Scouting memorials

Scouting memorials

Throughout the world there are many Scouting memorials, monuments and gravesites.


*Baden-Powell grave - Wajee Nature Park, Nyeri, Kenya, near
*Baden-Powell "Paxtu" Cottage - On the grounds of the "Outspan Hotel", Nyeri, Kenya coord|0.421970|S|36.937220|E|name=Baden-Powell "Paxtu" Cottage [ [ "Chief Scout Of The World" geocache (GCM40K)] ] cite web | url = | title = Birds and Beasts in Africa | accessmonthday = 03/19 | accessyear = 2007 | last = Baden Powell | first = Robert | year = 1938 | publisher = MacMillan and Co, LTD ] cite web | url = | title = "Paxtu": Baden-Powell's Home at Nyeri, Kenya | accessmonthday = 03/19 | accessyear = 2007 | coauthors = Kenya Boy Scouts Association | year = 1965 | publisher = ScoutWeb South Africa ]
*A museum is also under construction only a few hundred yards away from Baden Powel's gravesite. The museum is being funded by a joint effort between WSO nations to create an international scouting heritage center.Fact|date=November 2007
* A commemorative stamp featuring Lord Baden-Powell's "Paxtu" cottage and Lady Baden-Powell has been issued by Kenya ("right").



* Quezon City - The 11th World Scout Jamboree Memorial rotunda, Tomas Morato corner Timog Avenue, Quezon City. The memorial was erected in memory of the Filipino scouts and scout masters who died in a plane crash in Bombay, India on their way to Marathon, Greece. Several of the streets in the surrounding area were named in honor of these 22 Boy Scouts. South Triangle district is also often called "Scout Area". In fact, one of the barangay, (smallest local political unit in the Philippines), in the area is named Barangay "Laging Handa" (Be Prepared), the motto of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. coord|14.6348056|N|121.035361|E|name=11th World Scout Jamboree Memorial rotunda

* Manila - The Boy Scout Cenotaph near the entrance of Manila North Cemetery. A cenotaph also in memory of the Filipino scouts and scout masters who died in that plane crash in Bombay, India. It has marble plaques on its sides which donated by the different Scouting organizations around the world. Its feature is the huge Scout Sign with a cross inside its fingers.



Lower Austria

*Commemorative plaque in Neulengbach, commemorating the first Scoutcamps of Austria in Neulengbach during World War I [cite journal| author= Albert J.Dräger|coauthors=Kurt Pribich,Karl Turetschek
title =Neulengbach-Versuchswerkstätte für Österreichs Pfadfinderschaft-Von den begründenden Anfängen 1915 bis zum ersten deutschen Pfadfindertag auf Schloß Prunn|language = German | journal = SCOUTING-Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder| pages =11–14| volume=4/2005| year =2005
*Commemorative stone in the Scoutcenter Strandburg Silbersee in Höflein,commemorating all deceased Scouts of the Österreichischer Pfadfinderbund
*Commemorative plaque in Neunkirchen, commemorating 100 years of Scouting [cite journal | last =Brandstätter | first = Ewald| author-link = Ewald Brandstätter| title =Neunkirchen hat eine Pfadfinderwiese|language = German | journal = Der Gildenweg|volume=3/2007 |pages =29| date= October 2007| year = 2007 ]
*Guild-Scout-Way ( _de. Gilde-Pfadfinder-Weg), Amstetten, Quarter Ulmerfeld, there is a Way of the Cross erected by the local Guild Scouts with paintings of the founder of the local Scout Group [cite journal|author=Pfadfindergilde Ulmerfeld-Hausmening-Neufurth| title = Ulmerfeld|language = German | journal = Der Gildenweg|volume=3/2007 |pages =33| date= October 2007| year = 2007 ] [cite journal|author=Pfadfindergilde Ulmerfeld-Hausmening-Neufurth| title = Ulmerfeld-Hausmening-Neufurth|language = German | journal = Der Gildenweg|volume=2/2007 |pages =15| date= Juni 2007| year = 2007 ] [cite journal| title = Jahrespreise "Gilde-aktiv" für 2006 vergeben-Ein Griff ins Volle|language = German | journal = Der Gildenweg|volume=4/2007 |pages =8| date= December 2007| year = 2007]


