Administrative divisions of Perm Krai

Administrative divisions of Perm Krai

*Komi-Permyak Okrug
**Towns under the okrug's jurisdiction:
***Kudymkar (Кудымкар) (administrative center of the okrug)
***Gaynsky (Гайнский)
****with 7 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
***Kochevsky (Кочевский)
****with 5 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
***Kosinsky (Косинский)
****with 4 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
***Kudymkarsky (Кудымкарский)
****with 20 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
***Yurlinsky (Юрлинский)
****with 3 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
***Yusvinsky (Юсьвинский)
****with 5 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
*Urban-type settlements under the federal government management:
**Zvyozdny (Звёздный)
*Cities and towns under the oblast's jurisdiction:
**Perm (Пермь) (administrative center)
***"city districts":
****Dzerzhinsky (Дзержинский)
****Industrialny (Индустриальный)
****Kirovsky (Кировский)
****Leninsky (Ленинский)
****Motovilikhinsky (Мотовилихинский)
****Ordzhonikidzevsky (Орджоникидзевский)
****Sverdlovsky (Свердловский)
**Alexandrovsk (Александровск)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the town's jurisdiction:
****Vsevolodo-Vilva (Всеволодо-Вильва)
****Yayva (Яйва)
***with 5 "selsovets" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Berezniki (Березники)
***with 1 "selsovet" under the city's jurisdiction.
**Chaykovsky (Чайковский)
***with 10 "selsovets" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Chusovoy (Чусовой)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the town's jurisdiction:
****Kalino (Калино)
****Komarikhinsky (Комарихинский)
****Lyamino (Лямино)
****Skalny (Скальный)
****Verkhnechusovskiye Gorodki (Верхнечусовские Городки)
***with 6 "selsovets" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Dobryanka (Добрянка)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the town's jurisdiction:
****Polazna (Полазна)
***with 18 "selsovets" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Gremyachinsk (Гремячинск)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the town's jurisdiction:
****Shumikhinsky (Шумихинский)
****Usva (Усьва)
****Yubileyny (Юбилейный)
**Gubakha (Губаха)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the town's jurisdiction:
****Shirokovsky (Широковский)
****Ugleuralsky (Углеуральский)
**Kizel (Кизел)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the town's jurisdiction:
****Severny-Kospashsky (Северный-Коспашский)
****Shakhta (Шахта)
****Tsentralny-Kospashsky (Центральный-Коспашский)
****Yuzhny-Kospashsky (Южный-Коспашский)
**Krasnokamsk (Краснокамск)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the town's jurisdiction:
****Overyata (Оверята)
***with 6 "selsovets" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Kungur (Кунгур)
**Lysva (Лысьва)
***with 13 "selsovets" under the town's jurisdiction.
**Solikamsk (Соликамск)
**Bardymsky (Бардымский)
***with 12 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Beryozovsky (Берёзовский)
***with 12 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Bolshesosnovsky (Большесосновский)
***with 14 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Chastinsky (Частинский)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Cherdynsky (Чердынский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Cherdyn (Чердынь)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Nyrob (Ныроб)
***with 17 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Chernushensky (Чернушенский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Chernushka (Чернушка)
***with 18 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Gornozavodsky (Горнозаводский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Gornozavodsk (Горнозаводск)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Biser (Бисер)
****Kusye-Alexandrovsky (Кусье-Александровский)
****Medvedka (Медведка)
****Novovilvensky (Нововильвенский)
****Pashiya (Пашия)
****Promysla (Промысла)
****Sarany (Сараны)
****Stary Biser (Старый Бисер)
****Tyoplaya Gora (Тёплая Гора)
***with 1 "selsovet" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Ilyinsky (Ильинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Chermoz (Чермоз)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Ilyinsky (Ильинский)
***with 16 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Karagaysky (Карагайский)
***with 16 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kishertsky (Кишертский)
***with 14 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Krasnovishersky (Красновишерский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Krasnovishersk (Красновишерск)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kungursky (Кунгурский)
***with 26 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Kuyedinsky (Куединский)
***with 22 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Nytvensky (Нытвенский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Nytva (Нытва)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Novoilyinsky (Новоильинский)
****Uralsky (Уральский)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Ochyorsky (Очёрский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Ochyor (Очёр)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Pavlovsky (Павловский)
***with 10 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Okhansky (Оханский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Okhansk (Оханск)
***with 8 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Oktyabrsky (Октябрьский)
****Sars (Сарс)
***with 22 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Ordinsky (Ординский)
***with 14 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Osinsky (Осинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Osa (Оса)
***with 13 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Permsky (Пермский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Yugo-Kamsky (Юго-Камский)
***with 29 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Sivinsky (Сивинский)
***with 11 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Solikamsky (Соликамский)
***with 14 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Suksunsky (Суксунский)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Suksun (Суксун)
***with 14 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Uinsky (Уинский)
***with 13 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Usolsky (Усольский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Usolye (Усолье)
***"Urban-type settlements" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Oryol (Орёл)
***with 10 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Vereshchaginsky (Верещагинский)
***"Towns" under the district's jurisdiction:
****Vereshchagino (Верещагино)
***with 13 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.
**Yelovsky (Еловский)
***with 10 "selsovets" under the district's jurisdiction.


ee also

*Administrative divisions of Perm Oblast
*Administrative divisions of Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug

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