Blink FM

Blink FM

Radio station

name = Blink FM
frequency = 87.9 MHz FM
area = South Buckinghamshire
format =
owner =
website = []

Blink FM is a youth volunteer FM radio station based in the rolling hills and valleys of the South Buckinghamshire countryside. Housed in the Millennium Volunteers Organisation in High Wycombe, it broadcasts under a Restricted Service License, which encompasses a 24 hour radio and internet simulcast for a 4-week period. This year, broadcasting commenced on the 1st August and will conclude on the 27th. Blink FM is available via Internet stream and also through 87.9 FM on radio sets within the broadcast radius.

Presenter profiles

The presenters who host the shows on the radio station are as previously stated, mainly youth, and their profiles are as follows:

Ad & Blad

Tuesday and Thursdays 11pm -1am A night time dose of banter and tunes from the BlinkFM veterans. With the megaphone in hand for Megaphone Mentions or Echo-Mike shoutouts. See Adams profile for more information...

Adam Bates - Programme Controller

Adam started on Blink in the Summer of 2003 as part of the 'Adam, Anna & Wilko Show' this show soon fell apart due to royalties and naming issues between Adam and Anna. Wilko (despite being a veteran, being with Blink since its conception in 2001) was often absent due to the fact that he worked at a model railway village place. Simon "Baldy" was brought in to smooth things over, and was hugely successful due to the creation of the most successful feature in the history of radio*, Can Man. Aug 2004 Anna was sacked due to poor tea making skills so the team of Adam "Ad, Simon "Baldy" and Jon "Wilko" took on the drive time show (5-7pm) as "Ad, Blad + Ko'". This team did not fare much better as Adam spent most of the summer in a mood and after some small (and some large) arguments Adam left to do some solo work. Aug 2005 - The old band reformed (without Wilko or Anna) to form "Ad + Blad" and did the mid morning show (11-1pm) keeping to the roots of the previous years the show produced some ground breaking and award winning radio** with such features as 'Custard Cream', 'Dina-seesaw', 'Knot or not' and the entertainment feature 'The not quite 60seconds entertainment news roundup'. Aug 2006 - 'Ad + Blad' add another chapter to the story doing late nights (maintaining that they were conned into thinking they were doing 11-1 in the morning not the evening). This show airs Tuesdays and Thursdays. Adam also has an award winning podcast** which can be found on ITunes if 'Adamcast' is typed into the music store search box. This is free and enjoyed by many (it actually is!). * Can Man may not have actually been the most successful feature in the history of radio. **No awards or nominations have actually been won by the team of Adam 'Ad' Bates or Simon "Baldy" Wheatley.

Alana Jordan

Alana a new school presenter for 2006. Alana is friends with the stars but doesn't like to talk about it (much). She has been in West End shows as a cat for Cats and a skater for Starlight Express. Alana is known for often mentioning her mother on the air who seems to spend all her time embarrassing her daughter (Thanks to Mrs. Jordan for the info for this profile)

Alex Snell

Alex has many nicknames, such as 'schnelly', 'inspector schnellsworth' and even 'Filofalex', bizarre! Still having some difficulty mastering the controls, Alex's shows on Blink always guarantee a good laugh! She describes herself as "stop asking me stupid questions" while hobbies and interests include "leave me alone". Come results day, Alex hopes to reach sixth form at Borlase Grammar School studying maths, further maths, physics, chemistry AND biology (she's mad about learning!). On random shows every now and again, check the schedule for details.

Ali H

Almost certainly the better half of last year's acclaimed breakfast show, Ali has been let loose on the equipment by himself this year. Hopefully driving the desk will prove more successful than driving his car (so far he hasn't crashed the news!). With an excellent taste in music, his shows guarantee a high standard whenever his name pops into the schedule...

Atif Ishaq

Atif Ishaq, fresh from the line of hijacking other people's shows, has finally decided to venture out into the abyss and host a show of his own. He likes ketchup on his fries, and will play at various times through the up coming weeks to keep the world on its toes. Playing music, taking requests and talking about whatever he talks about, he plans on living the high life. This kid just don't know where it's at. He has already stirred up controversy by, unknowingly, commenting on 5 taboos in one show. He has apologised since.

Chris Darby

Back once again this year with an eclectic music taste and an appalling sense of humour, Chris is on the airwaves at various times during the month, trying desperately to hold onto an evening show and doing Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1-3pm. For those who tuned in on the 2nd of August, the links are below. From this weeks show... Suffice :: Coming up in the future, maybe... Jay Foreman - [ Jay Foreman's Website] :: The Colors - [ The Colour's Myspace Profile] :: Kill The Arcade - [ Kill The Arcade's Myspace Profile] :: Nick Cotton - [ Nick Cotton's Myspace Profile] Remember, if you're a local band or artist and want to get played on Blink FM, e-mail with Local Band in the subject.