**"Europetable" ( _de. Europatisch) commemorating Robert Baden-Powell and the a United Europecite journal |author = Pfadfinder-Gilde Europa-Forum Großarl| title = Der Europatisch, Der Himmelsknoten,Der Pfadfindergruß |language = German | journal = Auf den Spuren der Gilde-Pfadfinder in Großarl| pages =3–5|year = 2004 ]
**"Heavenknot" ( _de. Himmelsknoten) - wooden reef knot with ISGF badgecite journal |author = Pfadfinder-Gilde Europa-Forum Großarl| title = Der Europatisch |language = German | journal = Auf den Spuren der Gilde-Pfadfinder in Großarl| pages =3–5|year = 2004 ]
**Scout Salutecite journal |author = Pfadfinder-Gilde Europa-Forum Großarl| title = Der Pfadfindergruß|language = German | journal = Auf den Spuren der Gilde-Pfadfinder in Großarl| pages =3–5|year = 2004 ]
*Commemorative stone in Oberndorf, commemorating all Scouts of the group, who died during World War II
*Gravesite of Karl "Kara" Barteis, Anthering. [cite web
title = Das Grab von Karl "Kara" Barteis
language = German
accessdate = 2007-12-28
*Gravesite of Clemens Röbl OFM, Bruck an der Glocknerstraße Clemens Röbl was an important Scoutmaster for Catholic Scouting in Tyrol and Caranthia.
*"Boy Scouts Street" ( _de. Pfadfinderweg) in Salzburg, a street next to the house where Emmerich Teuber lived


*Baden-Powell-Avenue ( _de. Baden-Powell-Allee), Graz [cite journal |author = Pfadfinder-Gilde Österreichs| title = Unsere Organisation|language = German | journal =Pfadfinder-Gilde Österreichs Einmal Pfadfinder-immer Pfadfinder!| pages =7]
*"Boy Scouts Street" ( _de. Pfadfinderweg) in Gloggnitzcite journal | last = Winter | first = Gerhard | title =Internationales-Pfadfinderallerlei Pfadfinderweg|language = German | journal = ÖPBSG Nachrichten| pages =13| date= September 2007| year = 2007]


*Innsbruck - a memorial for all deceased scouts of Tyrol, it is located at the Tummelplatz in Amras.
*Glotzen (a mountain near Wattens), there is a Gipfelkreuz (cross on the summit of a mountain) made by the Scout group of Wattens, Glotzen, erected in 1958. It shows a Fleur-de-lis. [cite web
title = Unsere Geschichte...kurz und bündig...- Unsere Gruppengeschichte seit 1945
author= Pfadfindergruppe Wattens
language = German
accessdate = 2008-06-26

Upper Austria

* At the site of the 7th World Scout Jamboree, Bad Ischl, are 3 memorial stones. One for the Jamboree, two for the Reunions 1991 and 2001 [cite paper | author = Österreichisches Pfadfindermuseum (Austrian Scout Museum) | title = ÖPM Seminar Skriptum 7.Jamboree 1951 |language = German | date= April 2000 | format = doc] [cite journal |author = Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs | title = reunion |language = German/English | journal = daily official campnews national jamboree 2001| pages =8|date=21 July 2001|issue=6|year = 2001]
*Commemorative plaque in Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, commemorating members of the Scouts et Guides de France and ZHP, who died in this concentration camp [cite book | last =Merzl | first =Ewald | title =PfadfinderInnen 1938 Mitgelaufen?Angepasst?Verfolgt? | publisher = Alwa&Deil | date= 2007 | location =Vienna | pages =26 | language =German]
*Lohnsburg,Rover Scouts of the Catholic Scouts of Europe renovate a chapel. It is named Chapel of the mercifulness of god ( _de. Kapelle zur Göttlichen Barmherzigkeit). On the top of the tower is cross that looks like the emblem of the Union Internationale des Guides et Scouts d'Europe [cite web
title = 2: Chronik des Vereins im Überblick
author= Fördervereins St. Georg für Pfadfinder- und Jugendgruppen in Europa
language = German
accessdate = 2007-12-28
] [cite web
title = 4.2: Waldkapelle bei Lohnsburg
author= Fördervereins St. Georg für Pfadfinder- und Jugendgruppen in Europa
language = German
accessdate = 2007-12-28
*"Boy Scouts Street" ( _de. Pfadfinderweg) in Freistadt, cite journal | last = Winter | first = Gerhard | title =Flohmarkt-Pfadfinderweg|language = German | journal = ÖPBSG Nachrichten| pages =9| date= September 2007| year = 2007]


