- Whitevine Meadows
Infobox SSSI
name=Whitevine Meadows
area=13.0hectare (32.0 acre)
Whitevine Meadows (gbmapping|ST505085) is a 13.0
hectare (32.0 acre)biological Site of Special Scientific Interest inSomerset , notified in 1979.This site consists of a nationally rare type of neutralgrassland together with adjoining areas of scrub andancient woodland . The Whitevine meadow is unusual in being one of only three British localities where the grass "Gaudinia fragilis " is a prominent and established component of the sward. The scrub provides nest sites for several species of bird, includingNightingale ("Luscinia megarhynchos"). Clearings within the scrub support a mixedFlora with Saw-wort ("Serratula tinctoria"),Yellow-wort ("Blackstonia perfoliata") and Autumn Gentian ("Gentianella amarella"). These sheltered glades provide favourable climatic conditions forbutterflies includingMarbled White ("Melanargia galathea") andSilver-washed Fritillary ("Argynnis paphia"). [cite web | title=Whitevine Meadows | work=English Nature | url=http://www.english-nature.org.uk/citation/citation_photo/1001203.pdf | accessdate=2006-09-09]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.