giant velvety free-tailed bat — didysis aksominis šikšnosparnis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Molossus molossus angl. giant velvety free tailed bat; Kerr’s mastiff bat; Pallas’ mastiff bat vok. große Samtfledermaus pranc. molosse… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Free-tailed bat — Free tailed Bats Temporal range: Late Eocene to Recent Unidentified molossid. Note that the tail extends beyond the uropatagium Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
free-tailed bat — /free tayld / any of various small, swift, insect eating bats of the family Molossidae, common in warm climates, having thick, leathery ears and a tail that projects well beyond the tail membrane. * * * Any of about 90 species of bats (family… … Universalium
Free-tailed — may refer to:* Big Free tailed Bat, bat species from South, North and Central America * Free tailed bat, bat in the family Molossidae * Gallagher s free tailed bat, free tailed bat endemic to the Democratic Republic of the Congo * Mexican Free… … Wikipedia
Kerr’s mastiff bat — didysis aksominis šikšnosparnis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Molossus molossus angl. giant velvety free tailed bat; Kerr’s mastiff bat; Pallas’ mastiff bat vok. große Samtfledermaus pranc. molosse… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Pallas’ mastiff bat — didysis aksominis šikšnosparnis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Molossus molossus angl. giant velvety free tailed bat; Kerr’s mastiff bat; Pallas’ mastiff bat vok. große Samtfledermaus pranc. molosse… … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
guano bat — noun the common freetail bat of southern United States having short velvety fur; migrates southward for winter • Syn: ↑Mexican freetail bat, ↑Tadarida brasiliensis • Hypernyms: ↑freetail, ↑free tailed bat, ↑freetailed bat … Useful english dictionary
Mexican freetail bat — noun the common freetail bat of southern United States having short velvety fur; migrates southward for winter • Syn: ↑guano bat, ↑Tadarida brasiliensis • Hypernyms: ↑freetail, ↑free tailed bat, ↑freetailed bat … Useful english dictionary
List of mammals in Brazil — Brazil has the largest mammal diversity in the world, with more than 500 described species and, probably, many yet to be discovered. According to the World Conservation Union sixty six of these species are endangered species and 40% of the… … Wikipedia
List of mammals in Colombia — This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Colombia. There are 398 mammal species in Colombia, of which 3 are critically endangered, 8 are endangered, 27 are vulnerable, and 6 are near threatened. 1 of the species listed for Colombia is… … Wikipedia