Rind et al. controversy

Rind et al. controversy

The Rind et al. controversy refers to a unique historical debate in scientific literature, public media, and the US government, regarding a 1998 paper on child sexual abuse published in the American Psychological Association's journal "Psychological Bulletin" [ [http://www.apa.org/journals/bul/description.html Journal Description | Psychological Bulletin | APA Journals ] ] . Titled "A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse (CSA) using college samples," [Rind, B., Tromovitch, P. & Bauserman, R. (1998). "A Meta-analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples". Psychological Bulletin, 124(1), 22-53] the paper was written by researchers Bruce Rind, Philip Tromovitch and Robert Bauserman, following a related 1997 meta-analysis by Rind and Tromovitch in the "Journal of Sex Research", published by the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. [ [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2372/is_n3_v34/ai_20444907 A meta-analytic review of findings from national samples on psychological correlates of child sexual abuse | Journal of Sex Research | Find Articles at BNET.com ] ] [ [http://www.sexscience.org/publications/index.php?category_id=439 SSSS : Journal of Sex Research ] ] The debate resulted in the unprecedented condemnation of the paper by the United States House of Representatives.

The authors' stated goal was "...to address the question: In the population of persons with a history of CSA [child sexual abuse] , does this experience cause intense psychological harm on a widespread basis for both genders?" Some of the authors' more controversial conclusions were:

* Rind et al. contended that "CSA does not cause intense harm on a pervasive basis regardless of gender." Simplified, Rind et al. (1998) found that 3 out of every 100 individuals in a CSA population had clinically significant problems (compared to 2 out of every 100 in a general population). [cite journal |year=2007|title=National Samples, Sexual Abuse in Childhood, and Adjustment in Adulthood: A Commentary on Najman, Dunne, Purdie, Boyle, and Coxeter (2005)|url=http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/aseb/2007/00000036/00000001/00009058|journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior| volume=n36, 101-106|author=Rind and Tromovitch|doi=10.1007/s10508-006-9058-y|pages=101]
* Rind et al. contended that "An important reason why the assumed properties of CSA failed to withstand empirical scrutiny in the current review is that the construct of CSA, as commonly conceptualized by researchers, is of questionable scientific validity."
* Rind et al. contended that the degree of psychological damage was based on whether the child describes the encounter as consensual or not.vague|date=March 2008

Numerous pro-pedophile advocacy organizations have quoted the Rind et al paper in support of their efforts to lower or rescind age of consent laws, and defense attorneys have used the study to argue for minimizing harm in child sexual abuse cases. cite book|title=Sexual Abuse of Males: The Sam Model of Theory and Practice |last= Spiegel |first=Josef |contributors=Christine A. Courtois |year=2003 |pages=p3, p9 |publisher=Routledge]

The controversy

July 1998 - the paper by Bruce Rind, Philip Tromovitch and Robert Bauserman was published in "Psychological Bulletin".

December 1998 - the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) criticized the study for its methodology and conclusions. Criticism of it began to appear on the internet

March, 1999 - it was then attacked by "The Wanderer", a Catholic religious newspaper, talk show host Dom Giordano, and Dr. Laura Schlessinger. In response, the APA declared in a press statement that "the sexual abuse of children is wrong and harmful to its victims" and that "the findings of a research project within an APA journal is in no way an endorsement."

In an internal APA email [Fowler, R. (1999). "RE: APA statements". Child Maltreatment Researchers (Mailing List), Retrieved from http://www.ndacan.cornell.edu/cmrlpostings/msg01569.html] the President of the APA, Raymond Fowler, wrote

:Many critics have demanded that APA repudiate the study. Because the article has attracted so much attention, we have carefully reviewed the process by which it was approved for publication and the soundness of the methodology and analysis. This study passed the journal's rigorous peer review process and has, since the controversy, been reviewed again by an expert in statistical analysis who affirmed that it meets current standards and that the methodology, which is widely used by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop guidelines, is sound.

June 9 1999 - the president of the APA, Raymond Fowler, announced in an [http://www.apa.org/releases/delay.html open letter] to Representative Tom DeLay that there was to be an independent review of the controversial paper.

July 12 1999 - the United States House of Representatives unanimously passed a [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c106:H.+Con.+Res.+107: resolution] declaring that "sexual relations between children and adults are abusive, exploitive, and reprehensible, and should never be considered or labeled as harmless or acceptable." It condemned the study specifically on the grounds that "pedophiles and organizations, such as the North American Man-Boy Love Association, that advocate laws to permit sex between adults and children are exploiting the study to promote and justify child sexual abuse." cite web|author=US Congress|year=1999|title=Whereas no segment of our society is more critical to the future of human survival than our children|format=PDF|work=106th Congress, Resolution 107|url=http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=106_cong_bills&docid=f:hc107enr.txt.pdf] The resolution was passed unanimously in the Senate.

