Charles Ehresmann

Charles Ehresmann
Charles Ehresmann

Charles Ehresmann (right) at the topology conference 1949 in Oberwolfach, together with Paul Vincensini (middle) and Georges Reeb (left)
Born 19 April 1905(1905-04-19)
Straßburg, Alsace-Lorraine, German Empire (today Strasbourg, Alsace, France)
Died 22 September 1979(1979-09-22) (aged 74)
Amiens, Picardy, France
Fields Mathematics
Alma mater École Normale Supérieure
Doctoral advisor Élie Cartan
Doctoral students Georges Reeb
Wu Wen-Tsün
André Haefliger
Valentin Poénaru
Daniel Tanré
Known for Ehresmann's theorem
Ehresmann connection

Charles Ehresmann (19 April 1905 – 22 September 1979) was a French mathematician who worked on differential topology and category theory. He is known for work on the topology of Lie groups, the jet concept (see jet bundle), and his seminar on category theory.

He attended the École Normale Supérieure in Paris before performing one year of military service. He finished his PhD thesis Sur la topologie de certains espaces homogènes (French: On the topology of certain homogeneous spaces) in 1934 under the supervision of Élie Cartan.

In 1957 he founded the mathematical journal Cahiers de Topologie et Géometrie Différentielle Categoriques.

Jean Dieudonné describes Ehresmann's personality as "... distinguished by forthrightness, simplicity, and total absence of conceit or careerism. As a teacher he was outstanding, not so much for the brilliance of his lectures as for the inspiration and tireless guidance he generously gave to his research students ... "

He had 76 Ph.D. students, including Georges Reeb, Wu Wen-Tsün, André Haefliger, Valentin Poénaru, Daniel Tanré.

See also


  • International Conference "Charles Ehresmann : 100 ans", Université de Picardie Jules Verne à Amiens, 7-8-9 October 2005,
  • `The mathematical legacy of Charles Ehresmann', Proceedings of the 7th Conference on the Geometry and Topology of Manifolds: The Mathematical Legacy of Charles Ehresmann, Bedlewo (Poland) 8.05.2005-15.05.2005, Edited by J. Krysinski, J. Pradines, T. Rybicki, R. Wolak, Banach Centre Publications 76, Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, (2007).

External links

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  • Charles Ehresmann — (rechts) an der Topologietagung 1949 in Oberwolfach, zusammen mit Paul Vincensini (Mitte) und Georges Reeb (links) Charles Ehresmann (* 19. April 1905 in Straßburg; † 22. September 1979 in Amiens …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Charles Ehresmann — De gauche à droite : Georges Reeb, Paul Vincensini et Charles Ehresmann en 1949 à Oberwolfach Charles Ehresmann est un mathématicien alsacien, né à Strasbourg le 19 avril 1905 et mort à Amiens le 22 septembre 1979 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ehresmann — Charles Ehresmann (rechts) an der Topologietagung 1949 in Oberwolfach, zusammen mit Paul Vincensini (Mitte) und Georges Reeb (links) Charles Ehresmann (* 19. April 1905 in Straßburg; † …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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