Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross

Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross

The Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross was an organization of traditional esoterism of West, founded in the bosom of the Theosophical Society in 1912 but due to the First World War, the activity was suspended .

Its main leaders were Annie Besant, Marie Russak and J. I. Wedgwood. According with "The Vahan", (April 1912), the O.T.R.C., was dedicated "to the study of the Mysteries, Rosicrucian, Cabal, Astrology, Masonry, Symbolism, Christian Ceremonial, Mystic Traditions and Occults of the West". And it added that: "To confide in that such work serves as preliminary for the restoration of the missing Mysteries of Europe with the decadence of Rome".

In "Sophia", (June 1912), is informed that "The Council of the Order is composed by 12 Brothers deeply interested in all that refers to the Ceremonial Occultism and Archaic Mysteries, and that they hope to form a useful instrument, under the inspiration of the Master Rakoczi, to resuscitate the Old Mysteries and to prepare the arrival of the Master of the World".

Apparently, the members of the O.T.R.C., used white tunics and they following the slogan “Ora et Labora” they met twice per week in the calls “Oratory” and “Laboratory.” In the oratory, the expounded and discussed on texts, philosophy and other. In the laboratory introspective works were only realized. After the dissolution, Marie Russak entered to AMORC and collaborated actively with Harvey Spencer Lewis in the creation of rituals for this Order in California, by the middle of the years 10.

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