Rhombohedral crystal system
- Rhombohedral crystal system
In crystallography, the rhombohedral (or trigonal) crystal system is one of the seven lattice point groups, named after the two-dimensional rhombus. A crystal system is described by three basis vectors. In the rhombohedral system, the crystal is described by vectors of equal length, of which all three are not mutually orthogonal. The rhombohedral system can be thought of as the cubic system stretched diagonally along a body. "a" = "b" = "c"; alpha = eta = gamma
eq 90^circ.In some classification schemes, the rhombohedral system is grouped into a larger hexagonal system.
There exists only one rhombohedral Bravais lattice.
List of particulars
The point groups which fall under this crystal system are listed below, followed by their representations in international notation (Hermann-Mauguin notation) and Schoenflies notation, and example crystals.
ee also
*Crystal structure
* Hurlbut, Cornelius S.; Klein, Cornelis, 1985, "Manual of Mineralogy", 20th ed., pp. 78 - 89, ISBN 0-471-80580-7
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crystal system — n. any of the seven groups (cubic, hexagonal, rhombohedral, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic) of crystals classified on the basis of the relationships of their crystallographic axes (imaginary lines of reference used to… … English World dictionary
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rhombohedral — [räm΄bə hē′drəl] adj. 1. of or having to do with a rhombohedron 2. designating or of a crystal system having three axes of equal length, none of which intersects at right angles with another: see CRYSTAL SYSTEM … English World dictionary
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rhombohedral system — noun : a crystal system characterized by three equal and interchangeable axes at equal angles to each other and usually classed as a division of the hexagonal system compare tetragonal system … Useful english dictionary
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