List of collectible card games

List of collectible card games

"See collectible card game for information on this genre."

Numbered links refer to the game's official website. Unless otherwise noted, all dates listed should be considered as the North American release date.

For the list of online collectible card games, see the section near the bottom. Note that this refers to games in which one purchases (or redeems codes for) online cards. This does "not" refer to stand-alone video game products which simulate this activity; such games belong in their own section further down. Hence, Chron X is an example of the former, while Digimon Digital Card Battle is an example of the latter.

Alphabetical List of Games

*.hack//ENEMY Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
*007 Spy Cards (GE Fabbri) [] ("January 2008")
*24 Trading Card Game (Press Pass, Inc) [] ("August 2007")
*7th Sea Collectible Card Game (Alderac Entertainment Group) ("August 1999")
*A Game of Thrones (Fantasy Flight Games) []
*Age of Empires Expandable Card Game (Journeyman Press/The United States Playing Card Company) []
*Aliens vs. Predator Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment/Harper Collins/HarperPrism/Zehrapushu/ZI Games) ("August 1997")
* (Lucid Raven Productions) []
*American Idol Season 3 Collectible Card Game (Fleer/SkyBox International LP)
*Anachronism (TriKing Games/The History Channel) []
*Ani-Mayhem (Pioneer Entertainment/Pioneer Animation) ("July 1996")
*Aquarian Age TCG (Broccoli) []
*Arcadia (White Wolf Publishing, Inc.) ("August 1996")
*Austin Powers Collectible Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) [] ("December 1999")
* (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Babylon 5 Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment) ("November 1997")
*Bakugan Battle Brawlers (Spin Master) [] (2008)
* (Chessex) ("August 1995")
*Baseball 3010 (ImagiNation Sports, LLC.) []
*Battlelords (New Millennium Entertainment) ("August 1995")
*Battlestar Galactica Collectable Card Game (WizKids) []
*BattleTech Collectible Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) ("November 1996")
*Bella Sara (Hidden City Games) [] ("November 2006")
*Beyblade Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
*Bible Battles Trading Card Game [] (2008)
*Bionicle Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Bleach Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) ("May 2007") []
*Blood Wars Card Game (TSR, Inc.) ("March 1995")
*Bratz Fashion Party Fever Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Buffy the Vampire Slayer Collectible Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
*C-23 ARC System (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("April 1998")
*Call of Cthulhu Collectible Card Game (Fantasy Flight Games) []
*Cardcaptors Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Case Closed Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
*Chaotic Trading Card Game (4Kids Entertainment) [] ("27th June 2007")
*City of Heroes Collectible Card Game (AEG) []
* (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Conan Collectible Card Game (Comic Images) []
*CrossGen Collectible Card Game (Fast Forward Entertainment) []
*Cyberpunk The Collectible Card Game (Social Games/ImageNative Worlds, Inc./R. Talsorian Games, Inc.) []
* (FPG, Inc.) ("July 1996")
*Dark Eden (Target Games/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("April 1997")
*Dark Millennium (Sabertooth Games) []
*Death Note Trading Card Game (Konami) [] ("March 2008")
*Devacurse Trading Card Game (Gandharvas Studio,Thailand) []
*Die Drachenjäger Sammelkartenspiel (Toggo) []
*Digimon Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
*Digimon Digi-Battle Card Game (Bandai) []
*Digimon D-Tector (Bandai)
*Dixie (Columbia Games) ("November 1994")
*Doctor Who - Battles in Time (GE Fabbri) [] ("September 2006, UK")
* (M.M.G. Ltd.) ("April 1996")
* (MythIntentions, LLC)
*Doomtown (Five Rings Publishing Group/Wizards of the Coast/AEG) ("January 1998")
*Doomtrooper (Target Games AB) ("January 1995")
*Dragon Booster Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
*Dragon Dynasty Collectible Card Game (Romancing Cathay) []
*Dragon Ball Collectible Card Game (Bandai) [] ("July 2008")
*Dragon Ball GT Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
*Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
*Dragon Ball Z Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) [] (not compatible with 2000 version)
*Draim arena (Draim) []
* (Round Table Productions)
*Duel Masters Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Dune Collectible Card Game (Last Unicorn Games/Five Rings Publishing Group/Wizards of the Coast) ("October 1997")
*Eagles (Columbia Games) ("December 1995")
*Echelons of Fire (Medallion Simulations) ("May 1995")
*Echelons of Fury (Medallion Simulations) ("May 1995")
