- Helichrysum
image_width = 250px
image_caption = Red Everlasting ("Helichrysum sanguineum")
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Asterales
familia =Asteraceae
subfamilia =Asteroideae
tribus =Gnaphalieae
genus = "Helichrysum"
genus_authority = Mill.,1754
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Helichrysum arenarium " - Dwarf Everlasting
"Helichrysum foetidum " - Stinking Strawflower
"Helichrysum italicum " - Curry Plant"Helichrysum petiolare " - Licorice Plant
"Helichrysum sanguineum" - Red EverlastingThe genus "Helichrysum" (pronounced hel-i-CRY-sum, or hee-li-CRY-sum) consists of an estimated 600 species, in the sunflower family (
Asteraceae ). The type species is "Helichrysum orientale ".The name is derived from the Greek words "helisso" (to turn around) and "chrysos" (gold). Common names include strawflower and everlasting.
It occurs in Africa (with 244 species in South Africa), Madagascar, Australasia and Eurasia. The plants may be annuals, herbaceous perennials or
shrub s, growing to a height of 60-90 cm.Their leaves are oblong to lanceolate. They are flat and pubescent on both sides. The bristles of the pappus are scabrous, barbellate, or plumose.
The receptacle ("base of the flower head") is often smooth, with a fringed margin, or honey-combed, and resemble daisies. They may be in almost all colors, except blue. There are many capitula and generally flat-topped corymbs or
panicle s. The corolla lobes show glandular hairs at the abaxial surface.Several species are grown as
ornamental plant s, and fordried flower s. When cut young and dried, the open flowers and stalks preserve their colour and shape for long periods."Helichrysum" species are used as food plants by the
larva e of someLepidoptera species including the bucculaticid leaf-miners "Bucculatrix gnaphaliella" (which feeds exclusively on "Helichrysum arenarium") and "Bucculatrix helichrysella" (feeds exclusively on "H. italicum") and the "Coleophora " case-bearers "C. caelebipennella", "C. gnaphalii" (feeds exclusively on "H arenarium") and "C. helichrysiella" (feeds exclusively on "H. italicum").pecies
Hilllard (1983) divided this large and heterogeneous genus in 30 morphological groups. But this genus is controversial and is considered by many as an artificial genus. The taxonomy of the large polymorphic and probably
polyphyletic "Helichrysum" genus is complex and not yet satisfactorily resolved. Several Australian species, such as "H. acuminatum" and "H. bracteatum", have been reclassified in the genus "Xerochrysum " in 1991, resp. as "X. subundulatum" and "X. bracteatum". In 1989, misaligned species of "Helichrysum" were reclassified in "Syncarpha ". Species included in "Pseudognaphalium " are probably congeneric with "Helichrysum". In 2004, A. Miller identified five potentially new species that have not yet been published but were included in theIUCN Red List data, given their restricted range inYemen . They are as follows:
* "Helichrysum" sp. nov. A - Its natural habitat is rocky areas. It was given a status of "Vulnerable" by the IUCN. [Miller, A. 2004. [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/44838/all Helichrysum sp. nov. A] . [http://www.iucnredlist.org 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ] Downloaded on 20 July 2007.]
* "Helichrysum" sp. nov. B - Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry shrubland and rocky areas. It was given a status of "Vulnerable". [Miller, A. 2004. [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/44839/all Helichrysum sp. nov. B] . [http://www.iucnredlist.org 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ] Downloaded on 20 July 2007.]
* "Helichrysum" sp. nov. C - Its natural habitat is rocky areas. It is threatened by habitat loss. It was given a status of "Endangered". [Miller, A. 2004. [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/44840/all Helichrysum sp. nov. C] . [http://www.iucnredlist.org 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ] Downloaded on 20 July 2007.]
* "Helichrysum" sp. nov. D - Its natural habitat is rocky areas. It was given a status of "Endangered". [Miller, A. 2004. [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/44841/all Helichrysum sp. nov. D] . [http://www.iucnredlist.org 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ] Downloaded on 20 July 2007.]
