Luis Giampietri

Luis Giampietri

Luis Giampietri Rojas (born 31 December 1940) is a retired admiral of the Peruvian Navy and a politician with the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance party. Giampietri ran successfully as Alan García's vice-presidential candidate in the 2006 Peruvian election, and was sworn in on 28 July 2006.

Giampietri was one of the naval officers implicated in the repression of an uprising on El Frontón, a prison island off the coast of Callao. The incident took place during Alan García's administration, on June 18, 1986, after Shining Path prisoners staged and started a battle with members of the Armed Forces. The conflict lasted three days. But in the end, the control of these prison was won again. On the other side, members from the Peruvian Armed Forces were killed by shotgun blasts to their heads, supplied from Shining Path's ammunition cache inside the prison.

On December 17, 1996, Giampietri was taken hostage by the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) during the Japanese embassy hostage crisis. He reportedly concealed a radio from the MRTA throughout his captivity, and managed to contact the Peruvian security forces with it.

Since Ferbruay 2007 Mr. Giampietri is working ahead of the CEAN or Extraordinary Commission for APEC, in Spanish initials. And has arranged 127 international meetings so far, successfully. These meetings will be held in nine different major cities as Lima (Perú's capital), Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Iquitos, Piura, and Tumbes; and possibly Cusco.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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