- Time in the United States
Time in the United States, by law, is divided into nine standard
time zone s covering the states and its possessions, with most of theUnited States observingdaylight saving time for part of the year.The time zone boundaries and DST observance are under the authority of the Department of Transportation.Official and highly precise time keeping services (clocks) are provided by two federal time agencies: a Department of Commerce agency, theNational Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and its military counterpart, theUnited States Naval Observatory (USNO). The clocks run by these services are kept highly synchronized with each other as well as with those of international time keeping organizations.It is the combination of the time zone and daylight saving rules along with the time keeping services which determines the legal
civil time for any U.S. location at any moment.United States time zones
Standard time zones in the United States are currently defined at the federal level by law "15 U.S.C. [http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/260.html §260] ". The federal law also establishes the transition dates and times at which
daylight saving time occurs, if observed. It is ultimately the authority of the Secretary of Transportation, in coordination with the states, to determine which regions will observe which of the standard time zones and if they will observe daylight saving time. As ofAugust 9 ,2007 , the standard time zones are defined in terms of hourly offsets from UTC. [ [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d110:h2272: H.R.2272 — America COMPETES Act] (Sec. 3013)] Prior to this they were based upon themean solar time at several meridians 15° apart west of Greenwich (GMT ).Only the full time zone names listed below are official; abbreviations are by common use conventions.
Zones used in the contiguous U.S.
From east to west, these zones are:
* Eastern standard time zone: (EST;UTC-5 ; Zone R), which comprises roughly the states on theAtlantic coast and the eastern two thirds of theOhio Valley .
* Central standard time zone: (CST;UTC-6 ; Zone S), which comprises roughly theGulf Coast ,Tennessee Valley , andGreat Plains .
* Mountain standard time zone: (MST;UTC-7 ; Zone T), which comprises roughly the states that include theRocky Mountains .
* Pacific standard time zone: (PST;UTC-8 ; Zone U), which comprises roughly the states on thePacific coast , plusNevada .Zones used in states beyond the contiguous U.S.
* Alaska standard time zone: (AKST;
UTC-9 ; Zone V), which comprises most of the state ofAlaska .
* Hawaii-Aleutian standard time zone: (or unofficially Hawaii Standard Time: HST) (HAST;UTC-10 ; zone W), which includesHawaii and most of the length of theAleutian Islands chain (west of 169°30′W).Zones outside the states
*Atlantic standard time zone: (AST;
UTC-4 ; Zone Q), which comprisesPuerto Rico and theU.S. Virgin Islands .
*Samoa standard time zone (SST;UTC-11 ; Zone X), which comprisesAmerican Samoa .
*Chamorro standard time zone: (ChST;UTC+10 ; Zone K), which comprisesGuam and theNorthern Mariana Islands .Boundaries between the zones
(Described from north to south along each boundary.)
EST/CST boundary
* roughly follows the border between
Wisconsin (to west) and the Upper Peninsula ofMichigan (to east); the Upper Peninsula counties that border on Wisconsin observe CST, all other counties in the UP observe EST
* followsLake Michigan
* divides a small portion of northwesternIndiana nearChicago from the rest of the state
* follows the border betweenIllinois (west) and Indiana (east)
* divides a small portion of southwestern Indiana from the rest of the state
* dividesKentucky roughly in half roughly along a line that is west ofLouisville, KY running from northwest to southeast.
* divides the region legally defined asEast Tennessee , except for four counties adjoiningMiddle Tennessee , from the rest ofTennessee .
* follows the border betweenAlabama (west) and Georgia (east)
* divides the panhandle of Florida along theApalachicola River andIntracoastal Waterway just west ofTallahassee, FL .CST/MST boundary
* divides the southwest portion of
North Dakota from the rest of the state
* dividesSouth Dakota roughly in half
* divides the western third ofNebraska from the rest of the state
* divides a very small portion of extreme westernKansas borderingColorado (Greeley, Hamilton, Sherman and Wallace counties) from the rest of the state (three other counties which borderColorado —Cheyenne, Morton and Stanton—observe CST)
* follows the border betweenNew Mexico (west) andOklahoma (east)
* follows the border between New Mexico (west) andTexas (east)
* divides El Paso County and Hudspeth County from the rest of TexasMST/PST boundary
* follows the border between northern
Idaho (west) and northwesternMontana (east)
* turns west (just south of Nez Perce Pass), following theSalmon River downstream to the Oregon border at theSnake River , dividing theIdaho Panhandle from the rest of the state
* follows theSnake River upstream betweenOregon (west) and Idaho (east)
* divides the northern 80% of Malheur County (north of 42°25′N) from the rest ofOregon
* follows the border betweenOregon (west) and Idaho (east)
* follows the border (42°N) between Idaho (north) and Nevada (south)
* follows the border betweenNevada (west) andUtah (east), except for following city limit line ofWest Wendover dividing it from the rest ofNevada
* follows the border betweenNevada (west) andArizona (east)
* follows the border betweenCalifornia (west) and Arizona (east)Daylight saving time
As an energy conservation measure, the
Energy Policy Act of 2005 extended daylight saving time (DST) for an additional month beginning in 2007. The start of DST now occurs on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November.The Energy Policy Act specifies that continuation of daylight saving time beyond 2008 is subject to favorable evaluation of the energy savings attained. Unless the expanded DST period is rescinded, clocks will be set ahead one hour at 2 a.m. on the following start dates and set back one hour at 2 a.m. on these ending dates:
In response to the
Uniform Time Act of 1966, each state of the US has officially chosen to apply one of two rules over its entire territory:
* Most use the standard time for their zone (or zones, where a state is divided between two zones), except for using daylight saving time during the summer months. Originally this ran from the last Sunday in April until the last Sunday in October. Two subsequent amendments, in 1986 and 2005, have shifted these days so that daylight saving time now runs from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November.
*Arizona andHawaii use standard time throughout the year. However:
**TheNavajo Nation observes DST throughout its entire territory, including the portion that lies in Arizona. But the Hopi Nation, which is entirely surrounded by the Navajo Nation, does "not" observe DST. (See map inset right.)
* Before 2006,Indiana officially used standard time year-round, with the following exceptions:
**The portions of Indiana that were on Central Time observed daylight saving time.
**Also, some Indiana counties near Cincinnati and Louisville were on Eastern Time, but did (unofficially) observe DST.
**However, in 2005, Indiana passed legislation which took effect onApril 2 ,2006 , that placed the entire state on daylight saving time. See:Time in Indiana Notes
ee also
History of time in the United States
*Time in Indiana
*List of U.S. states by time zone External links
* [http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/us_tzones.php U.S. Navy time zone page]
* [http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/49cfr71_03.html Standard Time Zone Boundaries 49CFR71]
* [http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/15/ch6schIX.html Standard Time Law 15USC260-267]
* [http://www.time.gov/ The Official U.S. Time]
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