Chris Gilvear - Programme Controller

Renowned for his 'Chris Evans-style' breakfast shows in 2004 and 2005, Chris has finally raised the sponsorship money required to become a programme controller for Blink FM. He describes his work so far at the station as 'a series of mini victories' although over whom, it is unclear. It is not common knowledge that Chris once spent 7 weeks in the Australian outback with a wild pack of wolves trying to find himself. He in the end gave up and became someone the Chris we know today. To speak to Chris about shows on Blink FM, call the station on 01494 535768 or email

Colin White

Colin is making his long-awaited debut on Blink FM 2006, he claims to like every flavour of music in the world except for classical – we think he’ll fit right in! Cricket is a passion rather than a hobby and he is a lifetime supporter of Manchester United, but the reasoning behind this remains inexplicable! Col has some experience in presenting on his college radio station but wants to gain more here in Wycombe. Check the schedule and listen in...


DJ Ro is back again this year to the next generation station bringing more of the biggest tunes and interviewing some of the biggest names in the industry English and Asian! He will be presenting the breakfast shows on Saturday mornings at 9am and other shows around the week. To see when DJ Ro’s shows are check the schedule! DJ Ro often presents his Sat breakfast show with the good looking talented presenter Adam (who has a podcast which can be downloaded for FREE by going to itunes music store and typing 'adamcast' and its not the one with a naked lady for a picture)

Fav and Chav'

Known as Fav and Chav to their closest station managers, these two Blink veterans interject their indie beats with witty banter and rapor every Tuesday and Thursday night...

Foxy and Otis

Foxy and Otis (sometimes known as Otis and Foxy) play songs. They sometimes makes jokes. Some people laugh. Some people run away. What will you do? Have a listen they might be good. 2008's new features included 'Turkey or Jerky', the revived 'Gold or Coal'. Anyone who does tune in (might) get some free Jerky...

Jennie and Kar

Winner of last year's "Eat, sleep, drink, paint, live Blink FM" award, Jennie is a dedicated Blinker, if a little timid live on air. Kar, often abused for her unfortunate name, is new to Blink this year but has plenty of spirit and a keen interest in bringing the sounds of local bands to the airwaves! Tune in every Monday and Thursday from 7-9pm to check out the finest music our local bands have to offer, as well as some classic rock tunes and any requests sent in.

Johnny May and Andy K

Listen to the Johnny May and Andy K drive time show. - Bringing you some of the best music around with added cheese. It’s our first year broadcasting on Blink 87.9 and we are loving it. Feel free to text and phone in your requests and we WILL play them. Peace and love brothers and sisters – John and Andy xxx


Last year’s drivetime success story, K-live is back on the air for 2006. Another year’s experience will no doubt have expanded his infamous collection of stories and opinions on life in general. Originally from South Africa, K-Live has become a legend in his own right and if you haven’t heard his material, you’ll soon understand why! Check the schedule to find out when he’s on…

Lauren Bond

Blink FM's resident Texan, Lauren offers a great mix of music and chat. She’s lived in places all over the world but has finally settled down with her three husbands and 20 kids in Marlow Bottom, naturally letting everybody know she has a shotgun and a pickup! Under hobbies and interests, she likes listening to country music and “generally being weird”. Over the last few weeks, Lauren’s 'summer cold' seems to have developed into ‘bubonic plague’ so perhaps be prepared for coughing and spluttering on the mic! Check the schedule and tune in randomly…

Lloyd Astorelli

Another enthusiastic newcomer to Blink 87.9 this year, Lloyd is taking the airwaves by storm. The youngest member of our team this year, he has already proven himself a popular subject for studio text in’s (07758 055879). Hobbies and interests include football and tennis as well as obsessing over Big Brother (“Glyn to win!”). Lloyd is most commonly discovered loitering around the afternoons, check the schedule for details…

Nick Brickell

Join me every Saturday from 8pm when I play out some of the biggest dance anthems around past, present and future. Get your favourite tune on the show either by texting, emailing or calling the show. Even if your not into your dance tunes give the show a listen, you might be surprised! N x

Nikki and Ian

Nikki and Ian present a rocking indie show every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night. Nikki is gorgeous and Ian, while also quite pretty, keeps banging his head on things due to his abnormally long legs x