*Commemorative plaque in Vienna, Apostelgasse 9, commemorating one of the first Austrian Scout troops [cite book
last = Pribich
first = Kurt
title = Logbuch der Pfadfinderverbände in Österreich
publisher = Pfadfinder-Gilde-Österreichs
date = 2004
location = Vienna
pages = 180
language = German
] [cite journal|author=Albert J.Dräger|title =90 Jahre Pfadfinder in Österreich|language = German | journal = Der Gildenweg|volume=4/2002 |pages =14| date= December 2002| year = 2002]
*Commemorative stone in Vienna, Rathauspark commemorating 10th World Conference of ISGF in 1973. [cite book
last = Pribich
first = Kurt
title = Logbuch der Pfadfinderverbände in Österreich
publisher = Pfadfinder-Gilde-Österreichs
date = 2004
location = Vienna
pages = 220
language = German
*Commemorative plaque in Vienna,Kahlenbergdörfl commemorating all deceased Austrian Scouts and Girl Guides [cite journal|author=Albert J.Dräger|title =Das Opfergedenken|language = German | journal = Der Gildenweg|volume=2/2008 |pages =10| date=June 2008| year = 2008]
*Gravesite of Emmerich Teuber, Dornbacher Friedhof, Vienna [cite book
last = Pribich
first = Kurt
title = Logbuch der Pfadfinderverbände in Österreich
publisher = Pfadfinder-Gilde-Österreichs
date = 2004
location = Vienna
pages = 287
language = German
*DDr. Heinrich Maier Street ( _de. DDr. Heinrich Maier Straße),Vienna
*Johann-Petrak-Street ( _de. Johann-Petrak-Gasse), Vienna, [cite journal|author=Pfadfindergilde Johann Petrak| title = Johann-Petrak-Gasse|language = German | journal = Der Gildenweg|volume=3/2007 |pages =24| date= October 2007| year = 2007 ] Johann was an important Scoutmaster in Vienna. He founded 6 Scout troops in Vienna and was also active in underground Scouting during the German occupation.


*Übersee, Quarter Baumgarten - a commemorative plaque on the ruins of a Scout house, burned down in 1934 by Hitler Youth and Sturmabteilung [cite journal |author= Georg Ahollinger |coauthors=Andreas Hänsch |title =Pfadfinder errichten Gedenktafel zur Erinnerung an zerstörtes Heim|language = German |journal = SCOUTING - Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder |pages =30 |volume=2/2004 |year =2004]
*Mannheim, Hauptfriedhof - gravesite of Maximilian Bayer
*Dommershausen, Quarter Dorweiler, Castle Waldeck ( _de. Burg Waldeck) - Memorial of the German Youth Movement ( _de. Ehrenhain der deutschen Jugendbewegung)-memorial stones for German youth leaders (i.e.Eberhard Koebel) and Scoutmasters (i.e. Alexander Lion, Maximilian Bayer)
*Simmern, a memorial for all Scouts killed in action during the World Wars and all Scouts killed by the Nazis. [cite web |title=Pfadfinderehrenmal |url= |language=German |accessdate=2007-12-28]
*Gündelskopf, a mountain in the alps of the Allgäu, Scouts and Guides of the Catholic Scouts of Europe erected a cross on the top of the "Gündelskopf" to commemorate 100 years of Scouting and to honor the Lord [cite web |title=GOTT zur Ehr´ - Den Menschen zur Einkehr - Zum Dank uns´rem Schöpfer!| author=Simone Christoph |url= |language=German | accessdate=2007-12-28 ] [cite journal |title=Ein Kreuz für den Gipfel - Zeichen des Glaubens und des Dienstes |author=Maria Matthaei |language=German |journal=SCOUTING - Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder |pages=43 |volume=4/2007 |year=2007]
*Burg Ludwigstein, a castle near Witzenhausen in centre of Germany. The castle is today the main centre of Bündische Jugend and many German and Austrian Scouting and Wandervogel association's. The castel was intended a memorial for members of the Wandervogel that were killed at 1st World War and includes today the archive of German Youth Movement.


