- List of countries with foreign nationals in Lebanon
This list is ordered by the number of foreign nationals.
Sri Lanka : 80,000cite news|title=India joins Beirut sea evacuation|date=2006-07-19 Requested the Indian government for help.|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5191366.stm]
*Canada : 50,000 (11,000 evacuated, 11,000 home, 8 killed) [ca iconcite news|title=Canadian casualties of the 'open war'|date=2006-07-17 |url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/middleeast-crisis/canadian-casualties.html]
*Philippines : 30,000 (2,629 home, 65 in Syria, 2 dead) [ [http://newsinfo.inq7.net/topstories/topstories/view_article.php?article_id=10819] [http://newsinfo.inq7.net/inquirerheadlines/nation/view_article.php?article_id=13576] ]
*Australia : 25,000
*US : 25,000 (over 15,000 evacuated), [ [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2006/69225.htm Lebanon Situation Update ] ] about 30 denied reentry into the United States, leading to protests outside the US embassy inCyprus (status remains unclear)
*UK : 22,000 (inc. 10,000 with dual nationality)
*France : 20,000
*Bangladesh : 20,000
*Egypt : 15,000 (1200 evacuated)
*India : 12,000
*Sweden : 7,000 (7,000 evacuated) [sv iconcite news|title=200 svenskar kvar i södra Libanon=2006-07-24 |url= http://svt.se/svt/jsp/Crosslink.jsp?d=22620&a=628535]
*Denmark : 4,100
*Nepal : 4,000 (Nepalese government claims that its citizens are safe from harm) [cite news|url=http://www.nepalnews.com/archive/2006/jul/jul19/news10.php|title=All Nepali safe in Lebanon: Foreign Ministry|date=2006-07-19 |accessdate=2006-07-19|publisher=Nepalnews.com ]
*Venezuela : around 4,000.
*Germany : 2,600
*Greece :2500-5000
*Russia : 1,500 (250 evacuated) [ru iconcite news|title=Первая группа россиян покинула Ливан|date=2006-07-18 |url= http://top.rbc.ru/index.shtml?/news/society/2006/07/18/18221303_bod.shtml]
*Romania : 1,200 (over 400 individually entered Syria, other 651 evacuated by authorities as of July 21st)
*Armenia : 1,200 (730 evacuated from both Lebanon and Israel, dozens of Lebanese Armenians have been granted asylum) [ [http://www.armeniadiaspora.com/ADC/news.asp?id=1297 More Than 600 People Arrive In Armenia From Lebanon And Israel Since Beginning Of Operations, Another 120 People To Arrive Tomorrow] , ArmeniaDiaspora.com] [ [http://www.panarmenian.net/news/eng/?nid=18994 730 Persons Evacuated From Lebanon To Armenia] , PanArmenian.Net]
*Ukraine : 1,200 (379 evacuated, 1 killed)
*Poland : 329 (all evacuated)
*Moldova : 240 (150 evacuated) [cite news|url=http://www.azi.md/news?ID=40287|title=More Than Half of Moldovans Living in Lebanon Return Home|date=2006-07-27 ]
*Mexico : 216 that wish to be evacuated [es iconcite news|title=Mexicanos en zona de conflicto|date=2006-07-19 |url= http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/primera/27340.html]
*Bulgaria : 207 that wish to be evacuated, over a 100 already in Syria and on their way home.
*Iran : 200 evactuated [http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=44418&NewsKind=Current%20Affairs]
*Ireland : 161 already evacuated. 17Irish Defence Forces personnel are currently serving in the Middle East. [http://www.rte.ie/news/2006/0720/lebanon.html] [http://www.defence.ie/website.nsf/Release+ID/916074FB84ED5C07802571B20051577C?OpenDocument]
*Cyprus : 102 evacuated. [cite news | first=Jean | last=Christou | coauthors= | title=Families’ relief after Lebanon evacuation | date=Saturday, July 15, 2006 | publisher= | url =http://www.cyprus-mail.com/news/main.php?id=26860&archive=1 | work =Cyprus Mail | pages = | accessdate = 2007-05-17 | language = ]
*Croatia : 58 already evacuated.
*Slovakia : 56 already evacuated. [sk iconcite news|title=Z Libanonu doteraz evakuovali 56 Slovákov|date=2006-07-24 |url= http://www.sme.sk/clanok.asp?cl=2820197]
*Peru : Approximately 50 when crisis broke out, 4 evacuated by Chilean Airforce so far. Plans for evacuation include a route through Syria and a concerted effort involving Spain and Latin American allies. [es iconcite news|title=Unos 50 peruanos serían evacuados del Líbano|date=2006-07-18 |url=http://www.ociocritico.com/peru/noticias/060718peruanos.php] [es iconcite news|title=El éxodo de nuestros compatriotas|date=2006-07-20 |url=http://www.elcomercioperu.com.pe/EdicionImpresa/Html/2006-07-20/ImpTemaDia0544017.html]
*Kazakhstan : 31 already evacuated, 8 are still in Lebanon [ [http://www.inform.kz/showarticle.php?lang=eng&id=143593 Evacuation Of Kazakhstanis From Lebanon Continues] , Kazinform]
*Malaysia : 10 evacuated. [cite news|title=Aussies among 70,000 fleeing Lebanon|date=2006-07-20 |url=http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19852768-29277,00.html]"Note: This is a non-exhaustive list."
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