Pix and Em

On-air antics ridiculously early in the morning with Pix + Em. A chirpy start to the day with two excited rookies featuring the fantasmangnical 'fruit of the day', 'spot the Disney Movie' and whimsical chatter. Tune in weekdays 7-9am'

Richard Fox - Station Manager

On first meeting Richard, he is guaranteed to tell you two things: firstly, he recently got married to his beautiful partner, Jo; and secondly he met Timmy Mallet. Along with running Blink FM, these are clearly his biggest accomplishments! Richard is a Millennium Volunteers co-ordinator so he’s the man to talk to if you want to work with Wycombe Youth Action on one of its many projects, his e-mail address for Blink Fm related stuff email or for Wycombe Youth Action projects email

am Vhonda

She's cool although did think Chris Gilvear worked in McDonalds

The Lowdown with Lomas

Chris Lomas has presented with Blink FM forever and yet his distinctive deep voice still never fails to entertain. His poor choice in haircut is only matched by his infamous collection of chat up lines, which always have the girls rolling in the aisles ;o). Hobbies and interests include pubbing, clubbing and failing AS levels, meanwhile music taste ranges from Motörhead to the Macarena! Tune in Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons…

Tubtastic Tel

Says it all really, doesn't it? Weekend midmornings, be there or be doing something else...

Zuzi & Mel

Ding dong bell, its time for suz and mel, They’ve had a lot of practice but you really cannot tell. They play a lot of music, most of which are choons, And they mess around like monkeys, or maybe like baboons! Check the schedule and tune in random mornings…

Zuzi, Li and Hazel

They are funny and silly, especially in the mornings! When an idea comes to any of them, they are often very persistent in following it through...

Radio schedule

The primary show on Blink FM this year is sporadically scheduled, but typically occupies the late night shifts (generally 11 p.m. to 1 p.m.) on various nights of the week. The disc jockeys, nicknamed "Ad" and "Blad", are well known for their use of anachronistic phrases, their constant effeminate laughter, and their ability to shock listeners.

External links

* [ Blink FM website]
*myspace|96186549|Blink FM

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Look at other dictionaries:

  • Blink — Blink, n. [OE. blink. See {Blink}, v. i. ] 1. A glimpse or glance. [1913 Webster] This is the first blink that ever I had of him. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] 2. Gleam; glimmer; sparkle. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] Not a blink of light was there.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Blink — bezeichnet Blink 182, eine amerikanische Musikgruppe Blink (Band), eine irische Musikgruppe Blink (Film), einen Film von Michael Apted Blink (Doctor Who), eine Folge der britischen Fernsehserie Doctor Who eine Leuchtfeuerkennung mit kürzerer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blink — Blink: Blink  тег языка разметки HTML, выводит мигающий текст Blink (программный SIP клиент) Blink 182 южно калифорнийская поп панк группа Blink вымышленный персонаж из комиксов компании Marvel Comics …   Википедия

  • blink — blink·ard; blink; blink·ing·ly; blink·er; un·blink·ing·ly; …   English syllables

  • Blink — (bl[i^][ng]k), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Blinked} (bl[i^][ng]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Blinking}.] [OE. blenken; akin to dan. blinke, Sw. blinka, G. blinken to shine, glance, wink, twinkle, D. blinken to shine; and prob. to D. blikken to glance, twinkle,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blink — ► VERB 1) shut and open the eyes quickly. 2) (blink at) react to (something) with surprise or disapproval. 3) (of a light) shine unsteadily or intermittently. ► NOUN ▪ an act of blinking. ● on the blink Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • blink — [bliŋk] vi. [ME blenken, blenchen: see BLENCH2] 1. to close the eyelids and open them quickly one or more times, as either a reflex or a conscious act 2. to flash on and off; twinkle or glimmer 3. to look with eyes half shut and winking, as in… …   English World dictionary

  • Blink — Blink, v. t. 1. To shut out of sight; to avoid, or purposely evade; to shirk; as, to blink the question. [1913 Webster] 2. To trick; to deceive. [Scot.] Jamieson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • blink — [v1] wink of eye; twinkle bat, flash, flicker, flutter, glimmer, glitter, nictate, nictitate, scintillate, shimmer, sparkle, squint; concepts 185,624 blink [v2] ignore bypass, condone, connive, cushion, discount, disregard, fail, forget, neglect …   New thesaurus

  • Blink — (Meteorol.), so v.w. Ochsenauge 6) …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • blink — • blink, glimt, skymt, klipp • glimt, sken, stråle, reflex, skimmer …   Svensk synonymlexikon

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