1971 in spaceflight

1971 in spaceflight

|13 January, 20:10 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant II
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|13 January 1971
|21 January, 02:32 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant VB
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|Auroral, ionospheric and plasma research
|21 January 1971
|21 January, 18:28 GMT
|flagicon|USATitan 23B
|flagicon|USASLC-4W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAOPS 7776
|US Air Force/NRO
|Surveillance satellite
|9 February 1971
|22 January, 04:44 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant VB
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|Auroral, ionospheric and plasma research
|22 January 1971
|26 January, 00:36 GMT
|flagicon|USAAtlas-Centaur SLV-3C
|flagicon|USALC-36A, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|UNIntelsat 4 F-2
|Still in orbit
|26 January, 17:23 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant VB
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|Ionospheric and Solar research
|26 January
rowspan="2"|31 January, 21:03 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USASaturn V
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USALC-39A, Kennedy
|flagicon|USAApollo 14 CSM "Kitty Hawk"
3 astronauts
|Manned Lunar orbiter
|9 February 1971, 21:05 GMT
|flagicon|USAApollo 14 Lunar Module "Antares"
|Manned Lunar landing
|5 February 1971, 09:17 GMT
(on Moon)
|5 February, 22:46 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant IVB
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|Auroral, Ionospheric, and meteorite research
|5 February 1971
|6 February, 18:48 GMT
|flagicon|USAApollo 14 Lunar Module "Antares" ascent stage
|flagicon|UNApollo 14 Lunar Module "Antares" descent stage
Fra Mauro
The Moon
|flagicon|USAApollo 14, 2 astronauts
|Return Apollo 14 astronauts to CSM in orbit.
|7 February 1971
00:46 GMT
(on Moon)
rowspan="4"|17 February, 03:52 GMT
rowspan="4"|flagicon|USAThor Burner II
rowspan="4"|flagicon|USASLC-10W, Vandenberg AFB
rowspan="4"|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USADMSP 5A F3
|US Air Force
|Weather satellite
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USACalsphere 3A
|US Air Force
|Radar calibration
|17 October 1989
|flagicon|USACalsphere 4
|US Air Force
|Radar calibration
|20 September 1989
|flagicon|USACalsphere 5
|US Air Force
|Radar calibration
|17 January 1990
rowspan="3"|17 February, 20:04 GMT
rowspan="3"|flagicon|USAThorad Agena-D SLV-2H
rowspan="3"|flagicon|USASLC-3W, Vandenberg AFB
rowspan="3"|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAKH-4B 1113
|US Air Force
|Intended: LEO
|Surveillance satellite
rowspan="3"|T+18 seconds
rowspan="3"|Overloading of orinite led to cracked valve, and loss of engine lubrication at launch.
|flagicon|USASRV 825
|US Air Force
|Intended: LEO
|Surveillance satellite
|flagicon|USASRV 826
|US Air Force
|Intended: LEO
|Surveillance satellite

|20 February, 03:33 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant IVA
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|Research into Auroras, Ionosphere, and plasma

|February 25
01:13 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant VB
|flagicon|USAWallops Island
|Aeronomy research
|February 28
20:10 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant III
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|March 3
06:52 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant IVA
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|Research Auroras
|March 3
12:15 GMT
|flagicon|PRCCZ-1 (Long March 1)
|flagicon|PRCLA-2A, Jiuquan
|June 17 1979

|March 20
03:24 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant II
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|Test rocket
Research Ionosphere, and Auroras
|March 21
03:45 GMT
|flagicon|USATitan 33B
|flagicon|USASLC-4W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAJumpseat 1
|US Air Force/NRO
|High eccentricity LEO/MEO
|Still in orbit
|March 24
20:10 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant VC
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|March 24
21:05 GMT
|flagicon|USAThorad Agena-D SLV-2H
|flagicon|USASLC-3W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAKH-4B 1114
|US Air Force
|Surveillance satellite
|April 12 1971
|Computer on satellite malfunctioned
|April 1
02:57 GMT
|flagicon|USAThor Delta E1
|flagicon|USASLC-2E, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAISIS 2
|Ionospheric research.
|Still in orbit
|Final flight of Thor Delta E1 launch vehicle

