Melodifestivalen 2000

Melodifestivalen 2000
Melodifestivalen 2000
Date: 10 March 2000
Presenters: Carola Häggkvist, Lotta Engberg, Lena Philipsson, Loa Falkman, Tommy Körberg, Elisabeth Andreassen, Arja Saijonmaa, Lasse Berghagen, Lasse Holm, Björn Skifs
Venue: Gothenburg Opera, Gothenburg
Viewing figures (approx): 4,175,000
Voting: 50/50 Jury and telephone voting
Total number of televotes cast: 525,567
Winner: När vindarna viskar mitt namn performed by Roger Pontare
Winner's result at Eurovision: 7th
Roger Pontare.

Melodifestivalen 2000 was the selection for the 40th song to represent Sweden at the Eurovision Song Contest. It was the 39th time that this system of picking a song had been used. 1394 songs were submitted to SVT for the competition. The final was broadcast on SVT2 and Sveriges Radio's P4 network. Roger Pontare (1994 winner with Marie Bergman) won the MF again with the rock-inspired ballad "När vindarna viskar mitt namn", donning a folk-inspired costume and featuring Native American dancers during his performance. The winning song was performed later in English at the Eurovision Song Contest as "The Spirits Are Calling My Name", placing seventh among 24 entrants.

The 2000 Melodifestivalen was presented by no less than 10 past participants and winners, who performed a medley of selected Melodifestivalen entries from the past four decades as an interval act. Two of the presenters, Lena Philipsson and Carola Häggkvist, went on to win the Melodifestivalen in 2004 and 2006, respectively (Carola had also won in 1983 and 1991 before).



# Artist Song Songwriters Votes Place
Jury Public Total
1 Guide Vi lever här, vi lever nu Mattias Reimer, Lars Edvall 53 44 97 5th
2 Balsam Boys Bara du och jag Gustaf Eurén, Stefan Deak, Karl Eurén 43 11 54 7th
3 Barbados Se mig Thomas Thörnholm, Danne Attlerud 58 88 146 2nd
4 Avengers När filmen är slut Suss von Ahn, Henrik Wikström 0 - 0 10th
5 Tom Nordahl Alla änglar sjunger Stefan Berg 32 - 32 9th
6 Roger Pontare När vindarna viskar mitt namn Thomas Holmstrand, Linda Jansson, Peter Dahl 95 132 227 1st
7 Javiera Muñoz Varje timma, var minut Johnny Thunqvist, Ulf Georgsson 73 66 139 4th
8 Midnight Band Tillsammans Mikael Wendt, Christer Lundh 58 - 58 6th
9 Hanna Hedlund Anropar försvunnen Bobby Ljunggren, Robert Uhlmann, Anna-Lena Högdahl 25 22 47 8th
10 Friends När jag tänker på imorgon Lasse Holm, Ingela 'Pling' Forsman 36 110 146 2nd



Song Luleå Umeå Sundsvall Falun Stockholm Karlstad Örebro Norrköping Växjö Malmö Gothenburg Total
Vi lever här, vi lever nu - 8 10 2 12 10 2 4 - 4 1 53
Bara du och jag 2 - 6 10 8 4 6 1 - - 6 43
Se mig 10 1 4 6 10 8 - 12 2 1 4 58
När filmen är slut - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Alla änglar sjunger 6 2 1 1 4 - 12 - 4 2 - 32
När vindarna viskar mitt namn 4 12 12 12 2 1 10 10 12 12 8 95
Varje timma, var minut 8 4 8 - 6 12 1 6 8 8 12 73
Tillsammans 12 10 2 8 - - 8 8 10 - - 58
Anropar försvunnen - 6 - - - 2 4 - 1 10 2 25
När jag tänker på imorgon 1 - - 4 1 6 - 2 6 6 10 36


Song Jury No. of televotes Points Total
Vi lever här, vi lever nu 53 34 239 44 97
Bara du och jag 43 26 229 11 54
Se mig 58 43 289 88 146
När filmen är slut 0 2 934 - 0
Alla änglar sjunger 32 24 455 - 32
När vindarna viskar mitt namn 95 173 641 132 227
Varje timma, var minut 73 35 691 66 139
Tillsammans 58 25 727 - 58
Anropar försvunnen 25 31 921 22 47
När jag tänker på i morgon 36 127 441 110 146

Returning artists

Artist Previous year(s)
Roger Pontare 1994, with Marie Bergman

See also

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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