- Fireworks by Grucci
Fireworks by Grucci (officially called Pyrotechnique By Grucci Inc.) is a
fireworks company headquartered in Brookhaven onNew York 'sLong Island . It has been a family run business since 1850. The company's mainpyrotechnics office & operations are in Brookhaven,NY with a manufacturing and government work factory inRadford, Virginia .Grucci has an international reputation of expertise in producing State-of-the-Art spectacular firework programs. Following
World War II , the company developed simulatedatomic bomb blasts for the Department of Defense for use in military training. In 1979, Grucci was the first American firm to win the Gold Medal at the Monte Carlo International Fireworks Competition. They have produced fireworks shows for seven consecutive presidential inaugurations sinceRonald Reagan 's in 1981.Grucci has also produced shows at other major celebrations including the
United States Bicentennial in Boston in 1976, theBrooklyn Bridge Centennial in 1983, theStatue of Liberty Centennial in 1986, the 150th anniversary of the establishment of theSmithsonian Institution in 1996, MillenniumNew Year's Eve celebrations inWashington, D.C. , the 2001 APEC Summit inShanghai , and theCentral Park Centennial in 2003. The firm has produced fireworks for the1980 Winter Olympics , the1984 Summer Olympics , and the2002 Winter Olympics as well as the Knoxville, New Orleans, and Taejŏn World's Fairs.A 1983 explosion at the company's factory in Bellport, New York killed two family members and heavily damaged over a dozen nearby homes, forcing the company to move its operations to a more secluded area. 1
Felix Grucci , the son of the company's founder who later became the head of the company himself, served one term in the US House of Representatives.External links
* [http://www.grucci.com/ Official Website]
** [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B0DE7DE1E30F931A35754C0A9669C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all]
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