International response to the War in Darfur

International response to the War in Darfur

While there is a general consensus in the international community that ethnic groups have been targeted and that crimes against humanity have therefore occurred, there has been debate in some quarters about whether genocide has taken place. In May 2006, the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur organized by United Nations "concluded that the Government of the Sudan has not pursued a policy of genocide ... [though] international offences such as the crimes against humanity and war crimes that have been committed in Darfur may be no less serious and heinous than genocide." [ Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General] , United Nations International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur, 18 September 2004] Eric Reeves, a researcher and frequent commentator on Darfur, has questioned the methodology of the commission's report. [ Darfur 101] by Eric Reeves (The New Republic) 5 May 2006. "... a U.N. Commission of Inquiry (COI) report on Darfur concluded in January 2005 that there was 'insufficient evidence of genocidal intent' on the part of the NIF, though the commissioners' reasoning was embarrassingly flawed and the failure to conduct forensic investigations at all sites of reported mass ethnic murders was inexcusable. In addition, the COI badly confused the issues of motive and intent, deployed evidence in conspicuously contradictory fashion, and misrepresented the consequences of genocidal violence and displacement in Darfur."]

The United States government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and individual world leaders have chosen to use the word "genocide" for what is taking place in Darfur. "(See Declarations of genocide, below)" Most notably, in passing the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006, the US government codified specific economic and legal sanctions on the government of Sudan as a result of its findings of genocide.

International response

International attention to the Darfur conflict largely began with reports by the advocacy organizations Amnesty International in July 2003 and the International Crisis Group in December 2003. However, widespread media coverage did not start until the outgoing United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan, Mukesh Kapila, called Darfur the "world's greatest humanitarian crisis" in March 2004. [Prunier, pp. 124-148] A movement advocating for humanitarian intervention has emerged in several countries since then.

United Nations

The on-going conflict in Darfur, Sudan, which started in 2003, was declared a "genocide" by United States Secretary of State Colin Powell on September 9, 2004 in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. [ [ POWELL DECLARES KILLING IN DARFUR 'GENOCIDE'] , The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Sep. 9, 2004] Since that time however, no other permanent member of the United Nations Security Council has followed suit. In fact, in January 2005, an International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur, authorized by UN Security Council Resolution 1564 of 2004, issued a report to the Secretary-General stating that "the Government of the Sudan has not pursued a policy of genocide."PDFlink| [ Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General] |1.14 MB, January 25, 2005, at 4] Nevertheless, the Commission cautioned that "The conclusion that no genocidal policy has been pursued and implemented in Darfur by the Government authorities, directly or through the militias under their control, should not be taken in any way as detracting from the gravity of the crimes perpetrated in that region. International offences such asthe crimes against humanity and war crimes that have been committed in Darfur may be no less serious and heinous than genocide." [ [ Sudan's mass killings not genocide: UN report] , CBC News, 1 February 2005]

International Criminal Court

As Sudan has not ratified the Rome Statute the International Criminal Court can not investigate crimes that may have taken place in Darfur unless the United Nations Security council asks them to under Article 13.b of the Rome Statute ("A situation in which one or more of such crimes appears to have been committed is referred to the Prosecutor by the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations"). [Charles Wright. [ Two Views of the Sudan] , The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, Trinity 2004, Issue 37. p. 3] [Thomas Rose [ The gamble to prosecute Sudan's leader over Darfur] , CBC News, 18 July 2008] [Staff. [ Sudanese president charged with genocide] CNN, 15 July 2008]

In March 2005, the Security Council formally referred the situation in Darfur to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, taking into account the report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur, authorized by UN Security Council Resolution 1564 of 2004, but without mentioning any specific crimes. [PDFlink| [ Security Council Resolution 1593 (2005)] |24.8 KB] Two permanent members of the Security Council, the United States and China, abstained from the vote on the referral resolution. [ [ SECURITY COUNCIL REFERS SITUATION IN DARFUR, SUDAN, TO PROSECUTOR OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT] , UN Press Release SC/8351, Mar. 31, 2005] As of his fourth report to the Security Council, the Prosecutor has found "reasonable grounds to believe that the individuals identified [in the UN Security Council Resolution 1593] have committed crimes against humanity and war crimes," but did not find sufficient evidence to prosecute for genocide. [PDFlink| [ Fourth Report of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, to the Security Council pursuant to UNSC 1593 (2005)] |597 KB, Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Dec. 14, 2006.]

In April 2007, the Judges of the ICC issued arrest warrants against the former Minister of State for the Interior, Ahmad Harun, and a Militia
Janjaweed leader, Ali Kushayb, for crimes against humanity and war crimes. [ [ Statement by Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, to the United Nations Security Council pursuant to UNSCR 1593 (2005)] , [ International Criminal Court] , 5 June 2008] The Sudan Government says that the ICC had no jurisdiction to try Sudanese citizens and that it will not hand the two men over to its custody. [Staff. [ Sudan defiant on Darfur suspects] BBC, 27 February 2007]

On July 14, 2008, prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC), filed ten charges of war crimes against Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. The ICC's prosecutors have claimed that al-Bashir "masterminded and implemented a plan to destroy in substantial part" three tribal groups in Darfur because of their ethnicity. The ICC's prosecutor for Darfur, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, is expected within months to ask a panel of ICC judges to issue an arrest warrant for al-Bashir.

The evidence was submitted to 3 judges who will decide whether to issue an arrest warrant in the coming months. 300,000 people have died and 5 million people were forced from their homes, and still under attack from government-backed janjaweed militia. [ [ Sudan president charged with genocide in Darfur] , "Associated Press".] If formally charged, al-Bashir would become the first sitting head of state charged with genocide. [cite web |url= |title= Bashir move bold but problematic |accessdate=2008-07-15 |publisher=BBC News |date=2008-07-14 ] Bashir has rejected the charges and said, "Whoever has visited Darfur, met officials and discovered their ethnicities and tribes ... will know that all of these things are lies." [cite web |url= |title=ICC prosecutor seeks arrest of Sudan's Bashir |accessdate=2008-07-15 |publisher=Reuters |date=2008-07-14 ]

It is suspected that al-Bashir would not face trial in The Hague any time soon, as Sudan reject's the ICC's jurisdiction. Payam Akhavan, a professor of international law at McGill University in Montreal and a former war crimes prosecutor, says although he may not go to trial, "He will effectively be in prison within the Sudan itself...Al-Bashir now is not going to be able to leave the Sudan without facing arrest." [cite news |title=Sudanese president charged with genocide |url= |publisher=CBC News |date=2008-07-14 |accessdate=2008-07-15 ]

Peacekeeping and military response

The Sudanese army on March 28 2007 denied reports circulated over raids carried out by French paratroopers against Darfur villages. [ [ Sudan army denies French paratroopers" attack against Darfur village ] ,Kuwait News Agency, 28 March 2007]

Senegal honoured on April 12 2007 five of its soldiers killed in Sudan's Darfur and said it could quit the African Union peacekeeping force there unless it was better equipped and protected. [ [ Senegal may quit AU Darfur force if it left weak] ,The San Diego Union-Tribune, 12 April 2007]


Logistics is one of the major obstacles in Darfur that hinders successful deployment of the UNAMID peace-keeping force and the humanitarian organisations that strive to bring peace, security and a relief of human suffering to the region. The vast region has no major surfaced road network. It is nearly 1300 km from Sudan’s one and only international sea port at Port Sudan and 700 km from the international airport at Khartoum. Transporting aid to and around the region is hard enough, but during the summer months it is nearly impossible as heavy rains descend and destroy the dirt roads and fill the wadis, leaving many areas inaccessible. Cargo is often held up at customs as documentation requirements are often changed and cargo retained at the docks until varying amounts of government officials have inspected it.