September 15 1999 - the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), whom APA under political pressure had asked for an independent review of the article, did refuse to review the article again in order to respond to its political rejection saying that::We see no reason to second guess the process of peer review used by the APA journal in its decision to publish the article in question. While not without its imperfections, peer review is well established as a standard mechanism for maintaining the flow of scientific information that scientists can refer to, critique or build on. After examining all the materials available to the committee, we saw no clear evidence of improper application of methodology or other questionable practices on the part of the article's authors.

:The Committee also wishes to express its grave concerns with the politicization of the debate over the article's methods and findings. In reviewing the set of background materials available to us, we found it deeply disconcerting that so many of the comments made by those in the political arena and in the media indicate a lack of understanding of the analysis presented by the authors or misrepresented the article's findings. All citizens, especially those in a position of public trust, have a responsibility to be accurate about the evidence that informs their public statements. We see little indication of that from the most vocal on this matter, behaviour that the Committee finds very distressing.

The AAAS's Committee of Scientific Freedom and Responsibility reported that they "saw no clear evidence of improper application of methodology or other questionable practices on the part of the article's authors." However, AAAS also added that "if there were such problems, uncovering them would be the task of those reviewing it prior to publication or to readers of the published article" and attached the following disclaimer: "The fact that the Committee has chosen not to proceed with an evaluation of the article in the "Psychological Bulletin" should not be seen either as endorsement or criticism of it." (p. 3)

March 2002 - The fact that politics has intervened in the field of science has raised many [http://www.just-well.dk/lettersapa.htm objections] from researchers concerned about its implications for the independence of the scientific peer-reviewing process. Some, including two "Psychological Bulletin" editors, call Raymond Fowler's June 9 letter a capitulation to political pressure. The affair was also later discussed in issue of another APA journal, "American Psychologist".

Criticism and response

Researcher Stepanie Dallam criticized the Rind paper in detail based on extensive analysis in her 2001 paper published in the "Journal of Child Sexual Abuse." Dallam stated in her report, "After careful examination of the evidence, it is concluded that Rind et al. can best be described as an advocacy article that inappropriately uses science in an attempt to legitimatize its findings."cite journal|title=Science or Propaganda? An Examination of Rind, Tromovitch and Bauserman |last=Dallam |first=Stephanie J. |journal=Journal of Child Sexual Abuse |publisher=Haworth Press |volume=Vol 9; No. 3/4, pp. 109-134|year=2001] Dallam's critique of Rind is frequently cited and has been republished in full on the website of "The Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence". cite journal|title=Science or Propaganda? An Examination of Rind, Tromovitch and Bauserman |last=Dallam |first=Stephanie J. |url=http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/res/dallam/5.html |publisher=The Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence |accessmonthyear=January, 2008 |accessday=23]

ample bias accusation

Dallam et al. note that, by restricting their analysis to convenience samples of college students, Rind et al. introduced a systematic bias in favor of their conclusion by excluding victims so traumatized that they did not go on to attend college. In addition, Duncan (2000) found that child sexual abuse survivors were far more likely than non-abused individuals to drop out of college, especially after only one semester. [Dallam, S.J. (2002). Science or Propaganda? An examination of Rind, Tromovitch and Bauserman (1998)] ". Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 9(3/4), 109-134.]

Rind, Bauserman, and Tromovitch have responded to this criticism by emphasizing that "the representativeness of college samples is in fact irrelevant to the stated goals and conclusions of our study" since the purpose of their research was "to examine the validity of the clinical concept" of CSA. According to the commonly understood definition of the term, child sexual abuse is extremely and pervasively harmful, meaning that "in any population sampled - drug addicts, psychiatric patients, or college students - persons who have experienced CSA should show strong evidence of the assumed properties of CSA." The authors of the study note that because the college sample did not show pervasive harm, "the broad and unqualified claims about the properties of CSA are contradicted." [Rind, B., Tromovitch, P., & Bauserman, R. (2001). "The Validity and Appropriateness of Methods, Analyses, and Conclusions". Psychological Bulletin, 127, 734-758.]