* "Helichrysum" sp. nov. E - Its natural habitat is rocky areas. It was given a status of "Data deficient". [Miller, A. 2004. [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/44842/all Helichrysum sp. nov. E] . [http://www.iucnredlist.org 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ] Downloaded on 20 July 2007.]Established species include:
* "
Helichrysum abrotaniforme "
* "Helichrysum acuminatum "
* "Helichrysum acutatum " : Sticky Everlasting
* "Helichrysum adenocarpum " : Pink Everlasting, Red Everlasting
* "Helichrysum adenophorum "
* "Helichrysum adnatum "
* "Helichrysum adonidiforme "
* "Helichrysum aggregatum "
* "Helichrysum alatum "
* "Helichrysum albicans "
* "Helichrysum allioides "
* "Helichrysum alpinum "
* "Helichrysum ambiguum "
* "Helichrysum amorginum "
* "Helichrysum angustum "
* "Helichrysum anomalum "
* "Helichrysum antennaria "
* "Helichrysum anthemoides "
* "Helichrysum apiculatum "
* "Helichrysum appendiculatum " : Sheep's Ears Everlasting
* "Helichrysum arenarium " : Dwarf Everlasting
** "Helichrysum arenarium" ssp. "arenarium"
** "Helichrysum arenarium" ssp. "ponticum"
* "Helichrysum argentissimum "
* "Helichrysum argyroglottis "
* "Helichrysum argyrolepis "
* "Helichrysum argyrophyllum "
* "Helichrysum argyrosphaerum " : Wild Everlasting
* "Helichrysum asteroides "
* "Helichrysum aureonitens " : Golden Everlasting
* "Helichrysum aureum " : Yellow Everlasting
* "Helichrysum auriceps "
* "Helichrysum ayersii "
* "Helichrysum baccharoides "
* "Helichrysum backhousei "
* "Helichrysum banksii "
* "Helichrysum basedowii "
* "Helichrysum beckleri "
* "Helichrysum bicolor "
* "Helichrysum bidwillii "
* "Helichrysum bilobum "
* "Helichrysum blackallii "
* "Helichrysum blandowskianum "
* "Helichrysum boormanii "
* "Helichrysum brachyrhynchum "
* "Helichrysum bracteatum "
* "Helichrysum buftonii "
* "Helichrysum bupthalmoides "
* "Helichrysum caespititium "
* "Helichrysum calvertianum "
* "Helichrysum candolleanum "
* "Helichrysum cassinioides "
* "Helichrysum cassiope "
* "Helichrysum cephaloideum "
* "Helichrysum cerastioides "
* "Helichrysum chionosphaerum " : Dwarf Everlasting
* "Helichrysum chlorochrysum "
* "Helichrysum cinereum "
* "Helichrysum cladochaetum "
* "Helichrysum cochleariforme " : Gold-and-silver
* "Helichrysum collinum "
* "Helichrysum conditum "
* "Helichrysum confertifolium "
* "Helichrysum cooperi " : Yellow Everlasting
* "Helichrysum cordatum "
* "Helichrysum coriaceum "
* "Helichrysum costatifructum "
* "Helichrysum crispum "
* "Helichrysum cunninghamii "
* "Helichrysum cylindrifolium "
* "Helichrysum cymosum "
* "Helichrysum dasyanthum "
* "Helichrysum dasymallum "
* "Helichrysum davenportii "
* "Helichrysum decorum "
* "Helichrysum diosmifolium " (synonym of "Ozothamnus diosmifolius ")
* "Helichrysum diotophyllum "
* "Helichrysum doerfleri "
* "Helichrysum ecklonis " : Ecklon's Everlasting
* "Helichrysum epapposum "
* "Helichrysum eremaeum "
* "Helichrysum eriocephalum "
* "Helichrysum erosum "
* "Helichrysum expansifolium "
* "Helichrysum felinum " : Strawberry Everlasting
* "Helichrysum ferrugineum "
* "Helichrysum filifolium "
* "Helichrysum flavissimum "
* "Helichrysum foetidum " : Polecat Strawflower, Stinking Strawflower
* "Helichrysum formosissimum "
* "Helichrysum frigidum "
* "Helichrysum gatesii "
* "Helichrysum gilesii "
* "Helichrysum glomeratum "
* "Helichrysum glutinosum "
* "Helichrysum gracilescens "
* "Helichrysum graveolens "
* "Helichrysum grayi "
* "Helichrysum griseum "
* "Helichrysum gymnocomum "
* "Helichrysum harveyanum "
* "Helichrysum hebelepis "
* "Helichrysum heldreichii "
* "Helichrysum herbaceum " : Monkey-tail Everlasting
* "Helichrysum hirtoviscosum "
* "Helichrysum humboldtianum "
* "Helichrysum hypoleucum "
* "Helichrysum incanum "
* "Helichrysum indicum "
* "Helichrysum inornatum "
* "Helichrysum insigne "
* "Helichrysum involucratum "
* "Helichrysum italicum "
** "Helichrysum italicum" ssp. "italicum"
** "Helichrysum italicum" ssp. microphyllum
** "Helichrysum italicum" ssp. "serotinum"
* "Helichrysum kempei "
* "Helichrysum kraussii " : Straw Everlasting
* "Helichrysum krookii "
* "Helichrysum lanuginosum "
* "Helichrysum lawrencella "
* "Helichrysum ledifolium "
* "Helichrysum lepidophyllum "