|April 5
|flagicon|USAAtlas F
|flagicon|USAABRES-A1, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAABRES LAR-1
|US Air Force
|Test Re-entry vehicle
|April 5, 1971
|April 19
01:40 GMT
|flagicon|USSRProton 8K82K
|flagicon|USSRLC-81, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRSalyut 1
|Space station
|October 11 1971
|Partial Failure
|First space station
Experiment bay door failed to separate
First crew failed to dock, and second crew killed on re-entry
|April 22
15:30 GMT
|flagicon|USATitan 23B
|flagicon|USASLC-4W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAOPS 7899
|US Air Force/NRO
|Surveillance satellite
|May 13 1971
|April 22
23:54 GMT
|flagicon|USSRR-7 11A511 (Soyuz/A-2)
|flagicon|USSRLC-1/5, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRSoyuz 10, 3 cosmonauts
|LEO, Intended to be docked to Salyut 1
|Manned mission to Salyut 1 space station
|April 24 1971
|Docking system malfunction - mission aborted and spacecraft deorbited
|May 5
07:43 GMT
|flagicon|USATitan IIIC
|flagicon|USALC-40, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAIMEWS 2
|US Air Force
|Early warning defense satellite
|Still in orbit
|May 9
01:11 GMT
|flagicon|USAAtlas-Centaur SLV-3C
|flagicon|USALC-36A, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USAMariner H
|Intended: Heliocentric
|Martian flyby probe
|May 9 1971
|Premature second stage cutoff due to human error.
|May 10
16:58 GMT
|flagicon|USSRProton 8K82K
|flagicon|USSRLC-81, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRCosmos 419 (Mars M-71)
|Intended: Martian
Actual: LEO
|Martian photography
|May 12 1971
|Fourth stage ignition delay accidentally entered as 1.5 years, rather than 1.5 hours
rowspan=2|flagicon|USSRMay 19
16:22 GMT
rowspan=2|flagicon|USSRProton 8K82K
rowspan=2|flagicon|USSRLC-81, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRMars 2
|Martian orbiter
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USSRMars 2 lander
|Martian lander
|November 27 1971
|Descent system malfunctioned, did not survive landing
rowspan=2|May 28
15:26 GMT
rowspan=2|flagicon|USSRProton 8K82K
rowspan=2|flagicon|USSRLC-81, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRMars 3
|Martian orbiter
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USSRMars 3 lander
|Martian lander
|December 2 1971
|Failed 20 seconds after landing, unknown cause.
|May 30
22:23 GMT
|flagicon|USAAtlas-Centaur SLV-3C
|flagicon|USALC-36B, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USAMariner 9
|Martian orbit
|Martian orbiter
Study martian atmosphere
Surface mapping
|Still in orbit
|First planetry orbiter.
First artificial satellite of Mars.
|June 6
04:55 GMT
|flagicon|USSRR-7 11A511 (Soyuz/A-2)
|flagicon|USSRLC-1/5, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRSoyuz 11, 3 cosmonauts
|LEO, docked to Salyut 1
|Manned mission to Salyut 1 space station
|June 29 1971
|First manned space station
Pressure leak on re-entry resulted in loss of crew
|June 7
05:26 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant IVA
|flagicon|CANFort Churchill
|Research Ionosphere
|June 8
14:00 GMT
|flagicon|USAThor Burner II
|flagicon|USASLC-10W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USASESP 70-1
|US Air Force
|Weather satellite
|January 31 1982
|June 15
18:41 GMT
|flagicon|USATitan IIID
|flagicon|USASLC-4E, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAKH-9 01 ("Big Bird")
|Surveillance satellite
|August 6 1971
|Maiden flight of Titan IIID
|June 20
|flagicon|USATitan II
|flagicon|USALC-395C, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAflagicon|USAUS Air Force
|SSTTP target mission
|June 26
23:15 GMT
|flagicon|USSRLC-110L, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRBoilerplate Soyuz spacecraft
|Intended: LEO
|Test LV
|T+51 seconds
|Loss of control. Destroyed by range safety
|June 29
10:12 GMT
|flagicon|USAAtlas F/Trident
|flagicon|USAABRES-A3, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAABRES RVTO-2
|US Air Force
|Test Re-entry vehicle
|June 29, 1971
|July 16
10:50 GMT
|flagicon|USAThorad Agena-D SLV-2H
|flagicon|USASLC-1W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAOPS 8373
|US Air Force
|Surveillance satellite
|August 31 1978
|July 21
16:00 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant VC
|flagicon|CANWallops Island
|Test rocket
rowspan=3 |July 26
13:34 GMT
