European Institute of Cultural Routes

European Institute of Cultural Routes

The European Institute of Cultural Routes is a non-profit association based in Luxembourg whose aim is to help the Council of Europe, as a technical body, in the establishment of European Cultural Routes.

It was established in 1998 and its role is [ [ Council of Europe Cultural Routes] ] :
* to examine applications for new projects;
* to monitor activities in the field and co-ordinate the work of partner organizations;
* to disseminate and archive information documents.

The Council of Europe::" entrusted the Institute to follow up the already elected routes, to co-ordinate and provide technical aid to networks, in particular in their development in Central and Eastern Europe, to initiate new proposals as well as to disseminate information and set up a database that will constitute the memory of the programme of the cultural routes." [ [ European Institute of Cultural Route - Who are we?] ]

See also

* European Cultural Route


External links

* [ European Institute of Cultural Routes Official Website]

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