- Long Lye Meadow
Infobox SSSI
name=Long Lye Meadow
Long Lye Meadow (gbmapping|ST267119) is a 3.3
hectare biological Site of Special Scientific Interest in theBlackdown Hills ,Somerset , notified in 2002.This site along with the adjoining
Long Lye were considered to be under threat from a scheme to widen the A303. [cite web | title= Victory as Government backs down over Blackdown Hills | work=Friends of the Earth | url=http://www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/transport/success_stories/blackdown_hills.html | accessdate=2006-08-17]The neutral
grassland component varies in character and herb richness. There is a strong population ofGreen-winged Orchid ("Orchis morio"), together with a few plants ofcommon twayblade ("Listera ovata"). In a few areas meadow thistle ("Cirsium dissectum") occurs. [cite web | title=Long Lye Meadow | work=English Nature | url=http://www.english-nature.org.uk/citation/citation_photo/2000451.pdf | accessdate=2006-08-17]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.