

A schnauzer (plural "schnauzers") is a German dog type which originated in Germany in the 1400s and 1500s. The term comes from the German word for "snout" "Schnauze"' [ Merriam-Webster: schnauzer] ] because of the dog's distinctly furry muzzles. The type consists of three breeds: the giant, standard, and miniature schnauzer. The original schnauzer was of the same size as the modern standard schnauzer breed, and were bred as rat catchers, yard dogs, and guard dogs. The "miniature schnauzer" is the result of crossing the original schnauzer with affenpinschers and poodles. The "giant schnauzer" is the result of crossing the original schnauzer with Great Danes, Bouviers, and Collies; they were used to herd and drive cattle.

Miniature schnauzers are around one foot (30 cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh between 13 and 23 pounds (five to seven kg). Miniature schnauzers have high energy levels and are very intelligent. Miniature schnauzers may also be silver and black. They can live outside but love to spend time with their owners. They make great pets as they are loyal companions and are rarely aggressive towards strangers. Although they very rarely show signs of aggression towards strangers, they can make very efficient alarms. "Mini" schnauzers are very good family dogs and loveable companions for children.

Standard schnauzers are around 1 1/2 feet (46 cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh 26 to 37 pounds (12 to 17 kg). They are in the group of working dogs. Standard schnauzers have been used to catch rats and as a guard dog. They have also carried messages in times of war, helped the Red Cross, and have been police dogs.

Giant schnauzers are around two feet (60 cm) tall at the shoulder and weigh between 66 and 78 pounds (30 to 35 kg). They also are working dogs. Giant schnauzers helped herd cattle. They also used to help bd also were guard dogs at breweries. All schnauzers have dense, wiry, stiff fur. Schnauzers have long whiskers on their faces. Their fur coats are a mixture of black and white like salt and pepper. They may also be solid black.


Encyclopedia of Animals

ee also

*Standard Schnauzer
*Miniature Schnauzer
*Giant Schnauzer

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