During 2007-2008, 22% of transport companies discontinued their services to Darfur due to insecurity. [UNJLC, ] Banditry has increased throughout the conflict, as many of the small rebel factions have turned to it to finance their operations. 51% of the incidents occur along the Ed Daein to Zalingei route, in which both goods, the trucks and drivers have been captured and kidnapped along the way. [Ibid] The goods have been sold for profit, while the vehicles, the main prize, have been incorporated into the bandits' operations, with the kidnapped drivers used to maintain the vehicles. Truck-jackings have become an increasing problem to logistics as not only have the local contractors increased their prices, but many now have to wait for the government to provide armed escorts along the major routes. These escorts are infrequent and are on offer only when the manpower can be spared. The UN forces currently do not have the permission or the forces to operate the long convoys in and out of Sudan, creating a large backlog of aid piling up at the end of the surfaced road in El Obeid, waiting for a convoy to take them the rest of the way. A 6 or 7 day journey is now taking over 3 weeks due to these restrictions.

UNJLC, WFP and CARE International have joined forces to create a common pipeline for the different UN agencies and NGOs to transport their procured goods to the Darfur region. During the months of May and June 2008, they offered theses services for free, to help the NGOs stockpile their materials so that they would have enough to outstand the rainy season.Fact|date=August 2008 These services were limited however, and only really applicable for non-food items. Humanitarian organisations that require more constant delivery of goods and delicate materials such as medical supplies and food supplements have been faced with the dilemma of having to fly their materials in, due to the rains. UNHAS has only a few planes and is overstretched due to lack of funding. Many organisationswho? are having to resort to hiring local air freight contractors, which alone is very expensive. Some organisations who cannot afford the high prices use the larger multimodal companies which offer a midway to the fast and expensive air freight, and the cheap and very slow land freight. Fact|date=August 2008

The Sudanese logisitcs companies that are still operating areFact|date=August 2008:

Air freight=
Azza Transport,
Ababeel aviation,
Air Taxi Sudan.

Land freight =
Raiba logistics,
Keer-MISC ltd,
Delta logistics,

All inclusive/multimodal=
Rapid Response Services

tatements from world leaders

On 18 February, 2006 US President George W. Bush called for the number of international troops in Darfur to be doubled. [ [ Bush Calls For More Muscle In Darfur ] ]

On 17 September, 2006, British Prime Minister Tony Blair wrote an open letter to the members of the European Union calling for a unified response to the crisis. [ [ BBC NEWS | Politics | Blair's Darfur letter in full ] ]

Declarations of genocide

The following notable individuals and institutions have declared the conflict in Darfur a genocide (organized chronologically by first statement):
* International Association of Genocide Scholars, 19 February 2004 [ Darfur: Not Another Hotel Rwanda!] "action alert", Institute for the Study of Genocide and the International Association of Genocide Scholars website, 19 February 2004]
* Committee on Conscience of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 6 June 2004 [ In Sudan, Staring Genocide in the Face] by Jerry Fowler, Committee on Conscience, staff director, US Holocaust Memorial Museum (The Washington Post) 6 June 2004]
* The United States Congress (House Concurrent Resolution 467), 22 June 2004, passed 422-0 in the House and by unanimous voice vote in the Senate, declaring state-sponsored genocide by the proxy militias known as Janjaweed. Therefore each member of the 108th United States Congress has technically declared that the situation in Darfur is a genocide. All but three members of the 109th United States Congress voted in favor of the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act, a law signed by President Bush in October 2006 that restated the findings of genocide. Additional individual statements by members of the US Congress are noted below. [ U.S. Congress Terms Situation in Darfur "Genocide"] by Charles W. Corey (US State Department Washington File) 23 July 2004] [ Excerpts: US Congress resolution on Darfur] , BBC 23 July 2004]
* US Sen. Russell Feingold, 22 July 2004 [ Statement of Senator Russ Feingold From the Floor of the U.S. Senate On the Situation in Darfur, Sudan] , Office of Russell Feingold, 22 July 2004]
* US Secretary of State Colin Powell, 9 September 2004 [ U.S. Calls Killings In Sudan Genocide] by Glenn Kessler and Colum Lynch (The Washington Post) 10 September 2004]
* US President George W. Bush, 9 September 2004 [ President's Statement on Violence in Darfur, Sudan] (The White House) 9 September 2004] Restated declaration in June 2005 [ [ In Break With U.N., Bush Calls Sudan Killings Genocide] by Jim VandeHei (The Washington Post 2 June 2005] and in a meeting with activists from the Save Darfur Coalition, 28 April 2006 [ President Meets with Darfur Advocates] transcript (White House) 28 April 2006]
* Jewish World Watch, 16 September 2004, in a [ sermon] by Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis.
* US Sen. John Kerry, prior to 16 September 2004 [ Chad/Sudan: A Question of Genocide] by Amy Costello (PBS Frontline) 16 September 2004]
* Anti-Defamation League [ [ ADL Darfur Resource Center] ]
* US Sen. Joseph Lieberman, 2 March 2005 [ Lieberman Calls for Sanctions on Sudan Until it Stops Darfur Genocide] , Office of Joseph Lieberman, 2 March 2005]
* US Sen. and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, 15 April 2005 [ FRIST STATEMENT ON SHOOTING OF USAID WORKER] , Office of Bill Frist, 15 April 2005]
* American Jewish Committee, 6 May 2005 [ [ Press Releases - American Jewish Committee ] ]
* Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Advancement of Human Rights, July 2005 []
* US Sen. Barack Obama, 22 July 2005 [ Darfur and the U.N.] , Office of Barack Obama, 22 July 2005]
* Genocide Intervention Network, 21 November 2005 [ Darfur Peace and Accountability Act Passes Senate After Citizen Pressure] , press release, Genocide Intervention Network, 21 November 2005]
* Israeli ambassador to the U.N., Itzhak Levanon, 27 January 2006 [ [ AT THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL DAY OF COMMEMORATION IN MEMORY OF THE VICTIMS OF THE HOLOCAUST] ]
* US Sen. Hillary Clinton, 16 March 2006 [ Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Calls on President Bush to do More to End the Genocide in Darfur] , Office of Hillary Clinton, 16 March 2006]
* French foreign minister Philippe Douste-Blazy, 6 September 2006 [ French FM speaks of Darfur "genocide" for first time] , Sudan Tribune 7 September 2006]
* The Assembly of the Republic of Portugal, 4 May 2007 [ [ Voto de condenação pelo genocídio no Darfur] , Socialist Party, 4 May 2008 ]
* Physicians for Human Rights (date unknown) [ Darfur 101] by Eric Reeves (The New Republic) 5 May 2006]
* U.S. Committee for Refugees (date unknown)
* Africa Action (date unknown)
* Justice Africa (date unknown)
* Africa Confidential (date unknown)
* Yad Vashem (date unknown)
* Genocide Watch (date unknown)
* American Israel Public Affairs Committee [ [ The United Nations and Israel] "...despite numerous other world emergencies such as the genocides in Rwanda and Darfur."]