*Budapest - Scout statue of the St. Emeric monument


*"Baden-Powell street" ( _it. Via B.Powell), Monfalcone [cite journal
title =Straßenschild für Baden-Powell|language = German | journal = SCOUTING-Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder| pages =55| volume=4/2007| year =2007


* Nijmegen - Grave site of Jan van Hoof. This brave Rover Scout was killed while helping the allies to liberate Nijmegen during WWII. His grave is adorned with the logo of the Katholieke Verkenners.


*ZHP Memorial


*Scout memorial in Tecuci. It was destroyed in 1950 by communists and re-erected in 1996. []


*"Scout Street" ( _sl. Ulica tabornikov), Maribor


** A cross with Scout lily and a Scout hat in honor of Ukrainian plastuny killed during two World Wars – "Lychakivskiy Cemetery"
** A memorial table in honour of Polish Scouts died during WWI – "Lychakivskiy Cemetery"
** A memorial table in honour of Ukrainian Scouts who set themselves free from Polish prison – "Horodotska street"
** A memorial table in honour of founders of Polish Scouting (Andrzej and Olga Małkowskis) – "Latin Cathedral"
** Plastova street ("ukr. вулиця Пластова")
** A grave of Oleksander Tysovsky, founder of Plast – "Lychakivskiy Cemetery"
** A grave of Yuriy Starosol'skyi, Chief Scout of Plast from 1972-1991 – "Lychakivskiy Cemetery"

United Kingdom

*Brownsea Island Scout camp
*Plaque at Seton Birthplace, Wellington Terrace, South Shields, Durham (now part of South Tyneside)
*One World Garden, Hylands Park, Chelmsford. Built as thanks for the use of Hylands Park during the 21st World Scout Jamboree 2007.
*Scout Memorial, Nelson, Lancashire - The memorial is of a young boy scout in full uniform and stands on the forecourt area between Nelson Town Centre Library, the Town Hall and the new Liberata Business Centre. It was recently refurbished to a high standard by Pendle Borough Council and is one of a few such statues in the UK which commemorates Scouting losses in the Great War. [ [ Nelson Scout memorial] ]
*Buffalo Statue and Lawn, Gilwell Park, Epping Forest, London - commemorates the Unknown Scout who helped spread Scouting to the United States
*Bust of Robert Baden-Powell, Gilwell Park
* - a copy of the original statue in Philadelphia
*Baden-Powell House, London, having a museum and granite statue of Baden-Powell by sculptor Don Cooper

North America


*8th World Scout Jamboree, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario - [ 50th Anniversary Plaque]
* [,Szare_Szeregi_Monument_in_Berrys_Bay_Canada,pid,81022,gid,80852,cid,169.htm?sh=5 "Szare Szeregi" Monument in Berry's Bay, Canada]
* [ Ernest Thompson Seton Park] , Toronto, Ontario
*Historic Plaque, Lindsay, Ontario
* [ The Seton Centre] , Carberry, Manitoba
*Seton Bridge, [ Spruce Woods Provincial Park] , Manitoba
*Historic Plaque and Seton Woodland Park, on the Trans-Canada Highway (east of Carberry, Manitoba)
*Seton Coulee, near Runnymede, Saskatchewan coord|51.5|N|101.7|W|name=Seton Coulee
*The Ernest Thompson Seton Medal - awarded annually by the Manitoba Naturalists Society External link|
* The Baden-Powell Trail in North Vancouver, British Columbia.


