atmospheric dispersion modeling system is an integrated system that includes three modules: [http://www.epa.gov/scram001/7thconf/aermod/aermod_mfd.pdf AERMOD:Description of Model Formulation] ] Prater, E.T. and Midgley, C., "A new air dispersion modeling system is helping create more accurate industrial source models", Environmental Protection, Vol. 17, No. 3, Stevens Publishing] [ [http://www.cleanairinfo.com/regionalstatelocalmodelingworkshop/documents/Brode_AERMOD_TechnicalForum.pdf#search=%22Brode%20AERMOD%20technical%20forum%20%22www.cleanairinfo.com%22%22 Brode, R.W., "AERMOD Technical Forum", EPA R/S/L Modelers Workshop] , San Diego, California, April 16, 2006]*A steady-state dispersion model designed for short-range (up to 50 kilometers) dispersion of air pollutant
emissions from stationary industrial sources.
* A meteorological datapreprocessor (AERMET) that accepts surface meteorological data, upper air soundings, and optionally, data from on-site instrument towers. It then calculates atmospheric parameters needed by the dispersion model, such as atmosphericturbulence characteristics, mixing heights, friction velocity, Monin-Obukov length and surface heat flux.
* Aterrain preprocessor (AERMAP) whose main purpose is to provide a physical relationship between terrain features and the behavior of air pollution plumes. It generates location and height data for each receptor location. It also provides information that allows the dispersion model to simulate the effects of air flowing over hills or splitting to flow around hills.AERMOD also includes PRIME (Plume Rise Model Enhancements) [ [http://www.epa.gov/scram001/7thconf/iscprime/tekpapr1.pdf Development and Evaluation of the PRIME Plume Rise and Building Downwash Model] ] which is an algorithm for modeling the effects of downwash created by the pollution plume flowing over nearby buildings.
History of the development of AERMOD
AERMOD was developed by the AERMIC (AMS/
EPA Regulatory Model Improvement Committee), a collaborative working group of scientists from the AMS and the EPA. The AERMIC was initially formed in 1991.The AERMIC developed AERMOD in seven steps:
*Initial model formulation
*Developmental evaluation
*Internalpeer review and beta testing
*Revised model formulation
*Performance evaluation and sensitivity testing
*External peer review
*Submission to the EPA for consideration as a regulatory model.On April 21st of 2000, the EPA proposed that AERMOD be adopted as the EPA's preferred regulatory model for both simple and complex terrain. [ [http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=2000_register&docid=00-4235-filed Federal Register: April 21, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 78)] Proposed Rule] On November 9th of 2005, AERMOD was adopted by the EPA and promulgated as their preferred regulatory model, effective as of December 9th of 2005. [ [http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan20051800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2005/05-21627.htm Federal Register: November 9, 2006 (Volume 70, Number 216)] Final Rule] The entire developmental and adoption process took 14 years (from 1991 to 2005).
Features and capabilities of AERMOD
Some of the primary features and capabilities of AERMOD are: [ [http://www.epa.gov/scram001/7thconf/aermod/aermod_mep.pdf AERMOD:Latest Features and Evaluation Results] (EPA-454/R-03-003)] [ [http://mcvehil-monnett.com/nwsltr4q2000.pdf McVehil-Monnet Associates "Air Quality Newletter"] ]
*Source types: Multiple point, area and volume sources
*Source releases: Surface, near surface and elevated sources
*Source locations: Urban or rural locations. Urban effects are scaled by population.
*Plume types: Continuous, buoyant plumes
*Plume deposition: Dry or wet deposition ofparticulates and/or gases
*Plume dispersion treatment: Gaussian model treatment in horizontal and in vertical for stable atmospheres. Non-Gaussian treatment in vertical for unstable atmospheres
*Terrain types: Simple or complex terrain
*Building effects: Handled by PRIME downwash algorithms
*Meteorology data height levels: Accepts meteorology data from multiple heights
*Meteorological data profiles: Vertical profiles of wind, turbulence and temperature are createdee also
Bibliography of atmospheric dispersion modeling
*Atmospheric dispersion modeling
*Compilation of atmospheric dispersion models References
Further reading
For those who are unfamiliar with air pollution dispersion modelling and would like to learn more about the subject, it is suggested that either one of the following books be read:
*cite book | author=Turner, D.B. | title=Workbook of atmospheric dispersion estimates: an introduction to dispersion modeling| edition=2nd Edition| publisher=CRC Press | year=1994 | id=ISBN 1-56670-023-X [http://www.crcpress.com/shopping_cart/products/product_detail.asp?sku=L1023&parent_id=&pc= www.crcpress.com]
*cite book | author=Beychok, M.R. | title=Fundamentals Of Stack Gas Dispersion | edition=4th Edition| publisher=self-published | year=2005 | id=ISBN 0-9644588-0-2 [http://www.air-dispersion.com www.air-dispersion.com]External links
* [http://www.epa.gov/scram001/dispersion_prefrec.htm#aermod The EPA's download site for AERMOD] (Model code, User's Guide and other material)
* [http://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/38497.pdf Brode, R.W., "Implementation and Evaluation of the AERMOD-PRIME Model"] (AMS Conference, May 21, 2002)
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