The following institutions have not declared the conflict in Darfur a genocide (related statements included):

* United Nations: Stated that mass murders of civilians have been committed by the Janjaweed, but not genocide [ [ Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General (PDF)] , United Nations, 25 January 2005]
* African Union: In the 2004 the Chair of the AU's PSC said that "abuses are taking place. There is mass suffering, but it is not genocide." [ [ Position and Response of the African Union on the Darfur Crisis as being Genocide] Press release of the South African Department of Foreign Affairs 4 November 2004.] [ [ The UN Report on Darfur: What Role for the AU?] "Pambazuka" 20 February 2004]
* Amnesty International: "The grave human rights abuses ... cannot be ignored any longer, nor justified or excused by a context of armed conflict." [ [ Darfur: "Too many people killed for no reason"] , Amnesty International, 3 February 2004.]
* Médecins sans Frontières: Director Jean-Hervé Bradol called the term genocide "inappropriate" and deputy emergency director Dr. Mercedes Taty said "I don't think that we should be using the word 'genocide' to describe this conflict. Not at all. This can be a semantic discussion, but nevertheless, there is no systematic target -- targeting one ethnic group or another one. It doesn't mean either that the situation in Sudan isn't extremely serious by itself." ["Thousands die in Sudan as world defines genocide", The Financial Times 5 July 2004, cited in " [ The Bush Administration, Darfur and "Genocide": Placing Votes Before Peace in Sudan] ," by David Hoile, Media Monitors Network, 11 September 2004.]


2003 to mid-2004

The United Nations has an [ extensive timeline] for this time period. Key points:

March 2003: Fighting breaks out in Darfur between government forces and rebels. Refugees start fleeing into Chad

January 2004: Aid agencies' response begins in earnest to help thousands of displaced

April 2: UN says "scorched-earth" campaign of ethnic cleansing by Janjaweed militias against Darfur's black African population is taking place

May 4: UN officials describe Darfur as one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world

May 7: Two human rights reports find Sudanese government and Arab militias carrying out massive human rights violations which "may constitute war crimes and/or crimes against humanity"

July 2004

In early July 2004, Annan and then-United States Secretary of State Colin Powell visited Sudan and the Darfur region, and urged the Sudanese government to stop supporting the Janjaweed militias. Annan described the trips as constructive.

The African Union (AMIS) and European Union have sent monitors [ Annan warns of Sudan catastrophe] (BBC) 6 July, 2004] (as of 5 July 2004) to observe the cease-fire signed on 8 April 2004; [ Sudan government and rebels sign Darfur cease-fire] by Abakar Saleh, The European - Sudanese Public Affairs Council, 8 April, 2004] however, the Janjaweed's attacks have not stopped, as noted by the United States [ Sudan 'breaking Darfur ceasefire'] (BBC) 13 April, 2004] and more recently Human Rights Watch. [ Darfur: New Atrocities Disprove Khartoum’s Claims] , Human Rights Watch 11 August, 2004]

According to the BBC in July, [ France opposes UN Sudan sanctions] (BBC) 8 July, 2004] analysts estimate that at least 15,000 soldiers would be needed to put an end to the conflict.

On 22 July, 2004, the United States Senate and House of Representatives passed a joint resolution declaring the armed conflict in the Sudanese region of Darfur to be genocide and calling on the Bush administration to lead an international effort to put a stop to it.

On 30 July, the United Nations gave the Sudanese government 30 days to disarm and bring to justice the Janjaweed, in UN Security Council Resolution 1556; if this deadline is not met in 30 days, it "expresses its intention to consider" sanctions. [ UN resolution on Darfur: Full text] (BBC) 30 July, 2004] The Arab League asked for a longer term and warned that Sudan must not become another Iraq. Resolution 1556 also imposed an arms embargo on the Janjaweed and other militia. [ DFID Information note on the humanitarian situation i Darfur, Sudan October 2004] British Embassy, Khartoum, October 2004]

From the Sudanese government's point of view, the conflict is simply a skirmish. The Sudanese president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir, said, "The international concern over Darfur is actually a targeting of the Islamic state in Sudan." Sudan has warned Britain and the United States not to interfere in the internal affairs of the East African country saying it will reject any military aid, while asking for logistic support.

=August 2004= " In August 2004, the African Union sent 150 Rwandan troops in to protect the ceasefire monitors; however, "their mandate did not include the protection of civilians." [ Rwandan soldiers arrive in Sudan] (BBC) 15 August, 2004] Rwandan President Paul Kagame declared that "if it was established that the civilians are in danger then our forces will certainly intervene and use force to protect civilians"; however, such an effort would certainly take more than 150 troops. They were joined by 150 Nigerian troops later that month. [ Sudan refugees report new attacks] (BBC) 16 August, 2004] [ Nigeria go-ahead for Darfur force] (BBC) 19 August, 2004] Peace talks, which had previously fallen apart in Addis Ababa on July 17, were resumed on August 23 in Abuja. The talks reopened amid acrimony, with the SLA accusing the government of breaking promises [ Sudanese rebels will attend peace talks on Darfur] (Associated Press/USA Today) 19 August, 2004] that it made for the little-respected April ceasefire.