rowspan=3 |flagicon|USASaturn V
rowspan=3 |flagicon|USALC-39A, Kennedy Space Center
rowspan=3 |flagicon|USANASA
|flagicon|USAApollo 15 CSM "Endeavour"
3 astronauts
|Manned Lunar orbiter
|August 7, 1971
|flagicon|USAApollo 15 Lunar Module "Falcon"
|Manned Lunar landing
|July 30, 1971
22:16 GMT
(at Moon)
|First flight to carry lunar rover
|flagicon|USAApollo 15 Subsatellite
|Study lunar particles
|First satellite to be deployed by manned spacecraft.
Deployed at 20:13 GMT on August 4
|August 2
17:11 GMT
|flagicon|USAApollo 15 Lunar Module "Falcon" ascent stage
|flagicon|UNApollo 15 Lunar Module "Falcon" descent stage, Hadley-Apennine
The Moon
|flagicon|USAApollo 15, 2 astronauts
|Return Apollo 15 astronauts to CSM in orbit.
|August 3 1971
03:04 GMT
(at Moon)
rowspan="9"|August 7
00:11 GMT
rowspan="9"|flagicon|USAAtlas F
rowspan="9"|flagicon|USABMRS-A2, Vandenberg AFB
rowspan="9"|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|August 28, 1971
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USACannonball 2
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|January 31, 1972
|flagicon|USAMusketball 1
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|September 19, 1971
|flagicon|USAGridsphere 1
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USALCS 4
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|June 11, 1972
|flagicon|USAGridsphere 2
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|March 18, 1979
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|November 2, 1979
|flagicon|USAMylar Balloon
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|September 1, 1981
|August 12
15:30 GMT
|flagicon|USATitan 23B
|flagicon|USASLC-4W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAOPS 8607
|US Air Force/NRO
|Surveillance satellite
|September 3 1971
|August 27
|flagicon|USATitan II
|flagicon|USALC-395C, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|SSTTP target mission
|September 1
|flagicon|USAAtlas F
|flagicon|USABMRS-A1, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAABRES LAR-2
|US Air Force
|Test Re-entry vehicle
|June 29, 1971
|September 2
13:40 GMT
|flagicon|USSRProton 8K82K
|flagicon|USSRLC-81, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRLuna 18
|Lunar sample return
|September 11 1971 (at Moon)
|Crashed during landing attempt
|September 4
13:52 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant IIIB
|flagicon|USAResolute Bay
|Research plasma
|September 5
13:44 GMT
|flagicon|CANBlack Brant III
|flagicon|USAResolute Bay
|Research plasma
|September 10
|flagicon|PRCLA-2B, Jiuquan
|Research and development
|Maiden flight of DF-5
rowspan="3"|September 10
21:33 GMT
rowspan="3"|flagicon|USAThorad Agena-D SLV-2H
rowspan="3"|flagicon|USASLC-3W, Vandenberg AFB
rowspan="3"|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAKH-4B 1115
|US Air Force
|Surveillance satellite
|October 5 1971
|flagicon|USASRV 831
|US Air Force
|Surveillance satellite
|February 3 1976
|flagicon|USAOPS 7681
|US Air Force
|Surveillance satellite
|February 3 1976
|September 28
10:00 GMT
|flagicon|USSRProton 8K82K
|flagicon|USSRLC-81, Baikonur
|flagicon|USSRLuna 19
|Lunar orbiter and mapping
|Still in orbit
rowspan="2"|September 29
09:45 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USAThor Delta N
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USALC-17A, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station
|flagicon|USAOSO 7
|Solar observatory
|July 9, 1974
|flagicon|USATETR 3
|Technology research
|September 19, 1978
|October 14
07:51 GMT
|flagicon|USAThor Burner II
|flagicon|USASLC-10W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USADMSP 5B F1
|US Air Force
|Weather satellite
|Still in orbit
|October 17
13:36 GMT
|flagicon|USAThorad Agena D SLV-2G
|flagicon|USASLC-1W, Vandenberg AFB
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|Still in orbit
|October 21
11:32 GMT
|flagicon|USAThor Delta N
|flagicon|USASLC-2E, Vandenberg Air Force Base
|flagicon|USAITOS B
|Weather satellite
|July 21, 1972
|Space junk rendered orbit useless
rowspan=2 |October 23
17:16 GMT
rowspan=2 |flagicon|USATitan 24B
rowspan=2 |flagicon|USASLC-4W, Vandenberg AFB
rowspan=2 |flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAOPS 7616
|US Air Force/NRO
|Surveillance satellite
|November 17 1971
|US Air Force/NRO
|Surveillance satellite
|November 17 1971