*Ederon Online Trading Card Game (Ederon Team) []
*Election Quest Collectible Card Game (Bro! Novelties)
*Epic Battles (Score Entertainment) [] ("September 2005")
* (CCP Games) [] ("October 2006")
*Fantasy Adventures (Mayfair Games) ("June 1996")
* (WildStorm Productions) ("August 1996")
*Fight Klub (TCG) (Decipher Inc.) [] ("May 2008")
*Final Twilight TCG (Neo Productions Unlimited) []
*Firestorm Tactical Card Game (Third World Games) []
*Flights of Fantasy (Destini Productions Inc.) ("September 1994")
*Football Champions (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Fullmetal Alchemist Trading Card Game (RC2 Inc./JoyRide Studios) []
*G.I. Joe Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Geek Fight! (Diving Dragon Games) [] ("August 2008")
*Galactic Empires (Companion Games) ("September 1994")
*Generals Order (Strategy Entertainment) []
*Genso Suikoden Card Stories (Konami) []
*Gridiron Fantasy Football (Upper Deck) ("August 1995")
*Guardians (FPG, Inc.) ("September 1995")
*Gundam M.S. War Trading Card Game (Bandai) []
*Gundam War Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
*Harry Potter Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Hecatomb (Wizards of the Coast) []
* ARC System (Wizards of the Coast) ("July 1998")
* (Last Unicorn Games) ("September 1995")
*High Stakes Drifter (WizKids) []
* (Rapidpod) []
* (Thunder Castle Games) ("August 1995")
*Horus Heresy (Sabertooth Games) []
*Humaliens Collectible Card Came (AEG) []
*Hyborian Gates (CARDZ) ("July 1995")
* (Steve Jackson Games) ("December 1994")
*Imajica (Harper Prism/Clive Barker) ("August 1997")
*Immortal's War (Giantz) ("March 2008") []
*Initial D Collectible Card Game (AEG) []
*InuYasha Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
*James Bond 007 Collectible Card Game (Target Games AB/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("November 1995")
*Jedi Knights Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
*Jyhad (AKA ) (Wizards of the Coast/White Wolf Publishing, Inc.) ("September 1994")
*Killer Instinct (Topps) ("June 1996")
*Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game(Fantasy Flight Games) [] ("Late 2007")
*Knights of the Zodiac Collectable Card Game (Bandai) []
* (Target Games AB/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("November 1995")
*Legend of the Burning Sands (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("July 1998")
*Legend of the Five Rings (Five Rings Publishing Group/Wizards of the Coast/AEG) [] ("November 1995")
*Looney Tunes Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
* (Wizards of the Coast) ("August 1993")
*Magi-Nation Duel (Interactive Imagination) []
*MapleStory Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("October 2007")
*Medabots Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* (Decipher, Inc.) []
*Middle-earth Collectible Card Game (Iron Crown Enterprises) ("December 1995")
*MLB Showdown (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Monster Collection (Group SNE) [] ("1997")
*Monster Magic (Trio Toys)
*Monster Rancher Collectible Card Game (Artbox Entertainment)
*Monster Tykes (Rapid POD Printing) [] ("June2007")
*Monty Python and the Holy Grail Collectible Card Game (Kenzer and Company) ("June 1996")
*Mortal Kombat Kard Game (Brady Games) ("January 1996")
*Mystical Empire (Northeast Games, Inc.) []
*Mythos (Chaosium Inc.) ("March 1996")
*Myths and Legends/Mitos Y Leyendas (Salo S.A) [] (Spanish)
*Naruto Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
*NBA Showdown (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Neopets Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
*NERVE (Cell Entertainment AB - Sweden) []
*Netrunner (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("April 1996")
*NFL Showdown (Wizards of the Coast) []
*On the Edge (Atlas Games) ("October 1994")
*One Piece Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
*One-On-One Hockey Challenge Collectible Card Game (Playoff Inc) [] ("September 1995")
*ONEXENO (Penrose press) [] ("September 2008")
*Ophidian 2350 (Ophidian Inc./Fleer) []
*OverPower (Fleer) ("August 1995")
*PEZ Card Game (U.S. Games Systems, Inc.)
*Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Pokémon Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast/Nintendo) [] [] ("January 1999")
*PowerCardz (Caliber Games Systems) ("July 1995")
*Quest for the Grail (Stone Ring Games/Horizon Games) ("August 1995")
*Racing Challenge 2000 Trading Card Game (NASCAR) (Upper Deck)
*Rage (Wizards of the Coast/White Wolf Publishing, Inc.) ("May 1995")
*Rangers Strike Trading Card Game (Bandai) ("February 2006, Japan")
*Raw Deal (Comic Images/WWE) []
*ReCharge Collectible Card Game (Marvel Enterprises, Inc.) []
*Red Zone (Donruss) ("October 1995")
*Redemption (Cactus Game Design) [] ("July 1995")
*Rifts Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment/Palladium Books)
