- Presidential Palace, Vilnius
caption =Façade of Palace
name ="Prezidentūra" "Presidential Palace"
location_town =Vilnius
location_country =Lithuania
architect =Vasily Stasov , author of last major reconstruction
client =Mikhail Nikolayevich Muravyov
engineer =
construction_start_date= Last major renovation 1824
completion_date = Last major renovation 1834
style = Empire,Neoclassicism The Presidential Palace ( _lt. Prezidentūra) in
Vilnius Old Town is theofficial residence of thePresident of Lithuania . The history of palace dates back to the 14th century and during its history it undergone variuos reconstructions, supervised by prominent architects likeLaurynas Gucevičius ,Vasily Stasov . In 1997 palace became official seat ofPresident of Lithuania .History
The Palace traces its history back to the 14th century, when
Jogaila , theGrand Duke ofLithuania , issued an edict donating land in the city to the Vilnius Diocese, for this reason palace some times referred as Bishops' Palace [ [http://www.catholic-hierarchy.org/diocese/dviln.html Archdiocese of Vilnius] ] . Construction of the Palace took place in the late 14th century under the auspices of the firstBishop of Vilnius ,Andrzej Wasilko , and over succeeding generations, the building was gradually enlarged and renovated. During theRenaissance the Palace was once again renovated, and parks and gardens surrounded the building.As the 18th century unfolded, a number of dramatic events in the Palace's history took place: the last Bishop of Vilnius lived in the Palace,
Lithuania was annexed by theRussian Empire , and the building itself was badly damaged by two major fires in 1737 and 1748. The Palace was reconstructed in 1750 under the supervision of the architectLaurynas Gucevičius . After its reconstruction the Palace was used as a residence forEmperors , Kings and noblemen. During 1796,Tsar Paul I lived at the Palace. During the course of the 19th century the Palace served as a residence for several Imperial Russia governors, such as Mikhail Muravyov, nicknamed "The Hangman" [Adam B. Ulam. Prophets and Conspirators in Prerevolutionary Russia. Transaction Publishers, 1998. p.8] . It was also visited by the futureKing of France ,Louis XVIII in 1804.In 1812, both the Russian Tsar Alexander I and the French Emperor
Napoleon used the Palace as their residence. During Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, from this Palace he organized military operations and Lithuanian army units, including five regiments of infantry, four cavalry regiments, and theNational Guard of Vilnius . He received Lithuanian noblemen, newly appointed officials of the administration, and other dignitaries in this Palace also. After Napoleon's defeat in 1812, the Palace was used for ceremonial proposes; it was here that then-generalMikhail Kutuzov was awarded Russia's highest military award - theOrder of St. George . During 1824-1834, the Palace was reconstructed by the prominentSt. Petersburg architectVasily Stasov in the Empire style, under supervision ofKarol Podczaszyński . Stasov's reconstruction of the Palace has remained to this day.After Lithuania regained its independence in 1918, the Palace housed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the
ELTA news agency until the Polish occupation in 1920. It was restored in the 1930s byStefan Narębski .pl icon cite journal | author =Magdalena Bajer | year =2000 | month =January | title =Narębscy | journal =Forum Akademickie | volume = | issue =1/2000 | pages = | issn =1233-0930 | url =http://forumakad.pl/archiwum/2000/01/artykuly/19-rody_uczone.htm | format = | accessdate =2007-10-11 ] After theSecond World War , the Palace served as the Military Officers' Centre; later it housed various Lithuanian artists. The Palace was gradually adapted for use as a presidential residence, and since 1997 it has served as the official residence of the President of Lithuania. A flag displaying the coat of arms of the President is hoisted when the President is present in the Palace or in the city.Notes
* Vilniaus architektūra. Vilnius, 1982
* [http://www.president.lt/institucija/rumai/istorija Prezidento Rūmų istorija]
* [http://www.president.lt/institution/rumai/ekskursija Virtual tour of the Palace]ee also
Historical Presidential Palace, Kaunas External links
* [http://www.president.lt/files/Prezidentas_EN_preview.pdf Institution of the President of the Republic of Lithuania]
* [http://www.delfi.lt/news/daily/lithuania/article.php?id=12724458 Prezidentūra atvėrė duris paprastiems mirtingiesiems]
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