- Rosy Cross
The rosy cross (also called "rose cross" and "rose croix") is a symbol largely associated with the semi-mythical
Christian Rosencreutz (1378-1484), alchemist and founder of the Rosicrucian Order. It has several meanings, depending on the source. Some modern Rosicrucians claim that the rosy cross predatesChristianity , where "the cross represents the human body and the rose represents the individual's unfolding consciousness." [AMORC. " [http://www.rosicrucian.org/about/mastery/mastery08history.html The History of Rosicrucianism] ."] It has also been suggested that the rose represents silence while the cross signifies "salvation, to which the Society of the Rose-Cross devoted itself by teaching mankind the love of God and the beauty of brotherhood, with all that they implied." [Baxter, James. " [http://svmmvmbonvm.org/crc/bacon.htm Sir Francis Bacon and The Rosy Cross] ".]Some also saw the Rosy Cross as a symbol of the human process of reproduction elevated to the spiritual: "The fundamental symbols of the Rosicrucians were the rose and the cross; the rose female and the cross male, both universal phallic [...] As generation is the key to material existence, it is natural that the Rosicrucians should adopt as its characteristic symbols those exemplifying the reproductive processes. As regeneration is the key to spiritual existence, they therefore founded their symbolism upon the rose and the cross, which typify the redemption of man through the union of his lower temporal nature with his higher eternal nature." [Hall, 1928, p.141]
It is further a symbol of the
Philosopher's Stone , the ultimate product of the alchemistFact|date=February 2007.Arthur Edward Waite wrote a book entitled the "The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross which is a Christian order dating from the Middle Ages". Scholars claim that the Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross was invented in the seventeenth century. [http://altreligion.about.com/library/texts/bl_goldenandrosy.htm]Freemasonry and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Within the Southern Jurisdiction of the
Scottish Rite concordant body ofFreemasonry , the Eighteenth Degree is specifically concerned with the rose cross and confers the title of "Knight Rose Croix". Of one version of the degree,Albert Pike wrote in 1871,:"The Degree of Rose Cross teaches three things;—the unity, immutability and goodness of God; the immortality of the Soul; and the ultimate defeat and extinction of evil and wrong and sorrow, by a Redeemer or Messiah, yet to come, if he has not already appeared."Pike (1871), pp. 290-291.]
He goes on to give an explanation of what he believes to be the symbolism of the Rose Cross in that degree:
:"But [the cross's] peculiar meaning in this Degree, is that given to it by the Ancient Egyptians. "
Thoth " or "Phtha" is represented on the oldest monuments carrying in his hand the "Crux Ansata", or "Ankh", (a Tau cross, with a ring or circle over it). [...] It was the hieroglyphic for "life", and with a triangle prefixed meant "life-giving". To us therefore it is the symbol of "Life"—of that life that emanated from the Deity, and of that Eternal Life for which we all hope; through our faith in God's infinite goodness.:"The ROSE, was anciently sacred to Aurora and the Sun. It is a symbol of "Dawn," of the resurrection of Light and the renewal of life, and therefore of the dawn of the first day, and more particularly of the resurrection: and the Cross and Rose together are therefore hieroglyphically to be read, "the Dawn of Eternal Life" which all Nations have hoped for by the advent of a Redeemer."
Golden Dawn
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn made use of the rosy cross as well, including 'The Ritual of the Rose Cross," designed for spiritual protection and as preparation for meditation. Based on the
Rosicrucian symbolism of the Red Rose and the Cross of Gold, it is also a key symbol of the Golden Dawn's Second Order. According to Regardie, the Golden Dawn rosy cross contains attributes for the Elements, Planets,Zodiac ,Hebrew alphabet , alchemical principles, thehexagram andpentagram , the sepheroth of the Tree of Life, and the formula of INRI. On the back side of the rosy cross is inscribed the motto of the Zelator Adeptus Minor at the bottom, "The master Jesus Christ, God and Man" between four Maltese crosses, and in the center, written in Latin, "Blessed be the Lord our God who hath given us the Symbol Signum."Regardie says of the rosy cross in "The Golden Dawn":
:The Rose-Cross is a Lamen or badge synthesizing a vast concourse of ideas, representing in a single emblem the Great Work itself—the harmonious reconciliation in one symbol of diverse and apparently contradictory concepts, the reconciliation of divinity and manhood. It is a highly important symbol to be worn over the heart during every important operation. It is a glyph, in one sense, of the higher Genius to whose knowledge and conversation the student is eternally aspiring. In the Rituals it is described as the Key of Sigils and Rituals.
ymbolism of the Golden Dawn Rosy Cross
This lamen is a complete synthesis of the masculine, positive, or rainbow scale of color attributions, which is also called the Scale of the King. The four arms of the cross belong to the four elements and are colored accordingly. The white portion belongs to the Holy Spirit and the planets.