*Robotech Collectible Card Game (Hero Factory) [] ("Late 2006?")
* (Medallion Simulations) ("December 1995")
*Ryvah Collectible Card Game (Ryvah) [] ("2006?")
*Sailor Moon Collectible Card Game (Dart Flipcards Inc.)
*Scooby Doo Expandable Card Game (Journeyman Press)
*SD Gundam Collectable Card Game (Bandai) []
*Shadowfist (Daedelus Entertainment/Z-Man Games, Inc./Loch Ness Games, Inc.) ("June 1995")
* (FASA/WizKids) ("August 1997")
*Shaman King Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*SimCity The Card Game (Mayfair Games) ("May 1995")
*Skateboarding Must Die Trading Card Game (Sir Mantraplay) []
*Sonic X Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
*Spellfire (TSR) ("June 1994")
*SpongeBob SquarePants Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Spycraft Collectible Card Game (AEG) []
*Star of the Guardians (Mag Force 7) ("April 1995")
* (Comic Images) ("August 1995")
*Star Trek Customizable Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) ("November 1994")
* (Fleer/SkyBox International) ("June 1996")
*Star Wars Customizable Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) [] ("December 1995")
*Star Wars PocketModel Trading Card Game (WizKids) ("June 2007")
*Star Wars Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Stargate SG-1 Collectible Card Game (Comic Images) [] ("March 2007")
*Street Proz (Game On Sports, Inc.) [] ("January 2006?")
*STREET WARriorS Collectible Card Game (Lethal Entertainment, Inc.) []
*Super Deck! (Card Sharks, Inc.) ("September 1994")
*Super Nova Card Game (Target Games AB/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("July 1995")
*Survivor Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Tank Commander (Moments in History) ("April 1996")
*Teen Titans Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Tempest of the Gods (Black Dragon Press) ("July 1995")
*Terror (Kris Silver) ("August 1996")
*The Crow (Target Games AB/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("November 1995")
*The Dozens Trash Talkin' Card Game (Topps)
*The Dragon's Wrath (Naipes Heraclio Fournier)
*The Eye of Judgment (Sony/Wizards of the Coast) [] ("October 2007")
*The Last Crusade (Pinnacle Entertainment) ("December 1995")
*The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
*The Mission (Ezekiel Limited) []
*The Nightmare Before Christmas Trading Card Game (NECA) []
*The Simpsons Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast)
*The Spoils Tournament Card Game (Tenacious Games) [] ("November 2006?")
*The Terminator Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment/Tyranny Games/Zehrapushu/ZI Games) []
*The Wheel of Time (Precedence Entertainment) ("December 1999")
*The X-Files Collectible Card Game (Voyager Promotions) [] ("November 1996")
* (Cahaba Productions Inc.) []
*Tomb Raider Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment) ("August 1999")
*Top of the Order (Donruss) ("October 1995")
*Towers in Time (Thunder Castle Games) ("April 1995")
*Transformers 3D Battle-Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("June 2nd 2007")
*Tribbles Customizable Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
*Ultimate Combat! (Ultimate Games) ("May 1995")
*Universal Fighting System (Sabertooth Games) []
* (AKA Jyhad) (Wizards of the Coast/White Wolf Publishing, Inc.) ("First Release as V:TES - August 1995")
*DC Comics Trading Card Game VS System (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Marvel Trading Card Game VS System (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Warcardz (Warmoves Inc.) [] ("June 2008")
*WarCry (Sabertooth Games) []
*Warhammer 40,000 Collectible Card Game (Sabertooth Games) []
* (AEG) []
*Warlords (Iron Crown Enterprises) ("September 1997")
*WARS Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
*WCW Nitro Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* (WildStorm Productions) ("August 1995")
*Wing Commander Collectible Trading Card Game (Mag Force 7) ("August 1995")
*Winx Club Collectible Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Wizard in Training (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Wizards of Mickey (New Media Publishing) []
*World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Wyvern (U.S. Games Systems, Inc.) ("January 1995")
*Xeko (Matter Group) []
* ARC System (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("May 1998")
*Xiaolin Showdown Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
*X-Men Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
*XXXenophile (Slag-Blah Entertainment/Studio Foglio) ("July 1996")
*Young Jedi Collectible Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) [] ("May 1999")
*Yu Yu Hakusho Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
*Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment/Konami) []
*Zatch Bell! The Card Battle (Bandai) []
*Z-G (Zero Gravity) (Atomoton, Inc) []