Non-standardization of variables

Dallam et al. and Holmes and Slap (1999) [ [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=10376568 Interpretation of research on sexual abuse of boys. [JAMA. 1999 - PubMed Result ] ] assert that Rind et al. did not standardize their definition of child sexual abuse, leaving out certain studies that were appropriate, and including studies that were inappropriate. That is, they allege that Rind et al. uncritically combined data from studies of CSA with data from studies looking at other phenomena such as consensual peer experiences, sexual experiences that occurred during adulthood, and homosexual approaches during adolescence. Holmes and Slap (1999) noted that Rind et al. uncritically combined psychological outcomes measured by different instruments with varying validity, relevance, and different interval scaling and cut points. After reviewing the Rind et al.’s study, Holmes and Slap concluded, "meta-analysis is not appropriate when methodological rigor, let alone the question asked, is so varied" (p. 2186).

Rind, et al. have also responded to this criticism, asserting the appropriateness of including all five of the studies (Landis, 1956; Shultz and Jones, 1983; Sedney and Brooks, 1984; Grenwald, 1994; and Sarbo, 1985) specifically identified by Dallam as inappropriate to a study about child sexual abuse.

Dallam claims that the first three studies focused on all types of child sexual activity, not just child sexual abuse. Rind et al. reject this claim. In regard to the Landis study, Rind et al. note that it has been used by many other sex researchers (e.g., Finkelhor, Fishman, Fromuth & Burkhart, Sarbo, and others) as an example of an early study about child sexual abuse. In regard to the Shultz and Jones study, Rind et al. concede that the study "looked at all types of 'sexual acts' before age 12," but explained that the respondents in the study were all asked "if their experience was with a person over the age of 16," thus allowing Rind et al. to include only the relationships that were age-discrepant. In regard to the Sedney and Brooks study, Rind et al. admit that the study used a broad definition of child sexual abuse, but explain that the researchers themselves chose to use such a definition "because of the difficulty posed by a priori decisions about what type of sexual experiences are 'problems.'"

The last two studies, according to Dallam, were inappropriate because they included respondents who were over the age of 17.

tatistical errors

Dallam et al. also contend that Rind et al. miscoded or misreported significant amounts of the underlying study data, thereby skewing the results. According to Dallam et al., Rind et al. incorrectly used "Pearson's r" instead of "Cohen's d" to calculate the effect size, which resulted in a failure to correct for base-rate differences of CSA in male and female samples, and which led to the finding that males were less harmed by CSA. After correcting for base-rate attenuation, Dallam et al. claimed to have arrived at identical effect sizes for male and female samples. In other words, Dallam et al. challenged Rind et al.'s claim that males are less affected by CSA. Fact|date=June 2008

In responding to this criticism, Rind et al. report that they did indeed describe the contrast between the effect size estimates as "nonsignificant, z = 1.42, p > .10, two-tailed." However, they continue, "What [they] did report as significantly different was the contrast between male and female effect size estimates for the all-types-of-consent groups, where "rus" = .04 and .11, respectively. In "follow [ing] Dallam et al. (2001) [by] apply [ing] Becker's correction formula to these values, they become rcs = .06 and .12 for men and women, respectively. The contrast is still statistically significant (z = 2.68, p < .01. two-tailed), contrary to Dallam et al.'s (2001) claim."

Rind et al. claim that their own "handling of Pearson's r in the face of base-rate differences was methodologically proper and produced no important bias, if any at all." Furthermore, they contend that Dallam's criticisms "exhibited bias ... [by] selectively ignoring key clarifying quotes ... and citing them elsewhere in their critique to argue different points, and [by] ignoring or overlooking a key caveat by Becker (1986) regarding appropriate use of his correction formula." Fact|date=June 2008

Accusation of researchers' personal bias

As Rind himself has noted, the research findings can be skewed by an investigators personal biases. Rind et al. (1998) stated, “Reviewers who are convinced that CSA is a major cause of adult psychopathology may fall prey to confirmation bias by noting and describing study findings indicating harmful effects but ignoring or paying less attention to findings indicating nonnegative outcomes” (p. 24).

Critics have opined that the number of controversial, CSA-related studies conducted by Rind and Bauserman is proof that they may have a bias. For example, when Rind (1995b) reviewed human sexuality textbooks' coverage of the effects of adult-child sex, he concluded that the use of terms such as victims, survivors, offenders, and perpetrators were scientifically invalid.

