European Cultural Route

European Cultural Route

A European Cultural Route is a title awarded to cultural routes recognised as significant throughout Europe by the Council of Europe. The European Institute of Cultural Routes is the body established to help the Council of Europe co-ordinate the development of these routes.

The first route awarded "European Cultural Route" status was the Way of St. James route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain in 1987.

List of European Cultural Routes

There are two titles awarded: "Major Cultural Route of the Council of Europe" and "Cultural Route of the Council of Europe".

Major Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

* The Santiago de Compostela Pilgrim Routes ; Pilgrim Routes
* The European Mozart Ways; Historical and Legendary Figures of Europe
* The Legacy of Al-Andalus
* The Route of the Castilian Language and its Expansion in the Mediterranean: The Sephardic Routes
* The Hansa
* Parks and Gardens, landscape
* The Viking Routes; Vikings and Normans
* The Via Francigena; Pilgrim Routes
* Saint Martin de Tours, a great European figure, a Symbol of sharing
* The Jewish Heritage Routes
* The Clunisian Sites in Europe
* The Olive Routes
* The Via Regia

Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

* Architecture without Frontiers: Rural Habitat
* The Schickhardt Route; Historical and Legendary Figures of Europe
* The Wenzel and Vauban Routes; Military Architecture in Europe
* The Iron Route in The Pyrenees; Industrial Heritage in Europe

See also

* European Institute of Cultural Routes

External links

* [ Council of Europe Cultural Routes website]
* [ Cultural Corridors of South East Europe: European Cultural Routes] - Info and maps of most of the routes
* [ The European Routes of Jewish Heritage in Slovakia]
* [ European Mozart Ways]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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