Games by release

2008 Releases

*Bible Battles Trading Card Game [] (2008)
*ONEXENO (Penrose Press) [] ("September 2008")
*007 Spy Cards (GE Fabbri) [] ("January 2008")
*Bakugan Battle Brawlers (Spin Master) [] (2008)
*Death Note Trading Card Game (Konami) [] ("March 2008")
*Dragon Ball Collectible Card Game (Bandai) [] ("July 2008")
*Geek Fight! (Diving Dragon Games) [] ("August 2008")
*Fight Klub (TCG) (Decipher Inc.) [] ("May 2008")
*Immortal's War (Giantz) [] ("March 2008")
*Marvel Ultimate Battles (Upper Deck Entertainment) [] ("April 2008")
*Warcardz (Warmoves Inc.) [] ("June 2008")
*Wizards of Mickey (New Media Publishing) [] ("March 2008")
*WWE Face Off (Topps) (March 2008)
*Generals Order (Strategy Entertainment) [] ("Apr 2008")
* (Dragstarr Games) [] ("Oct 2008")

2007 Releases

*24 Trading Card Game (Press Pass, Inc) [] ("August 2007")
*Bleach Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) ("May 2007") []
*Chaotic Trading Card Game (4Kids Entertainment) [] ("October 2007" as Beta, Official release expected to be during April 2008)
*Devacurse Trading Card Game (Gadharvas Studio,Thailand) [] ("July 2007")
*The Eye of Judgment (Sony/Wizards of the Coast) [] ("October 2007")
*Kingdom Hearts Trading Card Game (Fantasy Flight Games) ("October 2007")

2006 Releases

* (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Battlestar Galactica Collectable Card Game (WizKids) []
*Bella Sara (Hidden City Games) [] ("November 2006")
*City of Heroes Collectible Card Game (AEG) []
*Conan Collectible Card Game (Comic Images) []
*Doctor Who - Battles in Time (GE Fabbri) [] ("September 2006, UK")
*Draim arena (Draim) []
* (CCP Games) [] ("October 2006")
* (Rapidpod) []
*Naruto Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
*Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Rangers Strike Trading Card Game (Bandai) ("February 2006, Japan")
*Robotech Collectible Card Game (Hero Factory) [] ("Late 2006?")
*Skateboarding Must Die Trading Card Game (Sir Mantraplay) []
*The Spoils Tournament Card Game (Tenacious Games) [] ("November 2006?")
*Street Proz (Game On Sports, Inc.) [] ("January 2006?")
*Universal Fighting System (Sabertooth Games) []
*World of Warcraft Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
*Xeko (Matter Group) []

