question the neglect of the region by the Umma, despite their consistent political support. Disillusionment with the religious sect-based parties, KhatmiyyaSufi /Democratic Unionist Party in the East and Ansar/Umma in the West, led to a temporary rise of regionally-based parties, including theDarfur Development Front (DDF). [Johnson, Douglas H., "The Root Causes of Sudan's Civil Wars", Indiana University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-253-21584-6, p. 130] During the discussions of the proposed Islamicconstitution proposed byHassan al-Turabi , Muslims from Darfur, theNuba Mountains and theRed Sea Hills joined the Southerners in opposition, perceiving the constitution as a ploy by the center to consolidate their dominance of the marginalized regions. The fracturing of the Umma led to the first political demagoguery attempting to split the "Africans" from the "Arabs" in the 1968 elections, a difficult task as they were substantially intermarried and could not be distinguished by skin tone.Sadiq al-Mahdi , calculating that the Fur and other "African" tribes formed a majority of the electorate, allied with the DDF in blaming "the Arabs" for Darfur's neglect. This left Sadiq's opponent, his uncleIman al-Hadi , courting Baggara using the rhetoric of "Arabism" to offer hope of somehow being a part of the wealthy center.To this underdevelopment and domestic political tension was added cross-border instability with
Chad . Premiere al-Mahdi allowedFROLINAT , the guerilla movement trying to overthrow Chadian PresidentFrançois Tombalbaye , to establish rear bases in Darfur in 1969. However, FROLINAT factional infighting killed dozens within Darfur in 1971, leading Sudanese PresidentGaafar Nimeiry to expel the group. This was further complicated by the interest of new Libyan PresidentMuammar al-Gaddafi in the Chadian conflict. Obsessed with the vision of creating a band of Sahelian nations that were both Muslim and culturally Arab, Gaddafi made an offer to Nimeiry to merge their two countries in 1971. [Prunier, pp. 42-44] However, Gaddafi was disillusioned with Nimeiry's Arab credentials after the Sudanese president signed the 1972Addis Ababa Agreement , ending theFirst Sudanese Civil War with the South. Libya claimed theAozou Strip , began supporting the FROLINAT against the black Christian Tombalbaye, and supporting Arab supremacist militants to achieve his goals by force, including theIslamic Legion and theArab Gathering in Darfur, which claimed the province to have an "Arab" nature. Nimeiry, concerned by the warm welcome Gaddafi had given to al-Mahdi, his exiled opposition, began to encourage the fragile administration ofFélix Malloum , the new Chadian president after Tombalbaye's 1975 assassination. In retaliation, Gaddafi sent a 1200-man force across the desert to assault Khartoum directly. The Libyan force was barely defeated after three days of house to house fighting and Nimeiry chose to support the most anti-Libyan of the various Chadian leaders,Hissène Habré , giving hisArmed Forces of the North sanctuary in Darfur. All of these external events buffeted the traditional structure of Darfuri society. Tribes that had seen themselves in local terms were asked to declare if they were "progressive, revolutionary Arabs" or "reactionary, anti-Arab Africans". The Khartoum government, rather than trying to calm these new ethnic tensions, instead exacerbated them when it seemed useful in the Sudan-Libya-Chad struggle. [Prunier, pp. 44-47]Increasing instability
In 1979, Nimeiry appointed to Darfur the only provincial governor who was not of the local population. The appointment of a Nile Valley "walad al-beled", chosen to oversee the support to Habré, sparked riots by Darfuri across Sudan in which three students were killed. Nimeiry relented due to fears that his anti-Libyan bases were being jeopardized. [Prunier, pp. 47-48]
In a longer term cycle, the gradual reduction in annual precipitation, coupled with a growing population, had begun a cycle in which increased use of arable land along the southern edge of the
Sahara increased the rate ofdesertification , which in turn increased the use of the remaining arable land. Drought from the mid-1970s to early 1980s led to massive immigration from northern Darfur and Chad into the central farming belt. In 1983 and 1984, the rains failed. When the Khartoum government refused to heed warnings of critical crop failure because they feared it would affect the administration's image abroad the Governor of the Fur-dominated administration in Darfur resigned in protest. [Johnson, p. 139] . The region was plunged into a horrific famine. When 60-80,000 Darfuris walked across the country to Khartoum seeking food, the government declared them be Chadian refugees and trucked them to Kurdufan in "Operation Glorious Return", only to see them walk back to Khartoum as there was no food in Kurdufan. [Prunier, pp. 47-52] The famine killed an estimated 95,000 Darfuris out of a population of 3.1 million and it was clear that the deaths had been entirely preventable.Prunier, pp. 52-53, 56] Attempts by some commentators to attribute subsequent political instability directly to climate change have been firmly rebuffed. A scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center noted, "The challenge is to avoid over-simplistic or deterministic formulations that equate climate change inexorably with genocide or terrorism, as some less careful commentators have done." [ [http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=72985 "SUDAN: Climate change - only one cause among many for Darfur conflict"] , "IRIN ",28 June 2007 ]The incompetence of the regime, combined with the start of the
Second Sudanese Civil War in 1983, proved unbearable for the country and Nimeiry was overthrown on5 April 1985 . Sadiq al-Mahdi came out of exile, making a deal with Gaddafi, which he had no intention of honoring, that he would turn over Darfur to Libya if he was supplied with the funds to win the upcoming elections.Nimeiry had been heavily supported by the