Rind, et al. have responded by claiming that the convention of using only legal and clinical samples (that is, individuals who are receiving psychological treatment or who are engaged in legal proceedings) represents a bias on the part of prior researchers -- a bias which they believe they are remedying through their use of non-clinical samples (like college samples). [Rind, B., Bauserman, R. & Tromovitch, P. (2001, July/August). "The Condemned Meta-Analysis on Child Sexual Abuse; Good Science and Long-Overdue Skepticism". Skeptical Inquirer, 68-72.]

ubsequent Research and Modern Conclusions

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) maintains that "children cannot consent to sexual activity with adults". And many studies from both before and after Rind et al.'s publication have supported this stance and found results directly contradicting Rind's conclusions. [cite journal |author=Kendler KS, Bulik CM, Silberg J, Hettema JM, Myers J, Prescott CA |title=Childhood sexual abuse and adult psychiatric and substance use disorders in women: an epidemiological and cotwin control analysis |journal=Arch. Gen. Psychiatry |volume=57 |issue=10 |pages=9539 |year=2000 |month=October |pmid=11015813 |doi= |url=http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=11015813 |accessdate=2008-08-08]

Critics have pointed out that Rind's model of "assumed properties of child sexual abuse," (that is, of universal and pervasive harm in all victims of CSA) is a straw man assertion, in that it is both simplistic and misleading.cite journal |author=Ondersma SJ, Chaffin M, Berliner L, Cordon I, Goodman GS, Barnett D |title=Sex with children is abuse: Comment on Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman (1998) |journal=Psychol Bull |volume=127 |issue=6 |pages=70714 |year=2001 |month=November |pmid=11726067 |doi= |url=http://content.apa.org/journals/bul/127/6/707 |accessdate=2008-08-08] McNally, Richard J. (2003). "Progress and controversy in the study of posttraumatic stress disorder," "Annual Review of Psychology", 54, 229-252] The reactions of victims in their adult lives have been found to be extremely varied, ranging from severe to nearly unnoticeable, and many pathologies are not diagnosable in the strictly clinical sense Rind uses. Victims often have a flawed or distorted appraisal of their abuse, and fail to connect distressing and sometimes debilitating pathologies with their experiences. Further, these studies make no accounting for emotional support of the victim's family, clinical treatment of the victim prior to the study, or personal resiliency, which can easily account for less severe outcomes.

ee also

* Age disparity in sexual relationships
* Pederasty
* Pedophilia
* Censorship
* American Psychological Association



* Dallam, S.J., Gleaves, D.H., Cepeda-Benito, A., Silberg, J.L., Kraemer, H.C. & Spiegel, D. (2001). " [http://www.ipce.info/library_3/files/dal.htm The Effects of Child Sexual Abuse: Comment on Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman (1998)] ". "Psychological Bulletin", 127, 715-733.
* Dallam, S.J. (2002). " Science or Propaganda? An examination of Rind, Tromovitch and Bauserman (1998)] ". "Journal of Child Sexual Abuse", 9(3/4), 109-134.
* Lilienfeld, S.O. (2002). " [http://web.archive.org/web/20030429000006/http://www.haverford.edu/psych/ble/SciSoc/lilienfeld02.pdf When Worlds Collide: Social Science, Politics and the Rind et al. (1998) Child Abuse Meta-Analysis] ". "American Psychologist", 57(3), 177-187.
* Rind, B., Bauserman, R. & Tromovitch, P. (2001, July/August). " [http://home.wanadoo.nl/ipce/library_two/rbt/skept.htm The Condemned Meta-Analysis on Child Sexual Abuse; Good Science and Long-Overdue Skepticism] ". "Skeptical Inquirer", 68-72.
* Rind, B. & Tromovitch, P. (1997). " [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2372/is_n3_v34/ai_20444907 A meta-analytic review of findings from national samples on psychological correlates of child sexual abuse] ". "Journal of Sex Research", 34, 237-255.
* Rind, B., Tromovitch, P. & Bauserman, R. (1998). "A Meta-analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples". "Psychological Bulletin", 124(1), 22-53" ( [http://paedosexualitaet.de/lib/Rind1998a.html see also] )
* Rind, B., Tromovitch, P., & Bauserman, R. (2001). "The Validity and Appropriateness of Methods, Analyses, and Conclusions". "Psychological Bulletin", 127, 734-758.
* Rind, B., Tromovitch, P., & Bauserman, R. (1999) " The Clash of Media, Politics, and Sexual Science: An examination of the controversy surrounding the Psychological Bulletin meta-analysis on the assumed properties of child sexual abuse".

External links

* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9670820&dopt=Abstract Rind et al. abstract archived at U.S. National Library of Medicine]
* [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2372/is_n3_v34/ai_20444907 A meta-analytic review of findings from national samples on psychological correlates of child sexual abuse]
* [http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/rind/1.html The Leadership Council's Examination of the Rind Meta-analysis]

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