2005 Releases

*Anachronism (TriKing Games/The History Channel) []
*Case Closed Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Dark Millennium (Sabertooth Games) []
*The Dozens Trash Talkin' Card Game (Topps)
*Dragon Booster Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* Dragonball Z Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) [] (not compatible with 2000 version)
* Die Drachenjäger Sammelkartenspiel (Toggo) []
* Epic Battles (Score Entertainment) [] ("September 2005")
* Fullmetal Alchemist Trading Card Game (RC2 Inc./JoyRide Studios) []
* Gundam War Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
* Hecatomb (Wizards of the Coast) []
* High Stakes Drifter (WizKids) []
* Mystical Empire (Northeast Games, Inc.) []
* The Nightmare Before Christmas Trading Card Game (NECA) []
* One Piece Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
* Shaman King Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* Sonic X Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* STREET WARriorS Collectible Card Game (Lethal Entertainment, Inc.) []
* Teen Titans Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
* Winx Club Collectible Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* Xiaolin Showdown Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* Zatch Bell! The Card Battle (Bandai) []

2004 Releases

* (Lucid Raven Productions) []
* American Idol Season 3 Collectible Card Game (Fleer/SkyBox International LP)
* Bratz Fashion Party Fever Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* Call of Cthulhu Collectible Card Game (Fantasy Flight Games) []
* CrossGen Collectible Card Game (Fast Forward Entertainment) []
* DC Comics Trading Card Game VS System (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* Digimon Collectible Card Game (Bandai) []
* Dragonball GT Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* Duel Masters Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* Election Quest Collectible Card Game (Bro! Novelties)
* Final Twilight TCG (Neo Productions Unlimited) []
* G. I. Joe Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* InuYasha Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* Knights of the Zodiac Collectable Card Game (Bandai) []
* Marvel Trading Card Game VS System (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* (Decipher, Inc.) []
* SD Gundam Collectable Card Game (Bandai) []
* Spycraft Collectible Card Game (AEG) []
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* WARS Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []

2003 Releases

* .hack//ENEMY Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
* Beyblade Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
* Cyberpunk The Collectible Card Game (Social Games/ImageNative Worlds, Inc./R. Talsorian Games, Inc.) []
* Don: Continuing Criminal Enterprise (MythIntentions, LLC)
* Horus Heresy (Sabertooth Games) []
* Humaliens Collectible Card Came (AEG) []
* Initial D Collectible Card Game (AEG) []
* Neopets Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* Ophidian 2350 (Ophidian Inc./Fleer) []
* The Simpsons Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast)
* SpongeBob SquarePants Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* Ultimate Muscle Battle Card Game (Bandai) []
* WarCry (Sabertooth Games) []
* Yu Yu Hakusho Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []

2002 Releases

* Baseball 3010 (ImagiNation Sports, LLC.) []
* Digimon D-Tector (Bandai)
* (MythIntentions, LLC)
* A Game of Thrones (Fantasy Flight Games) []
* Medabots Trading Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* The Mission (Ezekiel Limited) []
* NBA Showdown (Wizards of the Coast) []
* Star Wars Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* (Cahaba Productions Inc.) []
* Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment/English Version) []

2001 Releases

* Bionicle Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* Buffy the Vampire Slayer Collectible Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* Cardcaptors Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* Dragon Dynasty Collectible Card Game (Romancing Cathay) []
* Firestorm Tactical Card Game (Third World Games) []
* Football Champions (Wizards of the Coast) []
* Genso Suikoden Card Stories (Konami) []
* Gundam M.S. War Trading Card Game (Bandai) []
* Harry Potter Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* Jedi Knights Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
* The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
* NFL Showdown (Wizards of the Coast) []
* ReCharge Collectible Card Game (Marvel Enterprises, Inc.) []
* Rifts Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment/Palladium Books)
* Survivor Trading Card Game (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* Warhammer 40,000 Collectible Card Game (Sabertooth Games) []
* (AEG) []
* Z-G (Zero Gravity) (Atomoton, Inc) []

2000 Releases

* Age of Empires Expandable Card Game (Journeyman Press/The United States Playing Card Company) []
* Digimon Digi-Battle Card Game (Bandai) []
* Dragonball Z Collectible Card Game (Score Entertainment) []
* (Round Table Productions)
* Looney Tunes Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
* Magi-Nation Duel (Interactive Imagination) []
* Myths and Legends/Mitos Y Leyendas (Salo S.A) [] (Spanish)
* MLB Showdown (Wizards of the Coast) []
* Monster Rancher Collectible Card Game (Artbox Entertainment)
* NERVE (Cell Entertainment AB - Sweden) []
* PEZ Card Game (U.S. Games Systems, Inc.)
* Racing Challenge 2000 Trading Card Game (NASCAR) (Upper Deck)
* Raw Deal (Comic Images/WWE) []
* Sailor Moon Collectible Card Game (Dart Flipcards Inc.)
* Scooby Doo Expandable Card Game (Journeyman Press)
* The Terminator Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment/Tyranny Games/Zehrapushu/ZI Games) []
* Tribbles Customizable Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) []
* WCW Nitro Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []
* Wizard in Training (Upper Deck Entertainment) []
* X-Men Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) []

