- Lakota people
The Lakota (IPA2|laˈkˣota) (also Teton, Tetonwan) are a Native American tribe. They are part of a confederation of seven related
Sioux tribes (theOceti Sakowin or seven council fires) and speak Lakota, one of the three majordialects of theSioux language .The Lakota are the western-most of the three Sioux groups, occupying lands in both North and
South Dakota . The seven branches or "sub-tribes" of the Lakota areSicangu , Oglala, Itazipco,Hunkpapa ,Miniconjou ,Sihasapa , and Ooinunpa.Notable persons include Tatanka Iyotake (
Sitting Bull ) from the Hunkpapa band and Tašunka Witko (Crazy Horse), Maħpiya Luta (Red Cloud ), Hehaka Sapa (Black Elk ) andBilly Mills from the Oglala band. Recently, a body of evidence has shown that Tašunka Witko may have beenMiniconjou . Fact|date=February 2007History
The Lakota are were called Dakota when they lived at the great lakes. But because of the Europeans they were pushed away from there and later called themselves the Lakota and became part of the sioux. After their adoption of the
horse , "šų́ka-wakhą́" (IPA| [ˈʃũka waˈkˣã] ) ('dog [of] power/mystery/wonder') their society centered on the buffalo hunt with the horse. There were 20,000 Lakota in the mid-18th century. The number has now increased to about 70,000, of whom about 20,500 speak theLakota language .After 1720, the Lakota branch of the Seven Council Fires split into two major sects, the Saone who moved to the
Lake Traverse area on the South Dakota-North Dakota-Minnesota border, and the Oglala-Sicangu who occupied the James River valley. By about 1750, however, the Saone had moved to the east bank of theMissouri River , followed 10 years later by the Oglala and Brulé (Sičangu).The large and powerful
Arikara ,Mandan , andHidatsa villages had prevented the Lakota from crossing the Missouri for an extended period, but whensmallpox and other diseases nearly destroyed these tribes, the way was open for the first Lakota to cross the Missouri into the drier, short-grass prairies of the High Plains. These Saone, well-mounted and increasingly confident, spread out quickly. In 1765, a Saone exploring and raiding party led by Chief Standing Bear discovered theBlack Hills (which they called thePaha Sapa ). Just a decade later, in 1775, the Oglala and Brulé also crossed the river, following the great smallpox epidemic of 1772–1780, which destroyed three-quarters of the Missouri Valley populations. In 1776, they defeated theCheyenne as the Cheyenne had earlier defeated theKiowa , and gained control of the land which became the center of the Lakota universe.Initial contacts between the Lakota and the United States, during the
Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804–06 was marked by a standoff involving the Lakota refusing to allow the explorers to continue upstream countered by the Expedition preparing to battle.Fact|date=April 2008 Formally, the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851 acknowledged native sovereignty over the Great Plains in exchange for free passage along theOregon Trail , for "as long as the river flows and the eagle flies". InNebraska onSeptember 3 ,1855 , 700 soldiers under American GeneralWilliam S. Harney avenged theGrattan Massacre by attacking a Lakota village, killing 100 men, women, and children. Other wars followed; and in 1862–1864, as refugees from the "Dakota War of 1862 " in Minnesota fled west to their allies inMontana and Dakota Territory, the war followed them.Because the Black Hills are sacred to the Lakota, they objected to
mining in the area, which had been attempted since the early years of the 19th century. In 1868, theU.S. government signed the Fort Laramie Treaty, exempting the Black Hills from all white settlement forever. 'Forever' lasted only four years, whengold was publicly discovered there, and an influx of prospectors descended upon the area, abetted by army commanders like Lt. ColonelGeorge Armstrong Custer . The latter tried to administer a lesson of noninterference with white policies, resulting in theBlack Hills War of 1876–77. Hunting and massacre of the buffalo were urged by GeneralPhilip Sheridan as a means to "destroying the Indians' commissary." [Winona LaDuke, "All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life", (Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 1999), 141.]The Lakota with their allies, the
Arapaho and theNorthern Cheyenne , defeated General George Crook's army at the Battle of the Rosebud and a week later defeated the U.S. 7th Cavalry in 1876 at theBattle of the Little Bighorn , killing 258 soldiers, wiping out the entire Custer battalion, and inflicting more than 50% casualties on the regiment. Their victory over the U.S. Army would not last, however. The Lakota were defeated in a series of subsequent battles by the reinforced U.S. Army and eventually confined onto reservations, prevented from hunting buffalo and forced to accept government food distribution.The Lakota signed a treaty in 1877 ceding the Black Hills to the United States, but a low-intensity war continued, culminating, fourteen years later, in the killing of
Sitting Bull (December 15 ,1890 ) atStanding Rock and theMassacre of Wounded Knee (December 29 , 1890) at Pine Ridge.Today, the Lakota are found mostly in the five reservations of western South Dakota:
Rosebud Indian Reservation (home of the Upper Sičangu or Brulé),Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (home of the Oglala),Lower Brule Indian Reservation (home of the Lower Sičangu),Cheyenne River Indian Reservation (home of several other of the seven Lakota bands, including the Sihasapa and Hunkpapa), andStanding Rock Indian Reservation , also home to people from many bands. But Lakota also live on theFort Peck Reservation in northeasternMontana , the Fort Berthold Reservation of northwestern North Dakota, and several small reserves in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, where their ancestors fled to "Grandmother's [i.e. Queen Victoria's] Land" (Canada ) during the Minnesota or Black Hills War.Large numbers of Lakota live in Rapid City and other towns in the Black Hills, and in metro Denver. Lakota elders joined the
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) seeking protection and recognition for their cultural and land rights.The Lakota name now joins Sioux,
Kiowa ,Apache ,Chinook ,Iroquois , and other American Indian names that have been given to aircraft. The UH-145 has been selected as the United States Army's new Light Utility Helicopter, and has been named the Lakota.Government
* The current President of the Oglala Sioux, the majority tribe of the Lakota located primarily on the Pine Ridge reservation, is
John Yellowbird Steele .* The President of the Sicangu Lakota from the Rosebud reservation is Rodney M. Bordeaux.
