
Pachyornis elephantopus skeleton
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Superorder: Paleognathae
Order: Struthioniformes
Family: †Dinornithidae
Genus: Pachyornis
(Lydekker, 1891)

Pachyornis elephantopus Heavy-footed Moa
Pachyornis australis Crested Moa
Pachyornis mappini Mappin's Moa
Pachyornis new lineage A (undescribed taxon)
Pachyornis new lineage B (undescribed taxon)


Cela (Oliver, 1949)

Pachyornis is an extinct genus of ratites from New Zealand which belonged to the moa family. Like all ratites it was a member of the order Struthioniformes. The Struthioniformes are flightless birds with a sternum without a keel. They also have a distinctive palate.[1] This genus contains 2 species,[1] and are part of the Anomalopteryginae or lesser moa subfamily. Pachyornis moa were the stoutest and most heavy-legged genus of the family. The most notable species being Pachyornis elephantopus - the Heavy-Footed Moa. They were generally similar to the Eastern Moa or the Broad-billed moa of the genus Euryapteryx, but differed in having a pointed bill and being more heavyset in general. At least one species (P. australis) is assumed to have had a crest of long feathers on its head. The species became rapidly extinct following human colonization of New Zealand, with the possible exception of P. australis, which may have already been extinct by then.[unreliable source?]

Pachyornis elephantopus foot

Two new genetic lineages, which may eventually be described as new species, are now known to have existed, one each from New Zealand's North and South Island.[2]



  • Pachyornis elephantopus Heavy-footed Moa
  • Pachyornis australis Crested Moa
  • Pachyornis mappini Mappin's Moa
  • Pachyornis new lineage A (undescribed taxon)
  • Pachyornis new lineage B (undescribed taxon)


  1. ^ a b Davies, S. J. J. F. (2003)
  2. ^ Baker, et al., (2005)


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