1999 Releases

* 7th Sea Collectible Card Game (Alderac Entertainment Group) ("August 1999")
* Austin Powers Collectible Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) [] ("December 1999")
* Pokémon Trading Card Game (Wizards of the Coast/Nintendo) [] [] ("January 1999")
* Tomb Raider Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment) ("August 1999")
* The Wheel of Time (Precedence Entertainment) ("December 1999")
* Young Jedi Collectible Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) [] ("May 1999")
* Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (Konami/Japanese Version)

1998 Releases

* C-23 ARC System (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("April 1998")
* Doomtown (Five Rings Publishing Group/Wizards of the Coast/AEG) ("January 1998")
* ARC System (Wizards of the Coast) ("July 1998")
* Legend of the Burning Sands (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("July 1998")
* ARC System (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("May 1998")

1997 Releases

* Aliens vs. Predator Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment/Harper Collins/HarperPrism/Zehrapushu/ZI Games) ("August 1997")
* Babylon 5 Collectible Card Game (Precedence Entertainment) ("November 1997")
* Dark Eden (Target Games/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("April 1997")
* Dune Collectible Card Game (Last Unicorn Games/Five Rings Publishing Group/Wizards of the Coast) ("October 1997")
* Imajica (Harper Prism/Clive Barker) ("August 1997")
*Monster Collection (Group SNE) []
* (FASA/WizKids) ("August 1997")
* Warlords (Iron Crown Enterprises) ("September 1997")

1996 Releases

* Ani-Mayhem (Pioneer Entertainment/Pioneer Animation) ("July 1996")
* Arcadia (White Wolf Publishing, Inc.) ("August 1996")
* BattleTech Collectible Card Game (Wizards of the Coast) ("November 1996")
* (FPG, Inc.) ("July 1996")
* (M.M.G. Ltd.) ("April 1996")
* Fantasy Adventures (Mayfair Games) ("June 1996")
* (WildStorm Productions) ("August 1996")
* Killer Instinct (Topps) ("June 1996")
* Monty Python and the Holy Grail Collectible Card Game (Kenzer and Company) ("June 1996")
* Mortal Kombat Kard Game (Brady Games) ("January 1996")
* Mythos (Chaosium Inc.) ("March 1996")
* Netrunner (Wizards of the Coast) [] ("April 1996")
* (Fleer/SkyBox International) ("June 1996")
* Tank Commander (Moments in History) ("April 1996")
* Terror (Kris Silver) ("August 1996")
* The X-Files Collectible Card Game (Voyager Promotions) [] ("November 1996")
* XXXenophile (Slag-Blah Entertainment/Studio Foglio) ("July 1996")