* The Chairman of the Standing Rock reservation, which includes peoples from several Lakota subgroups including the Hunkpapa, is Ron His Horse Is Thunder. He also is president of the Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association (GPTCA).
* The Chairman of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe at the Cheyenne River reservation, comprising the Mniconjou, Izipaco, Siha Sapa, and Ooinunpa bands of the Lakota, is Joe Brings Plenty, Sr.
* The Chairman of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe, which is home to the Lower Sicangu Lakota, is Michael Jandreau.
Tribal governments have significant leeway, as semi-autonomous political entities, in deviating from state law (e.g.
Indian gaming ) and are ultimately subject to supervisory oversight by theUnited States Congress and bureaucratic regulation by Congress through theBureau of Indian Affairs , although the nature and legitimacy of those relationships continue to be a matter of dispute. [ [http://www.pbs.org/indiancountry/history/ Indian Country Diaries . History | PBS ] ]Independence movement
Beginning in 1974, some Lakota activists have taken steps to become independent from the United States, an attempt to form their own
nation . These steps have included drafting their own "declaration of continuing independence" and using Constitutional and International Law to solidify their legal standing.A 1980 U.S. Supreme Court decision awarded $122 million to eight tribes of Sioux Indians as compensation, but the court did not award land. The Lakota have refused the settlement. [ [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,957595,00.html?promoid=googlep American Notes RACE - TIME ] ]
In September 2007, the
United Nations passed a non-binding Resolution on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand refused to sign. [ [http://readerrant.capitolhillblue.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number ReaderRant: UBB Error ] ]On
December 20 2007 , some Indian activists announced the withdrawal of the Lakota Sioux from all treaties with the United States government. [ [http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iVC1KMTOgwiSoMQyT2LwZc9HyAgA Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US] , [http://afp.com Agence France-Presse news] ] , but they had no official standing to speak on behalf of any tribal government. "We have 33 treaties with the United States that they have not lived by", said longtime political activistRussell Means , as he led a delegation that declared the Lakota a sovereign nation with property rights over thousands of square miles in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana. [Bill Harlan, [http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/articles/2007/12/20/news/local/doc476a99630633e335271152.txt Lakota group secedes from U.S.] ,Rapid City Journal ,December 20 2007 .] The group stated that they do not act for or represent the Oglala Sioux Tribe, Rosebud Sioux Tribe, and other Lakota peoples; those tribal governments set up by the United States of America. [http://www.argusleader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071220/NEWS/712200347/1001 Lakota group pushes for new nation] , [http://www.argusleader.com/ Argus Leader] Washington Bureau,December 20 2007 .] [http://www.republicoflakota.com/]Ethnonyms
The name "Lakota" comes from the Lakota autonym, "lakhóta" "feeling affection, friendly, united, allied". The early French literature does not distinguish a separate Teton division, instead lumping them into a "Sioux of the West" group with other Santee and Yankton bands.
The names "Teton" and "Tetuwan" come from the Lakota name "thíthųwą" (the meaning of which is obscure). This term was used to refer to the Lakota by non-Lakota Sioux groups. Other derivations include: ti tanka, Tintonyanyan, Titon, Tintonha, Thintohas, Tinthenha, Tinton, Thuntotas, Tintones, Tintoner, Tintinhos, Ten-ton-ha, Thinthonha, Tinthonha, Tentouha, Tintonwans, Tindaw, Tinthow, Atintons, Anthontans, Atentons, Atintans, Atrutons, Titoba, Tetongues, Teton Sioux, Teeton, Ti toan, Teetwawn, Teetwans, Ti-t’-wawn, Ti-twans, Tit’wan, Tetans, Tieton, and Teetonwan.
Early French sources call the Lakota "Sioux" with an additional modifier, such as Scioux of the West, West Schious, Sioux des prairies, Sioux occidentaux, Sioux of the Meadows, Nadooessis of the Plains, Prairie Indians, Sioux of the Plain, Maskoutens-Nadouessians, Mascouteins Nadouessi, and Sioux nomades.
