- Boolean ring
mathematics , a Boolean ring "R" is a ring (with identity) for which "x"2 = "x" for all "x" in "R"; that is, "R" consists only ofidempotent elements.Boolean rings are automatically commutative and of characteristic 2 (see below for proof). A Boolean ring is essentially the same thing as a Boolean algebra, with ring multiplication corresponding to conjunction or meet ∧, and ring addition to exclusive disjunction or
symmetric difference (not disjunction ∨).Notational problems
There are (at least) 4 different and incompatible systems of notation for Boolean rings and algebras.
*In commutative algebra the standard notation is to use "x"+"y" = "x"∧¬"y" ∨ ¬"x"∧"y"for the ring sum of "x" and "y", and use "xy" for their product.
*In logic, a common notation is to use "x" ∧ "y" for the join (same as the ring product) and use "x" ∨ "y" for the meet, given in terms of ring notation by "x"+"y"+"xy".
*In set theory and logic it is also common to use "x"."y" for the join, and "x"+"y" for the meet "x" ∨ "y". This use of + is different from the use in ring theory.
*A rare convention is to use "xy" for the product and "x"⊕"y" for the ring sum, in an effort to avoid the ambiguity of +.The old terminology was to use "Boolean ring" to mean a "Boolean ring possibly without an identity", and "Boolean algebra" to mean a Boolean ring with an identity. (This is the same as the old use of the terms "ring" and "algebra" in
measure theory .)Examples
One example of a Boolean ring is the
power set of any set "X", where the addition in the ring issymmetric difference , and the multiplication is intersection. As another example, we can also consider the set of all finite or cofinite subsets of "X", again with symmetric difference and intersection as operations. More generally with these operations anyfield of sets is a Boolean ring. By Stone's representation theorem every Boolean ring is isomorphic to a field of sets (treated as a ring with these operations).Relation to Boolean algebras
Since the join operation ∨ in a Boolean algebra is often written additively, it makes sense in this context to denote ring addition by ⊕ (which is the same as subtraction in any Boolean algebra), a symbol that is often used to denote
exclusive or .Given a Boolean ring "R", for "x" and "y" in "R" we can define
:"x" ∧ "y" = "xy",
:"x" ∨ "y" = "x" ⊕ "y" ⊕ "xy",
:¬"x" = 1 ⊕ "x".
These operations then satisfy all of the axioms for meets, joins, and complements in a Boolean algebra. Thus every Boolean ring becomes a Boolean algebra. Similarly, every Boolean algebra becomes a Boolean ring thus:
:"xy" = "x" ∧ "y",
:"x" ⊕ "y" = ("x" ∨ "y") ∧ ¬("x" ∧ "y").
If a Boolean ring is translated into a Boolean algebra in this way, and then the Boolean algebra is translated into a ring, the result is the original ring. The analogous result holds beginning with a Boolean algebra.
A map between two Boolean rings is a
ring homomorphism if and only if it is a homomorphism of the corresponding Boolean algebras. Furthermore, a subset of a Boolean ring is aring ideal (prime ring ideal, maximal ring ideal) if and only if it is anorder ideal (prime order ideal, maximal order ideal) of the Boolean algebra. Thequotient ring of a Boolean ring modulo a ring ideal corresponds to the factor algebra of the corresponding Boolean algebra modulo the corresponding order ideal.Properties of Boolean rings
Every Boolean ring "R" satisfies "x" ⊕ "x" = 0 for all "x" in "R", because we know
:"x" ⊕ "x" = ("x" ⊕ "x")2 = "x"2 ⊕ 2"x"2 ⊕ "x"2 = "x" ⊕ 2"x" ⊕ "x" = "x" ⊕ "x" ⊕ "x" ⊕ "x"
and since <"R",⊕> is an abelian group, we can subtract "x" ⊕ "x" from both sides of this equation, which gives "x" ⊕ "x" = 0. A similar proof shows that every Boolean ring is
commutative ::"x" ⊕ "y" = ("x" ⊕ "y")2 = "x"2 ⊕ "xy" ⊕ "yx" ⊕ "y"2 = "x" ⊕ "xy" ⊕ "yx" ⊕ "y"
and this yields "xy" ⊕ "yx" = 0, which means "xy" = "yx" (using the first property above).
The property "x" ⊕ "x" = 0 shows that any Boolean ring is an
associative algebra over the field F2 with two elements, in just one way. In particular, any finite Boolean ring has ascardinality apower of two . Not every associative algebra with one over F2 is a Boolean ring: consider for instance thepolynomial ring F2 ["X"] .The quotient ring "R"/"I" of any Boolean ring "R" modulo any ideal "I" is again a Boolean ring. Likewise, any
subring of a Boolean ring is a Boolean ring.Every
prime ideal "P" in a Boolean ring "R" is maximal: thequotient ring "R"/"P" is anintegral domain and also a Boolean ring, so it is isomorphic to the field F2, which shows the maximality of "P". Since maximal ideals are always prime, prime ideals and maximal ideals coincide in Boolean rings.Boolean rings are
von Neumann regular ring s.Boolean rings are absolutely flat: this means that every module over them is flat.
Every finitely generated ideal of a Boolean ring is principal.
*Citation | last1=Atiyah | first1=Michael Francis | author1-link=Michael Atiyah | last2=Macdonald | first2=I.G. | author2-link=Ian G. Macdonald | title=Introduction to Commutative Algebra | publisher=Westview Press | isbn=978-0-201-40751-8 | year=1969
*springer|id=B/b016980|first=Yu.M.|last= Ryabukhin
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