|October 28
04:09 GMT
|flagicon|UKBlack Arrow
|flagicon|AUSLA-5B, Woomera
|flagicon|UKProspero (X-3)
|Micrometeorite detection
|Still in orbit
|First and so far only British launched satellite
rowspan="2"|November 3
03:09 GMT
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USATitan IIIC
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USALC-40, Cape Canaveral
rowspan="2"|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USADSCS-II 01
|US Air Force
|Military comsat
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USADSCS-II 02
|US Air Force
|Military comsat
|Still in orbit
|November 5
13:00 GMT
|flagicon|FRACECLES, Kourou
|Intended: LEO
|Test LV
|November 5 1971
|Third stage structural failure, final flight of Europa
|December 4
22:30 GMT
|flagicon|USAAtlas-Agena-D SLV-3A
|flagicon|USALC-13, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USACanyon 4 (AFP-827)
|US Air Force
|Intended: Geosynchronous
|Military Comsat
|December 4 1971
|First stage malfunction
rowspan="4"|October 17
13:36 GMT
rowspan="4"|flagicon|USAThorad Agena D SLV-2G
rowspan="4"|flagicon|USASLC-1W, Vandenberg AFB
rowspan="4"|flagicon|USAUS Air Force
|flagicon|USAOPS 7898 P/L1
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|Still in orbit
rowspan="4"| Final flight of Thorad Agena D SLV-2G
|flagicon|USAOPS 7898 P/L2
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USAOPS 7898 P/L3
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|Still in orbit
|flagicon|USAOPS 7898 P/L4
|US Air Force
|Technology research
|Still in orbit
|December 20
01:10 GMT
|flagicon|USAAtlas-Centaur SLV-3C
|flagicon|USALC-36A, Cape Canaveral
|flagicon|UNIntelsat 4 F-3
|Still in orbit

Deep space rendezvous in 1971

*February 9Apollo 14, 43 kg from "Fra Mauro" (sample return mission)
*August 7Apollo 15, 77 kg from "Hadley rille" (sample return mission)
*September 11Luna 18 impacted at "Mare Fecunditatis" (sample return mission)
*October 3Luna 19 entered selenocentric orbit
*November 14Mariner 9 entered Martian orbit, 7,329 pictures
*November 27Mars 2 entered Martian orbit and its lander crashed
*December 2Mars 3 entered Martian orbit and its lander was lost after 14.5 sec. on the surface



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