1995 Releases

* (Chessex) ("August 1995")
* Battlelords (New Millennium Entertainment) ("August 1995")
* Blood Wars Card Game (TSR, Inc.) ("March 1995")
* The Crow (Target Games AB/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("November 1995")
* Doomtrooper (Target Games AB) ("January 1995")
* The Dragon's Wrath (Naipes Heraclio Fournier)
* Eagles (Columbia Games) ("December 1995")
* Echelons of Fire (Medallion Simulations) ("May 1995")
* Echelons of Fury (Medallion Simulations) ("May 1995")
* Gridiron Fantasy Football (Upper Deck) ("August 1995")
* Guardians (FPG, Inc.) ("September 1995")
* (Last Unicorn Games) ("September 1995")
* (Thunder Castle Games) ("August 1995")
* Hyborian Gates (CARDZ) ("July 1995")
* James Bond 007 Collectible Card Game (Target Games AB/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("November 1995")
* (Target Games AB/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("November 1995")
* The Last Crusade (Pinnacle Entertainment) ("December 1995")
* Legend of the Five Rings (Five Rings Publishing Group/Wizards of the Coast/AEG) [] ("November 1995")
* Middle-earth Collectible Card Game (Iron Crown Enterprises) ("December 1995")
* Monster Magic (Trio Toys)
* One-On-One Hockey Challenge Collectible Card Game (Playoff Inc) [] ("September 1995")
* OverPower (Fleer) ("August 1995")
* PowerCardz (Caliber Games Systems) ("July 1995")
* Quest for the Grail (Stone Ring Games/Horizon Games) ("August 1995")
* Rage (Wizards of the Coast/White Wolf Publishing, Inc.) ("May 1995")
* Red Zone (Donruss) ("October 1995")
* Redemption (Cactus Game Design) [] ("July 1995")
* (Medallion Simulations) ("December 1995")
* Shadowfist (Daedelus Entertainment/Z-Man Games, Inc./Loch Ness Games, Inc.) ("June 1995")
* Sim City The Card Game (Mayfair Games) ("May 1995")
* Star of the Guardians (Mag Force 7) ("April 1995")
* (Comic Images) ("August 1995")
* Star Wars Customizable Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) [] ("December 1995")
* Super Nova Card Game (Target Games AB/Heartbreaker Hobbies) ("July 1995")
* Tempest of the Gods (Black Dragon Press) ("July 1995")
* Top of the Order (Donruss) ("October 1995")
* Towers in Time (Thunder Castle Games) ("April 1995")
* Ultimate Combat! (Ultimate Games) ("May 1995")
* (AKA Jyhad) (Wizards of the Coast/White Wolf Publishing, Inc.) ("First Release as V:TES - August 1995")
* (WildStorm Productions) ("August 1995")
* Wing Commander Collectible Trading Card Game (Mag Force 7) ("August 1995")
* Wyvern (U.S. Games Systems, Inc.) ("January 1995")

1994 Releases

*Dixie (Columbia Games) ("November 1994")
*Flights of Fantasy (Destini Productions Inc.) ("September 1994")
*Galactic Empires (Companion Games) ("September 1994")
* (Steve Jackson Games) ("December 1994")
*Jyhad (AKA ) (Wizards of the Coast/White Wolf Publishing, Inc.) ("September 1994")
*On the Edge (Atlas Games) ("October 1994")
*Spellfire (TSR) ("June 1994")
*Star Trek Customizable Card Game (Decipher, Inc.) ("November 1994")
*Super Deck! (Card Sharks, Inc.) ("September 1994")

1993 Releases

* (Wizards of the Coast) ("August 1993")

Console and PC/Online Games Simulating CCGs


*Culdcept (NEC)
*Gaia Master (Capcom)
* (Sega)

Game Boy

*Card Hero Trading & Battle (Nintendo)
*Pokémon Trading Card Game series
*Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

Game Boy Advance

* (Atari)
*Duel Masters series (Atari)
*Gensou Suikoden Card Stories (Konami)
*Konjiki no Gashbell!! The Card Battle for GBA (Banpresto)
*Magi Nation (Epoch)
*Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (Capcom)
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005] ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters International 2] )
*Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 8: Reshef of Destruction] )
*Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004 ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters: Expert 3] )
*Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 7: The Duelcity Legend] )
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel] ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2] , [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters International ~Worldwide Edition~] )
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul] ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 5: Expert 1] )
*Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX: Mezase Duel King!)
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6]

Game Boy Color

* (Infogrames)
*Gaia Master (Capcom)
*Magi Nation (Epoch)
*Medarot Card Robottle (Imagineer)
*Monster Rancher Battle Card (Tecmo)
* (Enterbrain)
*Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters III: Tri-Holygod Advent] )
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Battle of the Greatest Duelist]
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark Duel Stories]

Nintendo GameCube

*Baten Kaitos series (Namco)
*Phantasy Star Online Episode III (Sonic Team)
*Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Falsebound Kingdom] )

Nintendo 64

* (Konami)

Neo Geo Pocket Color

*"" (SNK)
* "SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters 2 - Expand Edition"

Nintendo DS

*Battles of Prince of Persia (Ubisoft)
*Fullmetal Alchemist Trading Card Game (Destineer)
*Marvel Trading Card Game (Konami)
*"" (SNK)
*Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters: Nightmare Troubadour] )
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Spirit Caller]
*Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 (Konami)
*Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 (Konami)