The UN's 30 day deadline expired on August 29, after which the Secretary General reported on the state of the conflict. According to him, the situation "has resulted in some improvements on the ground but remains limited overall". In particular, he notes that the Janjaweed militias remain armed and continue to attack civilians (contrary to Resolution 1556), and militia disarmament has been limited to a "planned" 30% reduction in one particular militia, the Popular Defense Forces. He also notes that the Sudanese government's commitments regarding their own armed forces have been only partially implemented, with refugees reporting several attacks involving government forces. PDFlink| [ Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraphs 6 and 13 through 16 of Security Council Resolution 1556 (2004)] United Nations Security Council Draft 30 August, 2004] He concludes that: :Stopping attacks against civilians and ensuring their protection is the responsibility of the Government of Sudan. The Government has not met this obligation fully, despite the commitments it has made and its obligations under resolution 1556 (2004). Attacks against civilians are continuing and the vast majority of armed militias has not been disarmed. Similarly, no concrete steps have been taken to bring to justice or even identify any of the militia leaders or the perpetrators of these attacks, allowing the violations of human rights and the basic laws of war to continue in a climate of impunity. After 18 months of conflict and 30 days after the adoption of resolution 1556 (2004), the Government of Sudan has not been able to resolve the crisis in Darfur, and has not met some of the core commitments it has made. and advises "a substantially increased international presence in Darfur" in order to "monitor" the conflict. However, he did not threaten or imply sanctions, which the UN had expressed its "intention to consider" in Resolution 1556.

eptember 2004

On September 9, 2004, then-US Secretary of State Colin Powell declared to the US Senate that genocide was occurring in Darfur, for which he blamed the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed. This position was strongly rejected by the Sudanese foreign affairs minister, Najib Abdul Wahab. The United Nations, like the African Union and European Union, have not declared the Darfur conflict to be an act of genocide. If it does constitute an act of genocide, international law is considered to allow other countries to intervene.

Also on September 9, 2004, the US put forward a UN draft resolution threatening Sudan with sanctions on its oil industry. This was adopted, in modified form, on September 18, 2004 as Resolution 1564 (see below.)

On September 13, 2004, WHO published a Darfur mortality survey, which was the first reliable indicator about deaths in Darfur. It reported that 6,000–10,000 people were dying each month in Darfur. Many were related to diarrhoea, but the most significant cause of death was violent death for those aged 15–49. The Darfur mortality rates were significantly higher than the emergency threshold, and were from 3 to 6 times higher than the normal African death rates.

On September 18, 2004, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1564, pressuring the Sudanese government to act urgently to improve the situation by threatening the possibility of oil sanctions in the event of continued noncompliance with Resolution 1556 or refusal to accept the expansion of African Union peacekeepers. [ Security Council declares intention to consider sanctions to obtain Sudan's full compliance with security, disarmament obligations on Darfur] Adopting Resolution 1564 (2004) by Vote of 11-0-4, Calls on Secretary-General to Set Up Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Human Rights Violations. Press Release SC/8191, Security Council 5040th Meeting (PM), 18 September, 2004] Resolution 1564 also established an International Commission of Inquiry to look into human rights violations, and to determine whether genocide was occurring. In the wake of this resolution, the peacekeeper force was to be expanded to 4,500 troops. [ Darfur troops to arrive week late] (BBC) 17 October, 2004]

On September 30, 2004, during the first of three U.S. presidential debates, Jim Lehrer, the moderator, asked why neither candidate had discussed committing troops to Darfur. Senator John Kerry replied that "one of the reasons we can't do it is we're overextended," but agreed that he'd use American forces "to some degree to coalesce the African Union." President Bush cited aid committed to the region and agreed that action should be taken through the African Union. Both candidates agreed that what was happening in Darfur was genocide. (WikiSource Transcript), 30 September, 2004]

October 2004

On October 15 2004, World Health Organization official David Nabarro estimated that 70,000 people had died of disease and malnutrition in Darfur since March.

On October 17, 2004 in a meeting between leaders of Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Nigeria and Chad, the idea of foreign intervention was rejected. They stated that they believe it to be a purely African matter. Egyptian presidency spokesman Magued Abdel Fattah said that the international community should "provide Sudan with assistance to allow it to fulfil its obligations under UN resolutions (on Darfur) rather than putting pressure on it and issuing threats."

The African Union had expected to have 3,000 additional troops in place in the region sometime in November, but cited lack of funds and 'logistical difficulties' in delaying this deployment, waiting on the AU's Peace and Security Council to meet on October 20 and decide on the expanded duties and numbers of the force. It was decided that these AU troops, from both Nigeria and Rwanda, will be deployed by October 30.

The United Nations pledged $100 million dollars to support the force, about half of the $221 million cost to keep them deployed for a year. The European Union mobilised the remainder, an additional EUR 80 million on October 26 from their African Peace Facility to support the deployment and operations of the 3144-strong AU observer mission which will monitor the implementation of the cease-fire agreement. [ EU mobilises an additional € 80 million from African Peace Facility to support enlarged African Union observer mission in Darfur, Sudan] European Union Press release IP/04/1306, 26 October, 2004]

Peace talks between Sudan and Darfur rebels were scheduled to resume on October 21 in Abuja, Nigeria. However, rebels showed up late and the talks did not begin until October 25. Two more rebel groups now want in on the negotiations, and an existing cease-fire agreement is considered shaky. The talks are still in progress, but a humanitarian agreement is expected to be hammered out during the course of the talks.

November 2004

On November 2 the United Nations reports that Sudanese troops have raided the Abu Sharif and Otash refugee camps near Nyala in Darfur, moving a number of inhabitants and denying aid agencies access to the remaining inhabitants inside. [ Sudan army 'forcing out refugees'] (BBC) 3 November, 2004] Meanwhile, the Abuja talks continued, with attempts made to agree on a no-fly zone over Darfur in addition to a truce on land and a disarmament of the militias. [ Sudan talks halt over no-fly zone] (BBC) 5 November, 2004]

A third UN resolution is being considered, calling for a speedy end to the conflict. [ Darfur peace push in new UN text] (BBC) 6 November, 2004]

On November 9 the Sudanese government and the two leading rebel groups, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), signed two accords aimed toward short-term progress in resolving the Darfur conflict. The first accord established a no-fly zone over rebel-controlled areas of Darfur—a measure designed to end the Sudanese military's bombing of rebel villages in the region. The second accord granted international humanitarian aid agencies unrestricted access to the Darfur region. The accords were the product of African Union sponsored peace talks in Abuja that began October 25. Delegates stated that a later round of negotiations expected to begin in mid-December would work on a longer-term political accord. The talks may have produced the breakthrough accords because of a looming meeting of the UN Security Council, which many expected would have imposed oil sanctions on the Sudanese government if progress had not been made. [ 'Breakthrough' deal for Darf] (BBC) 9 November, 2004] [ Sudan, Rebels Reach Accord On Darfur] — Government Approves No-Fly Zone, Access to Aid. By Emily Wax, Washington Post, Nyala, Sudan, 9 November, 2004]

Despite the November 9 accords, violence in Sudan continued. On November 10—one day after the accords—the Sudanese military conducted attacks on Darfur refugee villages in plain sight of UN and African Union observers. [ Eyewitness: Terror in Darfur] (BBC) 10 November, 2004] [ [ After Accord, Sudan Camp Raided] — Shelters Reportedly Destroyed and Residents Beaten. By Emily Wax, Washington Post, Old Al-Jeer Sureaf, Sudan, 10 November, 2004] On November 22, alleging that Janjaweed members had refused to pay for livestock in the town market of Tawila in Northern Darfur, rebels attacked the town's government-controlled police stations. The Sudanese military retaliated on November 23 by bombing the town. [ Violence Fractures Cease-Fire In Sudan] — Darfur Town Bombed Following Rebel Attacks. By Emily Wax, Washington Post, Khartoum, 23 November, 2004]

January 2005

The International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur hand their report to the Secretary General on January 25. [ Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General] Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1564 of 18 September 2004. Geneva, 25 January, 2005] The Commission found that the Government of the Sudan and the Janjaweed are responsible for serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law amounting to crimes under international law. But the Commission stopped short of calling it genocide. The Commission identified 51 individuals responsible for the violation of human rights and recommended immediate trial at the International Criminal Court.