Today many of the tribes continue to officially call themselves "Sioux", which the Federal Government of the United States applied to all Dakota/Lakota/Nakota people in the 19th and 20th centuries. However, some of the tribes have formally or informally adopted traditional names: the Rosebud Sioux Tribe is also known as the Sičangu Oyate (Brulé Nation), and the Oglala often use the name Oglala Lakota Oyate, rather than the English "Oglala Sioux Tribe" or OST. (The alternate English spelling of Ogallala is deprecated, even though it is closer to the correct pronunciation.) The Lakota have names for their own subdivisions.
Notable persons include
Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotaka) from the Hunkpapa band andCrazy Horse (Tašunke Witko),Red Cloud (Maĥpiya Luta),Black Elk (Hehaka Sapa), Medicine Man and Sundance Chief Pete Catches (Petaga Yuha Mani), andBilly Mills from the Oglala band. The Lakota also are Western of the three Sioux groups, occupying lands in both North and South Dakota.Reservations
Today, one half of all enrolled Sioux live off the Reservation.
Lakota reservations recognized by the U.S. government include:
* Oglala (
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation )
*Sicangu (Rosebud Indian Reservation )
*Hunkpapa (Standing Rock Reservation )
* Mniconjou (Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation )
* Izipaco (Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation )
* Siha Sapa (Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation )
* Ooinunpa (Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation )Some Lakota also live on other Sioux reservations in eastern South Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska:
* Santee, in Nebraska
* Crow Creek in Central South Dakota
* Yankton in Central South Dakota
* Flandreau in Eastern South Dakota
*Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate in Northeastern South Dakota and Southeastern North Dakota
* Lower Sioux in Minnesota
* Upper Sioux in Minnesota
* Shakopee in Minnesota
* Prairie Island in MinnesotaIn addition several Lakota live on Wood Mountain
Indian Reserve often Wood Mountain First Nation northwest ofWood Mountain Post now a Saskatchewan historic site.See also
Lakota language
*Lakota mythology
*Native American tribes in Nebraska Notes
* Christafferson, Dennis M. (2001). Sioux, 1930-2000. In R. J. DeMallie (Ed.), "Handbook of North American Indians: Plains" (Vol. 13, Part 2, pp. 821-839). W. C. Sturtevant (Gen. Ed.). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. ISBN 0-16-050400-7.
* DeMallie, Raymond J. (2001a). Sioux until 1850. In R. J. DeMallie (Ed.), "Handbook of North American Indians: Plains" (Vol. 13, Part 2, pp. 718-760). W. C. Sturtevant (Gen. Ed.). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. ISBN 0-16-050400-7.
* DeMallie, Raymond J. (2001b). Teton. In R. J. DeMallie (Ed.), "Handbook of North American Indians: Plains" (Vol. 13, Part 2, pp. 794-820). W. C. Sturtevant (Gen. Ed.). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. ISBN 0-16-050400-7.
* Hein, David (Advent 2002). "Episcopalianism among the Lakota / Dakota Indians of South Dakota." "The Historiographer", vol. 40, pp. 14-16. ["The Historiographer" is a publication of the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church and the National Episcopal Historians and Archivists.]
* Hein, David (1997). "Christianity and Traditional Lakota / Dakota Spirituality: A Jamesian Interpretation." "The McNeese Review", vol. 35, pp. 128-38.
* Matson, William and Frethem, Mark (2006). Producers. "The Authorized Biography of Crazy Horse and His Family Part One: Creation, Spirituality, and the Family Tree". The Crazy Horse family tells their oral history and with explanations of Lakota spirituality and culture on DVD. (Publisher is Reelcontact.com)
* Parks, Douglas R.; & Rankin, Robert L. (2001). The Siouan languages. In R. J. DeMallie (Ed.), "Handbook of North American Indians: Plains" (Vol. 13, Part 1, pp. 94-114). W. C. Sturtevant (Gen. Ed.). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. ISBN 0-16-050400 5.
* Ullrich, Jan. New Lakota Dictionary. (Lakota Language Consortium). ISBN 0-9761082-9-1. (The most comprehensive dictionary of the language, the only dictionary reliable in terms of spelling and defining words). Available at http://www.lakhota.org/html/DictionaryPrint.htmlExternal links
* [http://www.dakotablues.nl Dakota Blues: The History of The Great Sioux Nation]
* [http://www.lakotafreedom.com Lakota Freedom Delegation]
* [http://www.lakotafreedom.com/portfolio.html Lakota declaration of independence and related documents]
* [http://www.lakhota.org Lakota Language Consortium]
* [http://censored-news.blogspot.com/2007/12/lakota-freedom-delegation-to-withdraw.html Lakota Freedom Delegation to Withdraw from Treaties in DC] 2007/12/14
* [http://curtis.library.northwestern.edu/viewPage.cgi?showp=1&size=2&id=nai.03.book.00000019&volume=3 The Teton Sioux] (Edward S. Curtis)
* [http://www.wintercounts.si.edu Lakota Winter Counts] a Smithsonian exhibit of the annual icon chosen to represent the major event of the past year
* [http://www.lakhota.com Lakhota.Com]
* [http://www.sioux.org Official Website-Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe]
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