*Auto Assault (NetDevil) []

*Alteil (Media Blasters) []
*Berserk Online (Berserk-Kalicanthus) []
*Black Star Saga (Relatively Cool Studios [] )
*Cardmaster Conflict [] ("August 2003")
*Clint: Urban Rivals (Acute Mobile) []
*Creation Collectible Card Game (Red Shade Games) []
*CyberPsi (Eboncourt Entertainment) []
*Chron X (Darkened Sky) []
*Chaotic Trading Card Game (4KIDS Entertainment) []
* (Daemorniastudios) [] (July 2008)
*Ederon {Ederon) []
*The Continuum (Seven Lights) []
*The Far Wilds (Code Collective) []
*Fantasy Masters []
*gToons (Cartoon Network) []
*Holotable Based on Star Wars Customizable Card Game (Matt Moseley) []
*Kongai (Kongregate) []
*Legends of Norrath []
* (Wizards of the Coast) []
*Middle-earth Collectible Card Game (Iron Crown Enterprises) []
*The Newgrounds card game (Newgrounds) []
* (NOKs) []
*PoxNora (Octopi, Inc.) [] ("Summer 2006")
*Saga (Wahoo Studios) []
*Sanctum (Digital Addiction/Nioga, LLC) []
*SkipperMania (Net Games Tech) []
*Star Chamber (Nayantara Studios LLC/Worlds Apart Productions) []
*Star Trek Online Customizable Card Game (Decipher, Inc./Worlds Apart Productions) []
*The Lord of the Rings Online Trading Card Game (Decipher, Inc./Worlds Apart Productions) []
* contains a CCG called "Diplomacy" ("January 2007")
*WWE With Authority (Blue Sky Red Design LLC)
*Yu-Gi-Oh! Online (Now renamed Yu-Gi-Oh! Online: Duel Evolution)


*Culdcept (NEC)
*Digimon Digital Card Battle (Bandai)
*Final Fantasy VIII (SquareSoft) - Triple|Triad mini-game
*Final Fantasy IX (SquareSoft) - Tetra|Master mini-game
*Gaia Master (Capcom)
*Monster Rancher Battle Card (Tecmo)
*Toshinden Card Quest (Takara)
*Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters: Forbidden Memories] )
*Zoids Battle Card Game (Tomy)

PlayStation 2

*Culdcept (NEC)
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum] ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum] )
*Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses ( [ Yu-Gi-Oh! True Duel Monsters II: Succeeded Memories] )

PlayStation Portable

*Marvel Trading Card Game (Konami)
*"Metal Gear Acid" (Konami)
*"Metal Gear Acid 2" (Konami)
* (Namco Bandai)
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force]

Sega Saturn

*Culdcept (NEC)


*Tekken Card Challenge (Bandai)
*Chou-Denki Card Battle (Koubunsha)

WonderSwan Color

*Digimon Digital Card Battle (Bandai)
*Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (Capcom)
*X - Card of Fate (Bandai)


* (Atari)
*Phantom Dust (Majesco Entertainment)
* [ Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny]

Xbox 360

*Culdcept Saga (Namco Bandai Games)

Console Battle Card Games

Console Battle Card Games are played in a decidedly different way from Collective Card Games. Battle Card games are usually played either with an unmodifiable deck of cards, similar to a standard deck of playing cards, or with a set of previously chosen cards, but usually not as many as in a Collectible Card Game. Most Console Battle Card games use a custom deck of cards, while some use a deck loosely based on standard playing cards. Some of these games include:



Game Boy

*Bikkuriman 2000 Charging Card GB

Game Boy Advance

*Yggdra Union

Nintendo GameCube

*Lost Kingdoms
*Lost Kingdoms II

Nintendo DS



*Monster Collection - Kamen no Madoushi

Sega Saturn

*Shadows of the Tusk

=Super NES/Super Famicom=

*Arabian Nights
*Dragon Ball Z: Chou Saiya Densetsu
*Super Wrestle Angels
*Wakataka Oozumou - Yume no Kyodai Taiketsu
*Zen Nihon Pro Wrestling - Fight da Pon!

Wonderswan Color

*Memories Off Festa

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