March 2005

On March 7, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan spoke to the UN Security Council requesting that the peacekeeping force in Darfur be increased to support the 2000 African Union troops already deployed. [ Annan Urges Security Council to Take Action on Darfur] By Barbara Schoetzau, Voice of America, New York, 7 March, 2004] A resolution for the deployment of an additional 10,000 peacekeepers has been delayed by the failure of the Security Council to agree on the mechanism to be used to try war criminals and the application and extent of sanctions. [ Stalemate delays Sudan peacekeeping troops] — US, Europe disagree over how war crimes should be prosecuted. By Farah Stockman, Boston Globe, 17 March, 2005] A number of Security Council members want war criminals to be tried by the International Criminal Court; the United States refused, however, to support that proposition. An African-run tribunal has been proposed as a countermeasure, and proposals have been made for trials to be held in Tanzania and Nigeria. The current resolution has also been criticized, as it is unclear as to whether the peacekeepers will be deployed to Darfur or to monitor peace in the south of Sudan. On March 24 a peacekeeping force was approved to monitor peace in the south of Sudan, however the Security Council still remains deadlocked over Darfur. [ UN to Send 10,000 Peacekeepers to Southern Sudan] By Peter Heinlein, Voice of America, United Nations, 25 March, 2005]

On March 29 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1591 was passed 11–0. [ from Wikisource] The Resolution strengthened the arms embargo and imposed an asset freeze and travel ban on those deemed responsible for the atrocities in Darfur. It was agreed that war criminals will be tried by the International Criminal Court. [ SUDAN: UN envoy tours Darfur; ICC receives list of war-crimes suspects] From Integrated Regional Information Networks via Reuters, Nairobi, 5 April, 2005]

The United Nations released a new estimate of 180,000 who have died as a result of illness and malnutrition in the 18 months of the conflict. It has not attempted to estimate the number of violence-related deaths. [ UN's Darfur death estimate soars] (BBC) 14 March, 2005]

April 2005

On April 5 it was reported that the UN has given the ICC the names of fifty-one people suspected of war crimes. The list may include high government officials of Sudan. The Sudanese Government has said it will not hand over the suspects.

The sealed list, presented to the International Criminal Court, was drawn up following an investigation by the UN into claims of killings, torture and rape committed by Government forces and militias in the Darfur region. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, backed by huge protests against the UN in Sudan's capital of Khartoum, snubbed the UN resolution passed on March 29 to bring the suspects to trial before the court, adding that he "shall never hand any Sudanese national to a foreign court."

On April 29 it was reported [ Official Pariah Sudan Valuable to America’s War on Terrorism] — Despite once harboring Bin Laden, Khartoum regime has supplied key intelligence, officials say. Global Policy Forum. By Ken Silverstein, Los Angeles Times, 29 April, 2005] that the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush had forged a "close intelligence partnership" with the Sudanese government despite their presence on the U.S. list of state sponsors of international terrorism and the declaration of genocide in Darfur by that administration's former Secretary of State, Colin Powell.

May 2005

Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi has somewhat championed the cause of African unity. This sentiment has led him to invite the leaders of Sudan, Nigeria, Egypt, Chad and Eritrea to a summit in Tripoli regarding the conflict in Darfur.

The two main rebel groups in Darfur, the Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement, announced they wanted to resume peace talks. Previous negotiations were to be disbanded in favor of new dialogue hoping to solve their differences.

It seems that a possible hinge of the negotiations is compliance or refusal of handing over war crime suspects to organizations such as the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Medecins Sans Frontieres doctor Paul Foreman was arrested by Sudanese authorities over the publication of a report detailing hundreds of rapes in Darfur. [ MSF chief arrested for Darfur report] RTE News, 30 May, 2005]

Claims began to surface that the Bush administration's noticeable toning down of its description of the situation in Sudan - it stopped calling the Darfur conflict a genocide, and claimed that United Nations death toll estimates may be too high - was due to increased co-operation from Sudanese officials towards the War on Terrorism. The claim asserted that Major General Salah Abdallah Gosh who is said to have been involved in training the Janjaweed, was flown to Washington for high-level talks with his United States counterparts, related to global terrorism [Reeves, Eric. [ The current Khartoum government] "The New Republic" July 19 2005] .

June 2005

The International Criminal Court announces an investigation into crimes against humanity related to the conflict that is taking place in Darfur.

Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) introduces the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act in the House on June 30.

July 2005

Security in the region is improving, according to the commander of the African Union peacekeeping force. [ Security in Darfur 'is improving'] By Jonah Fisher, BBC News, el-Fashir, 20 July, 2005] There have been no major conflicts since January, and the numbers of attacks on villages has been dropping. There are currently around 3,000 troops there to keep the peace, and more are due to arrive in the coming months, expecting to reach 7,000 troops in September. In keeping with a decision made by the Peace and Security Council, Nigeria sent a battalion of 680 troops on Wednesday, July 13 2005 with two more coming soon thereafter. Rwanda will send a battalion of troops, Senegal, Gambia, Kenya and South Africa will send troops as well. Canada is providing 105 armoured vehicles, training and maintenance assistance, and personal protective equipment in support of the efforts of the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS). [ Canada sends armoured vehicles for AU force in Sudan’s Darfur] Sudan Tribune CNW Telbec, Ottawa, 28 July, 2005]

On July 10, Ex-rebel leader John Garang was sworn in as Sudan's vice-president. [ Sudan ex-rebel joins government] (BBC) 10 July, 2005] A new constitution was adopted, and all parties should be represented more fairly. The United States Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick has applauded the political changes and the improving security. Kofi Annan and South African President Thabo Mbeki watched the ceremony.

On 21 July, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act in the Senate.

August 2005

On August 1, newly-elected Sudanese vice-president John Garang, a former leader of the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA), who was seen by many to be a crucial element of a Sudan that is free of genocide, died in a helicopter crash. This has sparked renewed concerns [ Garang: Rebel leader to vice-president] By Humayun Chaudhry, Aljazeera, 1 August, 2005] throughout the international community, of Sudan's ability to unite in the face of genocide.