* None reported

United States

* Boy Scout Memorial in President's Park, 15th Street and Constitution Ave NW, Washington, D.C. coord|38.8937|N|77.0344|W|name=Boy Scout Memorial in President's Park
* The Ideal Scout, a statue outside the Cradle of Liberty Council headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Each local council office and the BSA Headquarters in Irving, Texas also have copies.:Founders
* Robert Baden-Powell
**Mount Baden-Powell coord| 34.3586117|N|117.7645040|W|name=Mount Baden-Powell [ [ Mount Baden-Powell, San Gabriel Mountains ] ]
**Baden-Powell Elementary School,Anaheim,California
* Daniel Carter Beard
** Daniel Carter Beard Bridge coord|39.1006|N|84.4945|W|name=Daniel Carter Beard Bridge
** Beard Statue in Covington, Kentucky
***Kentucky Historical Marker coord|39.0888|N|84.5066|W|name=Kentucky Historical Marker [ [ Kentucky Historical Marker Number: 50] Location: 322 East Third Street, Covington, Kenton County, Description: Boyhood home of "Uncle Dan," youth leader, outdoorsman, artist and author. Born in Cincinnati and later came to Covington to live. Inaugurated Boy Scout movement in America, 1905, and was one of the first National Commissioners of the Boy Scouts of America. He was awarded the first medal for outstanding citizenship of state of Kentucky.]
***The Daniel Carter Beard Boyhood Home is a National Historic Landmark. [ [ National Historic Landmarks Program (NHL) ] ]
** Daniel Carter Beard Memorial Square, New York City coord|40.7638|N|73.8283|W|name=Daniel Carter Beard Memorial Square [ [ DANIEL CARTER BEARD MALL - Historical Sign ] ]
** [ Daniel Carter Beard School] , New York City coord|40.7638|N|73.8283|W|name=Daniel Carter Beard School
**Beard gravesite, Brick Church Cemetery aka Reformed Church Cemetery, New Hempstead, New York, coord|41.1392|N|74.0647|W|name=Daniel Carter Beard gravesite
**Mt. Beard, a peak near Mt. McKinley in Alaska was named in Beard’s honor.
*William D. Boyce
**Boyce gravesite, Ottawa Avenue Cemetery,
* Frederick Russell Burnham
**Mount Burnham coord|34.22|N|117.47|W|name=Mount Burnham [ [ HPS Summit Signatures - Mount Burnham ] ]
**Burnham gravesite, Three Rivers Cemetery, Three Rivers, California coord|36.2715|N|118.5311|W|name=Burnham gravesite [ [ 8-27-04features.htm ] ]
*William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt
**Hillcourt grave - buried in St. Joseph's Cemetery (Row 8, Block I) in Mendham, New Jersey (near Schiff Scout Reservation). coord|40.7755|N|74.6024|W|name=Hillcourt grave
*Ernest Thompson Seton
**Seton Memorial Library and Museum
**Seton Village, New Mexico. Registered National Historic Landmark and a New Mexico State Cultural Property coord|35.5989|N|105.9331|W|name=Seton Memorial Library and Museum
**(The Ernest Thompson Seton Award - Campfire Girls of America
*James E. West
**West gravesite, (1876-1948) first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America- [Section 187, Lot 14037, (Computer Number 15669] , Kensico Cemetery, Valhalla, New York
*Troops:"See Oldest Scout Groups"
**First Boy Scout Troop in the United States in Burnside, Kentucky
**First Boy Scout Troop in the United States in Pawhuska, Oklahoma
**The last major promotional activity of the transcontinental Lincoln Highway took place on September 1, 1928, when at 1:00 p.m. groups of Boy Scouts placed approximately 2,400 concrete markers along the route to officially mark and dedicate it to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. [ [ "Greetings from the Lincoln Highway"] by Brian Butko (Stackpole Books, 2005) notes the exact number concrete markers, tallied by researcher Russell Rein from Gael Hoag's log, as 2,437 posts (p. 24-25).] The markers were placed on the outer edge of the right of way at major and minor crossroads, and at reassuring intervals along uninterrupted segments. Each concrete post carried the Lincoln Highway insignia and directional arrow, and a bronze medallion with Lincoln's bust and stating "This Highway Dedicated to Abraham Lincoln."
**Jamboree Road in Newport Beach, California, Site of the 1953 Jamboree
**Four Chaplains memorial
**The Memorial Mall at Camp Tuckahoe -Dedicated to members of the "Council Eternal" (a Scout or Scouter who has died). coord|40.0981|N|77.0954|W|name=The Memorial Mall at Camp Tuckahoe [ [ Memorial Mall ] ]
***Chapel at the top of the mall was dedicated in memory of Rabbi Goode, one of the Four Chaplains from the USAT Dorchester. [ ]
**Scouts Memorial, Whitman, Massachusetts [ Town of Whitman - Civic Groups ] ]



A memorial to the young scout Timothy Brooks Jones (1954-1969) was erected in 1971 by the 1st North Epping Scout Group. Tim died in a tragic swimming accident, unrelated to scouts, in December 1969. Scouts was an integral part of Tim's life and he spent a vast amount of his time in bush land adjoining the Scout Den. A plaque in his honour has been placed at the base of a flag pole outside the North Epping hall.

