Robert Beijer

Robert Beijer

Robert Beijer (born 1952) is a former gendarme with the Belgian "Rijkswacht". He was convicted in 1995 for taking part in two murders.

Robert Beijer was born in Brussels. He started working for the "Rijkswacht" in 1970, and would eventually join the "Bijzondere Opsporings Brigade" (BOB), an investigative branch of the "Rijkswacht", the former military police of Belgium. In that time the BOB experimented with new investigative methods used already by their American counterparts. Together with Madani Bouhouche, Beijer would develop illegal activities while on duty.

In 1983, Beijer would start the "Agence de Recherches et d'Informations" with Bouhouche, a private detective bureau. Beijer and Bouhouche would become suspects in the 1986 murder case of Juan Mendez, a Fabrique Nationale de Herstal engineer. After a diamond dealer was killed in Antwerp in 1989, Beijer and Bouhouche were sought again, and Beijer would be arrested again, after an exile period in Paraguay and Thailand.

A 1995 court would convict Beijer for his part in a 1982 security guard murder and the aforementiond diamond dealer murder. He would be released in 1999, after which he went to live in Thailand.

Beijer was at various times brought into relation with the Nijvel gang. He was never a suspect in this case though, although Beijer himself has claimed at various times to have more information, which he might eventually put to writing in a book.

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