The twenty-two petals of the rose refer to the twenty-two paths on the Tree of Life and the Twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It is the cross in Tiphareth, the receptacle and the center of the forces of the Sephiroth and the paths. The extreme center of the rose is white, the reflected spiritual brightness of
Kether , bearing upon it the Red Rose of Five Petals and the Golden Cross of Six Squares; four green rays issue from around the angles of the cross. Upon the white portion of the lamen, below the rose, is placed the hexagram, with the planets.Around the pentagrams, which are placed one upon each elemental colored arm, are drawn the symbols of the spirit and the four elements. Upon each of the floriated ends (the arms) of the cross are arranged the three alchemical principles of sulfur, salt, and mercury. The white rays issuing from behind the rose at the inner angles between the arms of the cross are the rays of the divine light issuing and coruscating from the reflected light of Kether in its center; and the letters and symbols on them refer to the analysis of the Key Word -
I.N.R.I. Aleister Crowley and Ordo Templi Orientis
The symbol of the rosy cross played a substantial role within the system of
Thelema as developed byAleister Crowley . In a cosmological context, the rose isNuit , the infinitely expanded goddess of the night sky, and the cross isHadit , the ultimately contracted atomic point. For Crowley, it was the job of the adept to identify with the appropriate symbol so to experience the mystical conjunction of opposites, which leads to attainment. In this sense, the rose cross is a grand symbol of theGreat Work ::The
Tau and the circle together make one form of the Rosy Cross, the uniting of subject and object which is the Great Work, and which is symbolized sometimes as this cross and circle, sometimes as theLingam -Yoni , sometimes as theAnkh or Crux Ansata, sometimes by the Spire and Nave of a church or temple, and sometimes as a marriage feast, mystic marriage, spiritual marriage, "chymical nuptials," and in a hundred other ways. Whatever the form chosen, it is the symbol of the Great Work. [Crowley, Aleister. "Magick, Book 4"]Crowley also makes clear that this process is reflected in the sexual act as well:
:So we need not be surprised if the Unity of Subject and Object in Consciousness which is
Samadhi , the uniting of the Bride and the Lamb which is Heaven, the uniting of the Magus and the god which is Evocation, the uniting of the Man and hisHoly Guardian Angel which is the seal upon the work of the Adeptus Minor, is symbolized by the geometrical unity of the circle and the square, the arithmetical unity of the 5 and the 6, and (for more universality of comprehension) the uniting of the Lingam and the Yoni, the Cross and the Rose. For as in earth-life the sexual ecstasy is the loss of self in the Beloved, the creation of a third consciousness transcending its parents, which is again reflected into matter as a child; so, immeasurably higher, upon the Plane of Spirit, Subject and Object join to disappear, leaving a transcendent unity. This third is ecstasy and death; as below, so above. [Crowley, Aleister. "The Equinox" I(4), "The Big Stick"]The rosy cross is further symbolic of the grade of Adeptus Minor in the
A.'.A.'. , the Qabalistic sphere ofTiphareth on theTree of Life , the magical formulaINRI , and the concepts of Light (LVX) and Life (see: [http://www.scarletwoman.org/docs/docs_lege.html De Lege Libellum] ).Ordo Templi Orientis
The rose cross also has a place in the system of Ordo Templi Orientis. It is associated with the Fifth Degree, the title of which is "Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix, and Knight of the Pelican and Eagle." Of it, Crowley writes in "An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order":
:The members of the Fifth Degree are responsible for all that concerns the Social welfare of the Order. This grade is symbolically that of beauty and harmony; it is the natural stopping-place of the majority of men and women; for to proceed farther, as will appear, involves renunciation of the sternest kind. Here then is all joy, peace, well-being on all planes; the Sovereign Prince Rose Croix is attached equally to the higher and the lower, and forms a natural link between them. Yet let him look to it that his eyes are set on high!
Fellowship of the Rosy Cross
The Fellowship of the Rosy Cross was a
Christian mystical organization established byArthur Edward Waite inEngland in 1915. It developed out of the breakdown of Independent and Rectified Rite of the Golden Dawn. It was based on Waite's complicated ideas and its rites reflected his interest in the history of theRosicrucian Order ,Freemasonry , and Christian mystical teachings through the ages. Most of its members were Freemasons or theosophists. One of its most noted members was the novelist Charles Williams who was a member from 1917 to at least 1928 and possibly later. There were plans to establish a branch in theUnited States but they appear never to have been fulfilled. The order ended with Waite's death in 1942. [Gilbert, Robert A. The Golden Dawn: Twilight of the Magicians. The Aquarian Press, 1983. ISBN 0-85030-278-1. p. 76-7]Notes and references
* AMORC. " [http://www.rosicrucian.org/about/mastery/mastery08history.html The History of Rosicrucianism] ."
*Baxter, James. " [http://svmmvmbonvm.org/crc/bacon.htm Sir Francis Bacon and The Rosy Cross] ".
*Crowley, Aleister. (1997). "Magick: Book 4." 2nd ed. York Beach, Me. : S. Weiser.
*____. (1998). "The Vision & the Voice : the Equinox, IV(2)." York Beach, Me. : Samuel Weiser.
*____. (1996). "Aha!" Tempe, Ariz. : New Falcon Publications.
*____. (1982). "Magick Without Tears." Phoenix, AZ : Falcon Press
*Hall, Manly. (1928). " [http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/sta00.htm The Secret Teachings of All Ages] ." H.S. Crocker Co. : San Francisco, CA
*Heindel, Max. (1909). " [http://svmmvmbonvm.org/crc/rosenkreuz4.html The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception] ."
*Pike, Albert. (1871). "Morals and Dogma."
*Regardie, Israel. (1994). "The Golden Dawn." Llewellyn : St. Paul, MN
*Thelemapedia. (2004). " [http://www.thelemapedia.org/index.php/Rosy_Cross Rosy Cross] ." Retrieved April 16, 2006.External links
* [http://www.hermetic.com/browe-archive/achad/misc/inri.htm I. N. R. I.—De Mysteriis Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis] , by Charles Stansfeld Jones
* [http://www.bishopwilkins.co.uk/ Societas Rosicruciana In Anglia SRIA - Bishop Wilkins College No.58]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.