- Lillian Smith Book Award
Jointly presented by the Southern Regional Council and the
University of Georgia Libraries, the Lillian Smith Book Awards honor those authors who, through their outstanding writing about the American South, carry on Smith's legacy of elucidating the condition of racial and social inequity and proposing a vision of justice and human understanding.Since 1968, the awards have been presented annually, except for 2003 when the Southern Regional Council experienced funding shortfalls. [ [http://www.usatoday.com/life/books/news/2004-02-12-lillian-book-awards_x.htm USATODAY.com - Lillian Smith Book Awards for works on social justice to be revived ] ] It is the South's oldest and best-known book award, and is presented in fiction and non-fiction categories. [ [http://www.uga.edu/columns/041025/news-smith.html Columns ] ]
Past Honorees
1968 Winner
* George B. Tindall for "The Emergence of the
New South : 1913-1945",Louisiana State University Press.1969 Winner
* Dan T. Carter for "
Scottsboro : A Tragedy of the American South", Louisiana State University Press.1970 Winner
* Paul M. Gaston for "The New South
Creed : A Study in Southern Mythmaking",Alfred A. Knopf .1971 Winner
* Anthony Dunbar for "Our Land, Too",
Pantheon Books .1972 Winner
* Robert Coles for " [Children of Crisis\, Vol. II:
Migrants, Sharecroppers, Mountaineers ", and "Volume III: The South Goes North",Little, Brown and Company .1973 Winners
* Harold Martin for "
Ralph McGill , Reporter", Little Brown and Company.*
Alice Walker for "RevolutionaryPetunia s and Other Poems", Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.1974 Winners
C. Vann Woodward for "The Strange Career ofJim Crow ",Oxford University Press .* Albert Murray for "Train Whistle Guitar",
McGraw-Hill .1976 Winners
James Loewen and Charles Sallis for "Mississippi : Conflict and Change", Pantheon Books.
*Reynolds Price for "The Surface of Earth", Atheneum.1977 Winners
Alex Haley for "", Doubleday.
*Richard Kluger for "Simple Justice: The History ofBrown v. Board of Education " and "Black America's Struggle for Equality", Alfred A. Knopf.1978 Winners
Will D. Campbell for "Brother to aDragonfly ", The Seabury Press.
*Garrett Epps for "The Shad Treatment ", Putnam.1979 Winners
* Marion Wright and Arnold Shankman for "
Human Rights Odyssey", Moore Publishing.
*Ernest J. Gaines for "In My Father's House", Alfred A. Knopf.1980 Winners
* Jacquelyn Dowd Hall for "Revolt Against
Chivalry : Jessie Daniel Ames" and the "Women's Campaign AgainstLynching ",Columbia University Press.
*Cormac McCarthy for "Suttree ",Random House .1981 Winners
John Gaventa for "Power and Powerlessness:Quiescence and Rebellion in anAppalachian Valley",University of Illinois Press .
*Pat Conroy for "The Lords of Discipline ",Houghton Mifflin .1982 Winners
* Harry S. Ashmore for "Hearts and Minds: The Anatomy of
Racism from Roosevelt to Reagan", McGraw-Hill.
*John Ehle for "The Winter People",Harper & Row .1983 Winners
* Fred Hobson for "South-Watching: Selected Essays by
Gerald W. Johnson ",University of North Carolina Press .
* Roy Hoffman for "Almost Family",Dial Press .1984 Winners
* John Egerton for "Generations: An American Family,"
University of Kentucky Press.
* Alice Walker for "In Search of Our Mother's Gardens: Womanist Prose", Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
*Eudora Welty - Special Lifetime Award.1985 Winners
James Farmer for " Lay Bare the Heart: An Autobiography of theCivil Rights Movement ", Arbor House.
*Peter Taylor for "The Old Forest and Other Stories", Dial Press.1986 Winner
*A.J. Mojtabai for "Blessed Assurance: At Home with the Bomb in
Amarillo, Texas ", Houghton Mifflin.1987 Winners
* Thomas L. Johnson, and Phillip C. Dunn (ed.) for "A True Likeness: The Black South of Richard Samuel Roberts", 1920-1936, Algonquin Books.
*Pauli Murray for "Song in a Weary Throat: An AmericanPilgrimage ", Harper & Row.*
Mary Hood for "AndVenus is Blue: Stories", Ticknor & Fields.1988 Winners
* Melton A. McLaurin for "Separate Pasts: Growing Up White in the segregated South",
University of Georgia Press .
* C. Eric Lincoln for "The Avenue:Clayton City",Morrow .1989 Winners
* Melany Nielson for "Even
Mississippi ,University of Alabama Press.
*Madison Smartt Bell for "Soldier's Joy", Ticknor & Fields.
*Gloria Naylor for "Mama Day", Ticknor & Fields.1990 Winners
Wayne Flynt for "Poor But Proud: Alabama's Poor Whites", University of Alabama Press.* Dori Sanders for "Clover: A Novel", Algonquin Books.
