

In phonetics, a triphthong (from Greek "τρίφθογγος", "triphthongos", literally "with three sounds," or "with three tones") is a monosyllabic vowel combination involving a quick but smooth movement of the articulator from one vowel quality to another that passes over a third. While "pure" vowels, or "monophthongs", are said to have one target articulator position, diphthongs have two, and triphthongs three.


tress on the first element

English in British Received Pronunciation (these can be also analyzed as disyllabic sequences of a diphthong and a monophthong):
*IPA| [aʊ̯ə] as in "hour"
*IPA| [aɪ̯ə] as in "fire"
*IPA| [eɪ̯ə] as in "player"
*IPA| [ɔɪ̯ə] as in "loyal, royal"
*IPA| [əʊ̯ə] as in "lower"

Bernese German (a Swiss German dialect):
*IPA| [iə̯w] as in "Gieu" 'boy'
*IPA| [yə̯w] as in "Gfüeu" 'feeling'
*IPA| [uə̯w] as in "Schueu" 'school'
*IPA| [yə̯j] as in "Müej" 'trouble'

*IPA| [iea] as in "tie" IPA| [ˈtiea] 'they'Fact|date=June 2008
*IPA| [uoa] as in "ko" IPA| [ˈkuoa] 'what'Fact|date=June 2008

tress on the second element

*IPA| [we̞i̯] as in "buey" 'ox'
*IPA| [wai̯] as in "Uruguay"
*IPA| [jai̯] as in "cambiáis" ('you change')
*IPA| [je̞i̯] as in "cambiéis" ('that you may change')

*IPA| [i̯ai̯] as in "yái" 'cliff'
*IPA| [i̯aʊ̯] as in "piào" 'ticket'
*IPA| [i̯oʊ̯] as in "liù" 'six'
*IPA| [u̯ai̯] as in "kuài" 'fast'
*IPA| [u̯ei̯] as in "huí" 'return'

*IPA| [jaw] as in "iau" 'I take'
*IPA| [e̯aw] as in "rîdeau" 'they were laughing'

*IPA| [ɨə̯ɪ̯] as in "tươi" 'fresh'
*IPA| [ɨə̯ʊ̯] as in "rượu" 'alcohol'
*IPA| [iə̯ʊ̯] as in "tiêu" 'pepper'
*IPA| [uə̯ɪ̯] as in "nuôi" 'to nourish'
*IPA| [ui̯ʊ̯] as in "khuỵu" 'to fall on one's knees'Fact|date=June 2008

tress on the third element

Romanian (semivocalic phonemes marked with reversed circumflex accents):
*IPA| [e̯o̯a] as in "pleoape" 'eyelids'
*IPA| [i̯o̯a] as in "creioane" 'pencils'

See also

* List of phonetics topics
* Diphthong

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  • triphthong — noun Etymology: tri + phthong (as in diphthong) Date: circa 1599 1. a phonological unit consisting of three successive vocalic sounds in one syllable 2. trigraph • triphthongal adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • triphthong — noun A monosyllabic vowel combination usually involving a quick but smooth movement from one vowel to another that passes over a third one …   Wiktionary

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