The long-term implications of Garang's death are still unclear; and, despite the recently improved security, talks between the various rebels in the Darfur region are going slowly, with no sight of a final peace agreement.

eptember 2005

On September 15, a series of African Union mediated talks began in Abuja, Nigeria. Representatives of the Sudanese government and the two major rebel groups are participating in the talks, however the Sudan Liberation Movement faction refused to be present and according to a BBC reporter the SLM "will not recognise anything agreed at the talks". [ Darfur talks start despite split] (BBC) 15 September, 2005]

October 2005

After a government-supported Janjaweed militia attacked the Aro Sharow refugee village on September 28, killing at least 32, the African Union on October 1 accused both the Sudanese government and rebels of violating the ceasefire agreement. [ Sudan accused over Darfur attacks] (BBC) 1 October, 2005] Associated Press reports the African Union as condemning the government's "acts of 'calculated and wanton destruction' that have killed at least 44 people and displaced thousands over two weeks."

On October 9, a rebel group abducted 18 members of an African Union peacekeeping team, but released most of them after negotiations. [ Darfur rebels release AU hostages] (BBC) 10 October, 2005] [ Darfur Rebels Abduct African Union Team] Reuters, Khartoum, 9 October, 2005]

Following an increase in fighting in the region, on October 13 the UN announced that it will withdraw all non-essential staff from Darfur. West Darfur is reportedly too dangerous for aid-agencies to operate. [ UN staff withdrawn from Darfur] By Jonah Fisher, BBC News, Khartoum, 13 October, 2005]

November 2005

Attacks on African Union peacekeepers by rebels led to the Sudanese government approving the deployment of 105 Grizzly armored personnel carriers donated by Canada to aid African Union peacekeeping forces in the western region of Darfur. [ Sudan Approves Deployment of Armored Personnel Carriers to Darfur] (VOA) 16 November, 2005]

On 18 November, the United States Senate passes the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act by unanimous consent.

The seventh round of peace talks began on November 21.

December 2005

An attack on the Chadian town of Adré near the Sudanese border led to the deaths of three hundred rebels. Sudan was blamed for the attack, which was the second in the region in three days. [ Chad fightback 'kills 300 rebels'] (BBC) 20 December, 2005] The escalating tensions in the region led to the government of Chad declaring its hostility toward Sudan and calling for Chadian citizens to mobilise themselves against the "common enemy". [ Chad in 'state of war' with Sudan] By Stephanie Hancock, BBC News, N'Djamena, 23 December, 2005] (See Chad-Sudan conflict)

On 24 December, the United States Congress rejected Condoleezza Rice's request to restore $50 million in aid to the African Union that human rights groups say had been cut from the budget in November.

January 2006

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations called for $40 million to support its agricultural relief and recovery activities in Sudan in 2006, stressing that humanitarian assistance needs to be coupled with longer- term development aid to ensure lasting peace in the country. The appeal is part of the 2006 Work Plan for Sudan, which outlines the activities to be carried out by the UN and its partners in the country in the coming year. "FAO's role is particularly crucial given the importance of agriculture in the country," said Anne M. Bauer, Director, FAO Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division.

The Save Darfur Coalition, representing over 160 humanitarian, faith-based, advocacy, and human rights organizations, launches its "Million Voices for Darfur" campaign to urge President Bush for a larger, more robust multinational peacekeeping force in Darfur.

February 2006

On February 3, 2006, as the United States began its month-long presidency of the United Nations Security Council, the U.S offered a motion to begin plans to send UN peacekeepers to Darfur. The Security Council agreed unanimously to begin the planning process to send the troops, with a final decision to come later. It called for a 12,000 to 20,000 troop presence in Darfur with the 7,000 African Union troops already there being given new weapons and being incorporated into the UN mission. Furthermore, they would have a greater mandate to protect civilians. Nevertheless, difficulties are expected to arise in finding states willing to contribute troops to the UN mission. Although the United States offered the motion, the U.S is not expected to contribute troops to the mission. Also, Omar al-Bashir, the leader of Sudan who is widely believed to be backing the Janjaweed militias in Darfur, has also frequently stated his opposition to UN peacekeepers in Sudan further complicating the problem. Assuming these problems are overcome, UN troops are still not likely to appear in Darfur for nearly a year.

April 2006

On 5 April, the House passes the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act in a vote of 416 to 3.

A series of rallies [ [ Advocate | Genocide Intervention Network ] ] were held to call for more aid and an increased role for international peacekeepers. The largest one was held on 30 April in Washington D.C. on the National Mall, sponsored by the Save Darfur Coalition, American Jewish World Service, the Genocide Intervention Network, and dozens of others, where celebrities and lawmakers came together with nearly a hundred-thousand protesters. Students from at least 46 states attended the rally in Washington DC. [ [ Thousands of students rally in Washington for action on Darfur] Genocide Intervention Network press release 30 April 2006]

Dr. Eric Reeves released a report arguing that the number of deaths in Darfur had likely surpassed 450,000. [ [ Quantifying genocide in Darfur] Reeves, Eric. "" 28 April, 2006]

Osama bin Laden condemned peacekeepers in Darfur, claiming they conducted atrocities against Muslims. The government of Sudan distanced themselves from his statements, but continued their vociferous condemnations of any potential deployment of UN troops. [ [ Muslims in Darfur need protection not jiahd] Genocide Intervention Network press release 25 April 2006]

In a speech commemorating the victims of the Holocaust, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick connected the victims of Nazi aggression with those who died in Rwanda and continue to suffer in Darfur. [ [] (broken link)]

US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton presented a draft resolution calling for sanctions imposed on four people implicated in the continuing genocide in Darfur. [cite news|url=|title=U.S. Seeks U.N. Sanctions Against Four in Sudan|date= 2006, April 19| publisher=The Washington Post|author=Colum Lynch]

May 2006

On May 5, 2006, the government of Sudan signed an accord with the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). However, the agreement was rejected by two other, smaller groups, the Justice and Equality Movement and a rival faction of the SLA. cite news|url= |title=Sudan, Main Rebel Group Sign Peace Deal |author=Kessler, Glenn and Emily Wax |date=2006, May 5 |publisher=The Washington Post] The accord was orchestrated by the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick, Salim Ahmed Salim (working on behalf of the African Union), AU representatives, and other foreign officials operating in Abuja, Nigeria. The accord calls for the disarmament of the Janjaweed militia, and for the rebel forces to disband and be incorporated into the army. [cite news|url= |title=Main parties sign Darfur accord |date=2006, May 5 |publisher=BBC News] [cite news|url=|title=Main points of the deal |date=2006, May 6 |publisher=Aljazeera.Net] But the agreement, signed in Abuja, was rejected by a smaller SLM faction and the rebel Justice and Equality Movement.

