Oleksander Tysovsky

Oleksander Tysovsky
Tomb of Oleksander Tysovsky at Lychakivskiy Cemetery, Lviv.

Dr. Oleksander Tysovsky (Ukrainian: Олександер Тисовський alternately Oleksandr Tysowskyj) (August 9, 1886 – March 29, 1968), pseudonym: "Drot", was the founder of the Ukrainian Scouting organization Plast in 1911, and adapted the universal Scout principles to the needs and interests of Ukrainian youth. In 1944 he emigrated to Vienna. He was involved in Plast in exile, as well, and took part in a camp celebrating the 45th anniversary of Plast in Plastova Sich in Canada in 1957.[1] He died in Vienna 1968 and was buried in Vienna.[2][3] He was reburied at the famous Lychakivskiy Cemetery in Lviv in 2002.[3]

See also


  1. ^ Kroonenberg, Piet J. (1998). The Undaunted- The Survival and Revival of Scouting in Central and Eastern Europe. Geneva: Oriole International Publications. p. 381. ISBN 2880520037. 
  2. ^ Kroonenberg, Piet J. (1998). The Undaunted- The Survival and Revival of Scouting in Central and Eastern Europe. Geneva: Oriole International Publications. p. 382. ISBN 2880520037. 
  3. ^ a b "2002: THE YEAR IN REVIEW-Diaspora demonstrates multifaceted activity". The Ukrainian Weekly LXXI (2). January 12, 2003. http://www.ukrweekly.com/old/archive/2003/020316.shtml. Retrieved 2009-07-08. 

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