United States and the military junta that had taken power moved quickly to discontinue pro-American policies. Beginning in August 1985, Libya began sending military/humanitarian convoys fromBenghazi , including an 800-strong military force that set up base inAl-Fashir and began arming the local Baggara tribes, whom Gaddafi considered to be his local Arab allies. By the time that Libyan relations with the United States had worsened so that by the time American planes bombedTripoli in April 1986, Libya was providing key logistical and air support to Sudanese offensives against theSudan People's Liberation Army in the rebel South. Meanwhile, the famine had severely upset the structure of Darfuri society. The farmers had claimed every available bit of land to farm or forage for food, closing off the traditional routes used by the herders. The herders, faced with watching their animals die of starvation in the desiccated landscape, tried to force the routes south open, attacking farmers who tried to block their path and shedding blood. [Prunier, pp. 54-57] Darfur was awash in small arms from the various neighboring conflicts and stories spread of herders raiding farming villages for all of their animals or villagers who had armed themselves in self defense. [de Waal, p. 156] To Darfuris facing starvation, the dichotomous ideology of African versus Arab began to have explanatory power. Amongst some stationary Africans, the ideas that uncaring Arabs in Khartoum had let the famine happen and then Darfuri Arabs armed by their Libyan allies had attacked African farmers began to gain credence. Similarly, semi-nomadic Darfuri Arabs began to seriously consider that Africans had vindictively tried to punish them for the famine by trying to keep them from pastureland and that perhaps the difference between "awlad al-beled" and "awlad al-gharb" was not as great as between Arab and "zurga". [Prunier, p. 58] In December 1991, aSudan People's Liberation Army force that included DarfuriDaud Bolad entered Darfur in the hopes of spreading the southern rebellion to the West. Before Bolad's force could reach theMarrah Mountains they were attacked by a combined force of regular army andBeni Halba militia mounted on horses. Dozens of Fur villages that had not resisted the SPLA force were burned in reprisal. [Flint, Julie and Alex de Waal, "Darfur: A Short History of a Long War", Zed Books, London March 2006, ISBN 1-84277-697-5, p. 25]In
1994 , Darfur was divided into three federal states within Sudan: Northern ("Shamal"), Southern ("Janub"), and Western ("Gharb") Darfur. Northern Darfur's capital isAl Fashir ; Southern Darfur's isNyala ; and Wester Darfur's isGeneina . The division was the idea ofAli al Haj , Minister of Federal Affairs, who hoped that by dividing the Fur so they did not form a majority in any state that it would allow Islamist candidates to be elected. [Flint and de Waal, p. 21]According to Human Rights Watch, hostilities broke out in West Darfur in 1998. The 1998 clashes, were relatively minor, but more than 5000 Masalit were displaced. Clashes resumed in 1999 when nomadic herdsmen again moved south earlier than usual.
The 1999 clashes were bloodier, with many hundreds killed, including a number of Arab tribal chiefs. The government brought in military forces in an attempt to quell the violence and took direct control of security. A reconciliation conference held in 1999 agreed on compensation. Many Masalit intellectuals and notables were arrested, imprisoned, and tortured in the towns as government-supported Arab militias began to attack Masalit villages; a number of Arab chiefs and civilians were also killed in these clashes. [ Human Rights Watch, [http://hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0504/4.htm] ]
In 2000, a clandestine group comprised mostly of Darfuris published the , a dissident manuscript detailing the domination of the north and the impoverishment of the other regions. It was widely discussed, despite attempts to censor it, and many of the writers went on to help found the rebel
Justice and Equality Movement .Darfur crisis
The region became the scene of a rebellion in
2003 against the Arab-dominated Sudanese government, with two local rebel groups - theJustice and Equality Movement (JEM) and theSudanese Liberation Army (SLA) - accusing the government of oppressing non-Arabs in favor of Arabs. The government was also accused of neglecting the Darfur region of Sudan. In response, the government mounted a campaign of aerial bombardment supporting ground attacks by an Arab militia, theJanjaweed . The government-supported Janjaweed were accused of committing majorhuman rights violations, including mass killing, looting, andsystematic rape of the non-Arab population of Darfur. They have frequently burned down whole villages, driving the surviving inhabitants to flee to refugee camps, mainly in Darfur andChad ; many of the camps in Darfur are surrounded by Janjaweed forces. By the summer of2004 , 50,000 to 80,000 people had been killed and at least a million had been driven from their homes, causing a major humanitarian crisis in the region.On September 18, 2004, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1564, which called for a
Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to assess the Sudanese conflict. On January 31, 2005, the UN released a 176-Page report saying that while there were mass murders and rapes, they could not label it as genocide because "genocidal intent appears to be missing". [ [http://www.un.org/News/dh/sudan/com_inq_darfur.pdf Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General] ,International Commission of Inquiry , 18 September 2004] [ [http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/2005/02/01/newdarfur-report050201.html Sudan's mass killings not genocide: UN report] ,CBC News ,1 February 2005 ] Many activists, however, refer to the crisis in Darfur as a genocide, including theSave Darfur Coalition and the Genocide Intervention Network. These organizations point to statements by former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, referring to the conflict as a genocide. Other activists organizations, such as Amnesty International, while calling for international intervention, avoid the use of the term genocide.In
May 2006 the main rebel group, theSudanese Liberation Movement , agreed to a draft peace agreement with the Sudanese government. On May 5th, both sides signed the agreement, which was drafted in Abuja, Nigeria.SaveDarfur.org claims that as of May 2007, up to 400,000 Darfurians have died as a result of this conflict. [ [http://www.savedarfur.org/pages/background Learn | Background | Save Darfur] ,
Save Darfur ,3 March 2007 ]Notes and references
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