Unfortunately the flag pole developed a severe lean so for safety reasons the Epping Scout Troop removed it using their pioneering-construction skills. At the decommissioning of the flag pole a small ceremony was held for Timothy Brooks Jones. What follows is the words that were spoke at the ceremony.

Read by Epping Scout Leader to the Scout Troop and Venturer Unit.

Tonight we are assembled to honor a young Scout by the name of Timothy Brooks Jones; a member of the 1st North Epping Scout Group. Almost 39 years ago, and many years before all of you were born, the young Tim died in a tragic swimming accident.

Tim and his family were active members of the Scout Group and it was a sad moment when news of Tim’s death reached the North Epping Scout Group.

As a mark of respect for Tim and his family the 1st North Epping Scout Group erected this flag pole in his honour and placed the brass plaque at its base.

Like all Scouts, Tim leant new skills through adventure, spending many enjoyable hours doing a wide variety of activities with his fellow scouts. It is these experiences that help build personal characteristics like self-reliance, resilience and self-confidence which will help you in your long lives.

Tonight we are involved in a pioneering activity to safely remove the flag pole using the very same construction skills that Tim learnt over 40 years ago; planning and team-work, knots and lashings. Like Tim Jones before you, you are learning new skills that will help in your lives and will help to continue the scout spirit. The scouting spirit that you share with 38 million scouts around the world.

Now we will hear about the life of Tim Jones read by one of our Patrol Leaders and then the duty patrol will break the flag on this flag pole for the last time.

Read by Patrol Leader

"Timothy Brooks Jones 1954 - 1969

Tim was the second oldest of 6 children, 4 brothers and 1 sister. During the 1960’s the Jones family lived in Malton Road, up behind the Presbyterian Church. In fact when Errol and Pam Jones first moved to North Epping in 1957 the Church was not yet built and their home was surrounded by horse paddocks.

Tim attended Epping Public School until North Epping Public School opened and he transferred to the new local school. After Primary School, Tim went to Epping Boys High School.

Tim was an avid sportsman competing in Tennis, Football, Cricket and Swimming.

Scouting was an integral part of life in the Jones household. The 4 oldest of the Jones children were all active members of the 1st North Epping Scouts. Tim was both a Cub and Scout and Scouting was a very important part of his life in the 1960’s. The Scout Hall was located in an ideal setting for young Cubs and Scouts. The vast amount of bush land that adjoined the Scout Den was a giant playing field and endless hours were spent hiking, camping, and honing Bushmen skills. Tim was a very keen Scout and he worked hard to gather as many badges as he could. He was a member of a great Scout Troop and he enjoyed every minute of his involvement.

In 1969 Tim’s Dad was transferred to Brisbane and the family packed up and moved north in June 1969. They quickly settled into a new life in Brisbane.

In December 1969 Tim met with a fatal accident at the local swimming pool and drowned. He was just 15 years old.

News of Tim’s death traveled quickly back to North Epping. The Scout Group wanted to do something in Tim’s memory and it was decided that a Flag Pole would be erected outside the Scout Den and a plaque installed as a lasting memory.

The Flag Pole was completed and the Scouts held a special commemorative service in 1971, which was attended by the Jones family and all the Scouts. This wonderful gesture by the Scouts of North Epping was very much appreciated by Tim’s parents and the entire Jones family and demonstrated the true spirit of Scouting.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The plaque is to be re-dedicated in a ceremony later in the year and to cooincide with the centenary of scouting in Australia.

Central and South America


* A statue honoring Baden-Powell, inscribed "Founder of Scouting", is located in a park in the Gloria section of central Rio de Janeiro.


* A Full Torso Statue it's located in Bello Campo, Municipio Chacao, Estado Miranda, Caracas, Venezuela.

Film tributes

*"Ernest Thompson Seton, Keeper of the Wild" (1974) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
*"Seton's Manitoba" (1984) Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

ee also

*Scouting museums
*Scouting memorabilia collecting

External links

* [ William Boyce grave]


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