- United Nations Deputy Secretary-General
In 1997,
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan announced a series of reforms at theUnited Nations , including the creation of the post of Deputy Secretary-General who would handle many of the administrative responsibilities, help manage Secretariat operations, and ensure coherence of activities and programmes.cite news |author= United Nations. General Assembly (52nd Session)| title= Report of the Secretary-General, Addendum (A/51/950/Add.1)| url=http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N97/301/83/PDF/N9730183.pdf?OpenElement |date=1997-10-07|accessdate= 2007-01-08] cite news |author= United Nations. General Assembly (52nd Session)| title= Letter dated 10 November 1997 from the Secretary-Generalto the President of the General Assembly (A/52/585)| url= http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N97/307/67/PDF/N9730767.pdf?OpenElement|date=1997-11-10|accessdate= 2007-01-08] The post was formally established by the General Assembly at the end of 1997.cite news |author= United Nations. General Assembly (52nd Session)| title= Renewing the United Nations: a programme for reform (A/RES/52/12 B)| url= http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N98/761/11/PDF/N9876111.pdf?OpenElement|date=1998-01-09|accessdate= 2007-01-08]Responsibilities
Responsibilities generally delegated by the Secretary-General to the Deputy Secretary-General includecite news |author= United Nations Dept. of Public Information| title= Deputy Secretary-General| url= http://www.un.org/sg/deputysg.shtml|accessdate= 2007-01-08] :
:(a) To assist the Secretary-General in managing the operations of the Secretariat; :(b) To act for the Secretary-General at United Nations Headquarters in the absence of the Secretary-General and in other cases as may be decided by the Secretary-General; :(c) To support the Secretary-General in ensuring inter-sectoral and inter-institutional coherence of activities and programmes and to support the Secretary-General in elevating the profile and leadership of the United Nations in the economic and social spheres, including further efforts to strengthen the United Nations as a leading centre for development policy and development assistance; :(d) To represent the Secretary-General at conferences, official functions and ceremonial and other occasions as may be decided by the Secretary-General; :(e) To undertake such assignments as may be determined by the Secretary-General;
Current office holder
Tanzania n Asha-Rose Mtengeti Migiro was named as the next Deputy Secretary-General by Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon onJanuary 5 ,2007 .cite news |author=Associated Press authors| title= Tanzania's Migiro is U.N. deputy| url= http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/africa/01/05/un.deputy.ap/index.html |work=www.cnn.com |publisher=CNN |date= |accessdate= 2007-01-06] She was formally appointed to the post and assumed office onFebruary 5 ,2007 .cite news |author=UN News Center authors| title=New Deputy Secretary-General takes oath of office, vows to work for integrated UN| url= http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=21451&Cr=secretary&Cr1=general
publisher=United Nations |date=2007-01-05|accessdate= 2007-01-06]Previous Deputy Secretaries General
Louise Fréchette was the first Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations, holding the position from 1998 to 2005. She was appointed to the post by Secretary-GeneralKofi Annan and assumed her duties onMarch 2 ,1998 . In 2005, partly in response to criticism by former U.S. Federal Reserve ChairmanPaul Volcker for failed management of theIraq Oil-for-Food Programme , Frechette announced her resignation. She remained at her post untilMarch 31 ,2006 .On
March 3 ,2006 it was announced that the BritishMark Malloch Brown would succeed Louise Fréchette as Deputy Secretary-General onApril 1 ,2006 . Brown left his post concurrent with Kofi Annan's departure as Secretary-General onDecember 31 ,2006 .References
External links
* [http://www.un.org/sg/deputysg.shtml UN Deputy Secretary-General]
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