Miró Ruiz

Miró Ruiz
Miró Ruiz (right)

Miro Ruiz Delgado, Jr. (born January 28, 1970) is a Peruvian politician, he is also one of the brothers of Adolf Ruiz (Peruvian author). He is currently a Congressman representing Huancavelica for the period 2006-2011, and belongs to the Union for Peru party.

On May 26, 2008, Ruiz was reported to Congress by his neighbor, Nina Ventura de Cardenas, after having allegedly shot and killed her 18-month-old schnauzer, Matias. He denied the charges, claiming the dog had been harassing ducks on his property. His shooting of the dog is being reviewed by a congressional ethics committee.

Both live in the Chaclacayo suburb of Lima.

On May 27, Ruiz admitted to having accidentally killed the dog "Matias" and apologized for his behavior. He also acknowledged his lie, saying that he had been pressured by the "calumnies" directed against him.

Currently, Ruiz remains in congress and continues helping the people and improving the Huancavelica region. On May 28, 2008, Ruiz admitted having been the perpetrator of the crime. Public apology to the country and subjected to possible sanctions by the Ethics Committee of Congress. Neither had a license to carry weapons.

Miró Ruiz lives in the residence club Huampani's Sunflowers in the Lima district of Chaclacayo.

On Wednesday May 12, 2010, at 16:00, the 'Commission waive the immunity of the Peruvian Congress' decides 'majority' to send the case file Miró Ruiz Delgado, and perpetrated a crime on another.

So the congressman confessed murderer and subversive 'Peruvian Nationalist Party' (linked to drug trafficking), Miró Ruiz Delgado, remains unpunished and immune to continue killing innocent creatures, thanks to their buddies' Congress of the Republic of Peru. "

Lawmakers murderer buddies are:

  • Karina Beteta Juliza UPP party Rubin,
  • Luis Wilson, president of the 'Commission waive the immunity of the Peruvian Congress' (the ruling party 'APRA').
  • Guido Lombardi (figure on radio and TV, who take their 'popularity' to launch into politics).
  • Martha Moyano, defender of the corrupt former President Alberto Fujimori.
  • Victor Mayorga, who cowardly went out of the room for not voting.

Miró Ruiz Delgado, celebrates its impunity to publish its version of events on Facebook.

See video confession at Peruvian Congress network channel. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5kvcr_congresista-peruano-pider-perdon-po_news

See note peru.com http://www.peru.com/noticias/politica20100512/96351/Congreso-rechaza-levantar-inmunidad-a-Carlos-Raffo-y-Miro-Ruiz-para-ser-procesado-por- the "Judicial Power"

See note issued by the murderer himself on his blog http://networkedblogs.com/3PnGG

See note in the newspaper El Comercio http://elcomercio.pe/noticia/477513/comision-archivo-pedido-levantamiento-inmunidad-congresistas-raffo-miro-ruiz See note: http://blog.pucp.edu.pe/item/23390

Some of the 'motions' of Miró Ruiz Delgado:

06/05/2010 10 027 proposes forming the Special Commission for the Modernization of the Congress.

09 908 Is 22/04/2010 greet Hualla Anco district, province of Chincheros, department of Apurimac, in District Mayor as well as local authorities and especially to the residents on the occasion of celebrating its forty-sixth anniversary of political establishment commemoration next May 1.

09 854 Is 16/04/2010 greeting and congratulations to the people of Huancavelica region of the same name, on the occasion of the commemoration of the April 28, 2010, the Hundred Seventy-First Anniversary of the refund policy of the department of Huancavelica.

09 789 07/04/2010 declare the vacancy by the Permanent Disability Moral Dr. Alan Garcia Perez, President of the Republic, as stipulated in Article 113 ° inc. 2) of the Political Constitution of Peru.

Greet 16/03/2010 09 682 PEOPLE magazine on the occasion of the commemoration of the March 13, 2010 the fifty-second anniversary of its founding

External links

See video confession at Peruvian Congress network channel.

See note peru.com

See note issued by the murderer himself on his blog

See note in the newspaper El Comercio http://elcomercio.pe/noticia/477513/comision-archivo-pedido-levantamiento-inmunidad-congresistas-raffo-miro-ruiz See note:

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