1991 Winners
* J.L. Chestnut, Jr., and Julia Cass for "Black in Selma : The Uncommon Life of J.L. Chestnut, Jr.: Politics and Power in a Small American Town",
Farrar, Straus & Giroux .
* Mary Ward Brown for "Tongues of Flame",E.P. Dutton .1992 Winners
Marian Wright Edelman for "The Measure of Our Success: A Letter to My Children and Yours",Beacon Press .
* Melissa Fay Greene for "Praying forSheetrock ",Addison-Wesley .
*Denise Giardina for "The Unquiet Earth",W.W. Norton & Company .1993 Winners
* Charles W. Eagles for "Outside Agitator: Jon Daniels and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama", University of North Carolina Press.
* William Baldwin for "The Hard To Catch Mercy", Algonquin Books ofChapel Hill .
* Margaret Rose Gladney for "How Am I To Be Heard? Letters ofLillian Smith ", University of North Carolina Press.1994 Winners
John Gregory Brown for "Decorations in a RuinedCemetery ", Houghton Mifflin Company.
*Henry Louis Gates, Jr. for "Colored People", Alfred A. Knopf.
* John Dittmer for "Local People: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi", University of Illinois Press.1995 Winners
* Charles M. Payne for "I've Got the Light of Freedom: The Organizing Tradition and the Mississippi Freedom Struggle",
University of California Press.* Adam Fairclough for "Race & Democracy: The Civil Rights Struggle in
Louisiana , 1915-1972", University of Georgia Press.*
Mary Lee Settle for "Choices", Nan A. Talese/Doubleday.1996 Winners
* Michael D'Orso for "Like Judgment Day: The Ruin and Redemption of a Town Called Rosewood", Grosset/Putnam.
*Constance Curry for "Silver Rights ", Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill.
* Anthony Grooms for "Trouble No More", La Questa.1997 Winners
John M. Barry for "TheGreat Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America",Simon & Schuster .
*Charles Frazier for "Cold Mountain",Atlantic Monthly Press.1998 Winners
* John Lewis for "Walking with the Wind: A
Memoir of the Movement", with Michael D'Orso, Simon & Schuster.
* Elizabeth Cox for "Night Talk",Graywolf Press .1999 Winners
* J. Morgan Kousser for "Colorblind Injustice: Minority Voting Rights and the Undoing of the Second Reconstruction", University of North Carolina Press.
* Leroy Davis for "A Clashing of the Soul: John Hope and the Dilemma ofAfrican-American Leadership and BlackHigher Education in the Early Twentieth Century", University of Georgia Press.2000 Winners
* Lawrence N. Powell for "Troubled Memory: Anne Levy,
The Holocaust , and David Duke's Louisiana", University of North Carolina Press.
* Andrew M. Manis for "A Fire You Can't Put Out: The Civil Rights Life of Birmingham's ReverendFred Shuttlesworth ", University of Alabama Press.
* Michael Keith Honey for "Black Workers Remember: AnOral History of Segregation,Unionism and the Freedom Struggle", University of California Press.2001 Winners
* Hal Crowther for "
Cathedrals ofKudzu : A Personal Landscape of the South, Louisiana State University Press.* Pam Durban for "So Far Back, Picador USA Robert P. “Bob” Moses, Charles E. Cobb, Jr., Radical Equations", Beacon Press.
* Natasha Trethewey for "Domestic Work", Graywolf Press.
2002 Winners
* Anthony Grooms for "Bombingham", Free Press.
* Mark Newman for "Getting Right with God:
Southern Baptists andDesegregation , 1945-1995", University of Alabama Press* Keith Wailoo for "Dying in the City of
the Blues :Sickle Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race and Health", University of North Carolina Press.
* William H. Chafe, Raymond Gavins, and Robert Korstad editors, with Paul Ortiz, Robert Parrish, Jennifer Ritterhouse, Keisha Roberts, "Remembering Jim Crow: African Americans Tell About Life in the Segregated South", The New Press.2004 Winners
* Barbara Ransby for "Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement; A Radical Democratic Vision", University of North Carolina Press.
* Elizabeth R. Varon for "Southern Lady,Yankee Spy: The True Story ofElizabeth Van Lew , A Union Agent in the Heart of the Confederacy, Oxford University Press.
* Frank X. Walker for "Buffalo Dance, The Journey of York ", The University Press of Kentucky.2005 Winners
* Stephanie M. H. Camp for "Closer to Freedom: Enslaved Women and Everyday Resistance in the
Plantation South",University of North Carolina Press .
* Frye Gaillard for "Cradle of Freedom: Alabama and the Movement that Changed America",University of Alabama Press .
*Tayari Jones for "The Untelling: A Novel",Time Warner Book Group.2006 Winners
* Heather Andrea Williams for "Self-Taught: African American Education in Slavery and Freedom",
University of North Carolina Press .* W. Fitzhugh Brundage for "The Southern Past: A Clash of Race and Memory", Belknap Press of
Harvard University Press .References
External links
* [http://www.libs.uga.edu/hargrett/lilliansmith/lsawardwinners.html UGA Libraries]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.