Research by the UN indicated that violence in Darfur after the signing of the Darfur Peace Agreement actually increased. Within days of the deal, most sides continued hostilities reaching new levels of violence. [cite news|url=|title=Darfur conflict has reached new level of violence, says UN report |date= 2006, May 23| publisher=The Canadian Press]

The African Union expressed willingness for the United Nations to replace them in peacekeeping duties in Darfur. The under-funded mission acknowledged the potential effectiveness of a fully-equipped UN force. However, there was no indication from Sudan’s government there would be permission for the entry of UN peacekeepers. [ [ African Union commended for supporting UN force in Darfur] Genocide Intervention Network press release 19 May 2006]

The humanitarian activist and rock singer Bono visited Darfur with an NBC reporter to raise awareness among the general public about the crisis.

June 2006

One critic of United States involvement in Darfur, claims that U.S. promotion of human rights in Darfur is only intended to take attention away from Iraq, and make U.S. foreign policy appear to be more humanitarian than it actually is. [ [] ]

On June 19, 2006, President al-Bashir insisted that he would prevent a UN peacekeeping force from entering Sudan. He stated:

"I swear that there will not be any international military intervention in Darfur as long as I am in power. Sudan, which was the first country south of the Sahara to gain independence, cannot now be the first country to be recolonized." [cite news|url=|title=No Western troops in Darfur - president|date=2006, June 21 |]
Al Bashir further blamed Jewish participation for causing the possible UN military presence:
"It is clear that there is a purpose behind the heavy propaganda and media campaigns.... If we return to the last demonstrations in the United States, and the groups that organized the demonstrations, we find that they are all Jewish organizations." [cite news|url=|title=Sudanese President Blames Jews for International Intervention|date=2006, June 21 |]

On June 25, 2006, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry spokesman Jamal Ibrahim announced the imposing of a partial ban on UN operations in Darfur, after accusing the UN of violating an agreement on its mandate by giving the rebel leader Suleiman Adam Jamous a helicopter ride. [cite news|url=|title=Sudan suspends UN work in Darfur |date=2006, June 25 |publisher=BBC]

On June 29, the Save Darfur Coalition's "Million Voices for Darfur" campaign formally ended with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Senator Hillary Clinton signing the 1,000,000th and 1,000,001st postcards, which called on President Bush to support a stronger multinational peacekeeping force in Darfur. [ [ Senators Frist and Clinton Sign One Millionth Postcard |Save Darfur ] ]

Deputy Secretary of State Robert B. Zoellick announced his resignation from the Bush administration. He served as the most outspoken voice against the Darfur genocide within the White House. Many anti-genocide organizations were concerned that his absence would lessen the administration’s resolve in remaining proactive against the killings in Darfur. [ [ Deputy Secretary of State, leader on Darfur, resigns post] Genocide Intervention Network press release 19 June 2006]

The Japanese government announced that it would send $10 million in humanitarian aid for the victims of the genocide in Darfur. The assistance would reconstruct water supply facilities and medical supplies, among other things. [ [ Press Releases: Sudan, Emergency grant aid for humanitarian assistance to the Darfur region, Sudan, Contributions: Sudan, Emergency grant aid for humanitarian assistance to the Darfur region, Sudan ] ]

July 2006

The Sudanese government launched new attacks against rebel positions in West Darfur. [cite news|url=|title=Sudan govt forces attack Darfur rebel bases-sources|date= 2006, July 29| publisher=Reuters|author=Opheera McDoom] The attacks were significant in that they were the first overt military operation conducted by the government since they signed the Darfur Peace Agreement. [cite news|url=|title=Darfur truce broken|date= 2006, July 309| publisher=BBC]

At the 2006 African Union summit held in Banjul, Gambia, it was decided that AU peacekeepers would remain in Darfur until the end of 2006 at the request of the United Nations; however, a request to allow UN peacekeepers into the area was refused by Omar Hassan al-Bashir. [cite news|url=|title=African troops staying in Darfur|date= 2006, July 2| publisher=BBC] Jan Pronk, head of the United Nations mission in Sudan, claims that fighting has worsened since a peace deal was signed two months ago, stating that "It's non-implementation of the text which is creating a problem, not the text." [cite news|url=|title=Sudan expels Chadian military from Darfur AU force|date= 2006, July 1| publisher=Reuters]

Relations between Chad and Sudan worsened to the point where Sudanese officials insisted that all Chadian troops in the AU peacekeeping force leave immediately.

S. Res. 531 was introduced in the Senate by Sens. Joseph Lieberman (D-CT), Conrad Burns (R-MT) and ten other bipartisan co-sponsors. The Lieberman-Burns Envoy Resolution urged President Bush to send a Presidential Special Envoy to Sudan to fully implement the Darfur Peace Agreement. [ [ Bipartisan legislation calls for special envoy to Darfur] Genocide Intervention Network press release 17 July 2006]

Increased fighting has hampered humanitarian groups in Darfur. Oxfam temporarily closed two of its offices in Northern Darfur following the capture of one of their employees. The aid agency also cited increasing insecurity and called on the international community to strengthen the African Union force. [cite news|url=|title=Oxfam closes two Darfur offices|date= 2006, July 10| publisher=BBC]

A Reuters poll, consisting of over 100 humanitarian experts named Sudan as the world’s most dangerous spot for children. [cite news|url=|title=Sudan is most dangerous place for children: poll|date= 2006, July 10| publisher=Reuters]

At a UN donor conference in Brussels, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer stated that the United States would not fund the AU peacekeeping force past September 2006. This caused consternation amongst the anti-genocide movements in the United States, [ [ United States fails to support peacekeepers in Darfur] Genocide Intervention Network press release 19 July 2006] as the UN peacekeeping force would be deployed at the earliest in January 2007. [cite news|url=|title=INTERVIEW-No U.N. Darfur mission before Jan 2007 -official|date= 2006, June 12| publisher=Reuters|author=Opheera McDoom]

At the same conference, eight humanitarian groups, including CARE International, Islamic Relief and Oxfam International, insisted that AU troops in Darfur were bound to fail unless funding was dramatically increased. [cite news|url=|title=New aid for AU Darfur peace force|date= 2006, July 18| publisher=BBC]

On July 31, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan proposed a UN peacekeeping force of roughly 24,000 for Darfur. In Annan's proposal, about 5,300 international police officers would deploy initially, followed by the main UN force. [cite news|url=|title= Annan sees up to 24,000 UN peacekeepers for Darfur|date= 2006, July 31| publisher=Reuters|author=Irwin Arieff]

August 2006

Tomo Križnar, a Slovenian special envoy to Sudan, will stand trial there on charges of espionage. He was arrested in July for not possessing the proper entry visa. He admits to entering the country illegally, but denies charges of spying. [cite news|url=|title=Slovene envoy on trial in Sudan|date= 2006, August 3| publisher=BBC]

The National Foreign Trade Council, a group representing more than 300 multinational companies, challenged Illinois' ban on Sudan-related investments. The Illinois law removed about $1 billion in pension funds from companies operating in or doing business with Sudan. The NFTC's lawsuit will claim that this law is unconstitutional based on a previous U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down a Massachusetts ban on investments in companies operating in Burma. [cite news|url=|title=Lawsuit to challenge Illinois Sudan-investment ban| publisher=Reuters |date= 2006, August 2|]

On August 17, the Genocide Intervention Network released the first Darfur congressional [ scorecard] rating members of the United States Congress on legislative action relating to Darfur.