* "Helichrysum leptolepis "
* "Helichrysum leucocephalum "
* "Helichrysum leucopsideum "
* "Helichrysum lindleyi "
* "Helichrysum lindsayanum "
* "Helichrysum lucidum "
* "Helichrysum lucilioides "
* "Helichrysum lycopodioides "
* "Helichrysum macivorii "
* "Helichrysum maidenii "
* "Helichrysum manglesii "
* "Helichrysum melanacme "
* "Helichrysum mellorianum "
* "Helichrysum milliganii "
* "Helichrysum mimetes " : Curry Everlasting
* "Helichrysum moeserianum "
* "Helichrysum monochaetum "
* "Helichrysum mundtii "
* "Helichrysum nanum "
* "Helichrysum newcastlianum "
* "Helichrysum niveum "
* "Helichrysum nudifolium " : Hottentot's Tea
* "Helichrysum obcordatum "
* "Helichrysum obovatum "
* "Helichrysum obtusifolium "
* "Helichrysum occidentale "
* "Helichrysum odoratissimum "
* "Helichrysum oldfieldii "
* "Helichrysum oligochaetum "
* "Helichrysum oreophilum "
* "Helichrysum orientale " (type species)
* "Helichrysum oxylepis "
* "Helichrysum pallidum "
* "Helichrysum panduratum "
* "Helichrysum paralium "
* "Helichrysum patulum " : Honey Everlasting
* "Helichrysum pedunculatum "
* "Helichrysum petiolare " : Licorice Plant
* "Helichrysum pholidotum "
* "Helichrysum pilosellum "
* "Helichrysum pleurandroides "
* "Helichrysum plicatum "
* "Helichrysum podolepidium "
* "Helichrysum populifolium " : Poplar Helichrysum
* "Helichrysum porrectum "
* "Helichrysum pseudoferrugineum "
* "Helichrysum pseudoturbinatum "
* "Helichrysum pterochaetum "
* "Helichrysum pumilio "
* "Helichrysum purpurascens "
* "Helichrysum puteale "
* "Helichrysum ramosissimum "
* "Helichrysum readeri "
* "Helichrysum reticulatum "
* "Helichrysum reflexum " : White Everlasting
* "Helichrysum retortum "
* "Helichrysum revolutum "
* "Helichrysum robustum "
* "Helichrysum rogersianum "
* "Helichrysum roseum "
* "Helichrysum rosum "
* "Helichrysum ruderale "
* "Helichrysum rufescens "
* "Helichrysum rugulosum "
* "Helichrysum rupestre "
* "Helichrysum sanguineum " :Red everlasting
* "Helichrysum sarcodes "
* "Helichrysum saxatile "
** "Helichrysum saxatile" ssp. "errerae"
** "Helichrysum saxatile" ssp. "saxatile"
* "Helichrysum scitulum "
* "Helichrysum scutellifolium "
* "Helichrysum secundiflorum "
* "Helichrysum selaginoides "
* "Helichrysum semiamplexicaule "
* "Helichrysum semicalvum "
* "Helichrysum semifertile "
* "Helichrysum semipapposum "
* "Helichrysum setosum " : Yellow Everlasting
* "Helichrysum sibthorpii "
* "Helichrysum sonderi "
* "Helichrysum spiceri "
* "Helichrysum spiralepis "
* "Helichrysum splendidum " : Cape Gold
* "Helichrysum stellatum "
* "Helichrysum stipitatum "
* "Helichrysum stirlingii "
* "Helichrysum stoechas " : Shrubby Everlasting
** "Helichrysum stoechas" ssp. "barrelieri"
** "Helichrysum stoechas" ssp. "stoechas"
* "Helichrysum stoveae "
* "Helichrysum subulifolium "
* "Helichrysum sulcaticaule "
* "Helichrysum superbum "
* "Helichrysum sutherlandii "
* "Helichrysum tasmanicum "
* "Helichrysum teretifolium "
* "Helichrysum thianschanicum "
* "Helichrysum thomsonii "
* "Helichrysum trilineatum "
* "Helichrysum tuckeri "
* "Helichrysum turbinatum "
* "Helichrysum umbraculigerum "
* "Helichrysum vagans "
* "Helichrysum viscosum "
* "Helichrysum waitzioides "
* "Helichrysum whitei "References
* HILLIARD, O. 1983. Flora of Southern Africa, Part 7 Inuleae, Fascicle 2 Gnaphaliinae. Government Printer, Pretoria, South Africa.
* WILSON, P.G. 1992c. The classification of some Australian species currently included in elipterum and Helichrysum (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae): part 3 Anemocarpa and Argentipallium, two new genera from Australia. Nuytsia 8: 447–460.
* Mesfin Tadesse & Reilly, T. 1995. 17. A contribution to studies on Helichrysum (Compositae - Gnaphalieae) - a revision of the species of north-east tropical Africa. In: Advances in Compositae Systematics (eds. D.J.H. Hind, C. Jeffrey & G.V. Pope). Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 379-450.External links
* [http://www.publish.csiro.au/paper/SB03031.htm Phylogenetic relationships within this genus]
* [http://www.anbg.gov.au/cpbr/publications/bayer-publications/59.ajb87_259-272.pdf PHYLOGENY OF SOUTH AFRICAN GNAPHALIEAE (ASTERACEAE)]
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