On 31 August, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution calling for a UN peacekeeping force to expand from Southern Sudan into Darfur, with the permission of the government of Sudan. [ Resolution 1706 (PDF)] UN Security Council (file hosted on Genocide Intervention Network website), 31 August 2006] The resolution passed with 12 votes in favor and three abstentions, by China, Russia and Qatar. The government of Sudan immediately announced its opposition to the expansion of the peacekeeping force. [ U.N. Approves Peacekeeping Force in Darfur, Despite Sudan Opposition] , PBS NewsHour, 31 August 2006]

October 2006

On 13 October, President Bush signed into law the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act, previously passed by the House and Senate. The bill restated the government's opinion that genocide was being committed, directed support to the African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur, endorsed assistance for the International Criminal Court investigation and imposed some economic sanctions. Bush also signed a companion executive order specifying in detail these sanctions. [Darfur Peace and Accountability Act full entry]

April 2007

In accord with mounting national and global concern over the situation in Darfur, on April 18th President Bush gave a speech at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum criticizing the Sudanese government and threatened the use of sanctions if the situation does not improve. President Bush stated that "The time for promises is over — President Bashir must act", according to Bush failure to do so would result in sanctions barring all dollar transactions between the United States and Sudan and block interaction with 29 Sudanese businesses. [ Bush Presses Sudan on Darfur, Citing possible US sanctions] , New York Times, 18 April 2007]

May 2007

The USA imposed stiff economic sanctions against Sudan on May 30th. It has added 31 additional companies to an already existing sanctions list, barring them from any dollar transactions within the United States financial system. Of those companies, 30 are controlled by the Sudanese government, and at least one is violating an embargo against shipping arms to Darfur. [ Bush to Tighten Fiscal Penalties Against Sudan] , New York Times, 29 May 2007] The US administration also targeted three individuals by blocking their overseas assets. Two of them are Sudanese government officials, Ahmad Muhammed Harun and Awad Ibn Auf (head of Sudan's military intelligence and security). The third person, Khalil Ibrahim, is the leader of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement. [ A little extra pressure: America beefs-up sanctions against Sudan] , The economist, 29 May 2007] Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sought United Nations approval for an international resolution to impose a broad arms embargo against Sudan and to bar the Sudanese government from conducting any offensive military flights in Darfur. [ Bush to Tighten Fiscal Penalties Against Sudan New Sanctions Planned Against Sudan: President Bush Will Impose New Sanctions Against Sudan For Its Role In Darfur] , CBS News, 29 May 2007]

June 2007

Oxfam announced on June 17 that it is permanently pulling out of Gereida, the largest camp in Darfur, where more than 130,000 have sought refuge. The agency cited inaction by local authorities from the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), which controls the region, in addressing security concerns and violence against aid workers. An employee of the NGO Action by Churches Together was murdered in June in West Darfur. There has been a continuation of hijackings of vehicles belonging to the UN and other international organizations - something that is also making them think twice about staying in the region.cite news
title=SUDAN: Continuing violence in West Darfur claims NGO employee

July 2007

On 28 July, Steven Spielberg said that he may no longer be involved with the 2008 Olympic Games if China does not do more to end the conflict. China responded saying that Steven Spielberg had never accepted the job to be "no longer" part of it.

By then end of July, the US House of Representatives was preparing legislation that would prohibit companies with ties to the Sudanese government from receiving federal contracts. [ [ US Lawmakers to Step Up Economic Pressure on Sudan Over Darfur ] ]

On 31 July, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1769 was passed unanimously, creating a hybrid AU/UN peacekeeping operation in Darfur.

August 2007

On 18 August, A Small Arms Survey research paper reported that while China continued to give the Sudanese government financial and military aid, global pressure and negative media attention ahead of China hosting the 2008 Olympic Games have pushed Beijing to use its influence in the area "more wisely". Chinese President Hu Jintao warned the Sudanese President about Darfur in 2007. [ [ News | Africa - ] ]

On 19 August, the Israeli government said that further refugees coming to Israel illegally from Darfur via Egypt would be expelled, prompting criticism from human rights groups. Israel has accepted 2,800 African refugees in recent years, 1,160 of them Sudanese and 400 of those from Darfur. The previous evening, Israel had expelled 50 African refugees of unspecified nationality back to Egypt. [,,-6861018,00.html] As the refugees had already found refuge in Egypt, they have for the most part been motivated by economic concerns and are seeking employment in Israel, although there have been complaints of ill treatment in Egypt. Israel had requested to Egypt to monitor the border for further migrants. At times, Egyptian security forces beat and shot at migrants trying to cross the border, killing some. Many others have been arrested. [] [] [] [,7340,L-3433158,00.html] Israel has decided to offer asylum to 500 Darfurians who are already in the country, and donate $5 million to aid refugees of Darfur. [] [,7340,L-3397639,00.html]

eptember 2007

On 5 September, the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz reported that "Israel intends to grant citizenship to several hundred refugees from Darfur who are currently in the country." [Mualem, Mazal. [ "Israel to grant citizenship to hundreds of Darfur refugees."] "Ha'Aretz Daily Newspaper Israel". 5 September 2007. 5 September 2007.]

July 2008

On 14 July, prosecutors at the International Criminal Court (ICC), filed ten charges of war crimes against Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder. This marks the first time charges of genocide have been filed by the ICC against a sitting Head of State. The ICC's prosecutor for Darfur, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, is expected within months to ask a panel of ICC judges to issue an arrest warrant for al-Bashir.cite web |first= Peter |last=Walker|url= |title=Darfur genocide charges for Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir |accessdate=2008-07-15 |publisher=The Guardian |date=2008-07-14 ]

ee also

*History of Sudan, for a broader view of the events that have caused the current conflict
*Chad-Sudan conflict
*Darfur conflict
*Cases before the International Criminal Court#Darfur, Sudan
*African Union Mission in Sudan
**Save Darfur Coalition
**Genocide Intervention Network
**United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
*"Acts and Legislation"
**United Nations Security Council Resolution 1706, authorizing a UN peacekeeping force
**United Nations Security Council Resolution 1769, creating a hybrid UN-African Union peacekeeping force
**Darfur Peace and Accountability Act


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  • Bibliography of the War in Darfur — This is the bibliography and reference section for the Darfur conflict series. External links to reports, news articles and other sources of information may also be found below.Maps* [ saharan… …   Wikipedia

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